19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August? [merged]

Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

even emptier over here lol
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I think we will get some singles this year, so why not august and september? And yes I hope the album will come just in time to make the Grammy's - it would be awesome for MJ to have another Grammy winning album- That's an achivement!! (how the he#£ do you spell that word :) )
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

also, all I can say right now about the Robin Leach article is that Barack is becoming a very popular name...

the media are playing games.. its called... speculation..... speculation............. speculation
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

Thank you for the news. Let me calm my nerves before I comment on the Leach article.
Re: 19 Jun08: Its all about mentionings........

Music History for June 19 (I just have to add this because I think it is incredible):

1988 - Over 3,000 East Germans gathered at the Berlin Wall to hear MICHAEL JACKSON. Jackson was performing a concert on the other side of the wall in West Berlin.

wow..i didn't even know that. thanks for that.]

and thanks everyone for the news
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

and as for Ethan..well...yeah...ok, ethan.
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Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

none of the media have a clue and they hate it lol

mj has no need what so ever to perform in vegas for year or to do loads of shows if the show ae about paying the debts off. well one show would do that plus millions more when u sell the rights to tv.
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Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Well. they are keeping on rewriting the same things over and over, just trying to put some fake information more.

I won't pay attention to those rumors.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

[B]thanks CheriumbII for finding this article......[/B]

Linda already posted that article in the news thread before Cherubim posted it elsewhere. Linda just didn't paste the entire article but rather added it as a link. If you look you will see it here. Check post # 7.

Sorry. My mistake. It was actually posted in Mickyj's thread an hour before the news thread opened and over 5 hours before Cherubim posted it.
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Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Sorry but I am finally glad to hear the media talking about him in this manner (true or not) than about that old trial mess. This is a breath of fresh air to me.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?



Madhu Singh, 34, and 29-year-old Suleman Mirza's funny and beautifully choreographed act help them beat more fancied performers to claim second place.

They have both put their careers on hold - Singh is a PC World adviser while Mirza is a trainee solicitor - to concentrate on their act.

Among the companies who have approached them are Virgin Media, offering the pair a six-figure sum to front the company's Bollywood service.


Signature perform on Britain's Got Talent

They are in talks with a major retailer to front a TV advertising campaign and have been booked for a number of corporate events, including four shows in Dubai.

But the duo are most excited about an approach by associates of Michael Jackson - who is planning a world tour at the end of this year - and are hopeful they might perform with their hero.

Madhu says 'So many young people have come up and said "I voted for you", and it is even more rewarding when the older people say it. This is like a dream come true and anything more that happens will be a bonus.

'We know there has been a lot of interest in us and we hope some of it comes off.

'We have been working for this for seven years and it is hard to take in that it is actually happening. But it's been hard work and it doesn't look like I am going to end my record of never having a girlfriend; we are working too hard to think about anything else, so I'm still lonely.'

Suleman says: 'The tour has been brilliant but also knackering. The crowds are overwhelming.

'It would be incredible if we got to work with Michael Jackson. We got a text from one of his friends which said: "Michael Jackson is aware of you and is looking forward to working with you in the future." That is the thing I would like to pursue most of all but of course we need to know what offers we have in terms of adverts and concerts.

'Even my parents have realised that this is no longer a novelty - although my mother has made me promise to finish my law degree.'
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

For the album to make the Grammys it will have to be released before September 30 and I don't see that happening. God knows if there's even going to be a single by that time let alone an album.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

a mess clearly.....
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

I know. But we have just had it confirmed he is spending time at the Palms studio and one person has already stated they are going to get a room there.

A friend of mine is actually going to LA in a week. They will also visit Vegas and if I remember right she told they have booked a room from Palms hoping they'd see Michael there :)

So Robin Leach is the only one who has mentioned the new singles being released soon?
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

A friend of mine is actually going to LA in a week. They will also visit Vegas and if I remember right she told they have booked a room from Palms hoping they'd see Michael there :)

So Robin Leach is the only one who has mentioned the new singles being released soon?

So far. Yes. Xscape was on here today though commenting on the stage the recording would be at given Michael is in the studio alone (or just with the studio engineers). He also mentioned Michael having been in the studio with Leona 3-4 months ago and that was word from Rubba at that time. Everything is buttoned up now which is all the more reason to think it is just about ready to bust.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

In the past WSJ was a venable paper but it is now owned by Murdoch.

To be fair, WSJ was utterly lying and manipulative newspaper before Murdock, too. One could be stunned with mere quantity of direct lies and manipulative half truths they managed to put in even small article.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

To be fair, WSJ was utterly lying and manipulative newspaper before Murdock, too. One could be stunned with mere quantity of direct lies and manipulative half truths they managed to put in even small article.

