19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August? [merged]

Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

wow..i didn't even know that. thanks for that.]

and thanks everyone for the news

I didn't know about that either! That really is an amazing story and shows how amazing Michael really is!
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

It shouldn't look like work, is what the reviewer meant or should have meant. A great performing artist will make the extremely difficult look extremely easy and they will always look like they are having fun or they will look, physically, like the embodiment of whatever song they're singing. If the song emotes joy, the performer should look joyous, if the song emotes fear, the performer should look fearful or hesitent, if the song emotes sadness, the performer should look meloncholy, etc... And as the reviewer began to point out, it is the subtlety of a performers gestures which defines their performance. A good performer will always hold your attention. And Michael is the blue print for what a performing artist should do and be.

Several times lately I have seen reviewers do a review of someone (I think Chris was one and Usher another) who was using MJ's moves but the reviewer commented on their carry through or that it looked too stiff or unatural or too carefully thought out leaving you to understand he didn't think that of Michael's performances.
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Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Thanks for this exciting news! Celine Dion is gone, now Vegas needs another blockbuster...
Michael please go!
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Just in case if anyone does not know or remember, it has to be noted that "Thriller 25" marketing/promotional schedule is officially compiled up to last up to October of this year.

As well as with "news" about single being released in June, August/September releases could be very well remixes from "Thriller 25".

That may be so, but I haven't seen any promotion for Thriller 25 in long time, with the exception of the UK release of WBSS08, which was a complete farce anyway since even fans didn't realise it had happened.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

thanks for the exciting news !!! i wonder which of the 3 options he will choose.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

thanks for the exciting news !!! i wonder which of the 3 options he will choose.

None, I would guess. I think the part from the Wall Street Journel was made up speculation.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

You can already tell that the media is gearing up to "explain" whatever move Michael will make in a most negative light. They are so bent on trying to convince the public that Michael is only "coming back" because he is broke and needs the money. Truth is, they don't know what the hell is going on. And I am glad Mike aint talking.

exactly. its always the same this is how they work.just like hyping up that hes gonna be at every award show going and when he doesnt its all about stage fright. then come the articles about never performing again. so when/if nothing happens in vegas it all fits with what they have been saying.nice little agenda to keep the masses brainwashed.
completely random MJ fringe sighting:

watching a new My Super Sweet 16 episode on MTV for a girl named Kat ... and her daddy wants her to hire a bodyguard to protect her at the party

so in walks none other than a former MJ bodyguard from the trial. he's the huge white man who always wore the Matrix-type sunglasses

he tells her that he's worked for MJ and britney spears and she says "ohhh! I love both of them!"

random. yes i know
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

None, I would guess. I think the part from the Wall Street Journel was made up speculation.

Yes that is what is so incrediable about this story
and it just get more incredibible as it is passed on
like gossip _ It is ALL Just specualtion -

The begining of the article they said there was NO COMMENT from Colony
and then they contradicted that statement in the way they wrote it .. it was
all conjecture or what the possibilties could be But NO actual Facts or confirmations
Just someone wild imagination of what could be or could happen .

Why do people read it as it it contains actual facts or any confirmation _
KNOCK that OFF :cheeky:
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Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Yes that is what is so incrediable about this story
and iyt get more incredibible as it is passed on
It is ALL Just specualtion -

KNOCK that OFF :cheeky:

Funny. You made me laugh with that. :D
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Yes that is what is so incrediable about this story
and it just get more incredibible as it is passed on
like gossip _ It is ALL Just specualtion -

The begining of the article they said there was NO COMMENT from Colony
and then they contradicted that statement in the way they wrote it .. it was
all conjecture or what the possibilties could be But NO actual Facts or confirmations
Just someone wild imagination of what could be or could happen .

Why do people read it as it it contains actual facts or any confirmation _
KNOCK that OFF :cheeky:

Ha-ha, WORD UP! :yes: