All of a sudden, now everyone loves TDCAU!

TDCAU is a great song, if more people like it now thats ok with me, at least for me its good for folk to open thier eyes and see how great MJ was.
I'm not a new Michael Jackson Fan,but I am new here at MJJC I LOVE TDCAU!
Mind Opening song. Hella Awesome song.
One of the best songs ever! What a message, what a beat and rhythm, and what unbelievable vocals by MJ. The song is massive for sure, but not as it deserves. All people think of is Thriller, Beat It and Billie Jean. I don't know how this masterpiece is any less or other MJ masterpieces.
"Old" Michael Jackson fans have to be mindful about what they say. I know the remarks some have made would have hurt the feelings of not only those who posted in this thread but also guests.

The fact is that not everyone loved and understood Michael the way we did. But Michael WAS loved by millions of people around the world. It is unfortunate that his death has been the reason why many more have 'discovered' Michael. But we are not better than these 'newcomers', we are just more fortunate to have experienced so much of him while he was alive.

Michael's fans are a part of his legacy and we tarnish it by being so mean and insensitive to others, instead of embracing them with open arms.

As for TDCAU - it is a rocking song! LOVE IT!!!
Michael was reachingout to awhole new generation don’t forget that… They could have been too young or they just didn’t have the chance to appreciate his music. Its better late than never.
"Old" Michael Jackson fans have to be mindful about what they say. I know the remarks some have made would have hurt the feelings of not only those who posted in this thread but also guests.

The fact is that not everyone loved and understood Michael the way we did. But Michael WAS loved by millions of people around the world. It is unfortunate that his death has been the reason why many more have 'discovered' Michael. But we are not better than these 'newcomers', we are just more fortunate to have experienced so much of him while he was alive.

Michael's fans are a part of his legacy and we tarnish it by being so mean and insensitive to others, instead of embracing them with open arms.

As for TDCAU - it is a rocking song! LOVE IT!!!

I totally agree with you. I never wanted to offend anyone. I'm sorry. And welcome new fans..
Yes one of my favorite songs I love it.The more who love Michael the better he will live on forever MJ rocks.

Susannah xx
TDCAU is a great song! "Well if Martin Luther was a livin' he wouldn't let this be no no!" Been a Michael fan since 1999/2000 - not as big or committed fan like I am now but I've always supported and defended Michael over the years. I'm only 18 by the way..
"Old" Michael Jackson fans have to be mindful about what they say. I know the remarks some have made would have hurt the feelings of not only those who posted in this thread but also guests.

The fact is that not everyone loved and understood Michael the way we did. But Michael WAS loved by millions of people around the world. It is unfortunate that his death has been the reason why many more have 'discovered' Michael. But we are not better than these 'newcomers', we are just more fortunate to have experienced so much of him while he was alive.

Michael's fans are a part of his legacy and we tarnish it by being so mean and insensitive to others, instead of embracing them with open arms.

As for TDCAU - it is a rocking song! LOVE IT!!!
That's not my problem. even if people viewed MJ as weird or whatever they still knew YANA, BOTDF, YRMW etc. I'm just hugely surprised that TDCAU went under the radar. I'm an MJ fan since 2001 But i've heard and knew the song before that. I could understand a song like childhood going unnoticed... but TDCAU? really?.. It's such a good song that DOES appeal to the mainstream as well as the hardcore. I just don't get it.

For the record, I was five years old when the album came out.
I'm glad one of MJ's best songs is getting this attention. It's message and music video are probably Michael's ballsiest! Anyone who thinks it's anti-semtic needs to watch the video...
They don't care about us has a special place in my heart. I remember it from 1996 being a kid and just dancing to the music and the beat. Such a powerful song and one of Michael's strongest ones.

