Your top 10?

1. Stranger in Moscow - This was the first Michael song I really, truly listened to. I first heard it when somebody pointed out that it sounded very similar to the credits music of Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

2. The Lady In My Life - This used to be an obsession for me. I love the song but it holds many painful memories for me, so I don't listen to it much anymore.

3. Scared of the Moon - What a beautiful song this is. Michael's vocal is quiet and innocent sounding along with the great instrumentation. From start to finish, I love this song.

4. Someone Put Your Hand Out - I am absolutely flabbergasted as to why this never made it onto an album. It's such a great song!

5. Speechless - My favorite song off Invincible.

6. Keep the Faith - Another obsession of mine. I originally disliked this song, but it grew on me and I found that I just couldn't stop listening to it.

7. Morphine - God, this song is so relevant to the terrible tragedy that befell Michael. It has an eerie quality to it, knowing its almost prophetic nature.

8. Ghosts - I know, it's another pick off BOTDF, but the chorus just sounds so awesome. The harmony Michael does sounds amazing.

9. Is It Scary - Yeah. I'm completely whoring out BOTDF. But I just love the original tracks that are on this album!

10. Man in the Mirror - Do I really need to explain this?
1. Morphine

It's such a hardcore song, the beat rocks, and it's completely heartbreaking. Most of all, I love the emotion in his voice when he sings about the Demerol. It's just a genius song, and totally under-rated. Like someone above me said, it has an eerie quality to it that is unexplainable...

2. They Don't Care About Us

The anthem of the people. This is one of Michael's strongest pieces, as the lyrics ring so true in every way. The song is fast-paced, raw and just absolutely great. The video for it (prison version) is made of win. This is definitely one of the most relevant songs in history.

3. Will You Be There?

Absolutely timeless beauty. I get goosebumps every time I listen to this amazing song. It touches me deep inside and it moves me and makes me cry. It's true beauty at its finest.

4. Heal the World

Just amazing. An ode to the human spirit and its ability to become something better, a true call to arms for us all. Heal the world, and make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race. So simple, yet so profound and urgent a call. His superbowl performance of it was just beyond description. I cry every time I watch it, to see so many united in song, for the sake of humanity, in peace.

5. Who is It

Great song. I can listen to it forever. I love his voice in this one.

6. Scream

Michael and Janet collab. Need I say more? :)

7. Dangerous

A great song from a great album. Very entertaining to listen to, and very detailed lyrics. You can just imagine the events unfolding as you listen. All part of the Michael Jackson genius. :)

8. Streetwalker

I just love the way he sings it, really. It sounds so fresh and upbeat.

9. Human Nature

I love the feeling of wonderment this song has.

10. You Are My Life

A great ballad with heartfelt lyrics. Easy to sing along to.
It's so difficult, because I love so many songs, from different eras. I've decided to include Motown and Jacksons songs as well, because there's such a wealth of great material it wouldn't be fair to overlook those moments in his career:

1. Who Is It
Dark, haunting masterpiece. The best song he ever recorded.

2. Morphine
Probably the edgiest thing he's done and the most autobiographical song ever recorded by any mainstream pop artist. Utter genius.

3. They Don't Care About Us
His vocal delivery, the beat, the video, the strings, the harmonies, the lyrics. It's just perfect.

4. Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
This song is so brilliant. The spoken word intro, then bam "aaaoow" and those awesome strings kick in. Funky as hell. If this song doesn't make you wanna move then there's something wrong with you!

5. Walk Right Now
My favourite Jacksons song. Such a great melody and arrangement. Brilliant vocal delivery. I love it when Michael uses his songs to tell a story. This is also probably his first femme fatale song.

6. You Are There
There's just something about this song, it's so melancholic and Michael's voice was so pure back then. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Beautiful.

7. Billie Jean
I know it's a predictable choice, but no matter how many times I hear it I never get tired of it. You don't need me to tell you how perfect this song is.

8. Little Susie
Who else could write this song but Michael? Beautiful, sinister and mournful. Another great storytelling song.

9. Wanna Be Startin Somethin
This song is so alive. Mentally it conjures up memories of all the fantastic live performances he's done of this song over the years. That rhythm is so funky it just makes you want to move. The lyrics are jibberish but in a strange way, it gives the song it's charm. And the chant at the end is something only a true genius would come up with.

10. Earth Song
It's just epic, isn't it? How can anybody not watch his live ad-libs at the end of the WMA performance from 1996 and not be amazed by how talented this man is???

Other honourable mentions:

Beat It (man, that solo!), We've Had Enough, Jam, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror (it killed me not including that in my top ten), History, Push Me Away, Speechless, Monkey Business, Give Into Me, To Make My Father Proud, On The Line.
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I'm glad to see Got The Hots on some peoples lists. That chorus is awesome!
Smooth Criminal
Give In To Me
They Don't Care About Us
Black Or White
Beat It
Dirty Diana
Human Nature
That's hard! This is in no particular order.. and would probably be different tomorrow.

Smooth Criminal
This Time Around
Billie Jean
Earth Song
Who Is It
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
Fall Again
Break of Dawn
Stranger in Moscow
This Time Around

That's an odd choice, although I do like it.

