AllGood Socks Jackson Estate Hard, $300M

u can't have an oral agreement with someone who wasn't a party to it. so what tmz asked him is one thing, he's not here to determine what it is he said 'yea' to

it would be frank who would pay b/c he couldn'tpromise on behalf of theo ther jacksons
which indeed happened !!
but they have to produce witnesses and yes as they said above CREDIBLE ones to prove he agreed to everything on that draft .

Well, technically, we don't know with WHOM Michael was talking about when he said "yes". It didn't necessarily have to be a performance with his brothers with Allocco at the helm....that's IF he actually heard the question posed to him. Deals and propositions were "probably" being shopped to Michael all the time. It may have been a matter of finding things that fit the bill for him. Obviously, what Allocco was selling, Michael wasn't buying. Unfortunately, Allocco didn't know when to move on. One thing is for sure, IF Michael was talking about doing a show with his brothers and Allocco in the TMZ footage, one would think Michael would have had his representatives pick up the phone and get the deal rolling. I wonder which credible witness will take the stand and say that actually happened. If it didn't, it might be safe to say, it wasn't Allocco Michael was alluding to....and again, that's IF you believe he actually heard the question posed to him.
A dispute has arisen between New Jersey based entertainment firm, AllGood Entertainment, Inc. ("AGE"), and Frank Dileo in conjunction with AEG regarding Michael Jackson's planned summer concerts at London's O2. has reviewed several comprehensive documents and proposals from the firm regarding this matter and will now explain the circumstances as they stand.

The plan of AllGood Entertainment was to host a "one-time event" tentatively titled "The Jackson Family Reunion: A Concert for the World" in the summer of 2009. The concert would star Michael and Janet Jackson while also including his siblings: LaToya, Rebbie, and all of his brothers. Billed as "The Most Anticipated Concert Event in Music History" the concert was anticipated to gross more than $93 million through a variety of means including ticket sales (at $135 each), sponsoring, Pay-Per-View access, DVD and CD sales, merchandising, digital downloads, broadcasting, and licensing. Using such a figure as a selling point, the company sought out a sponsorship to help fund the endeavor which included around $30 million of expenses.

The concert was anticipated to be held in one of several stadiums--either in New Orleans, San Diego, New Jersey, or Atlanta. The event would be day long and recorded professionally for Pay-Per-View and DVD releases with a projected first-showing audience of 100 million. The Pay-Per-View would fetch and estimated 3 to 7 million purchasers at $30 each, and there would be a worldwide market campaign building up to the event.

In addition to the proposal (which was drafted in attempts of locating a sponsor to fund the project), has reviewed several contractual documents between AllGood Entertainment and Frank Dileo. On November 26, 2008, a four page confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement was signed with regards to the reunion concert; the document is signed by roughly half a dozen parties including Frank Dileo. The term of the agreement was for 18 months following November 2008. The other signed agreement, drafted on November 21, 2008 and signed on November 25, 2008, was again four pages and signed by Frank Dileo and affiliated parties of AllGood Entertainment. This agreement called for at least a 90 minute performance by Michael Jackson and 150 minute performance overall by all parties of the Jackson family. The agreement also called for a press conference in which all Jackson family members were present to announce the concert. The Jackson family members would receive $24 million in profit for their involvement with the remaining money being distributed to the affiliated parties.

It should be noted that nowhere in any contract does the signature or authorization of ANY Jackson family member exist, it appears these contracts and proposals were drafted explicitly by Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment with no signed confirmation by any of the Jackson family members; it is unclear to what degree the Jackson family members are even aware of the whole situation.

Back on March 27, 2009, AllGood Entertainment sent a cease and desist letter via e-mail to Randy Phillips of AEG, which has also reviewed. This was in regards to an article that appeared online questioning who Michael Jackson's spokesperson really was, which stated: "A spokesman for Dileo told CelebrityAccess that they would release a statement along with AEG to address Rowe's claims next week and suggested that legal action may be in the offing." The letter threatened AEG with legal action if Frank Dileo continued any alleged partnership with AEG during the period of time he was meant to be with AllGood Entertainment.

