Yeezy: I'm bigger than Michael Jackson was

I really think something isn't right with Kanye in the head. His behavior irritates me. He's always talking crap, no matter what it is. He always feels the need to draw unnecessary attention to himself. I wouldn't know any of his songs if I heard them. Is he really even still relevant in music?

"I wouldn't know a Michael Jackson song if I heard one." ---> Said no one ever.
Words from Chris Jericho
THANK YOU Y2J!!!:clap:

At the end of the video, he said Kaney should show some respect. Totaly agree with it, and once Kanye learns to respect other people, he'll do much better.
Mmmm Yes and no. Michael Jackson was astronomically successful (and certainly for good reason), but there are artists who are possibly more successful, and only two: The Beatles and Elvis.

The Beatles and Elvis are great and all, but Michael got the certificate. :beee:

The Beatles and Elvis are great and all, but Michael got the certificate. :beee:


Exactly, none of them recieved that Guiness recocords certidicate and no one has been eble to verifly superior sells than Michael's. I love both The Beatles and Elvis but Michael has been far more successful.
The Beatles and Elvis are great and all, but Michael got the certificate. :beee:


Exactly, none of them recieved that Guiness recocords certidicate and no one has been eble to verifly superior sells than Michael's. I love both The Beatles and Elvis but Michael has been far more successful.

Ahh yes, that's right, I forgot about that certificate ! :D
I feel like going into this a bit more though, so I'm going to talk about it for a bit. It can depend on one's definition of success though. If you define success by how much money one artist makes, then Michael is definitely the most successful as he earned more than the Beatles or Elvis in one year. If you define success solely by overall albums sales, however, The Beatles and Elvis still beat Michael Jackson [Source]
Total available certified units (from available markets):
The Beatles - 257.6 million
Elvis Presley - 206.7 million
Michael Jackson - 169.7 million

Yes, it is Wikipedia, but each number has one or more sources backing up the certified sales (note the word: certified). I think it is important to note however that would still be no doubt a number of legitimate sales that may not be included in the certified sales, but with such a large gap between the artists (on average ~40 million sales), I don't think it'll make much difference.

As I said however, it comes down to what you personally define successful as. If you define it by the amount of money they earn in a year, Michael has definitely won hands down. I know that Michael had one of the highest royalties for Thriller, which probably carried over to the Bad era, but no doubt Elvis and the Beatles had high royalties too. So if you define it by overall album sales, then The Beatles are the most successful. It's not surprising that Elvis and Beatles have bet Michael in overall sold albums though, they released a higher number of studio albums than him.

Number of studio/original albums released:
The Beatles - 13 (released in native UK and including 1967 Magical Mystery Tour LP)
Elvis Presley - 22
Michael Jackson - 6 (well, 10, if you include when he was a child but I like to focus on his adult career, when he had actual control, just as Elvis and The Beatles would have).

If Michael was to have released twice the number of albums (so 12), and had the same luck, he would probably be beating The Beatles by a small amount so there is that ! :) (I'm not just doubling it because the success of Thriller is something so very rarely seen). There's more to being an entertainer though than album sales (and single sales if you want to include that Guinness certificate).

In my original post, I was focusing on album sales alone as 'most successful', so having thought about it more in depth while writing this, if I was to factor in absolutely everything (successful tours, music videos/short films, albums sales, single sales, money earned, number of albums released etc etc), I would agree and say that yes, factoring in everything, Michael Jackson would indeed be the most successful entertainer of all time ^_^
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I think comparing the sales of each album individually would be a better way to measure who is the most successful, rather than judging by all sales combined. As you said, the Beatles and Elvis had to release a lot more albums to get that kind of number, and each of those albums sold a lot less than Michael's. If you compare the sales album by album, Michael was a much bigger seller. None of Elvis's albums ever sold over 20 million copies, while all of Michael's studio albums did except Invincible. That's a pretty impressive feat! Not to mention that he has the biggest selling album of all time(Thriller), the biggest selling double-album of all time (History) and the biggest selling remix album of all time (Blood On The Dance Floor).

Let's say an artist releases 4 albums in a year, each selling 5 million copies. Another artist releases only one album, but that album sells 20 million copies. They both sold overall 20 million albums that year, but who is the most successful? Well I'd say it's the one who got 20 million people to buy his product, not the one who got the same 5 million people to buy his products four times.

