All of a sudden, now everyone loves TDCAU!

TDCAU is one of my all time favorites and it's a masterpiece. Just brilliant.

I 100% agree, I LOVE the lyrics, I love the beat, I love the fact that it makes me angry (as in I can feel Mike's emotion). :clapping:

Lets not get anoyed with people who are only know realising how amazing this song is. It is there time now, they have awoken to some mysteries and gems, let them enjoy it. It's never too late. I love the fact that Michael Jackson's fan base continues to grow and grow! :clapping:

It's a testament to his genius and magic, which many of us have appreciated from the start. :wub:

It's all good :D
The song was not a huge hit in the US, but it was pretty big here in Europe and I'm sure most people over a certain age remembers it
here... It's a great song and it for sure deserves to be remembered..
I'm wondering if this might be a somewhat geographically isolated phenomenon? The song, while doing terribly in North America and Australia back when it was released, did pretty well in the European charts, reaching at least top 10 positions almost everywhere. Thus, I for one have always percieved this song as one of his most well-known ones. It's definitely one of the songs basically everyone knows here, along with Billie Jean, Beat It, Thriller and Black or White. After he died, it immediately hit the top 10 in the charts in Norway (my country) again. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the hating on Michael by the media had a much stronger effect and following in the US than in the rest of the world back then. Only my guess, of course, feel free to disagree!

EDIT: After searching a bit more through the charts from that era (I still wasn't old enough to really know anything about these kinds of things), I discovered that YANO, which "everyone" seems to think of as one of his biggest hits and a song that everyone would know, only peaked at 9th place here, while it topped the charts almost everywhere else. Might explain why this is one of his songs I only discovered after his death!
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I'm definitely very familiar with "You Are Not Alone" (who could escape the "controversy" over that video at the time) and other MJ hit songs from this 90's period but wasn't familiar with TDCAU until after his death. I can't explain why unless the song just didn't chart well here in the U.S. (and that I wasn't listening to radio or watching music videos as much as I had before). I vaguely remember the controversy about the (falsely) anti-semitic stuff but not the song. Maybe I blocked it Whatever. I love it now.
A lot of people only know a couple of his songs.. like Thriller, Billie Jean, Bad, Heal The World, Earth song, & You Rock My World. They need to get buying the albums! Or look up the track listings and get searching youtube. They have a lot to discover :) I hope they enjoyyyyyy their discovery.
TDCAU is one of the best songs ever!!!!!!!! I adore it from the first moment I"ve heard it...long time ago. I can"t blame young people for not knowing all of his songs....but, so-called MJ- fans...funny. Michael"s songs are timeless.

I remember the day I bought HIStory..The day it was released, of course, which I believe was June 20,1995...I was 13 years old...I saved all my money to buy it and after school, my mom took me to the store to buy it..I was SOOO excited to hear it...When I heard TDCAU, I was blown away, and still am today when I hear it...I am still in awe when I think about Michael and the way he writes his music...I mean, that's amazing, something that came up in his head, and THAT was the result...Pure brilliance...My sister and I watched the Brazil version of the video with Olodum the other day. We blasted it pretty loud and I think I was in a trance with that video/song like I always am...Sounded so amazing !!
My favourite song on HIStory, with 2 Bad a close second.

I used to terrorise my neighbours, when I lived with my parents, by blaring TDCAU on borderline repeat. Our downstairs neighbour, who was called Marie, nicknamed it "James's song" (my real name), because I played it so much.

I'm also proud to have a launch copy of HIStory that has the unedited version of TDCAU with no blocked out lyrics.
Glad you said this.

I've always said, and you can check my posts, that They Don't Care About Us and In the Closet are Mike's most underrated songs. I never understood why TDCAU wasn't no. 1 for like weeks on end. It's a great song, unique beat, MJ really on form still bringing up the goods of course and also a political side, videos great too. Couldn't be packaged better so I was always like why don't people know about this!!!
Michael has so many amazing songs, all of them unique and perfect. It's time for people to discover them, so since my friends are becoming fans I'm gonna educate them about the latest songs and videos also ;)
I think a big problem was at least where I live, people were not playing his songs on the radio or wherever. I hear the same song like 10 times in one day but never a classic MJ song. When I was growing up you always heard his songs on the radio.

