2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice

it's Michael's real voice (2000Watts)
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I don't think its altered either I thought teddy said it wasn't altered also, Mike's vocal coach said he can sing and talk in a deep voice there's a video of it on you tube somewhere
If it wasnt altered then how is there this version :eek: This sound so much better to me than the album version :yes:
How is it possible for someone else to alter it and make him sound like himself :lol:
i think MJ can sing deep (as the original song) EASILY. Why would MJ sing this song in this KEY? WHY? LOL Makes no sense when he can sing it like it is. Listen to MJ's background vocals for any song of his, and listen real carefully to his harmonizing. MJ can sing DEEP lol
If it wasnt altered then how is there this version :eek: This sound so much better to me than the album version :yes:

You take MJ singing in a deeper pitch...and u alter it by raising it up a pitch lol

To me this version sounds really odd.
and what does altering his vocals prove? lol

It doesnt prove anything only that you can alter the pitch if you want
I took a J5 song of Michaels and lowered the pitch so it would sound
more like his voice today - its his voice so it will indeed still sound like
him weather you raise or lower the pitch ..

Making the pitch higher for 2000 Watts doesnt prove Michael altered it
It ONLY proves YOU altered it - :D

NOT you specifically but the person that raised the pitch in that video.
What's that, an original?

No its not original. Some dude altered it down to what he said was MJ's pitch. It was good, but I DONT believe MJ altered it. I think MJ can make his voice sound that deep. It wasnt like its Issac Hayes deep so I dont know why so many people believe its altered.
Why would Michael alter his voice to begin with? Just to make a point?
He's not the type of man who would fake anything, especially with his music.

It's been well known for a while now that Michael has a very wiede vocal range, and this only prooves it.
BTW it's been said that his voice is naturally deeper than whan we're used to hear but he likes the more child-like tone, that's been a romour for a long time.
this doesn't in any way prove that the original is a pitched-down version. the only thing this proves is someone wasted their time pitching-up the original

there's a phenomena called a formant and Michael has proven that he can change this frequency range naturally on many occasions; J5master mentioned harmonizing and i'll refer you to the Akon prank call as a clear example of changing natural formants - something very hard for most people to do.

this is merely an underappreciation of the extent of Mike's vocal ability.
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Interesting topic.

Here's what I think. 2000 Watts is on another level when it comes to michaels deep voice. What I mean by that is that the SOUND of his voice in the song sounds artifcial. This doesen't have to mean anything. We all know michael can sing deep. And I mean real deep. So we can all agree on that. No news flash there.

When it comes to this song. Why is it a bad/negative thing that the voice is altered? The first time I heard it in 2001, I kinda went whoaaa... is that MJ, then I learned about the song and the THEME of the song. So I accepted that the voice was altered, but, NOT to make his voice sound deeper, because he already sings it kinda low.

It's not like they altered his voice on the whole album, IMO they chose to do that so it would fit the whole theme and feel of the song.
Michael can sing in deep voice and the vocals in 2000watts have been altered so what.I think they have put some effect in his voice so what`s the big deal
If it wasnt altered then how is there this version :eek: This sound so much better to me than the album version :yes:

Have you ever thought that it may be one of the first versions Michael did record? We all know that each song is recorded in many ways, with different voice tonations, etc. and at the end the best sounding one is chosen.
they simply slowed down the song after it was finished
that way his voice sounds deeper.

the version in that youtube video is playing the song with a little
extra speed ...so thats probably the way it was recorded originally
and the way michaels voice originally sounded when he sung it.
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The first time i herd this song i was like this isnt MJ :lol: i still don't think it is him but his voice sounds really different in a lower tone
this doesn't in any way prove that the original is a pitched-down version. the only thing this proves is someone wasted their time pitching-up the original

there's a phenomena called a formant and Michael has proven that he can change this frequency range naturally on many occasions; J5master mentioned harmonizing and i'll refer you to the Akon prank call as a clear example of changing natural formants - something very hard for most people to do.

this is merely an underappreciation of the extent of Mike's vocal ability.

Hey arXter, can you explain this thing called formant a little more? I've never heard of it and I'd like to know more and how it applies to Michael.

People aren't aware of how gifted Michael is as a vocalist, actually, not even his fans, as you pointed out.

He can sing much deeper then the range sung in "2000 Watts", which most people aren't aware of. He can sing very low base, all the way up to well passed High C, in full voice. People underestimate him as a vocalist to an incredible extent.
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OMG everyone who is saying MJ never lowered the vocals he is gifted so on......SHUT UP! yeah we all know his talents BUT he HAS pitch shifted his voice before in more extreme circumastances that this so do us a favour and go to the next thread cuz you are wrong
Yes, and Seth Riggs is the living proof for this too (in addition to Wannabestartingsomething's response)
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Right Alma.

OMG everyone who is saying MJ never lowered the vocals he is gifted so on......SHUT UP! yeah we all know his talents BUT he HAS pitch shifted his voice before in more extreme circumastances that this so do us a favour and go to the next thread cuz you are wrong

Michael's range is extensive. He can sing lower then on "2000 Watts", that's a fact.
wannabestartinsomthin21 said:
He can sing much deeper then the range sung in "2000 Watts", which most people aren't aware of. He can sing very low base, all the way up to well passed High C, in full voice. People underestimate him as a vocalist to an incredible extent.

exactly. if he couldn't sing 2000 Watts that low, he would not have "altered his vocals", he would have just gone ahead and sang it an octave higher. besides, there is footage of him speaking lower/singing lower in the past, there's no doubt that he's capable of it.
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