A second icon who will break the barriers MJ setted


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A lot of people wouldn't even consider an icon who could break barriers and set new levels of entertainment . I believe there will be ever since I've red the sales of Lady Gaga.
The woman sold +20 million singles and 8 million albums for a debut . The problem here is that we're neglecting artists like her.
The sales are very impressive because she started off with the fame a year ago . She setting new trends and a new era in music has come.
I just love the drama pop she's bringing . The lyrics are not always looking good but she's bringing that funky disco with an electronic pop sound back.

what are your thoughts on the future?
Lady Gaga? Oh please.......talk about destroying music. Oh wait...it's not even music. And let's not even talk about how she acts during award shows and in general..nice example for the young girls out there, who probably look up to her.
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Lady Gaga an icon?!....:lmao:
you need to earn the status ..ICON, and i'm sorry but she has not even got with in a sniff of having that title. Our Mike EARNED his iconic title through years and years of hard work, dedication and perfectionism.. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Lady Gaga? Oh please.......talk about destroying music. Oh wait...it's not even music. And let's not even talk about how she acts during award shows and in general..nice example for the young girls out there, who probably look up to her.

I disagree. Okay she's obviously not an icon, but he writes and composes her music, she's crafting her image which isn't a carbon copy of the Britney Spears factory and she's setting trends that are entirely her own. Her music isn't very diverse I'll admit, but look at the charts today. Taylor Swift? Miley Cyrus? I'm sorry, but Lady Gaga is not a bad thing to happen to music. As far as young girls looking up to her goes, why is it this always pops up with young female artists? She isn't a role model. She's a musician. She shouldn't have to compromise her image because some parents feel they should let their children copy any image they see in T.V.

In my opinion, Lady Gaga is the best new thing thing to happen to Pop Music for years. :)

EDIT: P.S. I'm not comparing Gaga to Michael, that would be like comparing a Youth Hostel to The Ritz-Carlton, but I don't think we should shun other successful artists of today who are real musicians and are making an impact. (Oh, and she has cited Michael as one of her influences!)
I hate to :burstbubble burst your bubble but.. noo.

And can sosmeone please tell me that this isn't what the world will look up to know that Michael isn't here!:mello:

I don't think that there will ever be another icon like our Michael.:( IMO anyway.. no offense.
I disagree. Okay she's obviously not an icon, but he writes and composes her music, she's crafting her image which isn't a carbon copy of the Britney Spears factory and she's setting trends that are entirely her own. Her music isn't very diverse I'll admit, but look at the charts today. Taylor Swift? Miley Cyrus? I'm sorry, but Lady Gaga is not a bad thing to happen to music. As far as young girls looking up to her goes, why is it this always pops up with young female artists? She isn't a role model. She's a musician. She shouldn't have to compromise her image because some parents feel they should let their children copy any image they see in T.V.

In my opinion, Lady Gaga is the best new thing thing to happen to Pop Music for years. :)

EDIT: P.S. I'm not comparing Gaga to Michael, that would be like comparing a Youth Hostel to The Ritz-Carlton, but I don't think we should shun other successful artists of today who are real musicians and are making an impact. (Oh, and she has cited Michael as one of her influences!)

I agree with you here...I don't think she's an icon by any means (I really don't think she'll ever be one either, she'll burn herself out too fast)..But I really like her music, and at least she's creative and different...
lol as if. shes the hot thing of today just like all the others, she will prob be gone in a few years or be a one album wonder and the next big thing will come along/be created by a record label.
IMHO...well not to say anything negative about Lady GaGa....but our world has gotten so messed up within the past few music generations...That people will call anything music....with that being said..Lady GaGa does have a talent....I will grant her that..however her videos are very disturbing....all I see in them is sex and violence......she is a former stripper and if you watch her videos you can definitely see where she incorporates those skills into them. Her videos disturb me more than her music does...i think if she wasn't so vulgar she might have more fans...In my opinion ..she could NEVER beat Michael.......Thanks for the thread.
She's so OVERRATED..she's ok, but not all that great..all of her music sounds the same..
Lady Gaga? Oh please.......talk about destroying music. Oh wait...it's not even music. And let's not even talk about how she acts during award shows and in general..nice example for the young girls out there, who probably look up to her.
I totaly subscribe this. Lady Gaga an icon? Who is she? lol
I don't want to diss her, she's got a cool style, but no one could ever be compared or overshine MJ in my opinion.
she is talented and innovative. she's got potential. i just hope she uses it in a proper way, before she starts being repetitive. i must admit that in the crumbles of pop music today she is a standout.
to me, the definition of icon has been defined by Michael, because he didn't need the media. the media railed totally against him. while someone might try to describe gaga as different, odd, eccentric, or what have you, that's not enough she is getting help from the media. if it weren't for the splash campaign, i wouldn't hear her music. while we spent time on a previous thread, describing MJ as 'eccentric', i feel that that is a matter of opinion. when i saw MJ, i saw nothing but the music. and nothing to prove any 'oxygen chamber' stuff or anything else. and even if it's true, those chambers have been around for ages. nothing strange there. it's all subjective. but people think MJ had to do something outlandish or outstanding to stand out. they think his music cannot survive without videos, because he put MTV on the map. we've recently heard music, without videos, from him. we've heard as little as a snippet, and it sent us over the moon. what distinguishes MJ as an icon, is one thing, and one thing alone. his music. nothing else is needed.

