You're banned...

you're banned for not having any more reasons to ban anyone

EM Mj you're banned for thinking I'm from Stuart Little lol

I'm banning you cos you have no more reasons to ban left!
You're banned cause I really want MJ posters on my bedroom wall too... :lol:
you're banned coz you're siggy just winked at me :blink:

OMG someone else has said that too!! EEEEE I can send in one of those freaky news thingys "Michael Jackson seen winking in still image on computer screen!" :wild: :lol: But really, you're not the first.. *hugs reincarnated Mike siggy*

You're banned cause I'm loosing it too....
OMG someone else has said that too!! EEEEE I can send in one of those freaky news thingys "Michael Jackson seen winking in still image on computer screen!" :wild: :lol: But really, you're not the first.. *hugs reincarnated Mike siggy*

You're banned cause I'm loosing it too....

OMG , you both are losing it :blink: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you're banned because of that !!!....:lol:
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