Support Trial thread

I made this thread because the upcoming trial, That thought is grinding me down so much . [ It gets frustrating right ?] so , so much that i had been 'avoiding' online and i don't really want to do that anymore, So i thought that this could be a place- thread that we can just have ready and waiting for when the going gets stupid. because it is stupid. cause I for one , believe M and all of us , are innocent in all of this.
When Wade accuses and spits his story [ Which I believe to be awful lies] It affects us too.
I , for one will cherish m till the day the sky falls down and i have my lovely reasons for that.
i know he is not here to see this happen again but we all took that pledge as supporters that YES we will be there for him, ~ In his " trials and his tribulations, Through our doubts and frustrations"
So , like we promised, Yes Michael . We really still are there for you & the unfortunate circumstances don't change that for many of us here.
We miss you endlessly & in my opinion they killed you, by doing this ... makes me so sad that they wanna do it over and over. We will fight this untill it is stamped out completely. We will have our day in court and we will feel victorious once again. It's now up to us.

In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, Will you still care? Will you be there? ~

Like @8701girl said earlier on the trial thread it feels like 2003 all over again. just that he's not here with us , I felt the very same , so this thread is all i can offer to supporters old and new. We're a tough bunch and do have that 'Rhinoceros skin' like he did because we are warriors too. Just like he taught. because he taught each and every one of us the art of the warrior mind ~ & if any one still isn't convinced [ It's all there in his new documentary as stone cold proof.]

Another song i think is appropriate

Alright. Last words to the scum to come- Give it all you have got Robson. we're really , really , indefinitely ready.
Hit Me.
I gotta get something off my chest.

I've been praying to God about this trial for months after it was announced that it was going to happen. I've prayed, in many ways, that things would go in favor of Michael Jackson. But most of all, I prayed for a miracle to happen.

However, a few months ago around Christmas time, someone close to me got sick. It was bad enough that he couldn't breathe on his own. I prayed to god to heal him. I also prayed for a miracle to save him.

I got word that he was doing better and was improving. I praised God and became more of a believer. (I was more of an agnostic.) But then, on New Year's Day, he took a turn for the worst and passed on that evening.

Since then, I had a lot of questions and dealt with a lot of negative thoughts and emotions, especially when it came to God and prayer. What faith I had had been crushed. I decided to stop praying. I haven't prayed since. I felt like I wouldn't do any good. I began to feel pessimistic about the trial. I felt like my prayers for justice for MJ are empty, that either God doesn't care one way or another or that there really is no God after all.

I'm still having a hard time dealing with this person's death. I'm still dealing with a lot of anger and sadness. I have depression and these two events, along with some others, are really weighing heavily on my mind and soul.

I'm not a religious person. I used to be spiritual. But now, I don't know what to think. All I'm doing is trying to get by one day at a time.

I usually try to get people to look at the positives during this difficult time with the trial coming up, but maybe I need some help myself.