ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Jackson Considers Selling Neverland

By JOHN ROGERS – 27 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES (AP) — There could be a new owner riding the merry-go-round at Michael Jackson's fabled Neverland Ranch this summer.

A public auction of the 2,500-acre spread in central California's wine country had been scheduled for next week after Jackson went into default on the $24.5 million he owes on the property. However, the auction was postponed until May 14 by "mutual agreement" of Jackson and his creditors, said Julie Wagner of Financial Title Co. of San Francisco, the firm that filed the default papers.
"That allows us to refinance or sell the property," Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, told The Associated on Friday. He added that Jackson is looking at both options.

"We expect to have this matter resolved well before May 14," McMillan said. The extended date was first reported on
Jackson, who moved out of Neverland more than two years ago, bought the property in the bucolic rolling hills of Los Olivos, 150 miles north of Los Angeles, from real estate baron William Bone in 1988 and turned it into his personal playground. He brought in more than a dozen amusement park rides, including a merry-go-round, Ferris wheel and roller coaster and installed a zoo complete with flamingos, giraffes, elephants and orangutans.

At the height of his popularity in the late 1980s and '90s, he invited children by the thousands onto the grounds, where they would spend the day playing and feasting on cotton candy and popcorn.

Once hailed as the "king of pop," Jackson saw his financial empire begin to crumble as his record sales plummeted in recent years. His image took a further hit when he was arrested in 2003, accused of molesting a 13-year-old visitor to Neverland.
He left Neverland after a jury acquitted him of the molestation charges in 2005 and is said to be living overseas.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Personaly I wish he wouldnt but if he does I cant say that I blame him.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Man, I hope he doesn't sell it. His children should grow up in that house. :(

Thanks for posting this article.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Thanks eternity, I hope Mike sells the man deserves a clean slate to hell with the racist DA and their thug bigoted posse!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

You don't know who to believe anymore. Is he selling Neverland? Is Randy Jackson helping to keep Neverland? We here so many conflicting stories about this. I suppose we'll eventually find out. But I don't think Michael would much like losing Neverland. It's been more than just a house to him. It's the physical representation of everything he's ever stood for.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

It's still a peaceful place to me. I wonder really if Michael wants to sell it..
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I hope what ever he chooses to do..we will support him.. its his life...non of us.. can know what its like to walk in his shoes ..
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Mike you got my support! If you must sell, then GO FOR IT!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is Michael Jackson - it can't be sold.

One day when he passes that could be a place where fans all over the world could go to visit and remember. Its so peacful there, it would be perfect. When Michael dies one day and there is no Neverland, it would feel so wrong. :(
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is not Michael Jackson. It is a dwelling and property. The magic that made Neverland special was Michael Jackson and now that magic has moved on. Why hold on to something that has brought as much sadness as joy? Michael will do as he sees fit with the property but it won't reflect him and his fans should have his back what ever the choices he makes.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is Michael Jackson - it can't be sold.

One day when he passes that could be a place where fans all over the world could go to visit and remember. Its so peacful there, it would be perfect. When Michael dies one day and there is no Neverland, it would feel so wrong. :(

I agree. If he sold it, part of him would be lost. I really think he should move back to Neverland and try to keep it as a home..
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I don't think he's going to sell it, because he knows that it is a huge part of his legacy. Just because he's looking at both options doesn't mean he's going to choose the latter. Let us remember to stay hopeful and pray that everything will work out fine which I have confidence that it will.

Keep the faith you guys. MJ will be fine!

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Yes I too echo the sentiments of those who said, they support either one of Michael's decisions. It's property and property can be sold just like it can be bought so I say go ahead Michael, make the move and I know it will be a wise one -- I know whatever the decision it is, it will be well thought out.

