A second icon who will break the barriers MJ setted

OK cut it out now guys, no need to get personal at all. The argument stops here.
lol as if. shes the hot thing of today just like all the others, she will prob be gone in a few years or be a one album wonder and the next big thing will come along/be created by a record label.
I agree. She appeals to a younger crowd who will be on to the next hot artist in a heartbeat. Her longevity doesn't look too promising. I like her music, but I don't think she'll ever come near Michael's achievement or success. Icon :doh: that's quite laughable
This girl is starting to grow on me like an annoying bug.. :lol:

Admit it, Lady Gaga brought back some of the excitement in pop music.

But, she still HAS A LOT of catching up to do with Madonna, let alone Michael Jackson.
Theres no point making a thread like this.

As soon as you mention a current artists name in a Michael thread. They WILL all pounce on you and rip you and the artist apart.

Ive learnt that.

A lot of fans here are set on auto pilot and automatically think you are comparing this artist to Michael.
It sounds like a comparison to me...

"A second icon"

And it has MJ in the title, so...
I mean Lady GaGa is talented and stuff and she does different things but no I don't think she is or will be an 'icon'. And no, I don't think anyone will ever break the barriers Michael set. I mean you also have to think that Michael broke racial barriers as well. You also can't forget about everything Michael has contributed to the world in general.
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Well did you not read the initial post? You cant gather the whole point of the thread just by reading the title.

As a fan, I don't like it that Sneddoniscold basically said that L. Gaga will break the barrier (I think, he/she means records ) that MJ did considering Michael's career started when he was 5 and he revolutionized the industry. On the other hand, LG is a phenom right now but she only has 1 album out. I think it's too early for comparisons.... You know, fans are like that. (shrug)

I think the poster should have started the thread with this question, "Do you think L. Gaga has the potential to be a future pop icon? " Not.. LG will beat MJ's records! It's too soon...
Well from what I gathered from the first post, he or she was bringing up the possibility that there could be another icon who would come a long. He then brought up Lady Gaga as an example of an artist that is doing well today.

The thread was not about Lady Gaga.........she was just used as an example of someone who is doing well today. Yes, maybe they shoudl of started of the thread with a question like that. But I really dont think he was implying Lady Gaga would outsell MJ or anything like that.

If you all came in here with an open mind you would see what he or she was saying. That is not aimed at anyone in particular.

I do have an open mind... :brow:

Fans are always over-protective of their idols... What do you expect that we should all jump in joy or something about this topic? I'm sorry but he asked for our opinions. I personally don't have anything against Lady Gaga but if people don't like her music, then what ya gonna do? :rolleyes: They honestly don't think she's enough to be an icon yet but then again, people said that about Madonna in the 80's and she's still here today... You have your opinions and the have theirs.

So lighten up! Stop being so uptight... Man...
I do have an open mind... :brow:

Fans are always over-protective of their idols... What do you expect that we should all jump in joy or something about this topic? I'm sorry but he asked for our opinions. I personally don't have anything against Lady Gaga but if people don't like her music, then what ya gonna do? :rolleyes: They honestly don't think she's enough to be an icon yet but then again, people said that about Madonna in the 80's and she's still here today... You have your opinions and the have theirs.

So lighten up! Stop being so uptight... Man...

thank you.

let us ask a question. if Lady GaGa were here...would she like us to coddle her?

if i were an artist...i want to know that the fans are genuine in their feelings about my product..my music...and i would know that there are other artists out there, and the comparisons are inevitable. if we're going to blast the fans for their honesty, we might as well blast rollingstone magazine, spin magazine, and all other music magazines out there. don't they all compare artists? whoever ends up on top, is there for the merit of their music. that's how it is. that's life. if you coddle me, how will i know my music is really good, if i am an artist? also, the artists should believe enough in themselves, to not worry about the comparisons.

Michael Jackson has done enough, not only to be at the mountaintop, but to create his own second mountain. and by god, we're gunna shout it out, from BOTH mountaintops!! well..at least, i am, IMO..lol
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I disagree. Okay she's obviously not an icon, but he writes and composes her music, she's crafting her image which isn't a carbon copy of the Britney Spears factory and she's setting trends that are entirely her own. Her music isn't very diverse I'll admit, but look at the charts today. Taylor Swift? Miley Cyrus? I'm sorry, but Lady Gaga is not a bad thing to happen to music. As far as young girls looking up to her goes, why is it this always pops up with young female artists? She isn't a role model. She's a musician. She shouldn't have to compromise her image because some parents feel they should let their children copy any image they see in T.V.

In my opinion, Lady Gaga is the best new thing thing to happen to Pop Music for years. :)

EDIT: P.S. I'm not comparing Gaga to Michael, that would be like comparing a Youth Hostel to The Ritz-Carlton, but I don't think we should shun other successful artists of today who are real musicians and are making an impact. (Oh, and she has cited Michael as one of her influences!)

