17 Days!!!!: Official countdown to This is IT!!!!

Re: 34 days: Official countdown to launch!

Its getting closer & closer......it so exciting!
Re: 34 days: Official countdown to launch!

I know it's not gonna happen, but wouldn't it be awesome if they aired the first show live on TV... Haha. The ratings would be ridiculous!
Re: 33 days: Official countdown to launch!

It's a bit bizarre than in just over one month from now, Michael Jackson will be kicking off a series of 50 concerts. I've been a fan for 7 years now and in all that time I've been waiting, waiting, waiting for a new album or another tour because in my life as a fan I've never experienced the excitement, the build-up to anything big like that. Now, after all that time of waiting for a big comeback, doubting at times that we'll ever get one, he is back and it's happened so fast. It seems not long ago that he announced out of the blue this concert series and now it's just one month away from happening. Such an amazing time to be a Michael Jackson fan.
Re: 34 days: Official countdown to launch!

I know it's not gonna happen, but wouldn't it be awesome if they aired the first show live on TV... Haha. The ratings would be ridiculous!

I would Loovee that to happen!! The whole WORLD would be watching!! :D can you imagine! x
Re: 36 days: Official countdown to launch!

how shall I do it??
Go to your User CP, then go to Edit Options, then at the bottom under Miscellaneous Options, in the Forum Skin section, you can choose which one you want.

I would Loovee that to happen!! The whole WORLD would be watching!! :D can you imagine! x
Yeah, that would be so cool!! :D
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Re: 33 days: Official countdown to launch!

Time is flying. Can you believe it's been almost three months since the concerts were announced?
Re: 33 days: Official countdown to launch!

Oh my god!! I'm going on the 16th, so 31 left for me :):)
Re: 33 days: Official countdown to launch!

Whether it will be somewhere broadcast? eg Denmark? Anywhere? I can't wait!!!
Re: 29!! days: Official countdown to launch!

OMG we're in the 20's now! :D
Re: 29!! days: Official countdown to launch!

JAM! :punk::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
Re: 29!! days: Official countdown to launch!

Damn, I'm not even going to London and I'm excited!! :wild: :lol:

This is SO cool!!!

Love you, Michael! :flowers: