A second icon who will break the barriers MJ setted

Wasnt there a similar thread not to long ago about Beyonce regarding the same thing??? These thread topics need to end, they are beyond ridiculous and even more ridiculous that they are coming from Michael Jackson fans.

Everyone in this thread for the most part needs to listen to other music besides what is being played on the radio.


Because there would not be stupid threads like this asking the same thing or being concerned. There are no innovative artists in mainstream music and if anyone thinks Gaga is creative or entertaining then someone really needs to quit with pop entertainment for good.

I am so sick of going on all these MICHAEL JACKSON boards finding that the avarage music most MJ fans listen to is POP pop which is a shame. I really dont feel like wasting my breath on this but I got to....

What makes Gaga an icon? It takes along time to earn such a title and she hasnt even been in the industry but a hot minute. Why are people saying she is unique and creative? Her style has been done countless of times in the past. It was exactly most common in the 80's. Just because she is bringing back a style that most artist in mainstream are not doing does not make it innovative because IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

I dont care if she writes music. So what? big deal.... her music still needs to hold substance whether she writes her own music or not.

I dont know why people are calling Gaga a musician because she is not a musician. A musician is an artist like Stevie Wonder who plays more than one instrument and he plays ALL his instruments in all of his music. Gaga only plays the piano and there are better artists who play the piano better than her so that is nothing near genius or spetacular. There are plenty of better artists than her that do all of the above. Badu, Sade, India Arie, Laurn hill.... this is deja vu because there was a thread similar to this not to long ago.

Its a headache how threads like this constantly come up all the time. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. I dont know why you guys are so pressed about trying to find someone to replace him. He can not be replaced. And if your going to replace him at least let it be someone on his level. Lady Gaga? LOL WTF.... some of yall must be bored....
I agree with everything you said..I feel Gaga isn't in the same league as MJ, Stevie, Prince..or any of the artists you have mentioned..I listened to her music and I really wasn't impressed..the only song of hers I really like is "Poker Face"..I'm not even impressed by her performances, however, she is creative..I'll give her that..I mean she is more talented than most artists out right now, but not even close to MJ..I feel like every song of hers sounds too much alike..If you heard "Just Dance" or "Poker Face", you basically heard every song that Gaga has made so far..but it is too early to judge, so I will see if she's still around 5-10 years from now..
OMG how easy people give titles these days! If GaGa is an icon, then what is Michael? I have a huge problem with that nowadays. This is not directed at the OP or anyone. It is just relevant to what I wanna say. People's standards have become soooo boringly low! If we go and see a movie, people easily say what a GREAAAAAT movie! What a masterpiece! Everything has become a masterpiece and everyone an icon. So effin boring. These titles are not cheap people! Damn, people are happy with just about anything you through at them today. Where is innovation, where is perfection and attention to detail? Where have respecting your audience gone to? Artists nowadays almost don't respect their fans or themselves. Putting out crappy albums and putting out mediocre movies etc. It is not about art anymore. People calling Britney Spears a legend, Justin Timberlake a legend, Chris Brown a legend.... etc. What the hell is the matter with youngsters now?

Thank god I grew up with Michael's genius and work ethic. Michael has contributed to my character. He made me selective and demanding. Seeing Michael work hard over the years and putting out innovative product made me a man who appreciates talent and genius. Give credit when it is due. I'm not gonna call crap a masterpiece. OMG, how poor these people who grew up on JT and such are. We need to redefine there terms again. How laughable it is today!

GaGa will never replicate MJ's effect or even come close. Do I really have to explain why? and to even think she'll reach the bar that MJ has risen so high is just unbelievable!
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bottom line is..you can be deliberately different, or accidentally different. or naturally get out of the middle of the bed, in the morning, while everybody else gets out of the left or right side of the bed, in the morning. if your music truly rocks, for all time..that's what makes u an icon. that's all that matters. and that's Michael.
bottom line is..you can be deliberately different, or accidentally different. or naturally get out of the middle of the bed, in the morning, while everybody else gets out of the left or right side of the bed, in the morning. if your music truly rocks, for all time..that's what makes u an icon. that's all that matters. and that's Michael.

