Am I The Only One Who Feels/Felt Physically Ill?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.
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NO, you are not the only one, believe me!
I have felt sick since the news and I can only sleep with sleeping pills....

But that's part of the grieving :(
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. I seriously have no appetite at all and can't sleep at night tho. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.

your not the only one..... similar with me :(

was feeling faint at work.... and my stomach feels shocking when i wake up.
no,i went to the hospital 2day. i had an anxiety attack. my heart has been beatin extremely fast since thursday,and i havent slept in days and the sleep aid i take hasnt helped @ all. i started to sweat and shake really badly and felt (and still do) feel afraid. i cant really explain it. but she told me 2get rest abd to stop thinking about michaels death if it will continue to affect me negatively,becuz emotions and health do coincide or something like that,i really wasnt listening. but i did hear her tell my parents to monitor how much coverage i watch and ect
You are definitely not the only one. I've been constantly nauseous since it happened. I've only had one full meal and I had to force myself to eat it. I have been able to sleep, though, so I guess that's something.
You definately aren't the only one. I'm only sleeping a couple hours a night. I wake up and my brain starts going and I can't get back to sleep or if I's like 6am when I fall back asleep. I'm usually a stress eater but the last few days it's been the opposite. Seeing the stuff they are saying about him on the news has made it harder to deal with. Being in a different country has really made it hard because I'm thousands of miles away from my friends.... and I worry it will just get more frustrating as the media keeps stirring everything up. I miss sleeping through the night.
this night is the first night I managed to get a good sleep but it actually makes it worse for me because now I'm not in shock anymore and I'm becoming aware that this is real...and this morning I started to cry after waking up, just thinking about him makes cry...or my heart starts beating really fast, the same way it did when I first got the news...some of you may think I'm crazy but I actually don't know how to live with this - next to my family dying this was my worst nightmare ever
and I'm back to eating very little again I'm sure I'm going to lose some weight
Me too. It has effected me so much. I've never felt like this.
Youre not the only.....(((BIG HUGS))) there's been a dull ache in my chest and I am feeling really down....i'm trying to think about something else but I can't seem to accept what has happened.
I feel the same way. Headaches, my chest feels heavy, my heart's racing more than usual, I feel nauseous, dizzy, my stomach's been giving me problems, I can't concentrate on anything. I had a shower today and I could hardly focus on anything that I was doing in the shower so I just stood there a lot of the time.

I've never experienced pain like this before.
I threw all day on the first day. And have only eaten 3 times since. Still in shock.
I know just how you feel. I couldn't eat a thing Thursday til Saturday, by which point I was starting to feel ill. Forced myself to eat even though the food tastes like ash in my mouth. I have a physical pain in my chest and every time I think of Michael, hear something or see something (I'm trying to avoid the news) I feel like my internal organs are being wrung out like a wet towel. I also have an impulse to be sick.

Nobody understands except you guys and I can tell it makes people feel uncomfortable when I mention how I feel. I'm lost. This world without our man is just not the same.
a little creepy but, I actually hat a little shoothing pain in my heart that day o_0
it came AFTER he passed away though..
or wait.. I think it was actually in the time between he was found and till he passed away..
Maybe it was nerves. Maybe it was something more..

but I've been feeling distanced in some way, in a couple of days before he died.
coincidence I guess..

but now - ofcourse I feel odd in my body.. emotions can be felt both psygical and physical.
Lost appetite, I need to force myself to eat, only to have myself feeling nauseous and wanting to throw it up. I have aches and pains in my chest and back, right now, and it's really discomforting, I dunno what it is. Even my heart has this little sharp feelings and burns, gahwtf. Bad sleep. Lightheaded-ness & slight dizzyness. Feeling depressed, empty, blank like everyone else. :( It's really just crap right now.
a little creepy but, I actually hat a little shoothing pain in my heart that day o_0
it came AFTER he passed away though..
or wait.. I think it was actually in the time between he was found and till he passed away..
Maybe it was nerves. Maybe it was something more..

but I've been feeling distanced in some way, in a couple of days before he died.
coincidence I guess..

but now - ofcourse I feel odd in my body.. emotions can be felt both psygical and physical.

I remember now that around the time MJ was collapsing on Thursday I was out with friends having a drink. I can't handle alcohol very well so I was feeling very lightheaded and disconnected from my body... I remember thinking wow... is this how you feel when you're dying and leave your body? That was around the time Michael was passing into the light.

I can now sleep more so that's a progress I guess. I think I've passed the shock stage. I'm working on my eating now. I still have very small portions. I can feel I'm hungry but my throat just doesn't open!
Anyone else? Ever since I heard of MJ's passing, I have been feeling sick physically. I am only able to sleep a few hours a night, I feel nauseous constantly, have little to no appetite, constant headaches, etc. I can't believe how much of a toll this is taking. Over the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to get out of bed and forced myself to eat something today. It's just all very surreal.

I feel it too. I keep wishing that I wake up and this will all be just a bad dream! When I heard the news my chest began to hurt and I got a hot flash that came over me then I began to trimble.
I also been feeling almost the same as you have been Cinnamon234. I hardly had any appetite since before I heard the horrible news. All I have been wanting to do is just stay in my bed in my MJ room. Because when I am not in bed I feel like a total zombie. I don't feel like doing anything expect just stay in my bed and sleep. Where for some reason it gives me comfort. Unless I have one of my MJ dreams like I did the other night. But that MJ dream was a happy one. So is listening to him though I still end up crying all over again. Every single time I look at my one MJ poster on the back of my bedroom door. I still ask Michael why did you leave me all alone in this world? And I still so badly want to be in the same place with him.
You have to look after yourself
it is not easy but try to relax!!!
stayin home is not going to help
get up and go to school or work
somewhere where your throughts are occupied
You have to do this
Get up and go!
You have to look after yourself
it is not easy but try to relax!!!
stayin home is not going to help
get up and go to school or work
somewhere where your throughts are occupied
You have to do this
Get up and go!

Was out all this weekend w/friends and was still depressed and everyone around me recognized it and told me I seemed sad and troubled, which I am. Inside the house or outside the house-doesn't matter. Nothing has made me feel better. Unless I am sleeping or doing something MJ related, I am pretty much walking around like a zombie otherwise. It sucks I have to go back to work and school tomorrow. I really don't know how i'll function.
it is a journey...take the first step and you will see how it will go
I had go to work today and it wasnt easy..
especially when the question came "how was your weekend" guess....
but you have to take the first step
dont lock yourself up
get up and go
i haven't felt good either... i have had some occasional chest pains in the last 3 days... if it occurs today as well i will surely visit the doctor...
I feel sick all the time. I actually have a physical pain when I am reminded of it. I can't eat much and I get these really intense burning waves of sadness.