Would you want to BE Michael Jackson?

would you want to BE Michael Jackson?

  • Yes!!!

    Votes: 35 20.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 78 44.8%
  • For a day?

    Votes: 61 35.1%

  • Total voters
^ Thanks. :giggle: I dunno how smart it would be, because I noticed MJ is so careful with those people so I can't help but believe he's being truly smart, 'cuz I can be a real "smart-a**" sometimes, when people are being rude, intrusive, ignorant or thoughtless - like they suddenly have no idea that everyone's a friggin human being like them. :D I would feel they need reminding now and then :lol: and I'd probably try to use humor to do it... or I feel I would anyway ..
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^ Thanks. :giggle: I dunno how smart it would be, because I noticed MJ is so careful with those people so I can't help but believe he's being truly smart, 'cuz I can be a real "smart-a**" sometimes, when people are being rude, intrusive, ignorant or thoughtless - like they suddenly have no idea that everyone's a friggin human being like them. :D I would feel they need reminding now and then :lol: and I'd probably try to use humor to do it... or I feel I would anyway ..

Well, that is because that is how Katherine taught them all. It is wisdom. But not so easy to always do when buttons are being pushed.:)

Oh, to answer the topic question:

I think I'm just happy letting Michael be Michael; he's doing a good job at it. It is because he is within God's will and he was destined for this. God's grace is sufficient.
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No, I could never, never, never live that way, it's a nightmare. I could not even imagine being that famous, having to live that way. For all his achievments, talents, millions of fans and so on .... I don't care, it's simply not a life I'd want to have.
Sorry if this has been asked before..I did some searching but couldn't find anything..anyway,
Have you ever thought "I want to BE michael jackson. I want to have his fame, fans, talent++" ? Do you think like that today?

I would actually! even though I'm a girl.
I'd love to be MJ even though he's been through hell, nothing can compare to his talent and how much his fans love and support him! To be able to sing like that!!!! and the way he moves... I'd love to be him especially during the BAD era.. he was so hot!! hehee


No. If I had to relive his life, despite his great wealth, that wealth came with a huge price tag. Lawsuits, grueling schedule, not being able to go to the store without getting mobbed...

No thanks.
I voted no. Being Michael Jackson would be impossible, even for a day! He's got people with him all the time, and there's so much criticism thrown at him. There's no way i could cope. I mean, i couldn't even cope with my dad telling me to get up this morning without getting into a fight with him - then again, if i were Michael no-one would boss me around!! :p
I would absolutely want to be Michael Jackson! But I think I would do all kinds of stuff that is very uncharacteristic for Mike. But at least I would fill youtube with endless amounts of my (Mike's) songs! Because he is always singing, he could as well record it right! I would not be as perfectionistic as Michael though and also sing silly songs and don't care if it's not exactly right. So that would not be Michael-y. But it's nice daydreaming right!! :D
Naw because greatness is always tested and on that level it gets beyond oridinary. but i respect the Brother always
The question should be CAN YOU HANDLE BEING MICHAEL JACKSON. Cause Michael's life has not been easy....it has been amazing....it has been stellar....but not easy.
The question should be CAN YOU HANDLE BEING MICHAEL JACKSON. Cause Michael's life has not been easy....it has been amazing....it has been stellar....but not easy.

I don't think anyone on this board could handle that! :lol:
hell yeah!
no matter what turbulances he went thru.. MJ is MJ and he's got something I dont have
which is money. so yeah I'd love to be MJ.
Not so many who wants to BE Mj speaks up hahhaa:D they vote yes, but don't write it here!

Alot of "no" though..
but "for a day" keeps getting more votes :D
No!!!!! His life has been a VERY hard and difficult one!! He can't go anywhere he just wants to!! Even in trying to disguise himself he always gets found out!! There is very little peace and serenity in his life!! He is constantly scrutinized,for what he says,does,wears,sings,dances,public life,personal life!! The Money can only buy you material things!! It causes alot of problems in a man like Michael Jacksons life the biggest being TRUST!! Being Michael period,the first and hardest thing in his life is being able to TRUST anyone!! "Money,Success,Fame and Fortune they are all illusions what is real is the love that two can share!!"
Sorry if this has been asked before..I did some searching but couldn't find anything..anyway,
Have you ever thought "I want to BE michael jackson. I want to have his fame, fans, talent++" ? Do you think like that today?

I would actually! even though I'm a girl.
I'd love to be MJ even though he's been through hell, nothing can compare to his talent and how much his fans love and support him! To be able to sing like that!!!! and the way he moves... I'd love to be him especially during the BAD era.. he was so hot!! hehee

No I wudn't. I value my privacy too much. Too much pressure 4 me. I don't know how he does it. Props 2 the "King of Pop, Rock n Soul" U r the master. :)
hell yeah!
no matter what turbulances he went thru.. MJ is MJ and he's got something I dont have
which is money. so yeah I'd love to be MJ.