P.S - the meaning of Neverland = Michael Jackson agreed but Los Olivos property does NOT = Michael Jackson. If tomorrow he sold the los olivos ranch and bought a house/mansion/bungalow in lets say Las Vegas, then that again will be synonymous with Michael.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Whatever he does with it, I would rather it be done on his own terms...whether that's keeping it or selling it. There are pros and cons for both decisions. I guess it would come down to what's easier for him and what he can find peace with. Santa Barbara County isn't the only place on the planet Neverland can exist, imo. :candy:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I hope that Michael Jackson does what is best for him and his family. If it means selling it, because going back into it brings back some painful memories about things, then let him sell it..and make a good profit. Home is where the heart is. If he chooses not to sell, maybe he could do a major overhaul to the property and create new precious memories there....
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is not Michael Jackson. It is a dwelling and property. The magic that made Neverland special was Michael Jackson and now that magic has moved on. Why hold on to something that has brought as much sadness as joy? Michael will do as he sees fit with the property but it won't reflect him and his fans should have his back what ever the choices he makes.

I think it wasn't Michael himself who made it special. It was the atmosphere and there were many other things than Michael Jackson. I have to say whoever is tender, loving, and caring person like Michael Jackson would have made that place special.. Maybe not the same way but some other ways..
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I will respect whatever decision Michael makes, he is the one in control of his life.

If he didn't sell it, I would hope one day Neverland could be opened to the public like a 'Graceland' for the King of Pop, with his museum and exhibitions of his talent. This would also honour the happiness of Neverland, and continue to bring joy to thousands like it did when Michael lived there. It should always be remembered for the GOOD things as it is a place of goodness.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is not Michael Jackson. It is a dwelling and property. The magic that made Neverland special was Michael Jackson and now that magic has moved on. Why hold on to something that has brought as much sadness as joy? Michael will do as he sees fit with the property but it won't reflect him and his fans should have his back what ever the choices he makes.

:clap: :clap: Thank you Shannon you speak very wisely :flowers:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is Michael Jackson - it can't be sold.

One day when he passes that could be a place where fans all over the world could go to visit and remember. Its so peacful there, it would be perfect. When Michael dies one day and there is no Neverland, it would feel so wrong. :(

For fecks sake Neverland IS NOT MICHAEL JACKSON and Michael Jackson is NOT NEVERLAND. You guys need to stop holding on to him like that!!! Michael implicitly said that it's no longer home to him and it's evident by his actions. He's NOT THERE! His animals are being cared for by Tippi Hedren, the grounds are desolate & he's moved ON. Shouldn't you?

Let the dude breathe. If he wishes to sell it, then he shall do so and each & every one of you should be supportive of that!!!!! But don't project your feelings on dude THINKING that he is Neverland, because he's NOT. Home is where the heart is and his HEART obviously isn't there anymore. Maybe 10 years ago, but not now. It ticks me off because my family and I lost a home to a fire and we lost everything in it! Our videos, photo albums, pictures, clothing, furniture, and everything else! But we moved on, got a new house and started over. If the house I lived in was me I would be DEAD right now. Get it? Give Michael some credit!
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

For fecks sake Neverland IS NOT MICHAEL JACKSON and Michael Jackson is NOT NEVERLAND. You guys need to stop holding on to him like that!!! Michael implicitly said that it's no longer home to him and it's evident by his actions. He's NOT THERE! His animals are being cared for by Tippi Hedren, the grounds are desolate & he's moved ON. Shouldn't you?

Let the dude breathe. If he wishes to sell it, then he shall do so and each & every one of you should be supportive of that!!!!! But don't project your feelings on dude THINKING that he is Neverland, because he's NOT. Home is where the heart is and his HEART obviously isn't there anymore. Maybe 10 years ago, but not now. It ticks me off because my family and I lost a home to a fire and we lost everything in it! Our videos, photo albums, pictures, clothing, furniture, and everything else! But we moved on, got a new house and started over. If the house I lived in was me I would be DEAD right now. Get it? Give Michael some credit!