You think so? I thought they were fairly decent although I didn't read them often. Well not the are not just liars, they are tabloid liars.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

I did not yet see *any* decent media at all through all the years. All "respected" newspapers in G8 countries (except for Japan -- I did not track their media) are consciously lying and manipulating. There is should be no naivety among us that they ever professionally tried to be honest. :(
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

I did not yet see *any* decent media at all through all the years. All "respected" newspapers in G8 countries (except for Japan -- I did not track their media) are consciously lying and manipulating. There is should be no naivety among us that they ever professionally tried to be honest. :(

We always have to read everything with an active brain because even when journalists are thying to be honest it is hard for them to get past their own predjudices but some do have more integrity than others.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Robin seems to keep repeating the same thing so i can't take him seriously this is the same person who said a brand new single would come out in June and most of June is gone already.
Re: New Singles to be Released - August & September?

All this talk is making me xcited !! Would love it if MJ could release a single within the next 2 months or something, that would be a great early xmas present !!
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

You can already tell that the media is gearing up to "explain" whatever move Michael will make in a most negative light. They are so bent on trying to convince the public that Michael is only "coming back" because he is broke and needs the money. Truth is, they don't know what the hell is going on. And I am glad Mike aint talking.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

You can already tell that the media is gearing up to "explain" whatever move Michael will make in a most negative light. They are so bent on trying to convince the public that Michael is only "coming back" because he is broke and needs the money. Truth is, they don't know what the hell is going on. And I am glad Mike aint talking.

That is why I keep mentioning that the article originated in a paper now owned by Murdoch. What you are saying is exactly the spin I am seeing. Some fans said they didn't see anything wrong with the original article. That is what makes it particularly bad. It is cleverly done. When I was first learning about Michael during the trial, I thought that certain Fox articles were more balanced and fair than the rest. At the time they were also written quite cleverly in a way that masked what was really happening.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Thanks for the news.

After reading almost all of the Robin Leech article - I am a doubtful regarding about what the former business partner or whoever he was said about MJ. That person is an ex-employee for a reason. How would he know that about MJ? If MJ agreed to a deal and then all of the sudden does not want to do the deal, how does that make him not wanting to do it or that he is not healthy to do it? I mean, please. The man has a right to change his mind.

I am starting to realized that, after reading some of these articles, that it would be best for media not to assume what MJ is or is not going to do. Speculate is one thing but to make their speculation actual fact or truth is another. Only MJ truly knows what he is going to do. I think what is best for MJ is to finish up that cd, promote it and do what he gotta do with the CD. BTW, I do not believe that everything Robin stated in the article are true. I think the only think that could be possibly true had to be about the singles about because he mentioned MJ might be personally promoting the singles and there is a rumor about MJ doing something with the Ed Hardy designer on July 4th in Vegas.

I think Big Apple is right - KOPV truly seems to be the only one with the scoop.
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Well, after I got over the first part of the article which called Michael "the pop prince", then I read the rest of it. I'm sorry, but he is THE KING of Pop! Not a prince, get it right!
Anyway, I loved Vegas, and now I really want to go there again; I might be able to catch a glimpse of Michael sometime. :wild::clapping::wub:
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Just in case if anyone does not know or remember, it has to be noted that "Thriller 25" marketing/promotional schedule is officially compiled up to last up to October of this year.

As well as with "news" about single being released in June, August/September releases could be very well remixes from "Thriller 25".
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

Interesting review:


The R&B singer-songwriter Ne-Yo, who opened for Ms. Keys, was similarly challenged. During his set he borrowed shifts, shakes and spins from Michael Jackson; they matched his melodies and arrangements, cribbed from the same pop legend.

But Ne-Yo is a craftsman, not a star.
For the duration of his set he had a hat tilted low over his eyes, as if he knew this. Ne-Yo’s gift is structure. He is an almost clinically precise songwriter, which allows for some weaknesses elsewhere. Fronting a band that occasionally mistook itself for the Time, he never asserted himself, even though his versions of “So Sick” and “Do You” were sharp. And though he danced, the moves were perfunctory, as if he didn’t quite mean them.

Unlike Ms. Keys, though, Ne-Yo appears comfortable with his discomfort, or at least has accounted for it. He brought out Fabolous for the thunderous collaboration “Make Me Better,” and was happily outshined by Rihanna, who emerged in a glittery red minidress for a duet on “Hate That I Love You,” which Ne-Yo wrote.

Rihanna isn’t half the singer Ms. Keys is, but it did not matter in the slightest. Mindful that she was the guest, she made only the slightest of movements — a smile here, a head tilt there — and yet she easily dominated the stage. On a very long night it didn’t take five minutes for Rihanna to deliver an object lesson in celebrity: It shouldn’t feel like work
Re: 19 Jun08: More on Possible MJ/Vegas Deal -- 2 Singles in August?

It shouldn't look like work, is what the reviewer meant or should have meant. A great performing artist will make the extremely difficult look extremely easy and they will always look like they are having fun or they will look, physically, like the embodiment of whatever song they're singing. If the song emotes joy, the performer should look joyous, if the song emotes fear, the performer should look fearful or hesitent, if the song emotes sadness, the performer should look meloncholy, etc... And as the reviewer began to point out, it is the subtlety of a performers gestures which defines their performance. A good performer will always hold your attention. And Michael is the blue print for what a performing artist should do and be.
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