AllGood Socks Jackson Estate Hard, $300M

As for why the demand has swelled from $40 mil to $300 mil, AllGood says it never anticipated that Jackson would die and that a movie would be made, which now ups the ante.

huh?! can they even do that??

can someone tell me what this has got to do with joe jackson? why are people mentioning him?
because he was in on the concert.harrassed mj into doing it. len rowe is his buddy
i dont get why ppl say that. frank never signed any contract on anyones behalf.
absolutely no, they have not even met him . they gave Frank money in November and signed a deal with him where he promised them he would convince mj to do the concert within 4 months . Joe also agreed and offered to get the rest of the gang . That's it . Frank was not even mj's manager, they said in the lawsuit , they did
not ask or feel the need to ask for any documentation from Frank to prove he was mj's manager at the time because "it is a common knowledge he is a long time manager of Michael Jackson"

Frank was fired before 1990 and rehired only a month or two before mj's death
AGE's reaching.
Hoping to get a second bite of the cherry.
This new lawsuit is nothing but grasping at straws in an attempt to squeeze blood outta of Michael and now his estate.
If I were the judge, this case will get thrown out so fast their heads will spin!
AGE screwed up from the get go without doing their due diligence and
Joe Jackson threw Frank Delio down the bus!
What's new?
Who's next?
Branca and McClain should get busy getting the best lawyer to trash this case outta the window.
And again, what has a MJ’s rehearsal DVD gotta to do with a Jackson 5 reunion?
i dont get why ppl say that. frank never signed any contract on anyones behalf.
there's something missing....age said they were going to pay frank $2M to get the family to do this. as mj'smanager, he'd also make money from that. that's illegal....

per the other family members, they don't have a case. i don't remember what the docs said. i remember tscm had them but i don't remember too much about it. we were focused on london
Oh man, MJ, the cash cow ... :evil:
When will this end???
It's unbelievable ... :no::no::no:

They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money
Want your pot of gold
Need the Midas touch
Bet you sell your soul
Cuz your God is such
You don't care
You kill for the money
AllGood should be sued for placing undue stress on Michael when he was alive and for contributing to his sleepless nights. They have no grounds to be trying to sue his estate. Michael had already announced he plans for the concerts before AllGood even had their first meeting with Frank.

Well said. It's just unfounded ugly greed.

Where did they pluck $300 million from anyway? As if. AEG will receive a 10% share of TII profits so where does this equate to $300 mil?
there's something missing....age said they were going to pay frank $2M to get the family to do this. as mj'smanager, he'd also make money from that. that's illegal....

per the other family members, they don't have a case. i don't remember what the docs said. i remember tscm had them but i don't remember too much about it. we were focused on london

per the DRAFT they made with Frank in November 2008 which had no one signature , MJ nor any memebr of the Jackson family who according to allocco were ALL including Rebbie and janet represented by Frank , no one of them was allowed to participate in any promotions to anything 18 months before the reunion concert date which was in 2010. when mj signed a deal with AEG and held the press conference they considered that a breach of contract " the draft" . so since it was only MJ who promoted the TIT concerts , the siblings were on the safe side and were not sued .
oh yeah..all 'good' was responsible for putting up all the money to buy the beatles catalogue in 1995. :rolleyes: seems like a disease, now. greed. it seems like something mental.

it seems like a serious medical/mental problem..they don't even seem to see that Michael is gone..

they don't even seem to see that they are out to destroy little Blanket's future...along with his siblings...

they are so obsessed..they don't care about little children. they want those kids out on the street. after Michael gave his sweat..tears...and blood for their a good father would.

so many greedy people out there.

the times are truly changing..
This is really sick. They are potentially taking money away from little kids (MJ's kids) and charities for what. . . GREEDY corporate men!

Frank is wrong for repping Michael and the family when he did not have the authority to do so. As far as I understand, Michael did not agree to do this or seemed really reluctant and opted to do his own concerts instead which was his right since he did not sign anything, correct? I'll have to go over the thread again.

Any lawyers up in here? What's your take on this?