I became a fan when Thriller came out. I was six so I didn't know a lot of Jackson 5 songs. I know more now and I like a lot of them. Sometimes it does depend on how old you are and what you remember the most.

I hope new fans continue to grow, the fans that appreciate not just the music but for the person as well. I hope in time people will see how unfair Michael was judged and treated and that a lot what was printed and said in the media was just so wrong.
My favourite song on HIStory, with 2 Bad a close second.

I used to terrorise my neighbours, when I lived with my parents, by blaring TDCAU on borderline repeat. Our downstairs neighbour, who was called Marie, nicknamed it "James's song" (my real name), because I played it so much.

I'm also proud to have a launch copy of HIStory that has the unedited version of TDCAU with no blocked out lyrics.

I have that one too...I am very happy that I have the original copy...
Its funny you mention this because I played this in my car about a two months ago and my friend said he liked it. Well apparently he told someone else about it because a few weeks ago he said someone else he knows loves it now as well.

I mean new fans are new fans can't help that. Also can't help that the media likes to pretend Michael only made music up to the Bad album with little to no mention of anything after that...except for "You Rock My World" from Invincible. It isn't common to hear much about anything after Bad...not saying it doesn't happen because it does but mostly...not so much. Even after death I mostly hear still from the 80's on the radio. Occasionally I might catch "Remember The Time" or "Black or White" but that is it.

People seem to forget that Michael was still making music after the 80's. But if there is one thing that indeed annoys me is the people that would talk badly about Michael's music and say its this or that...only now to say "Oh wow what is that!? That song is awesome!". That is indeed pretty frustrating to be honest. Especially when you've been mocked by these same people for years for being a fan only for them to now all of a sudden appreciate him.

With that being said. TDCAU is one of my all time favorites. Its so powerful, meaningful, and its the truth...even today.
A lot of people only know a couple of his songs.. like Thriller, Billie Jean, Bad, Heal The World, Earth song, & You Rock My World. They need to get buying the albums! Or look up the track listings and get searching youtube. They have a lot to discover :) I hope they enjoyyyyyy their discovery.

I would have lumped myself into that category until earlier this year. I'm 25, so I definitely was familiar with Thriller, Bad and Dangerous material... but I don't think I had really heard anything from HIStory or Invincible until after his death (except for You are Not Alone/You Rock My World).

The first time I heard TDCAU was when AEG released the 2-minute clip and it INSTANTLY became one of my favorites.

I don't think we should hate NEW fans, just fake fans.
I love TDCAU :heart: So powerful.

I second that! :)

My favourite song on HIStory, with 2 Bad a close second.

I used to terrorise my neighbours, when I lived with my parents, by blaring TDCAU on borderline repeat. Our downstairs neighbour, who was called Marie, nicknamed it "James's song" (my real name), because I played it so much.

I'm also proud to have a launch copy of HIStory that has the unedited version of TDCAU with no blocked out lyrics.

That's awesome, I've heard it on YouTube but mine is edited :smilerolleyes:
Ok this might be a bit OT but I had the HIStory album and then rebought it and when I play TDCAU I can clearly hear the jew me/sue kick me/**** me" parts. The only censored version I have is what was on the 'This Is It' album. I had always heard about there being a censoring of it. I had also heard rumors that the original title was 'Jew Me, Sue' or something like that. Can I get some more info. on this? I have ALWAYS loved the song, and I know that on both my HIStory album disk 2s he clearly says 'Jew me, Sue me, kick me, **** me'.

And although I have MAJOR mixed feelings about the showering of love and admiration, I will say 'It's about damn time."
TDCAU is one of my all time favourite songs and its always been one of my favourite songs that Michael has made, its so amazing, and so damn powerful. I LOVE the video directed by Spike Lee in the barrio in Brazil, SUCH AN AMAZING VIDEO TOO!

