7 months without Michael

Time is flying fast and I'm getting older everyday. This mean my time is coming fast to meet Michael. This is what I think to make me feel better :(
But BillieJean, dont ever think of taking pills or sort of. It's like a suicide :( Michael wouldnt want us to be like that :( I know it's painful as it's already 7 months and sooner, it'll be 1 year,2 years... 30 years ?? :( BillieJean, maybe you could imagine Michael. I do that all day. In my imagination, Michael is immortal and he still lives at Encino. And he forever stays like that in my imagination. It makes me feel so much better. When I go youtube to search for interviews and videos and with my imagination running it felt to me as though I'm living in the 80s era :D As Michael said, you can skip reality with imagination and fantasy.
I don't want to stop hurting because if i'm not hurting then i'm not feeling him. I'm not saying i'm constantly in doom and gloom, i have to continue to live my life for my kids and me but i also need to feel the pain in my heart and sense the void that has been left there.
Sometimes i can watch a dvd or listen to a cd and feel incredible joy and am so thankful he left us so much but other times its so hard..................
Don't knock others for needing to share their feelings, we can't bottle everything up inside for fear of causing hurt. That hurts even more.
You cant go on ignoring them. But some people might not even realise certain things and will have a much better day not knowing!

It was Christmas Eve and I didnt even consider the fact that Christmas day would be half a year without Michael. Then you just see a thread title saying it. Then all through Christmas day it was on my mind, when I wouldnt have even known had I not seen the thread.

You dont have to actually come into the thread to see what its all about, the thread title says it all. I saw it right from the index of the forum.

Personally, things like this dont bother me to much. The Christmas one I would have preferred not knowing, but threads like this dont bother me. Im just thinking of all the other fans that it does bother.

You may wake up on the morning of the 25th and not even realise that it has been a certain ammount of months since MJ died. You could be all set to have a great day, then you pop onto the forum and are reminded of the significance of the day. It can affect peoples entire day.

This might sound a little insensitive. But if someones upset, why should everyone else be brought down with them just because they need someone to talk to? A better idea would be to PM a member you are quite close to.

The other thread I remember was the one about how 2010 was the first year since 1957 without Michael Jackson. Its a brand new year and people are excited and happy to be making a fresh start. Maybe even feeling good that the year Michael died is behind us. Then they are suddenly met with this realization which just brings them back down again. I just think it causes more harm than its worth.
I know you can't ignore the titles, but besides that I don't think it's such a big deal like 'it affects peoples entire day'. Personally I feel it's not the way to ignore these dates, it HAS happened...so why should we forget?! This is a big part of our fandom, just as all the other subjects on Michael are. So no, being restricted to just PM'ing with someone is really no good....that would mean we couldn't talk about our feelings at all, my god! We should be open with each other and yes, people can go too far in their pain and take others down with them, but since the Support-section has closed down there's only been touching and innocent threads as far as I see.

It's not good to say what people can and cannot...we all have to get through this time....we have to give and take, and yes...some people might be hurt by reading things, but everyone handles it different and you can't please all of us anyway. Whether you restrict talking about it or not. Let's focus on what matters. :)
I know you can't ignore the titles, but besides that I don't think it's such a big deal like 'it affects peoples entire day'. Personally I feel it's not the way to ignore these dates, it HAS happened...so why should we forget?! This is a big part of our fandom, just as all the other subjects on Michael are. So no, being restricted to just PM'ing with someone is really no good....that would mean we couldn't talk about our feelings at all, my god! We should be open with each other and yes, people can go too far in their pain and take others down with them, but since the Support-section has closed down there's only been touching and innocent threads as far as I see.

It's not good to say what people can and cannot...we all have to get through this time....we have to give and take, and yes...some people might be hurt by reading things, but everyone handles it different and you can't please all of us anyway. Whether you restrict talking about it or not. Let's focus on what matters. :)

Just look in this thread and the others I have mentioned and see peoples reactions. It certainly does affect peoples entire day, and that could be avoided quite easily. Im not saying forget Michael died, im just saying lets not have a thread every month on the anniversary of his death, and a thread about every little thing in general.

Im not saying what people can and cannot do, im just asking for people to be a bit more considerate.

When someones relative has died, do you go up to them reminding them every month how long it has been since he has died? Reminding them of every little event that relates to that relatives death? No, if realising it can be avoided then it should be avoided IMO.

Im just expressing my opinion. I just find some of the threads to be quite unnecessary.
Just look in this thread and the others I have mentioned and see peoples reactions. It certainly does affect peoples entire day, and that could be avoided quite easily. Im not saying forget Michael died, im just saying lets not have a thread every month on the anniversary of his death, and a thread about every little thing in general.