I'm sorry that happened to you MJJC MOD 1 you have made a great post the best in the thread because you showed how people need to step out of the box and look at the whole picture, God bless you and your family :flowers:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

i think the reason people make a deal out of Never-land is because its like a Grace-land for michael fans to frequent at.

the difference is michael is alive and can sell the proporty if he so wants to do so. and the big one.. michael has bad memories at neverland, so im not shocked by this. he tryed to make a place to help sick kids and look how their parents and the press screwed him.. over money and 'weirdness'.

but as long as mj is happy and healthy AND ALIVE!! who cares about a piece of property.

i did love his main residence being in cali though.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I think he should turn it into an amusement park (great adventure six flags style). I will pay GOOD money to get on the THRILLER ride:lol:.
He could have different themed areas like disney.

Earth world (this area would have animals)
Thriller nights (this would be for thrill ride seeker like me:punk:)
BAD world (more thrill rides)
Never Land (this side would have disney like stuff and kiddie rides)
Off the wall world (this side could have virtual rides)
History world (this is where you can look at mike's history, buy t-shirts etc) and so on. The possibilities are endless.

Seriously mike could make BIG DOLLARs with this. All he needs is some investors *coughronburklecough* and *coughrandyjacksonthenchokefromlaughing*:lol:

He could call it Mijac park or something.

mike if you reading this turn neverland into an amusement park.:punk:

quick where is raymones email. Let me hit up ol girl.:rofl: nah I'm just joking. but I really think michael should do this. *coughdoesanyonehaveheremailcough*:ph34r:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Seems as if Mcmillan was forced to make another statement because of Roger. He really cannot keep himself out of MJ's business. MJ may have to deal with banks abroad. i wouldn't be surprised if he is seriously thinking of moving to Devon.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is Michael Jackson - it can't be sold.

One day when he passes that could be a place where fans all over the world could go to visit and remember. Its so peacful there, it would be perfect. When Michael dies one day and there is no Neverland, it would feel so wrong. :(
Honestly speaking here.... I don't think that Michael is thinking of Neverland as a shrine for his fans.

It was his home and it was a place he allowed special needs and underprivileged children to enjoy.

It was also a place where his privacy was brutally invaded to the point that he doesn't feel safe there anymore.

I would much rather him sell the place than to lose it in some cold, non-descript auction.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I hope Michael does what he feels is best for him.
Personally I wouldn't want him to sell it but hell what do I know?
I'm just a fan and I really don't know how Michael feels about all of this and all of the joy and sadness that it's brought to him.

It will probably be the best for him if he does sell it so that he can start fresh and new with his life.

I just hope if he does sell it it will go to good people who will somehow keep his legacy alive with it, not people who will completely destroy it and turn it upside down and somehow make a ton of cash off of it. Also it would be really strange to see another celebrity living there.

I think we should all support Mike in whatever he decides to do though.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

man..i wish people would stop putting out spins to try to make themselves look good at MJ's expense.

i'm glad he decided to say 'confidential'...and i knew that after he did that..people would start to develop their spins, knowing that MJ would remain silent..and they would feel that it would look like the honus was on MJ. i don't think they realize that it always ends up looking good on MJ's side of the street, and not theirs. and that's what motivates their envy-motivated spins.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

the reason i don't feel he's going to sell it is because he will not give the haters that satisfaction. they would love nothing more than to see him sell his most beloved treasure even though he's not living there it will always be a part of him. Let's not jump to conclusions about this just yet. I can see the media running wild with the headlines saying Jackson sells Neverland blah blah blah. But as always, everything will work out for the good. MJ knows what he's doing, he won't let them win. Anyone agree?

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

the reason i don't feel he's going to sell it is because he will not give the haters that satisfaction. they would love nothing more than to see him sell his most beloved treasure even though he's not living there it will always be a part of him. Let's not jump to conclusions about this just yet. I can see the media running wild with the headlines saying Jackson sells Neverland blah blah blah. But as always, everything will work out for the good. MJ knows what he's doing, he won't let them win. Anyone agree?


yes...i guess our posts are juxtaposed.

it looks all to familiar to the 'debt' to Mattolla fiasco.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland


do you feel the same way I do about MJ not letting the haters get what they want? How do you feel about this? As you said everything always looks good on MJ's side of the street so....