:puke: lame comment IMHO!! :puke:
said yes. i wouldnt mind being famous. like the idea of being a great singer. plus if i were him i would chose what and how i would go about things.
but ahhh i still like being a girl so only prob.
neimen en norsk :)! thank you ;D

yeah it would be FUUUUN :)
imagen just putting your hand out of a window and people go crazy, haha that's sick!!

Fant ut at jeg snakker med deg på YouTube.com:). Oh yeah, I know. It would been amazing, just to have that effect on so many people. * dreams*
For a day, yes. I'd love to see what goes through his mind, how he views things... and obviously, have immense talents that no one else can rival.

However, I couldn't live like Michael day in and day out - the pressures and the rumors and the viciousness of idiots around you who wanna take you down... I couldn't do it, man. I admire him for being able to get through things the way he does.
:puke: lame comment IMHO!! :puke:

if were in my situation u wouldnt say this
do u know how it is to not have a lot of money?
do you how it is to know that by the 15th of each month u wont have more than $20 for 2 weeks? and this $20 will be devided by 3 ppl?
u dont know a damn thing so spare ur lame comments
No, Michael said it hurts to be him and I believe him totally. Think of all the crap he's been through and goes through daily probably. All the haters, and the nasty things people have said and done to him. Man, I think I'd have jumped off a bridge by now if I was him or at least become a hermit or something. I've got so much respect for the way he deals with things and the strength he has. Admirable beyond belief. He's amazing and I love him so much, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with the things he has to. :( Makes me sad to think about.
i changed me mind!
I would like to be :heart:Michael Jackson more than a day, just to experience fully what is it to be :heart:Michael Jackson, then i will be able to fully understand him and comprehend his life, his pain, things he likes or dislikes his fans to do...

then i won't do the things that he dislikes and will respect his privacy. :)

if all fans had that chance, then no one would bother him...

Well, that is because that is how Katherine taught them all. It is wisdom. But not so easy to always do when buttons are being pushed.:)

Oh, to answer the topic question:

I think I'm just happy letting Michael be Michael; he's doing a good job at it. It is because he is within God's will and he was destined for this. God's grace is sufficient.
True, ...but isn't this a 'fantasy' question? :giggle: See, it's a given to me that only 1 person has been equipped by God to actually be Michael Jackson. Its all too easy to say, "If I was him..." this and "If I was him..." that. That's not what I'm saying at all. I took the question on as, would I, as who I am, given my circumstances, want to have his circumstances.

I'm saying that given the fact that Iwas raised by my mother, who's personality is like her father etc. etc., my challenge would be one passed down to me just as Michael's blessing has been one passed down to him. If "I was Michael Jackson", it would likely take more than the usual effort for me than it seems to take for Michael Jackson, to "bridle the tongue" and handle those people with the "quiet and mild spirit".

Michael makes handling interviewers and their audacity, look extremely easy. Makes me realize just what a challenge it could actually be, is all.

Yes, God knew exactly who to make be Michael Jackson :yes:

It's amazing what Michael Jackson has done with being Michael Jackson. Absolutely purely 100% amazing.
I like your responses SOS. You sure know how to sell it. lol. After reading your post I think yeah, ok, there's some nice perks with being Michael Jackson I'd imagine.

People saying others couldn't handle it... well... we shouldn't sell ourselves short as individuals. Maybe it would be tough to jump from our lives into his life, but people are amazing and adaptable. You'd have to be strong of course, but you never know how strong you can be till you are tested. Like the lady who has only 20$ to live off of between three people for the last two weeks of each month, if she traded with Michael, maybe he'd have as tough a time in her place as she would have in his, and maybe each would enjoy the others life for a time but eventually get sick of it and want their old life back. We are each given our struggles and when he says it is tough being Michael Jackson, well it could be tough being any of us. Maybe some have easier lives but then when something tough does come up, do the ones who've had it easy know how to handle it without having been tempered for it?

Interesting question though.
True, ...but isn't this a 'fantasy' question? :giggle: See, it's a given to me that only 1 person has been equipped by God to actually be Michael Jackson. Its all too easy to say, "If I was him..." this and "If I was him..." that. That's not what I'm saying at all. I took the question on as, would I, as who I am, given my circumstances, want to have his circumstances.

I'm saying that given the fact that Iwas raised by my mother, who's personality is like her father etc. etc., my challenge would be one passed down to me just as Michael's blessing has been one passed down to him. If "I was Michael Jackson", it would likely take more than the usual effort for me than it seems to take for Michael Jackson, to "bridle the tongue" and handle those people with the "quiet and mild spirit".

Michael makes handling interviewers and their audacity, look extremely easy. Makes me realize just what a challenge it could actually be, is all.

