Support Trial thread


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
I made this thread because the upcoming trial, That thought is grinding me down so much . [ It gets frustrating right ?] so , so much that i had been 'avoiding' online and i don't really want to do that anymore, So i thought that this could be a place- thread that we can just have ready and waiting for when the going gets stupid. because it is stupid. cause I for one , believe M and all of us , are innocent in all of this.
When Wade accuses and spits his story [ Which I believe to be awful lies] It affects us too.
I , for one will cherish m till the day the sky falls down and i have my lovely reasons for that.
i know he is not here to see this happen again but we all took that pledge as supporters that YES we will be there for him, ~ In his " trials and his tribulations, Through our doubts and frustrations"
So , like we promised, Yes Michael . We really still are there for you & the unfortunate circumstances don't change that for many of us here.
We miss you endlessly & in my opinion they killed you, by doing this ... makes me so sad that they wanna do it over and over. We will fight this untill it is stamped out completely. We will have our day in court and we will feel victorious once again. It's now up to us.

In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, Will you still care? Will you be there? ~

Like @8701girl said earlier on the trial thread it feels like 2003 all over again. just that he's not here with us , I felt the very same , so this thread is all i can offer to supporters old and new. We're a tough bunch and do have that 'Rhinoceros skin' like he did because we are warriors too. Just like he taught. because he taught each and every one of us the art of the warrior mind ~ & if any one still isn't convinced [ It's all there in his new documentary as stone cold proof.]

Another song i think is appropriate

Alright. Last words to the scum to come- Give it all you have got Robson. we're really , really , indefinitely ready.
Hit Me.
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Thankyou for
I made this thread because the upcoming trial, That thought is grinding me down so much . [ It gets frustrating right ?] so , so much that i had been 'avoiding' online and i don't really want to do that anymore, So i thought that this could be a place- thread that we can just have ready and waiting for when the going gets stupid. because it is stupid. cause I for one , believe M and all of us , are innocent in all of this.
When Wade accuses and spits his story [ Which I believe to be awful lies] It affects us too.
I , for one will cherish m till the day the sky falls down and i have my lovely reasons for that.
i know he is not here to see this happen again but we all took that pledge as supporters that YES we will be there for him, ~ In his " trials and his tribulations, Through our doubts and frustrations"
So , like we promised, Yes Michael . We really still are there for you & the unfortunate circumstances don't change that for many of us here.
We miss you endlessly & in my opinion they killed you, by doing this ... makes me so sad that they wanna do it over and over. We will fight this untill it is stamped out completely. We will have our day in court and we will feel victorious once again. It's now up to us.

In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, Will you still care? Will you be there? ~

Like @8701girl said earlier on the trial thread it feels like 2003 all over again. just that he's not here with us , I felt the very same , so this thread is all i can offer to supporters old and new. We're a tough bunch and do have that 'Rhinoceros skin' like he did because we are warriors too. Just like he taught. because he taught each and every one of us the art of the warrior mind ~ & if any one still isn't convinced [ It's all there in his new documentary as stone cold proof.]

Another song i think is appropriate

Alright. Last words to the scum to come- Give it all you have got Robson. we're really , really , indefinitely ready.
Hit Me.
thankyou for starting this thread. I feel the stress now. This Epstein case is another excuse for the media to go mad.
I am so sick of it all. Why was Michael made to suffer in life and now his name is being dragged through the mud again?
it is just so unfair. Why do some people like Michael have to go through so much?
my heart is really hurting right now.
From of the look of it the trial can have a good outcome for mj but it's still gonna be a civil trial making it risky. I promised myself I won't get tangled up in the allegations anymore and just watch the think unfold but I'm really anxious about it
I won't lie. Hearing, or rather reading, about this trial has gotten me a little anxious as well. I can only say that the best thing we could do is hope and, if you're into it, pray as hard as possible for inner peace and a swift and just outcome in this. It's too early to tell how things look, but if the Estate has the best possible lawyers on their side (aside from Tom M.) with irrefutable and admissible evidence, then they have a good defense.

