"You Aint Seen Nothing Yet"

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Ugh, I have to go to bed soon, work tomorrow. How will I be able to sleep without knowing what's going on?
Gaz, couldn't you just PM the news to me now? I won't tell anyone. :innocent:
"There are currently 50 users browsing this thread"

Good to see so many people lurking here :)
And I already saw a sight that almost stopped my heart! -->

I tried to scream, but Chuck Norris took the sound before I made it..

Did you try to scream? Oh you did try. Ok.

Come here, let's cuddle.
I had a dream last night I got to hear new Michael Jackson music or see something new footage. The dream felt really vivid like almost as if he was still on earth. I miss you Michael so much.
Why is there a tag in the Tags for this Thread ( at the bottom of this page) that's called : new song ? ? ?
awwww... This feels like the good ole' days... Just browsing the site and posting silly stuff till the BOMB hits or better the 'Breaking news' is revealed :tease:

The Michael "alive" thingy is quite :blink: though...

I'm HOPING for something :dancin:
how much longer guys???? I worked all day,,,,I am so sleepy...I am trying not to take a nap...lol...
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