19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August? [merged]

Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

Music History for June 19 (I just have to add this because I think it is incredible):

1988 - Over 3,000 East Germans gathered at the Berlin Wall to hear MICHAEL JACKSON. Jackson was performing a concert on the other side of the wall in West Berlin.
What a great story. This is the sort of thing that Michael has done and the media has ignored, Why? No other performer has done it like Michael. He effected every one.:yes:
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Wather the article has truth of it or not.. I would not count out Augest/September as months to get a new single... Not saying they WILL..

But it will come one of these months, and we'll always be saying.. "No not yet."

We'll since we act like that we'll get the single durring the time that we are 'not yet'..

Either if it's Augest 2008 or freakin Augest 2009.. We'll be saying 'No not yet.' lol!

So watch, it will come and it will be a suprize to all of us..

I personally think the album will be out in time to make the Grammy cut off date. Release right before the cut off, that way the album is FRESH and NEW durring the grammy's.
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Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Im not believing any of this as of yet. Im somewhat excited....but nothing major because I really dont know how credible the information is by Leech. So far...we have heard alot of talk but no actions. And until I see some action...then I refuse to believe anything 100%
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

well they said they were gonna be on his tour i mean i dnt know how much clearer you can get than that.

Here is a link to the original post. It seemed people on the board ran with it and turned it into a Signature said thing.


Originally Posted by Irish Flower
Signature were on Richard & Judy today. Before they finished their segment they asked about working on a tour with Michael Jackson. They just said they were in talks about something but didn't give any more information.
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

Anyone see this??

It's called "The myth of Michael Jackson in Vegas"...


Interesting. The problem is that as soon as the Wall Street Journel printed it other 'viable' news media like the NYT felt safe to report it. In the past WSJ was a venable paper but it is now owned by Murdoch. People better get used to not being able to take it seriously. And we know from the articles from FGox that are banned here and from what Aphrodite said that Murdoch likes twisted news about MJ.

It will be interesting to see what Capital has to say or if they will make a statement.

Bye the way... great find.
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Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

The one thing i will say is that, 1. It was reported that Michael had gone in studio with LEONA and that the duet would be out in 3-4 months , this was by my old friend RUBBA who obviously due to legal and contracual contacts to Michael cannot reveal anything much anymore as the projects must be now be near to completion!!

So August and September could definetly be true dates , and i think you will all very much have some surprises your way because Michael said himself he wanted new singles out before the album!!

KOPV thank you for your investigatiions, you are very clever, i used to use same approach with Jonathan from SONY MUSIC UK... lol

Dont discount anything from now on, but bear in mind, Michael is now in studio with engineers and mixers, this is what happens when the cd is going to final production, however it could be just for singles!! LOok out people its getting exciting!!

The other thing to take in account is that it takes approx 3 months to promote publish etc, an album, however not so long for singles!!

Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

The one thing i will say is that, 1. It was reported that Michael had gone in studio with LEONA and that the duet would be out in 3-4 months , this was by my old friend RUBBA who obviously due to legal and contracual contacts to Michael cannot reveal anything much anymore as the projects must be now be near to completion!!

So August and September could definetly be true dates , and i think you will all very much have some surprises your way because Michael said himself he wanted new singles out before the album!!

KOPV thank you for your investigatiions, you are very clever, i used to use same approach with Jonathan from SONY MUSIC UK... lol

Dont discount anything from now on, but bear in mind, Michael is now in studio with engineers and mixers, this is what happens when the cd is going to final production, however it could be just for singles!! LOok out people its getting exciting!!

The other thing to take in account is that it takes approx 3 months to promote publish etc, an album, however not so long for singles!!


Thank you very much for that info. I am very ignorant about the music making process but it seems even in my ignorance I got it right. My reasoning was that if he was in the studeo alone everything (including his vocals) was laid down and he is doing the final mix together with the studio engineers (who I looked up for that studeo by the way and are nothing to sneeze at). Amazing what one can do with a little common sense, but it is good to have it all spelled out by someone who knows the industry. Thanks again.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Thank you very much for that info. I am very ignorant about the music making process but it seems even in my ignorance I got it right. My reasoning was that if he was in the studeo alone everything (including his vocals) was laid down and he is doing the final mix together with the studio engineers (who I looked up for that studeo by the way and are nothing to sneeze at). Amazing what one can do with a little common sense, but it is good to have it all spelled out by someone who knows the industry. Thanks again.