I really wish I could say something that would ease all the anxiety. All I can say is that we put it in God's hands that somehow He/She/It makes things right.
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If you guys don't feel like looking at the main trial thread right now. Just want to post this over from @Paris78 thank you Paris very much . It is a nice, uplifting , thought provoking video here. listen to Susan. It, I hope will make you feel a little better.

I sent a ton of stuff to the poor man back in the day. maps/ Postcard books of my city/ history books of my town /city so if he received all of that tenfold from us, he would have to have a huge , huge library to hold it all. So, that made me think when we get to the haters who maliciously/ intentionally or without thought sent other stuff too . ..
You know , I think Susan makes some fantastic points here.
Guys PLEASE help me. I can't stop researching and trying to find rebuttals to haters'/the media's points about MJ.
Why did Rabbi Shmuley change his stance after LN? Saying he doesn't believe the boys are lying?

Also, this article says that his friend, Marlon Brando (who we've seen in the YRMW music video), said this:

What do you guys think?? It makes my heart palpitate and my stomach churn when I read terrible things about MJ. The haters/media/people who believe he's guilty seem to always point something out or have a source that leads me to worry that maybe he did do it.

A reply would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Guys PLEASE help me. I can't stop researching and trying to find rebuttals to haters'/the media's points about MJ.
Why did Rabbi Shmuley change his stance after LN? Saying he doesn't believe the boys are lying?

Also, this article says that his friend, Marlon Brando (who we've seen in the YRMW music video), said this:

What do you guys think?? It makes my heart palpitate and my stomach churn when I read terrible things about MJ. The haters/media/people who believe he's guilty seem to always point something out or have a source that leads me to worry that maybe he did do it.

A reply would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I'm sorry you're going through this. I can only imagine how hard it is on you to have to deal with this whole fiasco.
The first one rabbi Shmuley says he believes them because it was so explicit and emotional and that's complete crap because it's explicit does not mean it's truth. And then when it comes to the emotional part. When I was 10 I knew a kid that could say a complete obvious lie but say it so convincingly even my parents said he was a good liar. To be good at lying you have to convince yourself that it's the truth on some level which any human can do. Taking this into account and the fact that they have acting experience shows that don't come to conclusions on emotion alone.

As for the second one, of course he would cry. You've built this career since you were 5 years old and then knowing you will not die without the word pedophile being attached to your legacy even if your innocent. Damn Marlon show some respect.
Guys PLEASE help me. I can't stop researching and trying to find rebuttals to haters'/the media's points about MJ.
Why did Rabbi Shmuley change his stance after LN? Saying he doesn't believe the boys are lying?

Also, this article says that his friend, Marlon Brando (who we've seen in the YRMW music video), said this:

What do you guys think?? It makes my heart palpitate and my stomach churn when I read terrible things about MJ. The haters/media/people who believe he's guilty seem to always point something out or have a source that leads me to worry that maybe he did do it.

A reply would be greatly appreciated!!!!
i feel the exact same way as you! i doubt myself so much. my dad was trying to fool me about one of michael jackson's albums and i doubted myself just because he said it so matter-of-factly. i guess the saying,"the key is confidence" really is true lol. so many people in this world are such good liars and deceivers. people say they want a better place to live in but they never look at themselves to start with :(
The first one rabbi Shmuley says he believes them because it was so explicit and emotional and that's complete crap because it's explicit does not mean it's truth. And then when it comes to the emotional part. When I was 10 I knew a kid that could say a complete obvious lie but say it so convincingly even my parents said he was a good liar. To be good at lying you have to convince yourself that it's the truth on some level which any human can do. Taking this into account and the fact that they have acting experience shows that don't come to conclusions on emotion alone.