The Beatles and Elvis were more productive than Michael as far as albums are concerned, I'll give them that. But Michael's few albums were more successful than theirs. And he was productive in other areas. Like making timeless music videos, choreography and spectacular world tours. If you take all of that into account, it's easy to see why the Guinness Book of World Records gave the title of "most successful entertainer of all time" to Michael.
I think comparing the sales of each album individually would be a better way to measure who is the most successful, rather than judging by all sales combined. As you said, the Beatles and Elvis had to release a lot more albums to get that kind of number, and each of those albums sold a lot less than Michael's. If you compare the sales album by album, Michael was a much bigger seller. None of Elvis's albums ever sold over 20 million copies, while all of Michael's studio albums did except Invincible. That's a pretty impressive feat! Not to mention that he has the biggest selling album of all time(Thriller), the biggest selling double-album of all time (History) and the biggest selling remix album of all time (Blood On The Dance Floor).

Let's say an artist releases 4 albums in a year, each selling 5 million copies. Another artist releases only one album, but that album sells 20 million copies. They both sold overall 20 million albums that year, but who is the most successful? Well I'd say it's the one who got 20 million people to buy his product, not the one who got the same 5 million people to buy his products four times.

The Beatles and Elvis were more productive than Michael as far as albums are concerned, I'll give them that. But Michael's few albums were more successful than theirs. And he was productive in other areas. Like making timeless music videos, choreography and spectacular world tours. If you take all of that into account, it's easy to see why the Guinness Book of World Records gave the title of "most successful entertainer of all time" to Michael.

You raise some very, very good points ^_^
I love how we often try proving that MJ is the best on the forum... It's kind of funny actually too because most of us here know that already yet we try to prove what we already know to others who already know it. haha!! We are on the forum because we are super fans and we know what MJ's about.

I do it all the time too and when I think about it I could laugh
Back on topic to Yeezy, he sorta mentions 'glass ceiling' thing in last week's interview on the Jimmy Kimmel show:
At around 2:20, he explains why he compares himself to other people. While I don't believe he said a few weeks ago that he was greater than Michael Jackson, if he ever does compare himself to someone else, now you know what he means by it. Almost a minute after that (just after 3:00), he then starts mentions that he's reached his glass ceiling. Just like Michael Jackson reached his glass ceiling, Kanye has reached his glass ceiling as well. They then go on to talk about paparazzi soon after that, which I'm sure we can all relate to, being fans of Michael Jackson.

He does actually mention Michael in another part of the interview, but talks about how he broke the racial barrier in the 80s with MTV and his short films etc. Oh and here you can see Kimmel tell Kanye straight up that a lot of people think he's a jerk (2:40 onwards).
Back on topic to Yeezy, he sorta mentions 'glass ceiling' thing in last week's interview on the Jimmy Kimmel show:
At around 2:20, he explains why he compares himself to other people. While I don't believe he said a few weeks ago that he was greater than Michael Jackson, if he ever does compare himself to someone else, now you know what he means by it. Almost a minute after that (just after 3:00), he then starts mentions that he's reached his glass ceiling. Just like Michael Jackson reached his glass ceiling, Kanye has reached his glass ceiling as well. They then go on to talk about paparazzi soon after that, which I'm sure we can all relate to, being fans of Michael Jackson.

He does actually mention Michael in another part of the interview, but talks about how he broke the racial barrier in the 80s with MTV and his short films etc. Oh and here you can see Kimmel tell Kanye straight up that a lot of people think he's a jerk (2:40 onwards).


This guy is a complete mess. :blink:
You shouldn't have to tell people you are the best or the greatest. People should tell you that. That's the way I look it at. That's great if he has confidence in himself and thinks highly of himself. It's a tough business. People also don't like him because he has been rude and disrespectful to other artists. You don't go on stage and tell people they don't deserve the award someone else does or even him too. He doesn't like his friend working with this guy and so on. He is not a teenager but a grown man and a father now. It's a combination of things that rub people the wrong way. If this is all like and "act" for like an image or something well you don't want it backfiring on you down the road.
You don't go on stage and tell people they don't deserve the award someone else does or even him too.