Yes, God knew exactly who to make be Michael Jackson :yes:

It's amazing what Michael Jackson has done with being Michael Jackson. Absolutely purely 100% amazing.

so true!
I don't know how he can do these things SO calmly and whatever people say he has the "I don't care" attitude because he keeps on doing them no matter what people and the press says.
He could easily go out in public and finally show them he HAS vitiligo, without make up! but he doesn't.. I guess it's because of MJ's strength and he truly believes in himself. He's strong! And just doesn't care what people think!!..I admire him for that
True, ...but isn't this a 'fantasy' question? :giggle: See, it's a given to me that only 1 person has been equipped by God to actually be Michael Jackson. Its all too easy to say, "If I was him..." this and "If I was him..." that. That's not what I'm saying at all. I took the question on as, would I, as who I am, given my circumstances, want to have his circumstances.

I'm saying that given the fact that Iwas raised by my mother, who's personality is like her father etc. etc., my challenge would be one passed down to me just as Michael's blessing has been one passed down to him. If "I was Michael Jackson", it would likely take more than the usual effort for me than it seems to take for Michael Jackson, to "bridle the tongue" and handle those people with the "quiet and mild spirit".

Michael makes handling interviewers and their audacity, look extremely easy. Makes me realize just what a challenge it could actually be, is all.

Yes, God knew exactly who to make be Michael Jackson :yes:

It's amazing what Michael Jackson has done with being Michael Jackson. Absolutely purely 100% amazing.

Oh, SoS, I was fine with your answer. Taking it like a fantasy question is cool. After responding to that part I quoted from your post I was like...oh, now what do I put, I haven't responded to the thread question? ...and that was the answer I came up with at the mo. :) It was not related to your post at all. :no: I just thought for a moment and thought, this is how I would answer this question. Type, type, type. And there ya are.
Yeah I sure as hell would.

Who DOESN'T want to be:

- possibly the most talented person on earth
- famous
- rich
- good looking and get hot guys after you
- people actually care about you
- people being jelous and envious of you
- you get to have an insight into the lives of other famous people i.e. will smith angie/brad pitt etc
- you can buy anything you want
- you have money coming in pretty much 24/7
- Maids, cleaners and butlers
- People scream when they see you with excitement
- Photographers always taking your pics which will make you feel specail and wanted

I wouldn't mind being him.
me too!!!
nope. i'd slap the crap outta people. some people need to learn boundaries and respect. put ur hands on my kids...we got a problem. fan or not
No. I used to wish I was him so badly as a child. Now, I feel sorry for those who do because it really is a sign of a co-dependence and unhealthy relationship. Also, none of you know what his real every day life is like. What if you became him only to find out you woke up crying and hating yourself and grabbed pills to take before the pain would go away. I'm not saying it is a fact, or even a gossip item. I am just trying to prove a point. None of us should want to be anyone other than ourselves. If we are not loving of ourselves most, we cannot TRULY love another truly and completely.
NO. (Ok, for a day, yes ;)

For the first time I've been watching a lot of footage on YouTube and older stuff (DVDs full) of fan-recorded footage... MJ shopping, at hotels, etc. I've never had the chance to be one of the screaming fans outside of a concert setting (well, once when I believe I saw MJ at Disneyland, caught eyes, smiled and looked away), but now after watching so much of this footage I'm feeling sorry for him, actually. Everywhere he goes it takes 10 times as long and is accompanied by a constant cacophany of shutters clicking and "Michael! Michael! Michael! I love you!"

I admire him still further now... for his amazing patience and grace in the face of the constant barrage. I would have totally freaked out by now, yelling at the press and asking the fans to please leave me the hell alone for 5 blessed minutes, lol. It's amazing how he just calmly deals with it all... the time spent, the hugs from strangers, etc. Lots of experience. And patience.

And I wonder now just how much of it he understands. Does he really understand why, aside from the rabid celebrity seekers (who'd scream for anyone) and a few crazies who think he's sending them secret messages with his eyelashes, why we (fans, collectively) can't seem to NOT holler his name and "I love you" every 3 seconds? I mean, I think I understand it. It's because we love him. Really LOVE him. Not like "I totally LOVE fill-in-latest-boy-band's-name-here!", but love as in years of joy and caring and changed hearts/minds/lives. In the din of a screaming crowd, our hearts beg for him to hear US say "I love you, Michael". It's our only way to tell him in person. Michael, look at ME, hear ME so I know that you heard me say it and mean it, so we can personally connect for a brief, surreal second, so I can feel for the rest of my life that I was able to personally express to you how thankful I am and how much you mean to me.

But when there's 10, 50, 500 or thousands of us trying to express that same sentiment every time he tries to go somewhere... I mean, I really feel for him. It's got to suck sometimes. (Price of super-fame, I guess. And not like he didn't want to have the biggest selling album in history, etc. And not like he doesn't truly relish the attention at times. What a mess to think about.) In any case, I would not want to be Michael Jackson,

...just know him ;)

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