On April 11, 2009 Randy Phillips responded to the cease and desist notice in stating that "Mr. Dileo and does not involve AEG Live in any manner whatsoever," and advised AllGood Entertainment that any legal issues were between that company and Frank Dileo and it has no involvement with AEG or their Jackson-related endeavors what-so-ever. In fact, this claim was reiterated in two separate e-mails from Mr. Phillips, and it has been stated that he worked directly with Michael Jackson and Dr. Tohme Tohme to negotiate the AEG contracts and procedures. In rebuttal of these claims, AllGood Entertainment sent a second notice again citing the CelebrityAccess article published on the Internet which referenced Frank Dileo as acting on behalf of Michael Jackson and AEG. However, the notice by AllGood Entertainment also seems to erroneously quote the published article using quotes which do not actually appear in the article itself. As a final follow-up, AllGood Entertainment wrote: "While Frank Dileo's actions were reprehensible, AEG's very public support of Dileo and continued association with him despite our efforts to Cease and Desist them, is tantamount to anti-trust and anti-competitive practices."

In summary, two contracts and agreements were signed by December 1, 2008 by Frank Dileo and parties relating to Dileo's agency and AllGood Entertainment's agency. None of these contracts bare any signature of the Jacksons, nor has there been any confirmation that the Jackson siblings are aware of these concert-related plans. Even within the proposal that detailed at length the expenses, profits, and plans of each artist, there are no direct quotes from any of the Jacksons themselves to bring credence to the proposal. After reviewing many documents and communications regarding this conflict, does not believe that the dispute between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment will have any negative impact on AEG and the O2 concerts.

With no signatures or authorization by Michael Jackson within the contracts between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment, and seemingly just one online Web site referencing that Frank Dileo had any involvement with AEG, there does not appear to be much legal cause for concern over the O2 concerts. Again, the cease and desist letter did not occur until the night that CelebrityAccess published an article proclaiming that Frank Dileo and AEG would release a statement the following week with regards to Leonard Rowe's questionable involvement. No such statement was ever released, Randy Phillips insisted that he only worked through Michael Jackson and Dr. Tohme Tohme in the matter, and the article in question only cites a "spokesperson of Frank Dileo" as the source and does not include any direct quotes from Frank Dileo himself.

Finally, on October 30, 2008 (one month before any such contracts, proposals, or agreements were drafted and signed), Michael Jackson issued the following statement: "My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we’ve certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon." Stay tuned...
I'm not saying MJ said yes , I'm one of those fans who believe mj would have never ever toured or did a reunion concerts with the siblings after what happened in 2005 . all the lawsuits brought because of his family taking over his business .

I'm saying that MAY be the plan , to claim that he ORALLY agreed to do them and produce Rowe and Joe as witnesses . you gotta remember the jacksons were stupid enough to ask the judge to hear Rowe and Randy in the dispute over the memorabilia thing . I know it is really stupid to go there since THEY themselves said before his death mj refused to do it. but you can't predict where their stupidity will lead them .
well seeing as Michael NEVER signed a contract for this and the article states that Frank signed on Michael's behalf....Michael himself stated before he passed that he didn't want take part in this so....Allgood needs to just go away and hopefully any real judge will not give them a dime......The blood suckers continue to come out of the woodwork...

this story here shows that Michael NEVER signed and the frank supposedly did on Mike's behalf.....IDK.

AllGood Entertainment moves ahead with Michael Jackson lawsuit
Fri, Jun 12th 2009 12:04 pm EST
By Allison Reitz

Concert promoter AllGood Entertainment, Inc. is moving forward with a lawsuit that seeks to bar Michael Jackson from performing his 50-date residency at the O2 Arena in London. The New Jersey based company, operated by Patrick Allocco, claims Jackson and his manager, Frank Dileo, reneged on a contract for a one-off reunion concert with the other Jackson siblings.