I welcome new fans. I've had the pleasure of being a Michael Jackson fan since 1991 and have experienced wonderful things as well as sad things. I think we, the old fans sometimes feel that all this love and discovery of Michael should have happened before when he was going through the most difficult of times. He had us but we felt so alone as well, like we were fighting against the world and no one was listening. We wanted for the world to feel the way we did about Michael. So with his passing it truly feels so sad because the only one who should have witnessed this is not here and that is just not fair. But I welcome new fans because they can finally see what we have always seen, which is love. Man, Michael is all about the L. O. V. E.
They Don't Care About Us has always been my Favorite Michael song since 95.

True Story.
For the longest it was always Lady In My Life but now it's TDCAU~~~!

Always been one of my fav. songs.... I have made a dance routine with inspiration from yhe History tour preformance... All the people who come to my dance class love it... (i always use MJ songs in my work out programs as an instructor..

I hade the fact that sadly our beloved MJ had to die for people to see how magnificent he was. Im just glad us "old" fans were here for him the entire time. (i have to admit it took his passing for me to find this fan-site) Although i have always been a member in my country and mj-portal,...
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I hade the fact that sadly our beloved MJ had to die for people to see how magnificent he was. Im just glad us "old" fans were here for him the entire time. (i have to admit it took his passing for me to find this fan-site) Although i have always been a member in my country and mj-portal,...

It's the same for me, I've always been a proud Michael fan, ever since I was young. Although, I have nothing against the new fans who have only recently discovered Michael's music. :)

Anyway, back on topic, I know what you mean about everyone suddenly loving TDCAU. It's a shame. I remember driving my parents mad by constantly dancing around to it! Ah, the good old days.
My mum was bopping her head when I showed her the TII clip with TDCAU. She rarely does that!
a lot of my friends,become fans after his death.and I hate it,because they don't know nothing still about MJ,but it's cool now to listen his music,please..:rolleyes:
they don't care about us is one of my fav songs :wub:
For some reason is become fashionable to like Michael Jackson again......

I've been a fan of his since I was four (around the time Dangerous was released) and I've never stopped.
I'm not really a "new" fan of Michael's. I've just been a casual fan for my 45 years (my age at the time of his death). Only familiar with the bigger hits. I heard "They Don't Care About Us" on the TII rehearsal footage and I thought it was an interesting song and wanted to hear it in its entirety. Now I love it.

Although I vaguely recall the controversy I don't remember hearing the song. How did it do on the charts? Around 1996 (or just the 90's) I pretty much quit listening to the radio and watching music videos. But it wasn't because of any ill feeling's towards Michael. I was just in my own world in the 90's.

I really do regret that I didn't take the time to explore Michael's music more when he was alive. I feel bad about that. I feel like I missed out on so much. I don't really purchase CD's very often. That's just me. I've only been a "die hard" fan of one other musician (a band actually). I'm not doing this because it's "fashionable" to be an MJ fan now. It's more like I'm just making up for lost time. His death "awakened" me, sadly. There's so much I am discovering now that I wish I had taken the time to know years earlier.

By the way, with Martin Luther (King Jr, I presume) and Roosevelt (FDR, I presume) mentioned in the lyrics, were right wing conservatives angered by this song also? I would imagine so. You go Michael. :)
I'm not really a "new" fan of Michael's. I've just been a casual fan for my 45 years (my age at the time of his death). Only familiar with the bigger hits. I heard "They Don't Care About Us" on the TII rehearsal footage and I thought it was an interesting song and wanted to hear it in its entirety. Now I love it.

Although I vaguely recall the controversy I don't remember hearing the song. How did it do on the charts? Around 1996 (or just the 90's) I pretty much quit listening to the radio and watching music videos. But it wasn't because of any ill feeling's towards Michael. I was just in my own world in the 90's.

I really do regret that I didn't take the time to explore Michael's music more when he was alive. I feel bad about that. I feel like I missed out on so much. I don't really purchase CD's very often. That's just me. I've only been a "die hard" fan of one other musician (a band actually). I'm not doing this because it's "fashionable" to be an MJ fan now. It's more like I'm just making up for lost time. His death "awakened" me, sadly. There's so much I am discovering now that I wish I had taken the time to know years earlier.