I love how many of his HIStory era songs are more like chants than anything else, the choruses just repeat the same line over and over... "He really thought, he really had control of me", "All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us", "Tom Sneddon is a cold man" etc.

It makes me want to slam my fist down on a table and chant along! ;)
Top 10 MJ songs! that's so heard, are we including the Jackson 5/Jacksons too? i guess i will do both

solo artist
1.Human Nature
2.Dear Michael
3.One Day In Your Life
4.Rock With You
5.Earth Song
7.When I Come Of Age
8.I wanna be Where You Are
9.Liberian Girl
10.Stranger In Moscow

*Honorable Mentions
-We're Almost There
-Heaven Can Wait
-Off The Wall
-With A Child's Heart

Jackson 5/ Jacksons
1.Standing In the Shadows of Love
3.Can You Remember
4.Time Waits For No One
5.Show You the Way To Go
6.Never Can Say Goodbye
7.Find Me A girl
8.Even Though You're Gone
9.I Was Made To Love Her
10.Darling Dear

*Honorable Mentions
-Good Times
-Lala Means I Love You
-Honey Love
-Teenage Symphony
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Nena, I love how old-skool your list is!

It reminded me how much I love some of those old ones. I wish I'd added To Make My Father Proud. Man, he sings the hell out of that one!!
That's an odd choice, although I do like it.

I love how many of his HIStory era songs are more like chants than anything else, the choruses just repeat the same line over and over... "He really thought, he really had control of me", "All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us", "Tom Sneddon is a cold man" etc.

It makes me want to slam my fist down on a table and chant along! ;)
I hadn't even thought of that before haha, but it's true.

About TTA, I don't know why but after Michael's death I just started to listen to it more than before and I think it has actually become the most played MJ song on my ipod :bugeyed
Nena, I love how old-skool your list is!

It reminded me how much I love some of those old ones. I wish I'd added To Make My Father Proud. Man, he sings the hell out of that one!!
Thanks, I love Michael's Entire Catalog but People focus so much on him 1982-2001 when he has so many gems before that. I think his best vocals are as a young adult. There are so many songs I want to add onto the list, choosing only 10 MJ songs is too hard, I keep changing my mind because there are some good ones I don't want to leave out lol
I'm not sure whether I could manage a numerical order, but my current top ten would be something along the lines of...

Off the Wall (OTW)
Rock With You (OTW)
Serious Effect (Dangerous sessions, I think)
Remember The Time (Dangerous)
Jam (Dangerous)
Beat It (Thriller)
P.Y.T. (Thriller)
Carousel (Thriller 2001 SE)
Another Part of Me (Bad)

Possibly with Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Thriller) slotted in somewhere as well. :)
Thanks, I love Michael's Entire Catalog but People focus so much on him 1982-2001 when he has so many gems before that. I think his best vocals are as a young adult. There are so many songs I want to add onto the list, choosing only 10 MJ songs is too hard, I keep changing my mind because there are some good ones I don't want to leave out lol

I know what you mean, his Motown albums and the Jacksons stuff is criminally overlooked by both the public and unfortunately the majority of his fanbase. His vocals on Forever Michael are the purest he's ever sounded. Songs like Dear Michael, One Day In Your Life and You Are There are just beyond beautiful. Some fans are sleeping on some real gems.
I know what you mean, his Motown albums and the Jacksons stuff is criminally overlooked by both the public and unfortunately the majority of his fanbase. His vocals on Forever Michael are the purest he's ever sounded. Songs like Dear Michael, One Day In Your Life and You Are There are just beyond beautiful. Some fans are sleeping on some real gems.
Oh God this was very hard to do, number 1 is my favourite and it goes up from there :)

10. HIStory (Remix Edit)

9. Can You Feel It (Jacksons)

8. Somebody's Watching Me (with Rockwell)

7. Will You Be There

6. You Are Not Alone

5. On The Line

4. Speechless

3. Scream

2. Threatened

1. They Don't Care About Us
1. Will You Be There (its like taking the sistine chapel and turning into a musical composition)

2. Why You Wanna Trip on Me (one of the best Teddy Riley produced tracks ever)

3. Rock With You (Vocally this song gives me the chills)

4. Liberian Girl (Mike turns me into a homo with this one just by the way he sings it)

5. Lady in My Life (Need I say more, MJ's best lovemaking ballad of all time)

6. Earth Song (Again another song that I fall in love because of the vocals, and the message is powerful)

7. Leave Me Alone (Probably my favorite MJ video ever, and the beat is just crazy, I love the layering with the vocals)

8. Man In The Mirror (I swear if I would have seen him perform this live I would have fainted before the ending of the first verse)

9. Remember the Time (OMG oh how I love this damn song)

10. In the Closet (the video mix is so much harder then the album version, but I still love them both...that beat is HARD)
Who Is It
Stranger In Moscow
Earth Song
Give In To Me
Liberian Girl
Dirty Diana
Got The Hots
Billie Jean
In The Closet

For now this is my top 10. I'm sure it will change later for me. As it always does.
This was incredibly difficult.... you may notice that I'm a Dangerous fan... :cheeky: #1 is my favorite.

