A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality [Discussion]

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yep, I've been poking at some threads to create events. Ask Stella :)

lol...I think this calls for:

All of Michael's musicians respected Michael and understood the perspective of his music. That creates a bond. Every band member who was on board with him had a certain amount of respect and a relationship with him. The result of that is magic. In Michaels mind everyone behind the scenes and on stage were family. To him that was the foundation of succes.

Jennifer is just someone who didn't connect with MJ offstage. Respect for each other is the most important factor in every department. After miss Batten told me that she thought that Michael was guilty to the child molestation charges, I lost my respect for her. You don't need to play a judge even after someone was rightfully aquitted of those charges. She is trash, and in my honest opinion I was glad Michael didn't call her onboard for THIS IS IT.. Period.

Is there a video of her saying that? og an article or something?

I hope she did not say that crap!
We know most of Michael's musicians didn't connect/like him, because of Greg Phillinganes.. How dare I mention someone kind enough to work on Immortal and be nice about him!?!

People don't seem to have been around long enough to know people and what they've said about him. Most people on this board probably don't know he was interviewed some time after '93 and the interviewer asked him about working with MJ and he said something like, 'Let's not talk about that.' So why should we be targetting Batten? She's not the only one to say he was guilty. Heck, in 2005 almost everyone was anti-Jackson. Many a time have people took the mick out of Michael, and Batten is nothing special from anyone else who has done. She doesn't need mentioning...This isn't Batten's Bad Tour in Wembley DVD release, it's Michael's.

Now can we PLEASE go
for Bad 25?!?!?!?!?
No idea. link has been making rounds today. I was hoping someone could tell. 12 minutes of Bad :)

I believe it is L.A. or Kansas. - But I think it is L.A. - StellaJackson posted it in the chat when I asked for L.A. footage! :) - And thanks to Stella BTW. :)
Holy shit!
This is brand new information!!

And it SUCKS that the DVD won't look nearly that good!
Does this person have the whole show?

It looks so perfect and crystal clear......
Its Los Angeles last date. Last Bad tour concert. Pay attention to the title in t3 site MICHAEL JACKSONS LAST CONCERT. Also it even has MITM white shirt which is obvious LA.
Holy shit!
This is brand new information!!

And it SUCKS that the DVD won't look nearly that good!
Does this person have the whole show?

It looks so perfect and crystal clear......

how do you how the DVD would look?
Ugh, I totally forgot about 2000 watts (and that I can't get into it). I usually find the stuff there in other places.
Anyone have a link for DL?
oh, come on. you're being silly. You saw the sample of Bad.
It won't look like this.

And, *know.

and just a few days ago the bad musicians that saw the FINAL work said that it was more than fine actually said "fantastic"
Well, I'm crossing my fingers it'll look something like that...

Wishing, hoping, dreaming, BEGGING :D
i'm sure it does look fine.
(i like that you bolded FINAL)
more than fine actually said "fantastic"

Yes, i know. I know, I read that. I'm sure it's viewable, at the least.
Though, it's not like the musicians had anything to compare it to at the screening.
What's everyone planning on doing the day they watch the DVD? Anyone have any rituals? Snacks, drinks, friends, family, etc? :D
What's everyone planning on doing the day they watch the DVD? Anyone have any rituals? Snacks, drinks, friends, family, etc? :D

My girlfriend, my kid brother, my mother and I are all sitting in my living room and watching it together :D
What's everyone planning on doing the day they watch the DVD? Anyone have any rituals? Snacks, drinks, friends, family, etc? :D

Two of my friends, my mom/aunt, and two of my cousins will watch the concert together with some soda/chips :)
Not sure what I'm planning on doing....Definitely watching it with my bf and sister...Maybe my dad, too...Lots of snacks, maybe some wine :D
I`ll be projecting it full screen on the wall...even if quality is 'bad' I want to see one new concert just as if MJ if performing for me...
I'll likely just watch it alone in my dark, dank room... 'Cause I lead a tragic life like that :p
I wish we had it now because I would want to watch it on Michael's birthday. I am looking forward to it.
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