Im not saying what people can and cannot do, im just asking for people to be a bit more considerate.

When someones relative has died, do you go up to them reminding them every month how long it has been since he has died? Reminding them of every little event that relates to that relatives death? No, if realising it can be avoided then it should be avoided IMO.

Im just expressing my opinion. I just find some of the threads to be quite unnecessary.
That's okay, not attacking you or anything.... ;D I don't think it's a bad thing for people to realise it's been that and that time since....ofcourse they will be sad, but you can't stop that anyway, like I said. It will all take time and yes, people can be more careful but until this far I don't think there's anything bad to be reminded like we are reminded now. Think it's good to stand still every now and then and think of all that happened. It's nothing to be compared to a relative that died, that's a whole other thing...ofcourse you won't remind them everytime, and yes Michael meant even much as a relative would maybe, but it's still a 'fandom' and this fandom needs each other cuz we're all feeling the same. So no, restrictions wouldn't do.

But we all think differently...just like you and I feel different about grieving, so will others. Just gotta keep that in mind.
As others have said, sometimes you get this "weird" feeling ... usually when you hear one of Michael's songs and go into auto-pilot and try your best (and fail!) to sing along and do the facial expressions like the ones in amyzabeth's signature. For a split second, normality resumes.

Then the head numbing realisation that he's gone sinks in and it feels so strange.
I just feel so depressed....it bugs me that he's not here with us

he should still be here!!!!!

I have no clue how to deal....yesterday at Best Buy I was kinda hoping Michael would just pop out and surprise us....but of course I knew otherwise.

The words "Michael is gone" just sting my heart and do not fit in my vocabulary.
There is no doubt that this is a family! Everyone seems to be still in a shock with great pain! I keep waking up everyday and then I realize Michael is gone. It is the same pain each day. I still keep thinking I am going to wake up and find it was all a dream. :depressed: For the past 24 hours all I could do is just cry and think about how much I miss Michael. There isn't a single word in any language that can even begin to describe. Of how much I truly miss my beloved Michael. I will never stop missing him...it hurts so much. :weeping:
When Prince said that in his speech last night, I just could not believe that it's been that long. It feels like it was just yesterday. :(
You guys I honestly do not know what I am going to do....

This is very very bad, I just cannot get over it...It's driving me insane!!!

I miss him so so so much, I really don't know what's going to happen to me, I cannot feel okay moving on without him.:boohoo:boohoo:boohoo:boohoo

Life feels so awkward.
I am getting worse and woste. everything's getting worse for me.

the first 3-4 months were better as if i still had not undertood what really has happened. i was just sad but today, i am angry, i am afraid, i am heartbroken, i am disappointed, lost, bewildered and i miss Him like crazy :weeping:

and i know its gonna get worse as days go on...
I dont know what I am doing now. I feel like crazy again. Few days ago I could still be happy but now I'm all over again too. The more I listen to his songs, especially pre Bad era albums, I would think, "Michael's not here anymore..he's not here anymore.Stop thinking that's he's still here"..stuff like that. This message is repeating and repeating inside my head everytime I try to escape the fact that's he's gone in reality whereas alive and restored in his 20s in my fantasy. It ruined my whole fantasy with this head talking. Imagination is like not working for me anymore :cry: I miss him so much that I wish I am the one that replace him from the vitiligo,the death,the pain,the humiliation and all the burdens he had throughout his life :cry: I wish Michael's still here doing the concert and we all discussing not of this topic instead how happy we were to attend his concerts :cry:
I just had a mega breakdown watching tribute videos, crying fans, rehersal footage (that's the worst) and reading through the cardiac arrest thread that started it all. I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that Michael has indeed passed away and is not physically living and breathing anymore but I still can't get my head around it. It's confusing, watching footage of him with so much life, happiness and energy then it hits me again and I can't come to terms with it. I just want him to come back more than anything. I miss you so much, Michael. :boohoo:
I miss Michael so much.
Oh god, when I heard Prince and Paris speech, the tears couldn't stop falling. And I saw a picture of little Blanket, he looked so sad and scared..you just wanna hug that little angel. Poor baby. My heart is crying for Michael's children and family. :(
I haven´t seen the whole grammy show yet - so I cannot relate to the speech of Prince and Paris. My prayers are with Michael´s amazing children. I´m so proud of them - they have got very strong personalities. Bless them!!!!

Stay strong!!! I know, it´s hard - but I also know that Michael is at peace now!!! Don´t do ever forget that!!!