White Chocolate: Yes, the original lyrics were "jew me, sue me" and "kick me, **** me" and Michael was accused of being anti-semitic shortly after the release. Somehow these idiotic people failed to understand Michael's overarching message of anti-racism, anti-oppression, freedom and equality for all.
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A lot of my friends who respect MJ, but have always said so annoyingly that they "like his early stuff"

Oh Lord, I loathe when people say things like "I only like his early stuff" ...his whole catalogue is great! I always tell people they're missing out on some good songs if they're not listening to his later material.

I've always loved TDCAU since I first heard it. Like several people above me have described it, it's POWERFUL. Only Mike could have successfully blended hard rock, dance, soul, and hip hop influences into one song. I remember hearing about the drama of his supposed "anti-semantic" lyrics and knowing it was just a bunch of media stirred hoopla. Michael wasn't about such things.

TDCAU was a hit in my country back on those days. We didn't pay much attention to the "anti semitic" issue here (what a silly tale that was!). The song was in the charts and we loved the video for it was in Brazil, which is Latin American and being Chile in Latin America, we kind of felt it... closer... :) It's a great song, especially when you are angry and need to express yourself!

Now for the new/old fans... What does define what a "real MJ fan" is?

As someone said: more fans, less haters. And if we know so much and love so much MJ, why would I get upset for someone falling in love with his music and dance? If some of these so called "new fans" have told you on May 25 they had discovered MJ recently... what would have been your reaction? Would you have rejected him/her because s/he was "late"?

If "This is it" would have been a reality, just think of it for one second: how many new fans he would have had? And should we "old" fans have been angry to those "new" fans? I think we would have been happy, and I think Mike would have been happy to. I love it when MJ makes new fans, or when someone gets to understand him a bit better. Again: the more, the better.

My first memory of MJ is the J5 cartoons, I have Dangerous in cassette and got scared like crazy when the making of Thriller was shown on TV, etc. But many didn't have those chances. So I choose welcoming new fans, and I am pleased to share with them my love for MJ.

Time will tell. Time will show how many of this "newly arrived" fans prove "real fans". No need to worry about it :)

Remember the girl who got into the stage in the "DAngerous Live" DVD (Bucharest)? Well, a friend from Romania told us that just a few days after June 25, that girl (who was 16 or something back then) was interviewed on TV. They asked her what she felt now, for she has been sooo lucky to actually be with MJ on stage, etc.

Guess what? The girl couldn't care less. She said it was just a teenager thing, nothing important at all....

And she looked so happy and crazy about MJ while on stage....

Time will tell.... time will tell...
White Chocolate: Yes, the original lyrics were "jew me, sue me" and "kick me, **** me" and Michael was accused of being anti-semitic shortly after the release. Somehow these idiotic people failed to understand Michael's overarching message of anti-racism, anti-oppression, freedom and equality for all.

Yes.. that was such a stupid thing to say. They just picked one word and turned into a mess, out of nothing, for no reason. YOu just have to read the lyrics, c'mon, that was so silly (and said so much about the ones who spread that idea!).
I have to admit that I needed time to get into the song but then I really liked the song. But after a few years of "getting older" I understood the song and the meaning of the lyrics which made me LOVE the song.

I totally feel the frustation of us "old" fans... and I was very bitter a few weeks and it's actually from time to time hard to accept what happened. But I try to remember from my own expierence. I knew Aaliyah before and liked 2 songs of her, when she died I was shocked and I bought her CDs after it happened, read about her after, saw all videos. I still like her and she's a sweet person, but I wouldn't call myself a fan anymore. And exactly that will happen to MJ fans that are just fans because it's trendy.
But before someone gets me wrong, I welcome every new fan and true fans will stay :)
But what really botheres me and I bet I'm not the only one: hypocrites, people that claim to be a fan since they can think, but talked bad about him months ago, gave him disgusting names and so on.
... but nothing against new fans... I mean it's logical if you think that there new fans in the age of 12-14 (for example), they didn't have much a chance to get to know Michael mostly because of the 2004/05 case.
As someone said: more fans, less haters. And if we know so much and love so much MJ, why would I get upset for someone falling in love with his music and dance? If some of these so called "new fans" have told you on May 25 they had discovered MJ recently... what would have been your reaction? Would you have rejected him/her because s/he was "late"?