Damn right, on the long run yes. Other things are timed, only a musician's catalogue is timeless. We'll see where she got at the end of her career.
I can't even believe the comparison...Seriously..What else is the Recording Company's going to do..It is not like SHE WILL SAVE the MUSIC INDUSTRY like Michael did COUNTLESS times..She needs to explore new areas in music, because Michael destroyed EVERY OTHER WAY!! But tacky and weird..in that case she is doing a bang up job..The music industry is dying and it shows..there is NO ICON to pin it's dreams on anymore..I accept it, so should they..The real music and talent died the day Michael left the planet !! PERIOD !!
Just a biased PROUD OF IT opinion..



MJ TinkerBell..:yes:
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yeah she is an icon. Didn't AFP say Britney Spears is an icon? If MJ had been white, he would had been hailed as an icon some 40 years ago. Unfortunately, he's black living in a covertly racist country.
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i doubt it. i mean he touched into areas of the world. nowadays the average so called icon touches your local fast food business and is out like cold fries. a MJ only comes around once in a lifetime.
I think 95% of the barriers in music have been broken. A lot of these artists are reaping the fruits of Mike, Madonna, Janet, and Whitney's labor. These artists today have it so easy it's not even funny. Lady Gaga isn't doing anything Madonna hasn't already done.
I love lady gaga,and I think that she is very talented and innovative,but you can't call her an icon yet.she is still new ......one of the things I like about her is because she is different.she has great style too.
but anyway I wish her a long career and many luck for the future :)
the reason MJ is an Icon and Lady GaGa isn't is because people still listen to MJ 30+ years after his solo career started.....in 3 or 4 years no one will even remember who Lady GaGa is. Thats just the way the American music scene is now.....people don't listen to music because they love music anymore...they listen to music because its popular or cool, thats why none of these people have careers that last more than a few years.

oh and by the way..for those of you who think Lady GaGa is "so original"...just google Dale Bozzio or the band Missing Persons....here, I will save you the trouble


yeah real "original" right?
I don't like gaga at all. Her music makes my ears bleed. I'm getting the feeling that it's getting more focused on her clothes! I was just 0__O when she performed on AI. Her singing and dancing were horrible. I couldn't believe people were clapping.
You can't really call someone an icon unless they've contributed something valuable to the music industry. Madonna, Prince, Jay-Z, Paul McCartney, Elton John or people like that who are huge heavyweights. If she survives the next 5 years then maybe I might consider her.
Dunno but besides Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift is really standing out too. Hers only diff genre of music.I love Lady Gaga for her fashion because she is a risk taker.She brought back the shoulder pad thing I guess. Well, I'm only in my early 20s and I dont listen to the songs what my friends are listening. They called me weird but I dont care.I really love the classic songs, especially Michael's. His songs until now still favorable among all ppl around the world.Billie Jean, to me, when I listened to it, I felt Billie Jean was just freshly released by Michael. Its music, the rhythm can compete with the music of nowadays. I dont know if other artists could make it like that. No offense, just my thoughts like when I listened back to few hits by Britney(Hit Me Baby 1 More Time) now, I felt this music was like out of trend already. The feeling when I first listened to Britney's Baby Hit Me last time was totally different from now. I just couldnt dance to that music anymore like I used to during that time. But Michael's songs are songs you could enjoy for decades and decades and it'll never go out of style.

*sorry for the english. It's not my mother tongue
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I like her, she is interesting.. I like her 'performance artist' angle.. but I wouldn't call her an icon, not yet anyway, she is at the beginning of her career.. to early to call.

She has set a record - most number ones from a debut album (billboard), but no I don't think she can break the barriers MJ set, for lots of reasons.

Michael liked Gaga, thought she was talented and innovative.

We'll see what happens in 5-10 years time.

She is inspired by glam rock musicians such as David Bowie and
Freddie Mercury, as well as pop music artists such as Madonna and Michael Jackson.

nb. Threads like this are usually asking for trouble here...
I think 95% of the barriers in music have been broken. A lot of these artists are reaping the fruits of Mike, Madonna, Janet, and Whitney's labor. These artists today have it so easy it's not even funny. Lady Gaga isn't doing anything Madonna hasn't already done.
I agree. There's nothing left to beak really.
hmmmm, just the title of this thread makes me unhappy :(
then reading that Lady Gaga is the subject makes me double unhappy! :( :(
Somehow I landed back on this thread, flicked through and seen a lot of people asking what barriers? Well, I don't see another artist today doing more for the Gay Rights Movement underway in these times...
What in the hell? WHY DO U MICHAEL JACKSON FANS ALWAYS MAKE DUMB THREAD QUESTIONS LIKE THIS.... YA'LL MAKE THESE WACK THREADS ALL THE TIME ITS HELLA ANNOYING... it doesnt mean anything. You claim Michael cant be replace but then constantly INSIST on questioning his replacement??? dumb as hell...

Alot of yall need to listen to other types of music and entertainers because you wouldnt be asking questions like this and constantly comparing Michael to mediocre artists....
What in the hell? WHY DO U MICHAEL JACKSON FANS ALWAYS MAKE DUMB THREAD QUESTIONS LIKE THIS.... YA'LL MAKE THESE WACK THREADS ALL THE TIME ITS HELLA ANNOYING... it doesnt mean anything. You claim Michael cant be replace but then constantly INSIST on questioning his replacement??? dumb as hell...

Alot of yall need to listen to other types of music and entertainers because you wouldnt be asking questions like this and constantly comparing Michael to mediocre artists....

OMG. Someone saying something that makes sense!

I see Lady Gaga as the best of a bad bunch. She's certainly got more charisma than the likes of Rhianna, Britney and Beyonce and she is a decent enough musician. But it's a sign of the times that people are already elevating her to legendary status after a few good singles and a (lets be honest) mediocre album.

She has promise and I reckon she may have a long career ahead of her, but she hasn't done anything earth-shattering or original. She hasn't done a Billie Jean or a When Doves Cry. Hell, she hasn't even done a Like A Prayer. She hasn't crossed boundaries and she hasn't pushed the envelope.

Just because everything else out there in the mainstream charts is so dismal, lets not get over-excited and pretend Lady Gaga is better than she really is.
I'm not huge Gaga fan but godammit - SHE'S INTERESTING and in a grey, bland world of pop that's great. She get's people talking, she's captivating on screen ans like her or not, she's talented and different and knows exactly where she wants to go.

I'll be very interested to see what she does next, whether she'll be another Mika (sell millions of her debut then disappear) or whether she is the next Madonna.

She does seem more style over substance but if I'm in a record shop and one of her songs comes on, I'm normally surprised from how much I enjoy it.

No, she hasn't made a Like A Prayer, Music, Don't Tell Me, Hung Up or Vogue yet but then most of Madonna's early tracks were bubblegum pop.

Gaga is a rare spark in an otherwise insipid and ordinary pop music world.
Well, at least we've established smoothcriminal12 is a homophobe... Kinda ironic with the most recent "news" regarding Michael circulating.
An ICON IS NOT ONLY an AMAZING TALENT! It is also a person WHO sooo CARES About the world that they'd give away their $$$ For people in need. It is a person who truly understands the way of living, and that NO MATTER what the world thinks about them, and their life style, They stand true to their own beliefs and NEVER Weaver. It's a person Who has Broken Barriers of all things and Left the DOOR Open for Everyone else after them to go through. It is a person who cares about the future of our planet and gives us hope and LOVE!

Lady Gaga is a good artist, got a good voice, is creative... I guess these days that Makes an Icon. right? :blink:

Well in my eyes, The Real ICON is Michael, Who NOT ONLY broke records of famous (White/black) People, But ALSO Broke Racial Barriers, and Brought all the generations together.

Let me ask you This,

WOULD you watch Lady Gaga Music Videos with your Children? Or Parents OR Grand parents. Does her song appeal to your family as it does to you?

My grandma, Mom, Myself, and my youngest cousins LISTEN to MICHAEL's songs OLD and NEW and LOVE IT! The beat is just right for each one of us to listen to and like. The Message is EVEN Better!

In my estimation, Lady Gaga is a good artist and has catchy songs that stick in your head, Dont get me wrong, I like some of her songs...BUT-That doesnt make her an ICON! :) Does it?

I would like to start off first by saying that the OP was not trying necessarily to compare Gaga to MJ. The question was whether or not we think another icon can come along. Gaga was a for instance.
To actually answer the original question, yes it is possible another icon can come along. The person with the right amount of talent, the right amount of backing, the right set of circumstances, the right time, place, and the right amount of mass appeal to elevate them. And let's not forget they will actually need to make timeless music. I think it will be very unrealistic to say MJ will be the last icon. I know that times have changed very much and for a quality individual to come out and actually break through will be very difficult- if they have a crack in the ship it will sink -But records are made to be broken.

The way people even view celebrities as disposible and momentary will especially work against a person trying to be commercial successful. Trying to not pander to that kind of thinking. But I think it could happen at some point in time. Mj is one of the last living and will be in a class by himself for a long time. But forever... ?