How many full time lawyers are working for the estate do you think? Seems like an around the clock job. Haven't heard from Londell in a while.
I think allocco said in the lawsuit that Frank asked MJ on the phone whether he would participate and mj said "yes" . so I don't know whether they are going to say that there was an oral agreement between them and michael ? certainly they did not go there when he was alive , but now after his death , with "witness like Rowe who has documents he was mj's manager at that time and his father joe " supporting " an oral agreement" allegations .
remember Mikey pharmcay sued MJ for bills because they had an ORLA agreement with him and mj ofcourse settled , it was not that they were lying , Randy's accountant stole the money back then and the pharmacy had to sue mj to get his attention to what was going on.

I don't know what are their chances using the "oral agreement " thing , but then again Allocco said many times publically that mj refused to participate in that reunion concert.
I think allocco said in the lawsuit that Frank asked MJ on the phone whether he would participate and mj said "yes" . so I don't know whether they are going to say that there was an oral agreement between them and michael ? certainly they did not go there when he was alive , but now after his death , with "witness like Rowe who has documents he was mj's manager at that time and his father joe " supporting " an oral agreement" allegations .
remember Mikey pharmcay sued MJ for bills because they had an ORLA agreement with him and mj ofcourse settled , it was not that they were lying , Randy's accountant stole the money back then and the pharmacy had to sue mj to get his attention to what was going on.

I don't know what are their chances using the "oral agreement " thing , but then again Allocco said many times publically that mj refused to participate in that reunion concert.

I'm not familiar with law and contracts and all the loopholes and stuff.

But how can they prove that Michael said 'yes' if it wasn't recorded and now he can't defend himself to say that he did or did not intend to do the concert. How can an oral agreement be proven if one party is deceased?

Plus Frank, Joe, and Rowe could have been leading AGE on by saying that Michael said yes when in fact he did not. So they could think that he said yes but really he did not.

