Would you want to BE Michael Jackson?

would you want to BE Michael Jackson?

  • Yes!!!

    Votes: 35 20.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 78 44.8%
  • For a day?

    Votes: 61 35.1%

  • Total voters
I chose for a day because it would be fun to have such awesome singing and dance talent for 24 hours XD mwuahah
Some of you need to cheer up, it's not like it's actually going to happen...
well its a yes and know 4me. i wud say yes do to the adoration from pple and to be able 2help those in need with the power/wealth ive obtained. Plus i love getting my picture taken and traveling all over the place. But when i want me time i wudnt be able 2get it..ad thens theres always the backstabbers who just want a piece of u. being michael jackson is definately the hardest job any1 cud obtain and i honestly wudnt wish that on any1
Well, i cant really answer this question because i know Michael Jackson the artist and not the man. I do not know what it is to be him as i do not know his past and present personal life.
No. I have no interest in constantly getting mobbed everywhere, etc. There would be no privacy at all. Also, there can only be one Michael Jackson!
It would be annoying to be hounded by the press every time you went out.


But otherwise it would be awesome!
:D I picked for a day. I don't think I could stand being him for more than that. :no: Too much of an invasion on my privacy but the perks would be fabulous!:yes:

I'd love to have his talent
I'd love to have his drive.
I'd love to be as loving and caring as he is.

However, I don't want to be Michael Jackson.
I'd like to see how is to be him just for one day. Just for day... I wouldn't like for all life I think... Fame like his would be too heavy for me I think.
No, because if i get to be like him then who would I be addicted to?
Yes, I love attention, That paprazzi crazy, high adrenaline madness is the lifestlye I want one day.
When I voted I don't think I could vote "For a day"

But for one day only - yeah, would be fun to see what such fame and popularity was like, but one day would be more than enough for me I believe.

I need my privacy - Yeah, Yeah! :lol:
When I voted I don't think I could vote "For a day"

But for one day only - yeah, would be fun to see what such fame and popularity was like, but one day would be more than enough for me I believe.

I need my privacy - Yeah, Yeah! :lol:

haha :D
well I guess his life is more for the ones who's eager after fame and fortune :)
I wanted to be a pop star when I was a kid haha :D
would be cool to be him!!

at least for a day
Bra tråd, Stine:D I think I would say for a day, to see how it's to be him for a couple of hours. That would be fun or what;)
id love to be able to sing exactly like him so when ever i wasnt able to listen to him i cud sing to myself ...and to be able to dance like him wud be amazing...i love him so much..i wudnt want to be him, id just want to be in his life and be as loving and caring to him as he is to others
Bra tråd, Stine:D I think I would say for a day, to see how it's to be him for a couple of hours. That would be fun or what;)

neimen en norsk :)! thank you ;D

yeah it would be FUUUUN :)
imagen just putting your hand out of a window and people go crazy, haha that's sick!!
Interesting question, but the answers of the poll is even more interesting!
I answered no as the majority also did.

I answered no because I want to be myself, and I want to be able to be a fan of Michael, not to be him!
No! Michael Jackson is one of the most talented people on this planet and he knows that. He's aware of the fact that he's gifted and that he needs to ''share'' that, you can say that because of his talent he has this sort of ''responsibility'' of letting other people enjoy his talent.
I wouldn't know how to handle that without getting paranoid. Even the idea of being really really really talented Michael Jackson wise, turns me nuts. It must be great to have this and to know that you're capeble of getting people excited and get them emotional just because of your singing and dancing, but the constant thought that you need to ''share'' your talent to the rest of the world because otherwise you would dissapoint them , while at the same time you know that the crowd wants and expects more and more of you must be really nerve wracking.
I don't know if i would like to be Michael but i know for a fact that i would love to have his talent. Can you imagine just having 1% of his talent? it would be crazy (The good kind of crazy of course)
Only for a day. Living as MJ only for a day would teach me a lot of precious things. When you get to experience different kinds of life firsthand or secondhand, you can understand people better and as a result, you can grow as a person. Also, I would get to learn how to be a good person becuz that's who he is.

But, only for a day and not more. As many others said, to be on his status would bring you a lot of stress and pressure as well. I remember when he said "Sometimes it hurts to be me" in an interview...To be honest, I wouldn't be as strong as he is.
I could be so wrong in the way I see the life, but I see the up sides as, being surrounded by creative people in the same profession with the same interests, all the time, being able to create all the time, delegating all the things you hate or don't have time to do, to others (even if it does mean learning how to oversee it all), having people around you to keep you constantly on task, eeeking out the privacy you need where everybody around you understands when you do and don't want to be bothered, having opulent, peaceful surroundings to write and dream, and create in, all the time, having others looking over your shoulder for you and watching your back 24/7, being able to have what you want when you want, having hella negotiation power, being able to go anywhere and have people saying yes before you ask them anything lol. . . being able to think of the whole world and its issues rather than some little pocket where you can barely function ...

Heck, even lack of privacy in public would even be ok because you already know that you are "working" when you go out the door, and you pay people to keep people away from you when you're not working and need your privacy.

The downside to lack of privacy is having random "intrusions" into your space when you really do expect to be in private, embarrassing questions in public, but I imagine I'd throw some horrible questions back on people by saying things like, "um, well, I probably won't answer that 'cause its too personal, but now since you feel so free to ask , why don't we break the ice by starting with you, do you have sex with your spouse? :D You're a fascinating reporter, I'm sure the whole world wants to know -

Or I might probably would say something krayzee like "ok you just asked the public part of me a question pertaining to the private part of me and that one isn't sitting here. She's at home watching Lucy re-runs so let's stick to the public stuff" and keep in mind you're talking to the public me. Now we can call up the private me on the telephone and see if she answers but I know her pretty well and she may not ... "

It seems the biggest down sides would be having to deal with all the logistical stuff that has nothing to do with what I do, and people acting a certain way around me or towards me because of the name and/or what being around the name does/could do for them, people who would otherwise not even care that I was in the room, let alone in the world, and even though a pet peeve would be being approached at moments that I expect would be private moments I'd think its not like the imposition that it would be for someone who's not in a public profession.

The positive things though, plus, basically being completely away from the world ALL the time, until random times that I decided to go out?... closing the store, skating rink, mall so I can do my thing in peace? better yet, having dang near everything I could ever need so I'd hardly have to go out?, even a helicopter in the event of an earthquake? (my notion about it anyway lol) homeschooling and keeping my kids away from this wretched world? being able to travel the world at a moments notice? a house big enough that there's always a space to be in that can be quiet and tranquil? um, yes, that would be fine with me. For the occasionally needed stimulation of city life, I'd donn a desquise and get a 'fix' every now and then then run right back home to heaven.

well :unsure: that's the way I see it anyway

I feel that MJ is cut out for it because of his personality being so multi-faceted and him being so used to it. We would have to adjust to things that MJ probably got use to a long, long time ago. It may be nothing like it seems, in real life, for him every day I mean.
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^^that was a really interesting read :)
especially the part u said about asking private questions back, hhaa :D smart!