I concur.

People are too harsh on Gaga but that's to be expected when you're doing something right. It's the nature of the beast.

People get so overwhelmed by all this shock value :sigh:

People get so overwhelmed by all this shock value :sigh:
I agree.

The only reason why Gaga is such a hype at the moment is because the girl has no real competition in the music industry right now.

I don't blame her. Opportunity came knockin' on her door and she was smart enough to use it the right way.

She in no way has broken nor will ever break any major important barriers as Michael did in a revolutionary way.

She's just borrowing Madonna's art of Shock Value. Which we've all seen before....

Gaga's message isn't anything new, it just amplifies the decadence of morals which society right now is glamorizing, so I honestly don't see her bringing anything new to the plate besides kermit the frog and a bloody outfit....wow...that's sooo icon worthy.:smilerolleyes:
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to me, the definition of icon has been defined by Michael, because he didn't need the media. the media railed totally against him. while someone might try to describe gaga as different, odd, eccentric, or what have you, that's not enough she is getting help from the media. if it weren't for the splash campaign, i wouldn't hear her music. while we spent time on a previous thread, describing MJ as 'eccentric', i feel that that is a matter of opinion. when i saw MJ, i saw nothing but the music. and nothing to prove any 'oxygen chamber' stuff or anything else. and even if it's true, those chambers have been around for ages. nothing strange there. it's all subjective. but people think MJ had to do something outlandish or outstanding to stand out. they think his music cannot survive without videos, because he put MTV on the map. we've recently heard music, without videos, from him. we've heard as little as a snippet, and it sent us over the moon. what distinguishes MJ as an icon, is one thing, and one thing alone. his music. nothing else is needed.

the day when it can be said, beyond the shadow of a doubt that lady gaga and others can survive on the music, alone, and thrive above everybody else, by a long shot, on the music alone, i can't see any more icons.
Well William I am happy to hear your opinions. You very well stated what I was trying to get across in the other thread. Gaga is all about image and if you take all the makeup and fashion away, how interested would we really be in her or her music? Mj was all about music before the media. Even the story about the oxygen chamber came out in the mid 80's, I think. before that he was very much considred a musician first. What I think I am saying is that MJ paid his dues. Gaga was born on the coattails of the media storm.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I enjoyed your post. Thanks!
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I'm alright with Lady Gaga. I heard about her before she blew up and became huge and had downloaded her music, so I thought I was ahead of the curve! LOL!

But she reminds me a lot more of Madonna than Michael. I mean, I feel like she is trying to be the new 'Madonna'. We also can't ignore that Madonna had broken barriers as a female artist. She is definitely an innovator and I feel a lot of people have just followed in the footsteps of Michael and Madonna.

Gaga's record sales are impressive, but the key word here is longevity. Is she going to be around in 20 or 30 years still making hits? Michael Jackson is timeless and Madonna adapted to whatever was the trend.

There are artists who sold millions of records and were prophesied to be the next so-and-so, but in time they just have dropped off the radar.

I think it's too early to tell anything right now.
I have never heard her songs but read about her. However she would need a much more significant body of work over an extended period of time to be elevated to icon status.That's not an overnight accomplishment.I think she is hot right now but if she attains sustainability over the next 5-10 years, she may have a shot at legitimate icon.
I posted last night asking you guys to stop the argument there...and I come back and it's pretty much dominated the thread.
Thread closed for cleaning.
Deleted off topic posts, please stay on topic from now on or this thread will be closed. And no arguing. :cheeky:
I'm scared of what Lady Gaga can achieve.

She'll never be as good as Michael though, even teens at my school say it.

I love GaGa, yet am scared of what records she might break.
Lady Gaga has potential, but she will never break as many barriers as MJ did or have his impact. Lady Gaga isn't even anywhere near Madonna's level, much less coming close to Michael. As I said, Gaga is talented and has potential, but she really isn't doing anything that new to be honest. I do enjoy her as an artist, but neither Lady Gaga's talent or music is anything exceptional really. I can't see anyone of this generation coming close to the BIG icons such as MJ, Elvis, Madonna, Prince,etc. And itdefinitely wont happen with Lady Gaga. Sorry, but don't see it happening.

What's so exceptional about her really? I give her credit for writing her songs and being able to play instruments and yes her music is catchy, but kind of cookie cutter in many ways. Her music is nothing groundbreaking and quite souless to be honest. I mean where is her "Like A Prayer"? or "Purple Rain"? Or "Billie Jean"? I mean if you want to compare Gaga to these great iconic artists, it should be taken into account that she hasn't recorded anything on that level or close to it. Her music as it is of now simply will not stand the test of time. It's just not good enough. She does not have a great voice either. A decent one, but not incredible. She is entertaining but that's it. Not iconic. She just wont have that kind of impact.
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Read something recently and apparently MJ was a big fan of Lady Gaga and her music. Apparently he was going to invite her to sing with him at his shows too.