10 - Black or White - I'm a big fan of the MJ rock songs... no exception here. Great vocals, great message... Slash on guitar!

09 - Smooth Criminal - the fact that this song was almost left off of "Bad" makes me somewhat comfortable in the quality of what's in the vault of unreleased material. Just a classic -- great live performance and visuals as well.

08 - Who Is It - the beatboxing, the rhythm, the vocals. Amazing song.

07 - Dangerous - example of a horrible demo being turned into a GREAT song. Love the beat, the chorus.

06 - Escape - arguably the best unreleased track. Would love to hear the 2003 version of the song.

05 - Threatened - the best song off Invincible. Love the samples, the lyrics, the amazing beat. It's almost criminal that he wouldn't have sang any of it in TII -- the live music mix was AWESOME though.

04 - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough/Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' - I always group these two together, and usually listen to them back to back. Great beats, make you want to get up and dance!

03 - Man in the Mirror - just an inspiring, moving song. Makes me reflect on life every time I hear it.

02 - We've Had Enough - should have been a single. Great angry MJ!

01 - Jam - great beat, just makes you want to dance. The lyrics are insane and the song is just explosive. Great way to start a record.

Honorable mentions: 2000 Watts, Off the Wall, Earth Song,

Least Favorites: You Are Not Alone, tracks 10-15 of Invincible
1. smooth criminal
2. man in the mirror
3. dangerous
4. for all time
5. tabloid junkie
6. Billie Jean
7. she´s out of my life
8. why you wanna trip on me
9. cheater
10. 2 bad
1. Baby Be Mine (how could this not go live?)
2. Who is It
3. Billie Jean (especially live)
4. Hot Street (its just so catchy)
5. Got the Hots
6. Smooth Criminal
7. You are my Life
8. D.S.
9. Mama's Pearl
10. Liberian Girl

Basically after #1 & 2, those are my faves. Can't honestly put those into order except Baby be Mine and Who is It.
RIGHT NOW it is: (u all now its hard to make a top 10 lol)

1: Give into me
2: Stranger in moscow
3: Unbreakable
4: Dirty Diana
5: You rock my world
6: Speechless
7: Man in the mirror
8: Billie jean
9: Whatever happens
10: Threatened

aaand tomorrow some of the songs has probably chance number. lol
1. The Lady in my life
2. I Can't Help It
3. Human Nature
4. Man in the Mirror
5. Billie Jean
6. Who is it
7. Scream
8. Whatever happens
9. Baby be mine
10. One day in your life
This is hard, my top 10 keeps changing depending on the mood I'm in. Only the nr 1 (WBSS) is fixed cause it's been my favourite song for years, never get bored of it :) Anyway, this would be my top 10 right now:

1. Wanna Be Startin' Something
2. Just Good Friends (feat. Stevie Wonder)
3. Lovely One (live version from the Bad tour :wub:)
4. Will You Be There
5. Streetwalker
6. On The Line
7. Get On The Floor
8. Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
9. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
10. Speed Demon

These are the songs I'm playing a lot at the moment, but I honestly LOVE nearly all of his songs, they just have something special that immediately draws you to them :)
1. Dirty Diana
2. Will You Be There
3. Who Is It
4. Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
5. Human Nature
6. They Don't Care About Us
7. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
8. Man In The Mirror
9. The Way You Make Me Feel
10. Earth Song

Fave movie: This Is It
Fave video: Smooth Criminal
Least fave song: Privacy
1. Who Is It (My favorite song EVER. PERIOD.)
2. Give In To Me
3. Will You Be There
4. Stranger in Moscow
5. Leave Me Alone
6. Another Part of Me
7. They Don't Care About Us
8. Tabloid Junkie
9. Jam
10. Workin' Day and Night

Damn this is hard lol. The top five are accurate as can be though.
I just glanced at my (old) list again, and all I know still is that #1 is "Man In The Mirror" and #2 is "Human Nature". Other than that, the list is completely skewed and in no particular order after #2. There is just NO WAY I could put only 10 of Michael's songs in a ranked list. I'd keep changing my mind every 5 seconds, which is what I was doing while I stared at my "list." Can't do it. -_-
It's incredibly difficult to pick just 10 songs, and even more difficult to rank them, so what I ended up with is (as with most of you) just a snapshot -- if I'd have to make another top 10 tomorrow it would probably be quite different. That said, here's my top 10:

1. Who Is It

2. Give In To Me

3. They Don't Care About Us

4. Will You Be There

5. Stranger In Moscow

6. Smooth Criminal

7. Is It Scary

8. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

9. Leave Me Alone

10. Workin' Day and Night

Favorite Movie: This Is It
Fave Video: Smooth Criminal
Least Fave Song: Can't Let Her Get Away
1. The Lady In My Life
2. Give In To Me
3. Who Is It
4. They Don't Care About Us
5. Stranger In Moscow
6. Billie Jean
7. You Are My Life
8. Break Of Dawn
9. Smooth Criminal
10. Morphine