If "This is it" would have been a reality, just think of it for one second: how many new fans he would have had? And should we "old" fans have been angry to those "new" fans? I think we would have been happy, and I think Mike would have been happy to. I love it when MJ makes new fans, or when someone gets to understand him a bit better. Again: the more, the better.

I always welcomed new fans and I was always happy to hear from a new fan and I was always interested how they became a fan and so on. It was nothing I was angry about, in the past it was just ... clear (? don't find a translation)... anyway, I mean you could count the persons. After June 25th it was just very frustrating, first the whole emotions over what happened, suddently everywhere were fans... in my case I always looked for fans in my city but only found one 6 years ago. Suddenly everything changed and I think what really bothers "us" are the hypocrites not the new fans, because there will be always new fans in the future,... it's something we need to get used too because the past years were difficult as MJ fan, people were making fun at us and called us freaks and now it's trendy - it's a whole new situation... but as I said I have nothing against new fans - NOTHING.
.. just my opinion :)
TDCAU is one of my all time favourite songs and its always been one of my favourite songs that Michael has made, its so amazing, and so damn powerful. I LOVE the video directed by Spike Lee in the barrio in Brazil, SUCH AN AMAZING VIDEO TOO!

White Chocolate: Yes, the original lyrics were "jew me, sue me" and "kick me, **** me" and Michael was accused of being anti-semitic shortly after the release. Somehow these idiotic people failed to understand Michael's overarching message of anti-racism, anti-oppression, freedom and equality for all.

I always hated the fact that MTv and VH1, here in the States, refused to play the TDCAU prison version because it was "controversial" but yet opted to play these wacked out rap videos with NO message at all. I always thought and still to this day think, "Oh yeah, that makes PERFECT sense." **rolls eyes** Michael's Prison version is a master piece and I am so happy to have the fortune of having a copy of it, don't get me wrong the Brazil version is great too...but it wasn't Michael's intended vision. The Prison version is just amazing and I recommend it to anyone.

And about the lyrics. I was always confused about that because I had heard about a censoring of it and that those lyrics were censored, BUT in both copies of the HIStory album that I have you can clearly hear Michael saying "Jew me, sue me, kick me **** me". The only time I have heard it censored was in the videos and on the 'This Is It' album. It just always confused me because I was like, "I HAVE THE UNCENSORED VERSION!" Even on the copy I bought in 2003 you can CLEARLY hear him saying those two lines. And I do, but I was still confused. Thanks so much for the clarification. And anyone who thought Michael was anti-anyone or anything and thought the song was written in that light needs to relisten to it. The song is's WOW! So deep, much like Michael was and is and always will be.

This song, like his others, is just a masterpiece.

HIStory is his best album by far its absolute perfection. Greatest album of all time.

No wonder Michael got in alot of trouble with They Don't Care About Us. Because of what he was sayin in it. Im not on about the jew me sew(sp?) me lyric.

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I've always had a deep love for this song. I remember when it was released and the prison version of the video was only allowed to be played on music channels late at night. Lots of late nights for me back then since I freakin' LOVED that video.
I have that one too...I am very happy that I have the original copy...

Yeah, although as other people have mentioned, it's a joke that Michael was accused of being "racist" and had to blank out lyrics. I've heard two different edits, one that puts a "beat" from TDCAU over the "offensive" lyrics, and another which repeats the previous lyric ... so it says, "Kick me, Kick me" and it sounds so out of place and actually ruins the flow of the song.

People didn't get the message in the song, and a lot still don't.
Since a couple of people commented on the "original" copy of HIStory I mentioned, I thought I'd throw up some pics of my copy ... mainly because it's in pretty much immaculate condition aside from some markings on the plastic of the double case.

The CD's, the photo booklet, and the merchandise leaflet/order form are all in mint condition ... in fact, the book's only been opened once or twice, so the spine is rigid ... it's almost like new, even the foam "square" to protect CD2 should it come loose is intact. I bought this a couple of weeks after it came out in 1995, I was 16 at the time so being a double album it was an "expensive" purchase to me.




Not trying to say "look what I've got", just thought I'd share this with other fans ... you guys on here are the only other fans I can speak to about Michael and share things like this with.