Filed in federal district court in New York on June 10, the suit names Jackson, Dileo and residency promoter AEG Live as defendants. The nearly 20-page complaint alleges breach of contract and fraud, among other counts.

In addition to seeking an injunction against the London residency, AllGood is seeking compensation for at least $20 million in lost profits and reimbursement of expenses, as well as an additional minimum of $20 million in punitive damages.

In May, Allocco told TicketNews that he signed a contract with Dileo, operating on Jackson's behalf, for a pay-per-view reunion concert with Jackson and his siblings to take place sometime in summer 2009. The contract included a non-competition clause barring Jackson from performing prior to or three months after the single day event, according to the New Jersey based promoter.

Even after signing into the 50-date residency with AEG Live, the suit alleges that Jackson personally reassured his interest in working with AllGood Entertainment upon completing his time in London. However, "When pressed to commit on a date, Jackson and Dileo both reneged," said AllGood's attorney Ira Meyerowitz, of the New York-based law firm Meyerowitz Jekielek PLLC, in a statement.

"This is a case where the little guy followed the rules and was pushed aside by industry giants AEG and the Jacksons for the promise of bigger money and movies," Meyerowitz continued.

Wolfgang's Vault - Posters Jackson would have received at least a $24 million binder for the reunion performance with his family, according to the complaint. It has been estimated the star could earn approximately $50 million for his residency in London.

This is just the latest obstacle for Jackson, who has become an almost permanent fixture in London tabloids since announcing his "This Is It" concert series at the O2 Arena. Media reports have claimed the singer is unfit for his historic residency, though AEG Live president Randy Phillips has insisted the shows will go on as planned with Jackson's complete cooperation.

The production has faced only one serious setback, when concerns about set-up and preparation pushed back the opening date by a week from July 8 to July 13. Four shows were affected in the scheduling change, though all were rescheduled.

Jackson's residency is set to run through March 2010.

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the article states that Frank signed on Michael's behalf.....

aparently, dileo was not his manager at this time.

I know it is really stupid to go there since THEY themselves said before his death mj refused to do it.

it's why we have to collect all info (tv interviews ...) and send them to the estate
My head hurts. This is like deja vu or something. Isn't this always the way? Someone tries to get someone else to convince Michael to do a reunion tour or concert with his brothers. It's like a fucking broken record. I swear I don't know how Michael did it!

I'll be following this thread. Thanks TSCM william and marc for the info. I need to know how this thing plays out with NO signatures from Michael.
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aparently, dileo was not his manager at this time.

it's why we have to collect all info (tv interviews ...) and send them to the estate

woops sorry I had a typ o in my comment I ment to put Michael NEVER signed...sorry...and I agree with you 100 %...maybe I should fix that
I feel so bad for Michael. All of his life and now looks like a long time into his death. . . all people care about is money concerning him.

I am thinking that Rowe and Joe are mad at AEG with the TII movie and them proclaiming that the movie will vindicate them, since Joe was or is planning a civil suit or wrongful death suit against AEG.

So perhaps Rowe and Joe are hopping into bed with AGE and AGE will give them a cut of whatever if any money is given to them.
allgood knew who they dealt with. this is the irony. it isn't about receiving a certain amount of money. for all we know, Frank Dileo could have more money than Michael. this is about a backhanded way of allgood seeing MJ as the success story here, and the love of money. no amount is big enough for allgood. and if allgood had no interest here, they'd be among the first in line to say that MJ is broke. and this is the story of all of MJ's financial enemies.

the only person looking legit is somebody suing someone other than MJ..and that's Debbie Rowe over there in that other thread.
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Rowe was the one shopping around the reunion concert in 2008 when all the brothers with the exception of mj agreed to do a concert reunion in 2007 , and tried to convince mj to do it and he turned them down , but they still hired rowe and he announced they were going to do a reunion tour with janet and mj was the only one refusing to participate . MJ released a statement wishing them luck and publicly denied he was getting involved with it . hence all the stories about the family losing contact with mj in 2007 and 2008 that came from Rogyboy ,who kept posting article after article about mj being drugged up in a dark room where Grace was dominating and leading him like a good puppy and the talk about interventions and mama katherine wanting to speak with her beloved son . YOU DO REMEMEBER THAT .

