17 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

Re: 25 Days!!!!: Official countdown to HIStory v.II

We're down to:

24 Days and 20 Hours :woohoo:
Re: 25 Days!!!!: Official countdown to HIStory v.II

Re: 25 Days!!!!: Official countdown to HIStory v.II

One question that came to my head now: who is going to show in July and bought the ticket for the Ticket Master or Viagogo has already received?
Re: 25 Days!!!!: Official countdown to HIStory v.II

One question that came to my head now: who is going to show in July and bought the ticket for the Ticketmaster or Viagogo has already received?
Re: 22 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!


MODS: Please update title. I've been locked out.
Re: 22 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

still no rehearsal videos, clips nothing?
Re: 25 Days!!!!: Official countdown to HIStory v.II

Nobody has received tickets yet. TM is outrageous!

It's a good thing that they send tickets close to the event date. If touts bought up tickets and received them the week after they booked, with months to go before the shows, they could sell them much easier with the ticket in hand than without.
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

It's 20 days since we have 23 June. The opening night is 23 July. The countdown timer is a day ahead!
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

lol this thread makes me really nervous and anxious
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

major palpatations right now
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

i have just under 7 weeks till mine,talk about palpatations if we are like this now ,what are we gunna be like on the actual day,

LOL i know, im gonna faint for sure i just know it.
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

yeah! I just can't imagine that, I think I'm gonna bite all my nails because of it, CAN'T WAIT!
it's hard to believe that there left that less to wait!
Re: 19 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

OMG This is seriously going so fast! :lol::woohoo: I cannot wait. I get excited each day we come closer! djfshxjvfh O_O 19?! Before you know it it's gonna be a week!