I'm glad you said that, because I know nothing about the music business either. So now that you have opened up that can of worms, LOL, can somebody tell me what a "STUDIO ENGINEER" does?

What's the difference between a studio engineer and a producer? (Since we are talking about music, I might as well get a music lesson. LOL!)
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Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

OMG. I just looked up Leona. I have done it again. Not paid attention to who sings a song I like.. "Bleeding Love". I just played the video on you tube. Wow. Sexy... and I am female and straight. When did we hear Michael went into the studeo with her to record a duet? It is news to me and I thought I was keeping an eye on the man. lol

This will be incredible. :wild:

I'm sorry Michael. I hope we aren't ruining your surprise.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Why would anyone seriously claim that MJ lives in Pahrump? Pahrump is nowhere, there isnt even one swimming pool there.

A few weeks ago he lived on Palomino Lane then he had brought a house in Poughkeepsie...

Maybe Mike himself is spreading those stories, so that no one figures out where he really lives. He needs his privacy :)
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Why would anyone seriously claim that MJ lives in Pahrump? Pahrump is nowhere, there isnt even one swimming pool there.

A few weeks ago he lived on Palomino Lane then he had brought a house in Poughkeepsie...

Maybe Mike himself is spreading those stories, so that no one figures out where he really lives. He needs his privacy :)

Well too late for that. I just checked google earth and there is a stream of people headed for the Palms.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Hahahah Pahrump is also where the prostitution houses are located. It's also the place where a lot of inbreeding are done.
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

Anyone see this??

It's called "The myth of Michael Jackson in Vegas"...


I read that article earlier and the writer said "Jackson's draw remains undeniable."

That sentence made me laugh, because that's the reason they can't stop talking about Mike. I'm sure the media is also at a lost regarding Mike's new associate, namely Thomas Barrack. They should all know by now, not to sleep on Michael Jackson, because homeboy is full of surprises. LOL!
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Did Michael say in that phone call to the Devon party that the album would be coming sooner than we think? I think any date in the near future is very possible!

Also with Signature sayin they will go on tour with Michael. Would it be there tour with him being involved in some kind of way?? Or is it them being an act with him on HIS tour?
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I'm glad you said that, because I know nothing about the music business either. So now that you have opened up that can of worms, LOL, can somebody tell me what a "STUDIO ENGINEER" does?

What's the difference between a studio engineer and a producer? (Since we are talking about music, I might as well get a music lesson. LOL!)

We will wait for someone more knowledgable than us to give us the details but what I know is that when they did Thriller 25 the engineer from the original Thriller album was involved. He spoke about pulling the old tracks for Michael and how they recorded it using all of the tracks that were available and how complex it was compared to anything done in the past. Apparently there was information in this engineers head that was needed to get at the pieces. I think producer and engineer have to work very closely. It seems Michael will be sole producer here from what KOPV heard.

Oh gosh. I hope we haven't found our Christmas presents too early. Is is okay if we just shake the box and check the size?
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

The Palms hotel is located in Vegas, not Pahrump.

I know. But we have just had it confirmed he is spending time at the Palms studio and one person has already stated they are going to get a room there.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

leach also said mj would release a new single in june aswell lol guess someone forget to tell him it was akons WBSS release in the UK lol
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I know. But we have just had it confirmed he is spending time at the Palms studio and one person has already stated they are going to get a room there.

Yeah i have heard a while ago from this board that he was staying at the palms. Who is getting a room there? I was there on Monday at a club lol.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

An engineer's/mixer job is to take the original layed tracks and smooth them out, along with the producer to make the commercial available product, this is a a very complex method and cannot be explained but has to heard.

When a engineer/mixer/producer is involved then the product is very close to final *cut* it is then upto the label to do there work and the artist to start there promotion!

I really think that singles as Michael has said and i am sure WILL I AM has advised him, are the way to go, before releasing a new full studio album while starting a tour or on tour!

Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

An engineer's/mixer job is to take the original layed tracks and smooth them out, along with the producer to make the commercial available product, this is a a very complex method and cannot be explained but has to heard.

When a engineer/mixer/producer is involved then the product is very close to final *cut* it is then upto the label to do there work and the artist to start there promotion!