I think she's cool and I like her music...she's very young in the business though. Let's see what happens in time.
I agree.

The only reason why Gaga is such a hype at the moment is because the girl has no real competition in the music industry right now.

I don't blame her. Opportunity came knockin' on her door and she was smart enough to use it the right way.

She in no way has broken nor will ever break any major important barriers as Michael did in a revolutionary way.

She's just borrowing Madonna's art of Shock Value. Which we've all seen before....

Gaga's message isn't anything new, it just amplifies the decadence of morals which society right now is glamorizing, so I honestly don't see her bringing anything new to the plate besides kermit the frog and a bloody outfit....wow...that's sooo icon worthy.:smilerolleyes:

Wasnt there a similar thread not to long ago about Beyonce regarding the same thing??? These thread topics need to end, they are beyond ridiculous and even more ridiculous that they are coming from Michael Jackson fans.

Everyone in this thread for the most part needs to listen to other music besides what is being played on the radio.


Because there would not be stupid threads like this asking the same thing or being concerned. There are no innovative artists in mainstream music and if anyone thinks Gaga is creative or entertaining then someone really needs to quit with pop entertainment for good.

I am so sick of going on all these MICHAEL JACKSON boards finding that the avarage music most MJ fans listen to is POP pop which is a shame. I really dont feel like wasting my breath on this but I got to....

What makes Gaga an icon? It takes along time to earn such a title and she hasnt even been in the industry but a hot minute. Why are people saying she is unique and creative? Her style has been done countless of times in the past. It was exactly most common in the 80's. Just because she is bringing back a style that most artist in mainstream are not doing does not make it innovative because IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

I dont care if she writes music. So what? big deal.... her music still needs to hold substance whether she writes her own music or not.

I dont know why people are calling Gaga a musician because she is not a musician. A musician is an artist like Stevie Wonder who plays more than one instrument and he plays ALL his instruments in all of his music. Gaga only plays the piano and there are better artists who play the piano better than her so that is nothing near genius or spetacular. There are plenty of better artists than her that do all of the above. Badu, Sade, India Arie, Laurn hill.... this is deja vu because there was a thread similar to this not to long ago.

Its a headache how threads like this constantly come up all the time. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. I dont know why you guys are so pressed about trying to find someone to replace him. He can not be replaced. And if your going to replace him at least let it be someone on his level. Lady Gaga? LOL WTF.... some of yall must be bored....
No, I don't think she would be the one to do that. Icons (on a global scale) are dead and gone as far as I'm concerned. Michael was the last one.
Wasnt there a similar thread not to long ago about Beyonce regarding the same thing??? These thread topics need to end, they are beyond ridiculous and even more ridiculous that they are coming from Michael Jackson fans.

Everyone in this thread for the most part needs to listen to other music besides what is being played on the radio.


Because there would not be stupid threads like this asking the same thing or being concerned. There are no innovative artists in mainstream music and if anyone thinks Gaga is creative or entertaining then someone really needs to quit with pop entertainment for good.

I am so sick of going on all these MICHAEL JACKSON boards finding that the avarage music most MJ fans listen to is POP pop which is a shame. I really dont feel like wasting my breath on this but I got to....

What makes Gaga an icon? It takes along time to earn such a title and she hasnt even been in the industry but a hot minute. Why are people saying she is unique and creative? Her style has been done countless of times in the past. It was exactly most common in the 80's. Just because she is bringing back a style that most artist in mainstream are not doing does not make it innovative because IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

I dont care if she writes music. So what? big deal.... her music still needs to hold substance whether she writes her own music or not.

I dont know why people are calling Gaga a musician because she is not a musician. A musician is an artist like Stevie Wonder who plays more than one instrument and he plays ALL his instruments in all of his music. Gaga only plays the piano and there are better artists who play the piano better than her so that is nothing near genius or spetacular. There are plenty of better artists than her that do all of the above. Badu, Sade, India Arie, Laurn hill.... this is deja vu because there was a thread similar to this not to long ago.

Its a headache how threads like this constantly come up all the time. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. I dont know why you guys are so pressed about trying to find someone to replace him. He can not be replaced. And if your going to replace him at least let it be someone on his level. Lady Gaga? LOL WTF.... some of yall must be bored....

Well said. I agree with everything you said. Just because someone is somewhat talented and the "it" person of the moment does not make them an icon. Simply put, there is nothing exceptional or groundbreaking about Lady Gaga's music or her as a talent whatsover. As you said, where is the substance? I certainly don't hear any of that in her music. If she wants to last, she'll need to actually start making music with substance 'cause as of right now it's more image over substance where Gaga is concerned.