This is all really disturbing to me. I know this world is full of greedy people. I just long for the day when MJ's kids and his estate (and his soul) can be left alone and be in peace.
  1. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS The Main Players 11. Patrick Allocco (“Allocco”) is the president and CEO of AllGood, a company that promotes live events, including but not limited to concerts, festivals and personal appearances, featuring internationally known performing artists. 12. Upon information and belief, Jackson is a critically acclaimed, multi platinum, award winning performing artist known throughout the world. Jackson, along with his siblings, Janet Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermain Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Randy Jackson, and Jackie Jackson collectively comprise a family of world renowned performing artists (collectively the “Jackson Family”). 13. Upon information and belief, Dileo is the president and CEO of Dileo Entertainment (collectively the “Dileo Defendants”) and was the personal manager of Jackson for many years, including at all relevant times herein 14. Upon information and belief, AEG is one of the leading providers of live entertainment and sports in the world and, in fact, the second largest concert promotion, special event and touring company in the world. Dileo’s Representations, Dileo’s Authority and the Agreements 15. On or about October 21, 2008 Allocco flew to Las Vegas, Nevada for a meeting with Joe Jackson, the father of Jackson and the Jackson Family. 16. At the meeting, in which various persons attended, Allocco spoke with Joe Jackson about his desire to promote a major concert featuring the return of Jackson and/or a Jackson Family reunion through his company AllGood (the “Event”). 4
  2. 17. Joe Jackson informed Allocco that he really hoped to produce the Event, it would be best to reach out to Dileo, because Dileo was Jackson’s then-current manager. 18. In fact, upon information and belief, Dileo was then and still is generally known in the music industry to be a long-time former and current manager of Jackson and/or the Jackson Family. Up to the date of this Complaint, and as recently as last week, Dileo and other reliable sources were quoted in several media sources as stating that Dileo was and still is Jackson’s manager. 19. Allocco’s reliance on this industry-wide knowledge, as well as Dileo’s representations in the media, was reasonable in support of his belief that Dileo was Jackson’s manager and that Dileo had the express and/or implied authority to bind Jackson to any such agreement as Allocco was proposing. 20. Shortly after Allocco’s business trip to Las Vegas, an associate of Allocco set up an appointment for Allocco to meet with Dileo. 21. On or about November 20, 2008, Allocco met with Dileo and another representative of Dileo Entertainment at a restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee. 22. At the meeting, Allocco reiterated to Dileo his desire and ability to promote a one time concert in the United States featuring Jackson and/or the Jackson Family, and even suggested the idea of a making it a Pay Per View event, i.e., the Event. 23. Allocco informed Dileo that he had investors who would be willing to invest in such a concert. 24. At the meeting, Dileo confirmed and represented that he was in fact Jackson’s manager, and that he believed he could make the Event a reality 5
  3. 25. Further, Dileo stated that he had already spoken to Jackson about Allocco’s idea of doing a concert featuring Jackson and/or the Jackson Family and that Jackson was very interested in the Event. 26. The following day, Dileo and Allocco met again, this time at the offices of Dileo Entertainment. 27. During this second meeting, Allocco once again asked Dileo directly and explicitly if he had the authority and the power to bind Jackson and/or the Jackson Family to an agreement requiring them to perform. 28. Dileo responded with a resounding and explicit “yes.” Dileo went further, bragging that he spoke with Jackson nearly everyday and that he recently finished closing a movie deal on behalf of Jackson. 29. In reliance of the representations made by Dileo, AllGood and the Dileo Defendants entered into two agreements which, as described in detail below, essentially provide that the Dileo Defendants were the acting managers for Jackson, duly authorized to engage Jackson for a concert performance, that AllGood would be the exclusive producer and promoter of a Jackson and/or the Jackson Family concert on a date to be determined, but to be scheduled sometime in the summer of 2009, and, most importantly, that neither the Dileo Defendants nor Jackson and/or the Jackson Family would agree to do a concert with any other person or entity at any time prior to the 2009 summer concert and for a period of three months after said concert. AllGood’s Efforts, the Breach of the Agreements and AEG’s Intereference 30. Subsequently, Allocco and AllGood went to work to produce and promote the concert and gather investors and financing. 6
  4. 31. During many long months following the agreements, Allocco and representatives of his company, AllGood, crisscrossed the country meeting with persons and entities interested in investing in the concert, promoters, agents and other industry insiders in a good faith attempt to live up to AllGood’s obligations under the agreements and to produce a once in a lifetime concert event. 32. As a result of all this feverish activity, AllGood incurred significant expenses and passed by numerous opportunities. 33. In addition, during these months, Allocco spoke with Dileo on a regular basis and almost daily with Dileo’s business associate, Mark Lamicka, and met with Dileo on several occasions; once where Dileo purported to call upon Jackson in Allocco’s presence. 34. During this time, Dileo continued to represent to AllGood and Allocco that he was still an influential member of Jackson’s small inner circle of advisors, that Jackson wanted to do the concert, that he would produce Jackson and that the concert would go on as the parties agreed. 35. In reliance on these continuing assurances, Allocco worked diligently and successfully lined up investors who were ready, willing and able to invest in the concert and provide funding to the Dileo Defendants. 36. At some point it became apparent that the Dileo Defendants were not acting in good faith, and, despite extensions of time to act, could or would not follow through on their obligations under the parties’ agreements. 37. Subsequently, AllGood learned that, despite their contractual obligations not to circumvent AllGood, Jackson and Dileo had secretly teamed up with AEG to produce 7
  5. a concert or series of concerts in London, and perhaps a Pay Per View of Jackson Family reunion event. 38. Upon information and belief, AEG knew of the agreement between AllGood, the Dileo Defendants and Jackson, but due to their dominance and power in the live performance industry, coerced and/or induced Dileo and Jackson to disregard the agreements with AllGood and to work with it instead. 39. Up to the date of this Complaint, numerous press releases have been published, which confirm that Jackson intends to move forward with AEG, Dileo as Jackson’s acting manager, and AEG as the promoter and producer of the London shows, and perhaps other domestic shows. 40. Defendants have not offered, nor have they made any attempts to include AllGood in the London and/or other concerts and plans concerning Jackson and/or the Jackson Family.

from june 2009
so with these witnesses, you think that they could get 300 million ?
I think that Joe Jackson and Frank Dileo should pay the $300 mill. Leave Michael to hell alone!! I thought they said that Michael was broke?
Isn't word of mouth not valid in court? I thought signed and written documents and testomony from the defendant is what mattered. In this case all the Jacksona are guilty, not only Michael? But since he is the only one with the money...
Sometimes I wished Michael had no bloody money..There would be no gossip about him or money hungry Bas***** following him even now.
with these witnesses , their case won't be thrown out , they will be heard in court . once in a trial it will be up to Branca to prove MJ did not agree to do the concerts,.
I'm not saying they will get anything but still I believe they will be heard . They have to prove that they informed mj of every detail and he agreed to them all . they can't say , well Frank told him what about reunion concert and he replied "yeah why not " .