Allocco obviously talked with joe and his friend rowe, they could not reach mj , so he referred them to Frank and made them promise him he is gonna be the producer . Frank was offered a large sum of money if he could convince mj and agreed to TRY and get mj on board . once the AEG thing was announced joe found his way into mj's life again and forced him to hire Rowe as a new manager to push the whole reunion concert since joe was not benefiting from the o2 concerts .

Allocco found himself out , rowe was in so joe was in , but still they wanted the percentage offered by allocco . they pushed him to do the allgood deal , he refused, they said give them a percentage of your profits from the O2 (i know the nerve ) he said NO , joe got angry and said " where would you be now without me " .Regardless, five days later , Rowe received a letter from mj notifying him he was FIRED .

the rest we all know about , rumours he was not mentally and physically fit to do the shows cited sources close to the family . one even named Tito .
who deos remember why Frank was fired after the bad tour ?

I remember a story about those Korean who are still till this very moment suing Katherine and Joe maybe also jermaine because they got millions from that company in 1990 and promised that they would get mj to do a reunion concert with his brother in Korea . katherine and Joe could not convince MJ , joe talked with mj and he said " where is mother ?" and joe tried to convince him but he insisted he wanted to talk to his mother , and when katherine was on the phone , he told her she had to forget about him doing it with the brothers again . as I remember joe and katherine reached Frank who was mj's manager at the time , or maybe that same company the one who talked with him , nonetheless, Frank agreed to try and convince mj and when he talked with mj , mj did not respond , but the very next day Frank was fired .

at least that what I remember , it was along time ago .

the Korean company filed a lawsuit after MJ's death against Katherine . they could not collect any money before because katherine had no assets whatever , but now they will get their money from the profits distributed to beneficiaries.
Rowe was the one shopping around the reunion concert in 2008 when all the brothers with the exception of mj agreed to do a concert reunion in 2007 , and tried to convince mj to do it and he turned them down , but they still hired rowe and he announced they were going to do a reunion tour with janet and mj was the only one refusing to participate . MJ released a statement wishing them luck and publicly denied he was getting involved with it . hence all the stories about the family losing contact with mj in 2007 and 2008 that came from Rogyboy ,who kept posting article after article about mj being drugged up in a dark room where Grace was dominating and leading him like a good puppy and the talk about interventions and mama katherine wanting to speak with her beloved son . YOU DO REMEMEBER THAT .

Allocco obviously talked with joe and his friend rowe, they could not reach mj , so he referred them to Frank and made them promise him he is gonna be the producer . Frank was offered a large sum of money if he could convince mj and agreed to TRY and get mj on board . once the AEG thing was announced joe found his way into mj's life again and forced him to hire Rowe as a new manager to push the whole reunion concert since joe was not benefiting from the o2 concerts .

Allocco found himself out , rowe was in so joe was in , but still they wanted the percentage offered by allocco . they pushed him to do the allgood deal , he refused, they said give them a percentage of your profits from the O2 (i know the nerve ) he said NO , joe got angry and said " where would you be now without me " .Regardless, five days later , Rowe received a letter from mj notifying him he was FIRED .

the rest we all know about , rumours he was not mentally and physically fit to do the shows cited sources close to the family . one even named Tito .

well..what's missing there for me is Joe being able to control Michael. i have a hard time believing that Joseph had any business power over MJ since the day MJ fired him, for the first time, many years ago.
so do you really believe that MJ wanted Rowe as manager , the same Rowe who was involved with the brothers tour and we all know how mj felt exactly about the people who were in charge of these tours . Frank said MJ only signed the paper to make joe go away .
so do you really believe that MJ wanted Rowe as manager , the same Rowe who was involved with the brothers tour and we all know how mj felt exactly about the people who were in charge of these tours . Frank said MJ only signed the paper to make joe go away .