I look at the Kanye West/Taylor Swift incident the same way I look at the incident where Michael Jackson dangled Blanket: A stupid, heat of the moment mistake. Both were stupid for doing what they did, but we all make mistakes from time to time. I know that MJ properly apologised later (despite saying he was tightly holding Blanket, which he did appear to be, there was still no excuse to dangle a baby from such a high point when he was able to hold Prince and Paris in a more suitable and secure position) and I know that Kanye apologised multiple times (even personally calling Taylor, she accepted the apology), but then again, so he should have.

I think he has earned the right to say he is great or, in his words, a 'creative genius', even if it does come off as cocky. The thing is, every single one of his albums has been commercially and critically successful and even if you don't like his music, which is of course perfectly fine, it still doesn't change the fact a majority of it is well received by many listeners and critics, along with the fact that he has influenced many rappers in the game. If he's still continuously producing material that is both commercially and critically successful over a decade into his career, I think it is safe to call him a 'creative genius'.
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He didn't just do it to Taylor Swift. It happened at other shows too to other people.

He can think whatever he wants about himself. It's good to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. It's the way he treats other people is the problem. I am not into rap music but I see people like Ice T or LL Cool J etc and they seem like nice people to me.
He didn't just do it to Taylor Swift. It happened at other shows too to other people.

He can think whatever he wants about himself. It's good to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. It's the way he treats other people is the problem. I am not into rap music but I see people like Ice T or LL Cool J etc and they seem like nice people to me.

Oh yeah, looking it up again, he did it once before (but apologised for that too, not that it makes it any better). I don't know though, I've heard accounts from people who've actually talked to him and said he was pretty nice, unlike the general public's perception. Hell, even on that video I posted (from 2:40 onwards) when Jimmy Kimmel tells him that a lot of people think he's a jerk, he speaks for a minute about how Kanye isn't actually a jerk, how he went to a wedding for a friend of his - who Kanye didn't even know. Like I'm not saying he's perfect, and he was an asshole for interrupting up on stage both times, but overall, I don't think he's as bad as the general public perceives him. People who have actually spent time with the guy offer contrasting accounts.
I am sure he can be a nice person. I don't want to judge him too harshly. I don't know him and I see how people still treat Michael even now. I don't want to be like those people. They didn't know Michael and can be so mean.
I am sure he can be a nice person. I don't want to judge him too harshly. I don't know him and I see how people still treat Michael even now. I don't want to be like those people. They didn't know Michael and can be so mean.

Yeah, that's why I'm always... cautious as to how I view celebrities. I'd rather look into them a bit and see who they really are as opposed to just blindly follow what the tabloids and general public feel. After all, public perception can be so misleading. A decade ago, tabloids (and I suppose the general public) treated Michael as a monster who had a 'thing' for little children, when really, if you actually look into who he really was, he wasn't no where evil like the tabloids made him out to be.

It's because of that I try my best to look into who the people really are... I'm just not really a fan of blindly following public opinion and I suppose that view started when I became a fan of Michael Jackson :)
LOL "Bigger", maybe he's talking about the size of his head.
Can't wait til the end of November to see him again. Really cool stage setup he has this tour.
I'm fairly certain you were being sarcastic, but whatevs.

Yeah. He has this big mountain and an oval screen that acts as a sky and projects a camera feed of him.
Also, the lights shooting down from the top of the arena create this sort lights-from-the-sky effect.



His tickets aren't exactly selling like hot cakes.. Jay Z was right when he fought with him over production costs the last time around
The latest from Kanye, full interview here as I only copied MJ part:
On advice from others & MJ comparisons:

I stay in a room in Kris Jenner’s house so I sit down with Oprah and heads of studios. I’m not gonna mention they names. Everybody got some advice for me and say like ‘Michael Jackson didn’t do it like this. But I aint Michael Jackson, I’m not just a musician. I’m a christian, revolutionary, visionary, products person.

Is he seriously suggesting that Michael was just a musician, but not christian, visionary, revolutionary, products person as he describes himself? If so, he needs to have some history lessons of Michael:)
He is idiot to even dare to thing music today is fluenced by him and that is anything betrer than Michael Jackson. Your damn right Kanye West you are not Michael Jackson, while Michael let others praise him this fool is singing praises of himself.
There is no way in hell this guy isn't mentally ill.
Sing your own praises while standing at the corner and giving out free tickets to your shows.
Kanye West needs to understand what humility is first! Michael knew what that was........and in that respect Kanye West is nowhere near the legend that was Michael Jackson.