By the way, with Martin Luther (King Jr, I presume) and Roosevelt (FDR, I presume) mentioned in the lyrics, were right wing conservatives angered by this song also? I would imagine so. You go Michael. :)

Same here, except I'm 24. :)
Actually I think TDCAU went to no 4 in the Swedish single charts so it's not that unkown here in Sweden.
God... I felt terrible and you made me cry... !!! I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't want to offend anyone. But after he passed, many fans are generating out of nowhere. Now that he's gone, they pity him now. They do not know more than three of his songs. When he was around and alive no one loved him. People called him the F-word, a pedophile and much more. But now that he's gone, everyone all of a sudden realize how much he impacted the music industry and life. Hmm I don't know maybe they learned to appreciate him after?
All I know is that I always loved him and grew up listening to him... I loved Michael before and after people started spreading untrue rumors. I've loved him since I was 6 years old. I love him and I'll miss him forever. :boohoo

Oh, don't worry :). I wasn't offended. It's just that I think many "old" fans seem to have kind of a wrong idea about new fans...

I am sorry I was being fooled by journalists before... I mean, about the skin bleaching and child molestation and about him being crazy... It is hard not to believe those things about someone you don't know that much about when that is the way he keeps being presented by the press... you don't just think they can be manipulating things that much... Just a while ago I noticed how manipulative the press can be, when I got more involved in animal rights activism and noticed how manipulative and biased the press is against it (especially in the UK), including supposed serious newspapers.

So, I had pretty much believed what was continuously said about him... and I'm sorry I did. But since his music wasn't played that much either one didn't really feel the curiosity to do some research, like I felt I had to do now when his music was everywhere and I liked it so much... one has so many other things going on in one's life...

Anyway, especially about the allegations, I certainly should have done some research before thinking he was (probably) guilty, especially after the not guilty verdict. And especially being a law student (or wanting to be then). I'll tell you that I had basically thought that if he was crazy enough to bleach his skin, then he was crazy enough to be a child abuser... One thinks one isn't a judgemental person, and does something like that. Always something to learn. I'll certainly be more careful now before considering someone guilty.

Now, after he died, just seeing his videos on TV I thought, hey, this guy has so many black people in his videos, and was friends with people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton... how could he have hated being black and bleached his skin?. It didn't seem logical.

I was surprised when looking at recent videos of him of how well he looked... I had the idea (and I think most people did or still do) that he look really bad... like in the mugshot from 2003.

Also, though I didn't have a very high opinion of him, it wasn't like I was calling him names or making fun of him or anything... I just don't do that kind of thing...

Anyway, of course it's hypocresy from some people... like Bashir...
But that is not the case with new fans and not even with people who are not exactly fans but who remembered how much he had been a part of their lives...

OK, sorry for rambling for so long!.
TDCAU is one of the best songs ever!!!!!!!! I adore it from the first moment I"ve heard it...long time ago. I can"t blame young people for not knowing all of his songs....but, so-called MJ- fans...funny. Michael"s songs are timeless.

I agree. And I NEVER listen to the song just once. I always put it on repeat.

That song is pure genius.
About They Don't Care About Us, it is a fantastic song. I love it. One of my favourites of his.
But I don't think I had heard it before he died. I just heard it, seeing the video when they were showing Michael videos all day long. What a fantastic video, by the way (the prison one, so the another is great as well).
I was like 10 when HIStory came out, and the only song I remember hearing (remember seeing the video) is Earth Song. I didn't know They Don't Care About Us, nor Scream, nor You Are Not.

I agree with the OP. They should release this song as a single.
If I remember correctly, I loved TDCAU more that Billie Jean when I was little. I remember watching the video (I saw Michael as pure energy), jumpin around and dancing to it, even singing it and recording myself. I don't remember doing that with Thriller, BJ and other bigger hits.

This song is so underrated and ignored. It's not fair. It makes me sad! Especially because it has a message and people don't know about it.