As for the second one, of course he would cry. You've built this career since you were 5 years old and then knowing you will not die without the word pedophile being attached to your legacy even if your innocent. Damn Marlon show some respect.
Hmm that makes sense. Kids can lie and people, especially parents, fall for it and give in.

I feel like people don't understand that some people keep their s3x lives private and are embarrassed to talk about it. It doesn't mean he was resorting to little kids to get that satisfaction.... I just wish more people who knew him would speak up about how he didn't do it. I believe he didn't do it. I've been a fan since I was a kid. I just really want things to be cleared up so I can stop worrying about it and having to wonder if I should/shouldn't still be a huge fan.

I'm also hoping the biopic and the trial will help with this and that people will finally see the truth.
i feel the exact same way as you! i doubt myself so much. my dad was trying to fool me about one of michael jackson's albums and i doubted myself just because he said it so matter-of-factly. i guess the saying,"the key is confidence" really is true lol. so many people in this world are such good liars and deceivers. people say they want a better place to live in but they never look at themselves to start with :(
Yeah, a lot of the anti-MJ articles and haters are so vehement about their point of view that it can be hard not to be persuaded or at least start to doubt our own beliefs about MJ. :/

I want the truth to be more concrete and become well-known to the general public, you know?
I'm sorry you're going through this. I can only imagine how hard it is on you to have to deal with this whole fiasco.
not sure if you're being facetious or not but if you aren't- thank you! It's actually become a problem since I've been obsessed with reading or watching things that argue both sides. My boyfriend can see how much it's affecting me and thinks it's unhealthy for me to keep researching and that it's best for me to just wait and see what the trial and biopic say.

... but it's really hard to stop since it's so important to me x.x
not sure if you're being facetious or not but if you aren't- thank you! It's actually become a problem since I've been obsessed with reading or watching things that argue both sides. My boyfriend can see how much it's affecting me and thinks it's unhealthy for me to keep researching and that it's best for me to just wait and see what the trial and biopic say.

... but it's really hard to stop since it's so important to me x.x
I was being honest. I genuinely am sorry you're having to deal with it in this way.

I didn't want to give any advice, because I didn't want to say the wrong things. But I think your boyfriend has a point in my opinion. It's not healthy to focus so much on the research, especially on the negative parts. If I may, try to look for and focus on the positive every once and a while. Just a suggestion.
I was being honest. I genuinely am sorry you're having to deal with it in this way.

I didn't want to give any advice, because I didn't want to say the wrong things. But I think your boyfriend has a point in my opinion. It's not healthy to focus so much on the research, especially on the negative parts. If I may, try to look for and focus on the positive every once and a while. Just a suggestion.
Thank you so much for the kind words!
Yeah, you are both right... I will try harder to just focus on the positives. I do believe MJ was innocent. I just wish I could have 100% solid evidence that he was, so I can feel happier about my belief, you know? (I have to hide what I'm doing on my phone or laptop if it's MJ-related and my boyfriend is next to me lol. It's getting bad)
Thank you so much for the kind words!
Yeah, you are both right... I will try harder to just focus on the positives. I do believe MJ was innocent. I just wish I could have 100% solid evidence that he was, so I can feel happier about my belief, you know? (I have to hide what I'm doing on my phone or laptop if it's MJ-related and my boyfriend is next to me lol. It's getting bad)
I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that I didn't want to give any advice, because I was afraid that I might say the wrong things or give the wrong kind of advice. I wanted to say something that I think may help you, but I don't know if it would or if it would cause more harm in some way.

I will say that I hope that somehow you feel better from this.
I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that I didn't want to give any advice, because I was afraid that I might say the wrong things or give the wrong kind of advice. I wanted to say something that I think may help you, but I don't know if it would or if it would cause more harm in some way.

I will say that I hope that somehow you feel better from this.
No worries! I appreciate your comment :)
Update: still spiralling out of control and unable to stop watching/researching/ruminating lol. I think I have an addictive personality...