an agreement is an agreement , whether it was oral or written. the witness have to say they heard mj agree to every word mentioned in that draft . ofcourse Rowe and Joe might very well say that indeed what happened . and Rowe being MJ's manager would not help at all .
Umm...the link to the lawsuit shows the same paperwork as the one filed in June....unsigned and without any exhibits (paperwork/contracts) attached. I thought they filed another suit...meaning dated with a current date? Anyone find that one yet?

they can prove it by providing WITNESSES to the court .

*ahem* You mean CREDIBLE witnesses. ;)

so with these witnesses, you think that they could get 300 million ?

If Joe and Rowe are the witnesses, I'd say not a chance in hell. :lol:

And again, this agreement was a conditional proposal from what I can tell. Allocco himself has said (in an interview conducted by this very forum) that Frank told him that Michael wasn't interested in it. Yet, Allocco felt that the reason Michael wasn't interested and/or didn't want to do it was becuz FRANK had talked Michael against the idea. Now, really think about this for a second. WHY would Frank talk Michael out of an idea IF he's already bound Michael to the contract...a "contract" that still has a spot for Michael to personally sign? And IF Frank stood to make money by getting Michael to sign, why talk him out of it? How much sense does that make? And Thome was supposed to have put together the last AEG deal so where does Frank come into it "secretly conspiring with Michael" to take the AEG deal instead?

Again, Allocco claimed Frank, by affixing his signature to this "agreement" automatically bound Michael into doing the concert. If that was the case, why didn't they cut Frank his check right there on the spot? The reason why they didn't is becuz Allocco knew darn well that the signature alone did NOT bind Michael. Frank had to FIRST get Michael to agree and sign. That didn't happen. WHY not? Because Allocco said altho Michael may have been interested early on Michael ultimately decided against it...which he had every right to do,imo. NO deal is final until someone completely agrees. It's not MIchael's fault Allocco went all across the world and back for money and investors on a "maybe" or a "he's interested". Being interested and completely agreeing are two different things. Are they not?

Allocco said Frank told him Michael ultimately said "No", but Allocco decided that Frank must've talked Michael out of it. However, why would Frank do that when he stood to pocket money on the deal? Everything is about money, right? THEN you have Allocco having direct contact with Michael during a teleconference in May of this year...and again, Michael said "NO". IMO, Allocco didn't want to face the fact that both Michael and Frank turned down his money. Who does that these days, right? :smilerolleyes: Most ppl tend to go after all the money they can get whether they deserve it, earned it, or AGE themselves with these lawsuits. And saying they're going after more money becuz Michael died is the most distasteful and disrespectful thing I've heard in a long time. Talk about dragging a corpse thru the street behind the wagon. They should be ashamed instead of boasting. And any of Michael's family or friends who support Allocco should be ashamed for helping them drag the corpse thru the street (figuratively speaking). Perhaps the court should keep Miss Ross' information handy just in case the whole family (minus Michael's kids) implodes on themselves in self destruction. ugh!

Maybe other artists will see what kind of people are running this company and refrain from doing business with them. What if they, too, died before their contracts (legitimate contracts) were fulfilled? Would these jerks go after their families and bankrupt them out onto the streets? Not saying that could happen in MJ"s case...just saying. Could be a PR disaster in the making. It'll serve them right,too, imo.
with these witnesses , their case won't be thrown out , they will be heard in court . once in a trial it will be up to Branca to prove MJ did not agree to do the concerts,.

Michael tended to want to clean up messes to make things go away. He's even cleaned some of the messes that his family creates.

I think there are a lot of holes in this case, but I guess from reading the description above, there is some merit to the complaint. But I don't believe Michael was really for this. And Janet?!?! She has so many things planned for 2010 that I don't see how she agreed to participate in this.

Anyways, Michael must not have been told everything because if he knew the whole deal, then he wouldn't have been so eager to get involved with AEG and the O2 concerts.

Unfortunately, it's not Michael to blame here. It's always the people around him and now his estate has to spend the money to take this to court.