the day when it can be said, beyond the shadow of a doubt that lady gaga and others can survive on the music, alone, and thrive above everybody else, by a long shot, on the music alone, i can't see any more icons.
Theres no point making a thread like this.

As soon as you mention a current artists name in a Michael thread. They WILL all pounce on you and rip you and the artist apart.

Ive learnt that.

A lot of fans here are set on auto pilot and automatically think you are comparing this artist to Michael.
to me, the definition of icon has been defined by Michael, because he didn't need the media. the media railed totally against him. while someone might try to describe gaga as different, odd, eccentric, or what have you, that's not enough she is getting help from the media. if it weren't for the splash campaign, i wouldn't hear her music. while we spent time on a previous thread, describing MJ as 'eccentric', i feel that that is a matter of opinion. when i saw MJ, i saw nothing but the music. and nothing to prove any 'oxygen chamber' stuff or anything else. and even if it's true, those chambers have been around for ages. nothing strange there. it's all subjective. but people think MJ had to do something outlandish or outstanding to stand out. they think his music cannot survive without videos, because he put MTV on the map. we've recently heard music, without videos, from him. we've heard as little as a snippet, and it sent us over the moon. what distinguishes MJ as an icon, is one thing, and one thing alone. his music. nothing else is needed.

the day when it can be said, beyond the shadow of a doubt that lady gaga and others can survive on the music, alone, and thrive above everybody else, by a long shot, on the music alone, i can't see any more icons.

Wow, great post.
I disagree. Okay she's obviously not an icon, but he writes and composes her music, she's crafting her image which isn't a carbon copy of the Britney Spears factory and she's setting trends that are entirely her own. Her music isn't very diverse I'll admit, but look at the charts today. Taylor Swift? Miley Cyrus? I'm sorry, but Lady Gaga is not a bad thing to happen to music. As far as young girls looking up to her goes, why is it this always pops up with young female artists? She isn't a role model. She's a musician. She shouldn't have to compromise her image because some parents feel they should let their children copy any image they see in T.V.

In my opinion, Lady Gaga is the best new thing thing to happen to Pop Music for years. :)

EDIT: P.S. I'm not comparing Gaga to Michael, that would be like comparing a Youth Hostel to The Ritz-Carlton, but I don't think we should shun other successful artists of today who are real musicians and are making an impact. (Oh, and she has cited Michael as one of her influences!)

Yep at least GaGa isn't Miley. And that is why I respect her is because of her creativity. And I am attracted to creative artists.

And I am so afraid that this thread will close like the other Gaga thread in News.
Theres no point making a thread like this.

As soon as you mention a current artists name in a Michael thread. They WILL all pounce on you and rip you and the artist apart.

Ive learnt that.

A lot of fans here are set on auto pilot and automatically think you are comparing this artist to Michael.
who is ripping her apart? certainly not me. that's a stretch to say that. the bigger trend is mistaking the idea that MJ fans are 'one dimensional'(not true)with acknowledging the fact that MJ set a HIGH mark. He set it. others have to deal with that. should we not acknowledge what he did? i think it's wrong to assume that MJ fans don't recognize other music. but at the same time, you shouldn't have to force us to notice someone else. if their music speaks loudly, we will listen, just like we have, with MJ.
who is ripping her apart? certainly not me. that's a stretch to say that. the bigger trend is mistaking the idea that MJ fans are 'one dimensional'(not true)with acknowledging the fact that MJ set a HIGH mark. He set it. others have to deal with that. should we not acknowledge what he did? i think it's wrong to assume that MJ fans don't recognize other music. but at the same time, you shouldn't have to force us to notice someone else. if their music speaks loudly, we will listen, just like we have, with MJ.

