All of a sudden, now everyone loves TDCAU!

No wonder Michael got in alot of trouble with They Don't Care About Us. Because of what he was sayin in it. Im not on about the jew me sew(sp?) me lyric.

What the people who complained about the song realized was that Michael was NOT being anti-semitic or anti-anyone in this song. He talking about the injustice that has and continues against people who are different etc. His use of those words were taken out of context. If they would have taken them in context to the song as a whole they would have seen and/or heard what he was truly saying. He wasn't saying the words to be hateful or anything. Some people took it wrong and tried to twist what he was saying/doing.

Oh and I'm not saying this is what you were implying or saying I was just talking about the people who tried to start ish back when it came out.
^ **SQUEEES** Makes me want to go upstairs and get my copy. Except I tried to fill out the order form only to realize shortly after that it had expired. I was like DAMN IT! LOL!

The original song is PERFECTION! Like all his songs...I'm just sayin.

Yeah, I remember looking at the order form when I got the album and really wanting the jacket with all the album name slogans embroidered over it.

At the time it was something far out of reach to me, costing £120.

If it was today though, I'd have bought it in a flash. Cracking looking jacket, and still is going by the picture on the form.