ETA: Thanks for your informative post Wendy2004. :)
***** Hit With Ridiculous Lawsuit

By: Roger Friedman // Wednesday June 10, 2009
Poor Michael Jackson. Yes, he’s done a lot of weird things and maybe some bad things. But he’s also vulnerable to crazy lawsuits.
The latest comes from a New Jersey concert promoter Patrick Allocco and something called AllGood Productions. Allocco sued Jackson today in New York, along with AEG Live and Jackson’s long ago former manager Frank DiLeo — long ago as in 20 years. Why the suit was filed in New York is a mystery, since none of the parties is here.
Allocco says in his suit that he made a deal with DiLeo for the whole Jackson family — Michael, Janet, Sleepy, Snoopy – to perform at a concert in Texas. He claims that after that, all the defendants conspired together to put on shows in London and knock out his effort. He wants $20 million, of course.
Allocco’s going to have a tough time making his case. He says he met with DiLeo in October 2008, that DiLeo said he represented everyone, guaranteed the show, and that Allocco had an exclusive.
Only one problem: AEG started negotiating with Jackson in 2007. DiLeo wasn’t Jackson’s manager then, and isn’t now technically. He’s never represented the Jackson family, Janet Jackson, or even Reggie Jackson. DiLeo has only been working with Michael recently again and still, I am told, has no formal written agreement with him. Allocco is also claiming Jackson would do a pay-per-view event with him. But from the beginning there was no indication ever that Michael Jackson was going to be on pay-per-view, ever.

The AllGood lawsuit comes with some names in absentia: Joseph Jackson, Michael’s PT Barnum-like father, and Leonard Rowe, a concert promoter with a bad rep. These two characters called this reporter some months ago. Joseph was on the phone, and told me he wanted to get involved in taking over Michael’s AEG shows. “I’m the only one who can do them right,” he said.
At some point, Joseph Jackson and Rowe may have hooked up with Tohme R. Tohme, Michael’s official manager, now fired. A few weeks ago this reporter received an “anonymous” phone call from a man who said he had negative information about another Jackson associate, Arfaq Hussain, whom the caller claimed was now Jackson’s manager. The man said he’d be calling back with more info soon. The caller doesn’t know it, but I know who he is. He wasn’t too bright at masking his voice or his caller ID.
While all the hustlers, gypsies, tramps and thieves sneak around the Jackson saga to see if there’s any money for them, the onetime King of Pop is actually rehearsing his show. Right now, the whole enterprise is being tested at the Forum in Inglewood, California. In the next couple of weeks, when Lakers basketball is over, they move dress rehearsals to the Staples Center. On July 3, they head to London for installation. Like it or not, Michael Jackson is taking the stage at the O2 Arena on July 13th for AEG Live. Frank DiLeo may be back as the official manager. All systems are go so far.
I think that we have to collect all the info we have (interview from alloco, etc...) and send them to Branca etc...
I'm not saying they will get anything but still I believe they will be heard . They have to prove that they informed mj of every detail and he agreed to them all . they can't say , well Frank told him what about reunion concert and he replied "yeah why not " .

an agreement is an agreement , whether it was oral or written. the witness have to say they heard mj agree to every word mentioned in that draft . ofcourse Rowe and Joe might very well say that indeed what happened . and Rowe being MJ's manager would not help at all . oral agreement could be tmz asking MJ about it and him saying yeah, in the midst of a hundred thousand things asked of MJ within the same period..and it can't be proven whether he heard what they think he heard, or not. people always ask me to send things in writing, for a reason, when there is a dispute.

who didn't ask/tell/demand MJ to agree to something, verbally? the line forms to the left.

and even in writing, it has been proven countless times that what we think we see, regarding MJ isn't necessarily what we think we see.

but, like you said, that's what the lawyers are for.
u can't have an oral agreement with someone who wasn't a party to it. so what tmz asked him is one thing, he's not here to determine what it is he said 'yea' to

it would be frank who would pay b/c he couldn'tpromise on behalf of theo ther jacksons
an oral agreement could be tmz asking MJ about it and him saying yeah, in the midst of a hundred thousand things asked of MJ within the same period

which indeed happened !!
but they have to produce witnesses and yes as they said above CREDIBLE ones to prove he agreed to everything on that draft .