Adam Lambert

i love adam! he is so amazing! i fell in love with him when he did Michael's "Black or white" on Idol. unbelieveable cover!! loved it!! Adam is very different and he stands out in what he does and i guess in some ways he is kinda a male version of Lady Gaga. and also i really think ppl nned to lay off him about his ama's performance. didnt bother me what he did and i think ppl need to just judge him on his music and not his 1 performance.

That's how I feel, there are much important things in my life and in the world than some performance. They do need to lay off of him for that, heck I might become a fan of him due to the risk that he took. I like performers who are really provocative.
I don't know about that ama performance! In my opinion since he is American Idol he will fade in a year like every other runner up in American idol has. And I don't think he is that talented and he has to stop sucking up to MJ because it annoying, he has his TII guitarist come on
^^ awww...:(

this is MJStarlight's Adam Lambert "fans" thread for all his fans to come and support him. Let's not pee all over this thread. Though I don't know much about Adam and didn't even get to catch his performance at the AMA to know what all the fuss was about, you never know if this young fellah might break the idol mold and reach ultimate success some day. He seems to be doing fine these days.

I actually don't mind Adam Lambert yet. I honestly thought I wouldn't like him. But after seeing that last episode of AI and saw his performance, I knew this man had more than he was showing.

I think he has the potential to be very creative and has some great ideas up in that head. I hope he really makes a point to do HIS ideas and not whats best for his image or to get that money. I'm afraid the record execs have him wrapped around their finger right now since he's so new. And I do understand that you have to play the business game for awhile, but after a time or two....start enforcing your own ideas a little more.

And he has an amazing voice if he'd just use it right!! No screaming please! I also feel like he should be the front man for some rock band than a solo artist. I feel he would also have more credibility that way. Gain a bigger fan base.

But nonetheless, I still think he's gonna go far. He's one of the few who actually has the potential for greatness.

......if only he didn't rub that man's face in his groin..... No offense to all AL fans, but that was kinda...unexpected.
Dont forget Adam will be on Ellen today!!!

I really love the new video.. Adam is sexy!!!! :blush:

:woohoo: I FOUND A VID FROM THE CONCERT I WENT TOO!!! I was sitting in the 3rd row so I had a good view.

It's really weird how some people can be MJ fans and be impressed by that lousy/clumsy AMA performance. I thought they normally have high standards when it comes to performances.
He's okay though. I like Mad world.
I don't think I'll ever understand why people do that, why do they post words of harsh critique in a thread that's supposed to be a celebration of one's work. Is it really necessary to share your dislike of something in a lighthearted topic like this one...?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I most definitely respect that and I don't feel the need to shove the things I care about down anyone's throat. I have to admit that it kind of intrigues me when people do what you just did though - because if something doesn't really appeal to me I just try to stay away from it..
I like the song down the rabbit hole.. even though its not on the CD its a really good song!!
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I don't think I'll ever understand why people do that, why do they post words of harsh critique in a thread that's supposed to be a celebration of one's work. Is it really necessary to share your dislike of something in a lighthearted topic like this one...?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I most definitely respect that and I don't feel the need to shove the things I care about down anyone's throat. I have to admit that it kind of intrigues me when people do what you just did though - because if something doesn't really appeal to me I just try to stay away from it..

omg I love your siggy!!!!!!!! :wub:
Thanks Shayla. I love Down The Rabbit Hole as well! I'm really disappointed it didn't make it on the's one of my favorites - just think about the video Adam could have made for that song. I would have been brilliant. Maybe one day I'll cover it and make the video myself, lol. I like it this much.
I have yet to buy his new I'm waiting to see if I get it for Christmas. I listened to it on his MySpace page, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm feeling sad for Adam lately. Some of his appearances are being cancelled...etc. But I'm sure he can over come this. :)
I have yet to buy his new I'm waiting to see if I get it for Christmas. I listened to it on his MySpace page, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm feeling sad for Adam lately. Some of his appearances are being cancelled...etc. But I'm sure he can over come this.

Don't worry, in a month or so it will blow over for Adam, I hope he does have an appearance again.:) I think he has a decent voice.:yes:
I am seeing Adam tommorow at jingle ball!!! I will try and take some videos :)
check this out

Adam talking about Thriller

saw him in the AMA he is intresting been listening to more of his stuff recently
found a pretty picture today :)

This Adam + Cheeks hes a really cool guy too
I adore Adam! He was my fave through American Idol, and I love his new album! He has great things in store for him, I think. I love seeing everything he is a part of!
I love the new years video from last year


I remember watching this a year ago, time sure does fly!
Ohhh How was it?? I wish I could have gone.. I found some backstage videos of Adam and other performers here: but its definitely not the same as being there.

Adam came out for only about 10 minutes. It would have been alot better if he would have sang lol! But he is sooooo adorable!!! :wub: I took a few videos although they are a lil blurry and I was shaking pretty bad lol




Dont forget to watch SYTYCD tonight!!!! Adam will perform WWFM
I don't think I'll ever understand why people do that, why do they post words of harsh critique in a thread that's supposed to be a celebration of one's work. Is it really necessary to share your dislike of something in a lighthearted topic like this one...?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I most definitely respect that and I don't feel the need to shove the things I care about down anyone's throat. I have to admit that it kind of intrigues me when people do what you just did though - because if something doesn't really appeal to me I just try to stay away from it..
what? I can critique his performance at the AMA, can't I? I don't dislike him lol. Don't worry and don't get offended just because someone is voicing their opinion, fan girl. ;)
It wasn't an attack on you, I commented on something I've noticed in the past and your past just happened to be somewhat an example...I'm not offended, and I wasn't trying to deprive you of your right to voice whatever opinions you've got I was merely expressing my own feelings. I think I've said everything I wanted to in my previous so there's really no need to add anything more. Fan girl, though? No thanks, I'd like to think I'm more open minded than that ...No reason to call each other names, really.
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Michaele here are the vids of Adam on Leno, lovely as usual :wub:


check out the vid I made too