the only thing i have trouble with is what i posted. beyond that, i don't claim to know anything, because i don't want to comment on the family relationship. i just commented on the BUSINESS relationship between Joseph and Michael. and as far as i am concerned, they are just two individuals, in this case. i don't claim to know anything here, anyway. i just stated what i stated. there isn't necessarily a connection between Joseph and Michael, and Rowe. what i said does not imply that i think MJ is a fan of Rowe, or had anything to do with Rowe. all i said is what i printed.
Is it plausible to say that Michael's career was delayed by the Jackson family? Is it plausible to say that, if the Jacksons hadn't interfered, Michael could have been even bigger, more prolific and even more successful?
no , he could not be any bigger than he already was /is . But they certainly made his life more difficult and painful .
no , he could not be any bigger than he already was /is . But they certainly made his life more difficult and painful .

But, at least, do you think he could have released more solo albuns and, therefore, be more prolific?
But, at least, do you think he could have released more solo albuns and, therefore, be more prolific?

i don't know if proliferation is necessarily a good thing. it seems that MJ's rare-as-gold circumstance is what makes the brand so attractive.
umm no1 signed anything lol. not the jacksons not michael,and frank doesnt represent any of the siblings so his siggy is void. this wont go anywhere
Is it plausible to say that Michael's career was delayed by the Jackson family? Is it plausible to say that, if the Jacksons hadn't interfered, Michael could have been even bigger, more prolific and even more successful?

michael cud get no bigger,what more could he possibly do? yes he became more creative but he couldnt do anymore hed done it all. I believe thats why as mj fans we're not impressed with half the shit non fans are,becuz we've been there n done that with michael. we've seen it all before.his work on earth was complete he had nothing else to prove and u get no bigger than michael jackson,hell michael jackson gets no bigger than michael jackson lol
Michael's career was delayed by Sony...among others. How do you get more prolific with a record company who doesn't care to promote anything you do musically? That had nothing to do with his family. Sony blocked him at every turn...Sneddon, media, not to mention the numerous lawsuits, including this one. It never ends....SM Hospital suit, Schaffel, the Joesph B (whatever his name) suit, the Prince's suit, the ambulance suit, Landis, Bain and on and on...did I miss any? lol Sorry...

It's my personal belief had he toured with his family, debt aside...he'd still be here. Not around a bunch of money grubbing a-holes who had him on stage for 10 hrs per rehearsal. He lost and they gained. Not that it matters anymore.

The AGE suit is proof Michael Jackson is successful, you don't sue people who have no money. They don't deserve it, and won't get it, but who are they hurting? Certainly not Michael, he's not here.
well seeing as Michael NEVER signed a contract for this and the article states that Frank signed on Michael's behalf....
frank never signed anything, the deal he had with rowe was he had x amount of days to ask family members/mj if they wanted to take part. if frank could get them to agree he would get a fee as the middle man. he singed no contract on behalf of anyway saying yes mj or whoever else will do it

t's my personal belief had he toured with his family, debt aside...he'd still be here. Not around a bunch of money grubbing a-holes who had him on stage for 10 hrs per rehearsal. He lost and they gained. Not that it matters anymore.
yeah well mj had no intrest in doing that concert with the family so its really irrelevent. u can go on forever blame bashir for starting the whole process that would have never been reached if lwmj didnt happen. joe and rowe were moneygrabbing a-holes who contributed to mjs stress where he had to have meeting telling them no had to write letters to rowe telling him no.

sony have been out of the picture since 03 so even more so irrelevent imo
For those unfamiliar with the original, ridiculous complaint by AllGood Entertainment, you can read up on it at...

