A second icon who will break the barriers MJ setted

There is someone and his name is Barack Obama. He just became the first black president of the US. His election was the first time in history that you had such a huge turnout of people ages 18-24 going to vote. On election day, lines wrapped around blocks of people of all different ages, nationalities, and genders. Suddenly, everyone was interested in politics. In the beginning he was seen as a savior, now they rag on everything he does and say, no matter what it is. No one brings up the fact that's he's already done so much in a short amount of time, even though he was wet behind the ears when he started. Anything he does or says is put under extreme scrutiny and people against him will make it out to be negative. To many outside of the US he is seen as a sign of hope in America.

The day that we have another musician that can have that kind of effect we will all be long gone and dead.
you're saying that Obama was seen as hope for America, from outside the usa? are u saying that people outside the us border thought of the usa as racist, before this?
I would like to start off first by saying that the OP was not trying necessarily to compare Gaga to MJ. The question was whether or not we think another icon can come along. Gaga was a for instance.
To actually answer the original question, yes it is possible another icon can come along. The person with the right amount of talent, the right amount of backing, the right set of circumstances, the right time, place, and the right amount of mass appeal to elevate them. And let's not forget they will actually need to make timeless music. I think it will be very unrealistic to say MJ will be the last icon. I know that times have changed very much and for a quality individual to come out and actually break through will be very difficult- if they have a crack in the ship it will sink -But records are made to be broken.

The way people even view celebrities as disposible and momentary will especially work against a person trying to be commercial successful. Trying to not pander to that kind of thinking. But I think it could happen at some point in time. Mj is one of the last living and will be in a class by himself for a long time. But forever... ?

Hey hun,

Well in truth, i wasnt trying to compare Gaga to Michael. I was trying to explain what traits an ICON has and that Gaga is not that close yet. :smilerolleyes:
I dont have anything against her but it interests me how she put out catchy songs that had good beat, "melody", and now she's an Icon. She's definitely Unique and she's got talent but Icon would be too MUCH pressure on her now dont you think? I mean If there were Barriers to be broken, I'm sure there are :mello: and she breaks it, good for her...

And I did not say Michael WILL be the last Icon, I cant predict the future but Since he is the Last ICON that we know and we had, ppl. that come after him got a lotttt of shoes to fill!!! :yes: And on a side note, He'll NOT be replaced...There arent gonna be any other MICHAEL Jacksons's only ppl. who have learned from him and try to make it! :D

Like you said, artists are looked at as Disposable and replaceable, nowadays, The reason is there is NO REAL Music, its all about "partyin', Degrading women, Sex, Drugs..." or whatever is in the HIGH at the time. NObody makes music that could touch your heart an inspire you to make a change in other people's lives and the world. Well, I shouldnt say Nobody, because there are people I could count on *one hand* that make music like that...!An ICON is not an easy label to give JUST TO ANYONE who's got good songs out.

I guess I'm not "In the loop" on what an ICON should be anymore but from what i've learned and what I know in my living years in this world, It kinda takes more than that...:cheeky:

Tnx for the Civil argument... :D ;)


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What in the hell? WHY DO U MICHAEL JACKSON FANS ALWAYS MAKE DUMB THREAD QUESTIONS LIKE THIS.... YA'LL MAKE THESE WACK THREADS ALL THE TIME ITS HELLA ANNOYING... it doesnt mean anything. You claim Michael cant be replace but then constantly INSIST on questioning his replacement??? dumb as hell...

Alot of yall need to listen to other types of music and entertainers because you wouldnt be asking questions like this and constantly comparing Michael to mediocre artists....


There is someone and his name is Barack Obama. He just became the first black president of the US. His election was the first time in history that you had such a huge turnout of people ages 18-24 going to vote. On election day, lines wrapped around blocks of people of all different ages, nationalities, and genders. Suddenly, everyone was interested in politics. In the beginning he was seen as a savior, now they rag on everything he does and say, no matter what it is. No one brings up the fact that's he's already done so much in a short amount of time, even though he was wet behind the ears when he started. Anything he does or says is put under extreme scrutiny and people against him will make it out to be negative. To many outside of the US he is seen as a sign of hope in America.

The day that we have another musician that can have that kind of effect we will all be long gone and dead.