I do enjoy her as a performer though and some of her songs are catchy, but that's it. I'm a casual fan of hers, but trying to proclaim her as the next anything is really just too much if you ask me.
No, I don't think she would be the one to do that. Icons (on a global scale) are dead and gone as far as I'm concerned. Michael was the last one.

i disagree, icons won't stop after michael jackson, they didn't stop after the beatles, it would be sad if michael is the only talent out there ever globally.

Gaga is still new, so 'icon' is not the right word quite yet.
but, Gaga reminds me of madonna, a new generation is coming up, britney spears whom i personally think shouldn't even be an icon was a decade ago. new people are coming up and one of then is Lady gaga. even other artists are talking about what a great writer she is and she plays instruments. the song she did at the vmas where she was hanging with blood made a point that the papperazzi go too far running after celebs in cars etc. and get killed, hurt. so why wouldn't her songs be meaningful?
she dresses unique, her performances stand out, people say shes odd.
but michael dressed weird...... and had a personal life that was odd to people, a monkey named bubbles, oxygen chambers a weirdness that overshadowed talent at times, and as a fan for many many many years, he seemed to like being weird too and standing out, like gaga. yet michael fans are offended by this girl? im not saying be a fan, but i've been reading bad comments about her, that are the same bad comments said on michael jackson! i think i'd save my breathe and talk bad about that awful pop scene of the late 90's early 2000's more! i think we are getting better hopefully a little sooner in the music world again. *prays*
i disagree, icons won't stop after michael jackson, they didn't stop after the beatles, it would be sad if michael is the only talent out there ever globally.

Gaga is still new, so 'icon' is not the right word quite yet.
but, Gaga reminds me of madonna, a new generation is coming up, britney spears whom i personally think shouldn't even be an icon was a decade ago. new people are coming up and one of then is Lady gaga. even other artists are talking about what a great writer she is and she plays instruments. the song she did at the vmas where she was hanging with blood made a point that the papperazzi go too far running after celebs in cars etc. and get killed, hurt. so why wouldn't her songs be meaningful?
she dresses unique, her performances stand out, people say shes odd.
but michael dressed weird...... and had a personal life that was odd to people, a monkey named bubbles, oxygen chambers a weirdness that overshadowed talent at times, and as a fan for many many many years, he seemed to like being weird too and standing out, like gaga. yet michael fans are offended by this girl? im not saying be a fan, but i've been reading bad comments about her, that are the same bad comments said on michael jackson! i think i'd save my breathe and talk bad about that awful pop scene of the late 90's early 2000's more! i think we are getting better hopefully a little sooner in the music world again. *prays*

i think it's only our perception to say that somebody tries to be weird. not necessarily the subject of your opinion.

i disagree that any so called 'weirdness' could ever overshadow MJ's music. just because ten people dress one way, and two dress another doesn't mean that the two are weird and the ten are normal. what is weird and what is normal is the same as saying one person's trash is another person's treasure.

we are all trying to be ourselves, in this world. i don't think musicians are any different. to me, the scary thing is trying to be like the person next to you, instead of being whoever you were meant to be.

i don't think that people get that Michael's 'weirdness' (being different)can be compared to outsiders perceiving that other artists are trying to be different. i think MJ fans get that all that interested MJ is his music. his quote said that the best teacher is to watch the masters at work. he didn't say, the best teacher is to see how my neighbor dresses. and Michael's music seems to answer the call. his music gives its all, because he gave all to his music.

and i'll go out on a limb and say that these MJ fans wouldn't be here, no matter how MJ dressed, if his music wasn't as powerful as it is. nothing can overshadow his music.

i don't get why MJ's habits are a standout to people. loads of people have owned exotic animals. Steve Irwin wrestled crocodiles. Seigfreid and Roy almost got eaten by the tigers they tamed.

some people think Slash wearing tons of body art might be weird. some don't. so..i don't get it.

but i do think that some fans may be awkwardly trying to say..myself, included..that, people are less likely to notice MJ's being different, as opposed to GaGa or another artist being different because of the timelessness of MJ's music, in comparisons to others. even the people advertising Elvis' 75th, are saying that Michael Jackson is eclipsing him a little. and that is because it's been 30 years, since Elvis' death, and, perhaps, a portion of his music MAY be considered timeless. we don't know about GaGa's timelessness, yet. but, MJ has had 45 years, to go stale. and, the original Ben, sounds as fresh as the snippet of 'Another Day'.

this is probably why we Mj fans may come across as hypocrites, in comparisons of visuals between MJ and GaGa, but really, we are not. it's just possible that GaGa's songs are getting stale, so we notice other stuff about her, while MJ is still timeless, so it's harder to notice the other stuff about him, subconsciously.

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