Under no circumstances should this case involve any member of the Jackson family, Patrick Allocco sent me all his contracts, plans, and legal jumbo long before ever filing any suit and never once is any connection made between any Jackson member and himself. The entire case hinges on Frank DiLeo's signature whereby he agreed to try and get Michael Jackson and the others on board for a reunion concert--completely unbeknownst and without authorization from the Jacksons themselves.

So I guess they have no case?
michael cud get no bigger,what more could he possibly do? yes he became more creative but he couldnt do anymore hed done it all. I believe thats why as mj fans we're not impressed with half the shit non fans are,becuz we've been there n done that with michael. we've seen it all before.his work on earth was complete he had nothing else to prove and u get no bigger than michael jackson,hell michael jackson gets no bigger than michael jackson lol

That's true! MJ is the biggest artist of all time. He is also the most awarded and popular.
Michael's career was delayed by Sony...among others. How do you get more prolific with a record company who doesn't care to promote anything you do musically? That had nothing to do with his family. Sony blocked him at every turn...Sneddon, media, not to mention the numerous lawsuits, including this one. It never ends....SM Hospital suit, Schaffel, the Joesph B (whatever his name) suit, the Prince's suit, the ambulance suit, Landis, Bain and on and on...did I miss any? lol Sorry...

It's my personal belief had he toured with his family, debt aside...he'd still be here. Not around a bunch of money grubbing a-holes who had him on stage for 10 hrs per rehearsal. He lost and they gained. Not that it matters anymore.

The AGE suit is proof Michael Jackson is successful, you don't sue people who have no money. They don't deserve it, and won't get it, but who are they hurting? Certainly not Michael, he's not here.

If only Epic was never bought out by Sony. Walter Yetnikoff (head of Epic records) loved Michael and vice versa. They worked very well together and Walter supported Michael and his career endeavors very much. Michael even brought up Walter on stage at the 84 Grammy's and told everyone how wonderful he was. But when Walter retired and Sony bought Epic, Tommy Mottola came into the picture. This is the early 1990s. Mottola wanted to make his young protege (Mariah Carey) into the biggest star on the label and put her above Michael. Mariah ruled the 1990s. Mottola also had Celine Dion in the 90s. So yes, I agree that Sony/Mottola had not supported Michael enough. . . and this is considering that he was the biggest recording artist in the world.

You are probably right about if Michael had chosen to do the family tour, he would be alive. His family would have been watching what he was doing and he would have been surrounded by his siblings. Interesting. . . Michael's camp definitely wanted to isolate him from his family.
You are probably right about if Michael had chosen to do the family tour, he would be alive. His family would have been watching what he was doing and he would have been surrounded by his siblings. Interesting. . . Michael's camp definitely wanted to isolate him from his family.

that's the same family who surrounded him during the trial and told him to trust them with his business and ended up signing deals on his behalf (Randy) that cos ted him millions in lawsuits . the same family who told him to leave for Bahrain (jermaine) and hooked him with a prince who made him sign a deal with a fictional company and then sued him because he did not met his obligations with the FICTIONAL company . the same family who asked him to tour with them and hired Leonard Rowe as a manager , when he wished them luck and denied he was part of the tour , Roger run a series of articles about MJ the drugged up and katherine crying day and night being isolated from her baby who refused to answer her phone calls , a series in different articles about the family trying to do an intervention . they made his life a living hell , till the last day of his life they harassed him and sold stories about him .God his death did not prevent them from being so greedy and they continued to sell stories but now it is openly not under "sources" .
Where are the EXHIBITS!

Ain't it funny how AllGood goes on and on with their various filings, but continue to omit any EXHIBITS, i.e. signed documents, contracts, statements from so-called inventors, etc. And at this point, we all know why that is.

This case reminds me of the "hospital" case filed by the family who lost their mother/grandmother when Michael was there with flu symptoms, wherein Michael's name was only added to that lawsuit for the benefit of media attention. In my opinion, as it stands now (especially with no exhibits being filed with their lawsuit) this case is against AllGood Entertainment AND Mr. Frank DiLeo.