You're banned...

You're banned for being so rude to dear oldmoon20!
you're banned for lurking. find anything good while creeping around MJJC or are you just staring at pictures of mike?

because i would probably be doing the latter if i were you.:ninja:
^ Did you just ban yourself?? :lol:

You're banned for banning yourself!
You're banned for not wanting to go to school tommorow. :( Everything ok?
Yeah, it's not too bad I guess, just really cold now it's getting to winter. :( :lol:


Your banned for being in the USA! :)
ah yes, i'm from new england so it's getting chilly here too. although it's not cold enough that it hurts to go outside yet...that's the part of winter i truly dread :lol:

you're banned for having a smiley mood-swing.
ah yes, i'm from new england so it's getting chilly here too. although it's not cold enough that it hurts to go outside yet...that's the part of winter i truly dread :lol:

you're banned for having a smiley mood-swing.

Haha, I seem to have a lot of smiley mood-swings. :lol:

Your banned for being from New England! :D
:lol: you're banned for being my mother country. random, i know.

New England is fantastic and hardly a reason to be banned....unless of course it's the dead of January. Then everyone should be banned for choosing to live in a semi-Siberian like climate.