I made the mistake of watching that Youtuber, Roxanne Roxanne's videos of "profile of a ped0phile" and the one about MJ's supposed emotional manipulation. (I see someone has posted those videos in another forum already, but I just want to read more people's thoughts).
Since I don't really want her videos to get any more views I can sum up what she says here (can't remember everything and I don't want to re-watch it):

  • she says MJ's marriages/photos/relationships with women were all not real and were only to prove that he was not gay/into little boys
  • she says he manipulated fans into believing that all the media is fake and lying (similar to what Donald Trump does) and victimized himself a lot to get sympathy and wanted everyone to believe that he was just a naive, innocent victim (with a personality for the public and his real personality behind closed doors) or something to that effect
  • she analyzes the Diane Sawyer interview he did with LMP and doesn't believe LMP and that the marriage was real
Others believe what LaToya said about MJ and believe that the whole story of her husband forcing her to say those things was all made up afterwards so as to protect the family's money-maker- MJ. They silenced her to keep the estate/money going.
I really wish I could just have an opinion and not seek validation from people having the same opinion as me but here I am again wanting someone in these forums to help me feel 100% confident with my belief in MJ's innocence and him being straight and his marriage to LMP being real, LaToya actually lying because she was forced to, and celebrities/friends like Marlon Brando and the Rabbi saying that they believe he did do something with little kids is all just because they want to keep their image safe since they were known to be friends or at least seen with MJ. Now haters say that LaToya was telling the truth and the Jackson family is just using Taj to defend MJ.

Taj has said that his uncle had childlike qualities as well as the genius businessman qualities-- i.e. not a 100% completely naive child, but with some childlike qualities. I do believe that about him. He was too innocent sometimes with what he said. I wish MJ never mentioned "sharing your bed" with someone since everyone spun that into something dirty and it helped fit the narrative of "what is a grown man doing sleeping in a bed with children?" Like Mac said on Larry King, "Michael was never good at explaining himself."

If someone could help me understand why Marlon Brando and Rabbi Schumley changed their opinion on MJ (and Corey Feldman to some extent) as well as Brooke Shields complaining about how he supposedly used her as a publicity stunt to show that he wasn't gay--- that would be greatly appreciated! Brooke said that he lied about dating her when he was on Oprah, right? Was he lying? I guess we will never know because I'm not sure if Brooke is a reliable source anymore. She seems to have changed her opinion on him a lot. :/ What do you guys think? I can understand that maybe he wanted to tell Oprah she was dating her because he wanted to disprove the gay rumours again (and maybe he felt like they had something more than friendship or maybe they really were dating and she said he was lying just because it was trendy to hate on MJ at the time, I don't know). Oh and Tate, too.

I know there are men who claim they slept with MJ and were his secret gay lovers, (like that guy on Howard Stern who said he was with Liberace too), but I'm not sure I buy that. I believe Michael was straight and just had a hard time holding down a relationship because of his super stardom, and not wanting to be with a "groupie" or some other woman who had the wrong intentions. He also wanted to keep his love life private because he wanted the fans to feel like he was still available. His interactions with women and people in his close circle all show/say he was not gay (**and even if he was I would still like him!! not homophobic!!**). I just know that if he was gay, it would help people/haters believe the narrative that he was attracted to little boys.

I choose to believe that him and LMP actually did love each other as much as they could given the media circus circumstances/stress at the time. I can see why people think that all his outings with female celebrities (being seen with Brooke Shields and Madonna) and his marriages were publicity stunts to disprove the gay rumours as well as the allegations. I can see why people say that. He was very good at generating publicity (both good and bad publicity) and had to do some "damage control" so to speak. But, to me, seeing his interactions with female fans and how he flirted, I can see that he was straight and loved and respected women.

Now that I got that off my chest, I hope you guys will understand how I'm feeling and help me (again)!! Please!