I didnt say anyone was ripping her apart. But that generally happens in threads of this nature.

I havent said anything of what your implying. Ive simply said that fans here automatically respond to things like this with a mega defense when its not really needed. . . .

As soon as a current artists name is mentioned in a new thread with Michael you see the same responses over and over again putting down the original poster and at times the artist being mentioned.

I would bet my house that most of them dont even read the first post.
Hmm I'm not sure...I think people are just speaking their opinions. Unless I'm one of the people you're talking about. :ninja: :lol:
I enjoy some Gaga songs and outta all morons who make music and call themselves artists today she is one of the few original ones. But she is no icon
she is talented and innovative. she's got potential. i just hope she uses it in a proper way, before she starts being repetitive. i must admit that in the crumbles of pop music today she is a standout.

Totally agree. She's a standout.

But I think making predictions about her becoming an icon puts too much pressure on her or any artist. If she gives it her all, appreciates her success, and stays grounded within the whirl of fame madness, she might one day reach that level.

Then again, her current ascent could easily turn into a descent. Look at Amy Winehouse. Or even Britney. Britney's done a turnaround and is back on top, but she's been through hell.

I wish LG all possible luck.
LG = an icon? :swoon2: In my country Gaga means :fool:
I love Lady Gaga

but she is no Michael, Michael was out of this world.

I can't even begin to explain Michael's influence, Michael is an icon for reasons that can only apply to him.

I'm not trying to dog Lady Gaga but she will not touch Michael, do not get me wrong I think she is awesome sauce but she's not Michael.
I didnt say anyone was ripping her apart. But that generally happens in threads of this nature.

I havent said anything of what your implying. Ive simply said that fans here automatically respond to things like this with a mega defense when its not really needed. . . .

As soon as a current artists name is mentioned in a new thread with Michael you see the same responses over and over again putting down the original poster and at times the artist being mentioned.

I would bet my house that most of them dont even read the first post.

lol..ok..aside from saying u didn't say something that u later said, later in ur sentence, lol..

consider putting ur house on the block. nobody is putting anybody down. what's reallly happening here is we are being asked to minimize Michael's massive impact, and water our comments down to where the media is, on him. or worse. nobody is going to be satisfied with how we laud kudos on MJ. so, we might as well go on lauding them. it kinda makes up for what the haters and the media are doing. and it seems they get less chastised than we do.

the fact is, MJ earned every ounce of big time respect we give him. we can't be arsed with being scrutinized with how we do it. other artists do have to beware. MJ earned it. it is needed.

one thing i always thought was a good idea, is when i get frustrated with how people are posting, i simply avoid the thread.

also, there are plenty of other so called Michael Jackson forums where MJ will get bashed enough to satisfy you, perhaps. and other artists will get leveled up to equal him.
lol..ok..aside from saying u didn't say something that u later said, later in ur sentence, lol..

consider putting ur house on the block. nobody is putting anybody down. what's reallly happening here is we are being asked to minimize Michael's massive impact, and water our comments down to where the media is, on him. or worse. nobody is going to be satisfied with how we laud kudos on MJ. so, we might as well go on lauding them. it kinda makes up for what the haters and the media are doing. and it seems they get less chastised than we do.

the fact is, MJ earned every ounce of big time respect we give him. we can't be arsed with being scrutinized with how we do it. other artists do have to beware. MJ earned it. it is needed.

one thing i always thought was a good idea, is when i get frustrated with how people are posting, i simply avoid the thread.

also, there are plenty of other so called Michael Jackson forums where MJ will get bashed enough to satisfy you, perhaps. and other artists will get leveled up to equal him.

Nope. I said that what usually happens is the original poster gets ripped apart. I havent said it was happening in here. Please dont get all smug, you have no reason to.

I came into the thread to give advice to the original poster that threads like this arent really a good idea.

What are you talking about? Do you have to put words into my mouth in order to prove me wrong? When have I ever said that I wanted to see MJ be bashed? How dare you even insinuate such a thing?! I have never said I wanted to see MJ bashed or ever implied that I wanted to. I also havent said I want to see other artists mentioned on the same level as him.........If you have to put words in my mouth or make me out to be something im not in order to get your point across then I really dont think theres any point in discussing this...

You come across as very arrogant when your in a debate/arguement with someone. Ive noticed that. I saw it in the Beyonce thread as well.

I remember in that thread that you accussed me of starting an arguement in there because I was bored. Where did you get theory from? Hmmm.....