I really think that singles as Michael has said and i am sure WILL I AM has advised him, are the way to go, before releasing a new full studio album while starting a tour or on tour!


Thanks again. This is so exciting. My first time.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Hmm i don't know what to make of this but it sounds pretty exicting seems like Mike is gearing up for somthing BIG and soon
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I can't help thinking one meeting with Michael has gone Robin Leach into overdrive in terms of wanting to come accross as an insider.

I'm not sure that Michael wants to be tied down on long term commitments, although the deal over Neverland may have included some performing terms.

Could it be another Two Seas situation where it apprears they are willing to back him in some project, only to start trying to own him for goodness knows how long?

I see him as a free spirit and needing to be free as an artist. It must be good to have people wanting him to do things, but difficult with everyone wanting a bit of him, it's enough to retreat and say forget it.
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

I read that article earlier and the writer said "Jackson's draw remains undeniable."

That sentence made me laugh, because that's the reason they can't stop talking about Mike. I'm sure the media is also at a lost regarding Mike's new associate, namely Thomas Barrack. They should all know by now, not to sleep on Michael Jackson, because homeboy is full of surprises. LOL!

I am really loving the media interest here.. they are like a dog with a bone...

these are the elements of a big star... when the media takes time and effort to find out a celeb's next move...

this is a really the sign of a celeb that is stilllllllllllllllllllllll very much on the AAAA+ List..
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I can't help thinking one meeting with Michael has gone Robin Leach into overdrive in terms of wanting to come accross as an insider.

I'm not sure that Michael wants to be tied down on long term commitments, although the deal over Neverland may have included some performing terms.

Could it be another Two Seas situation where it apprears they are willing to back him in some project, only to start trying to own him for goodness knows how long?

I see him as a free spirit and needing to be free as an artist. It must be good to have people wanting him to do things, but difficult with everyone wanting a bit of him, it's enough to retreat and say forget it.

Anything Michael is up too would have been a while in the making and planning and not because of any recent occurance.

When he was first vindicated and all those asrtists got together with Geffin for a charity performance I like many others wanted to see Michael get up there and 'reclaim his thrown". I wanted to see him receive the applause he deserved. I understood later how right it was for him to take his time and do it right. All good things come to those who wait.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I can't help thinking one meeting with Michael has gone Robin Leach into overdrive in terms of wanting to come accross as an insider.

I'm not sure that Michael wants to be tied down on long term commitments, although the deal over Neverland may have included some performing terms.

Could it be another Two Seas situation where it apprears they are willing to back him in some project, only to start trying to own him for goodness knows how long?

I see him as a free spirit and needing to be free as an artist. It must be good to have people wanting him to do things, but difficult with everyone wanting a bit of him, it's enough to retreat and say forget it.

who knows at the end of the day mj owes them $25 mill and it has to be paid one way or the other. i wouldnt be surprised one bit if coloney want him to or have thought about making an offer for mj to perform for them to make the money that way.it would give them huge publicity for their hotels plus the xtra money they would make by ppl going to the shows and the xtra money that gets spent there by ppl who wouldnt have gone there if it were not for mj.

2seas was different that was about recording. this is just about performing. mj could do one or 2 sows and they would make their money back mj could do one show and then sell the T.V rights around the world to the highest bidder. it was said when coloney bought the loan that no deal had been done and they were looking forward to talking to mj. with them being the company they are talks like this are gonna come up but whether theres any real substance to it i dont know.but one way or the other some sort of deal has to be sorted to pay back the money. whether thats just gonna be a normal loan payback or mj doing a couple of shows for them who knows. but tbh i doubt mj has any intrest in doing some shows just to pay back the loan. doing shows for mj happens as part of a bigger scheme.its not something hes gonna do just for the sake if it imo or be pushed into cause its an easy way of paying back the money.its to important a stage of his career to have to do shows like that just to make a quick buck.it has to be planned and wanted to be done by mj most of all

the media are just putting 2 and 2 together because of the likes of dion.mj owes them 23 mill you would make tens of millions by doing one or 2 shows and selling the rights to tv.there would be no need for long term deals. heck mj would make 10 mill if he gave an interivew the media hopes hed be changed to vegas for the rest of his life to pay off what is pretty much a small debt in biz terms. all specualation and nothing more
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Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

Robin Leach's column was emptier than a gas tank is these days.