The fact that he is the first black president of USA means nothing to many. It means nothing to me because I'm not American. It is a first in America, but not everywhere else. People hope he will change the path America walked when Bush was president.
I would like to start off first by saying that the OP was not trying necessarily to compare Gaga to MJ. The question was whether or not we think another icon can come along. Gaga was a for instance.
To actually answer the original question, yes it is possible another icon can come along. The person with the right amount of talent, the right amount of backing, the right set of circumstances, the right time, place, and the right amount of mass appeal to elevate them. And let's not forget they will actually need to make timeless music. I think it will be very unrealistic to say MJ will be the last icon. I know that times have changed very much and for a quality individual to come out and actually break through will be very difficult- if they have a crack in the ship it will sink -But records are made to be broken.

The way people even view celebrities as disposible and momentary will especially work against a person trying to be commercial successful. Trying to not pander to that kind of thinking. But I think it could happen at some point in time. Mj is one of the last living and will be in a class by himself for a long time. But forever... ?

Most excellent points. But because admittedly I am not totally objective, I do think MJ is the last talent to reach his kind of status to the masses. I specify the masses versus the industry, because the music industry pundits still do not give him the props they give the Beatles or Elvis. But for international humongous mass appeal, ranging from Africa to China, I have come to believe Michael is the last one to reach HIS heights.

I didn't always believe that. Susan Boyle and Justin Bieber made me realize that the internet actually makes it easier to get the kind of exposure that can lead to super stardom. And that's why I think MJ will be the last icon of his level. It's easier to become a star, so the compelling drive to be more doesn't necessarily exist or has to.

By the time of Motown 25 and Thriller, MJ had been honing his craft successfully for nearly 20 years. He already had a massive fan base prior to those two momentous events. The fan base exploded after them, and continued to grow in the 90's. That gave him four decades and generations of mass appeal. His immense talent opened the door for him, but his drive and specific circumstances such as race and discrimination, drove him to be better than all the rest.

Even IF Bieber had absolutely everthing going for him in the talent department that MJ had, would he be as driven as MJ? Does he feel the need to create the best selling album or single of all time. He doesn't have to. Michael felt that need. It began with his taskmaster of a father who beat him if he did not perfect every note and step, and coupled with a discriminating society that initially denied him access to a music television channel, even after already gaining major success.

Times are indeed different and the circumstances that compelled MJ to succeed beyond all boundaries don't exist anymore. And like you said, celebrities are readily disposable these days. To have 40 years of longevity, be only 50, sell out 800,000 tickets in a matter of hours was historic and this is 2010. I really do believe MJ was the last of his kind. Sure, there will be superstars, but I don't think there will be anyone with fans from 8 to 80 years old across the planet as MJ had.
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my classmates were talking about this and one of them said you know mj dad pushed him soo hard and that what drived him tp be such a perfectionist on his art and they don't think know worked hard as he had b/c their parents didn't pushed them that hard, he was too famous and couldn't attempt to do things like everyday people do without bringing mass of crowds and i think i understand what they're saying in magazines you see likes are celebrites like beyonce, jay z gaga they big in mainstream but they still able to enjoy normal things liek going out sure there the papparazzi but they're seen going to restaurants and basketball games with out commotion
No..Everything is so easy these days.There's a lot of stars in hollywood. They come and go. People tried to predict their stardom and popularity but none of the stars I heard successful till this day. People like Michael, he entertained the world for 4 decades ! I just feel that none of the stars today could do that. Maybe a lot of things are really too easy to achieve and they take it for granted.
People hope he will change the path America walked when Bush was president.

This is, mainly, what I meant. I don't mean hope for the world, but I meant that he signaled hope for America in terms of diplomatic relations.
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I'm not saying this because I'm a stan...but the industry lost so much credibilty and Micheal was before his time, he did all of the impossible...there is nothing left to break.
All I have to say is who knows? We all think that nobody could break the barriers, but you never know what's out there and what might happen. Just sayin.
Nobody can do what Michael did. The barriers that he broke were universal. He broke language, culture and music barriers that nobody, even if they sell millions nowadays can truly attain what MJ had done. Let's be realistic here. What type of music kids listen to nowadays? Mostly crap. I dont even listen to the radio anymore, I stopped years ago. Sure Lady Gaga brought something new, and she did sell millions but the word ICON shouldn't be used too loosely. You have to earn that title. I'm not taking anything away from her accomplishments but does she and her music have longevity? If she keeps producing the same type of songs and the same type of performances, I think that people will get tired of her pretty quickly. Now, will there be another music ICON? I sure do hope so because the music makes the world go round but will it be anytime soon? No, I don't think so.