Would you see THIS IS IT before attending it ?!

I wouldn't want to see the whole thing before, but I know there's no way I'll be able to resist watching some clips and reading about peoples' experiences. I'm not going until the end of August. That's just too long to wait ;)
I thought and decided that perhaps it is better not to know what will be at the concert itself until it will not go.
I thought about it again! I have no restraint and see all that they will write!
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Im flying to London on the 8th and attending the show on the 10th. Im so happy Im attending early july because I would most certain search on youtube for clips. haha

So I will be able to avoid to see clips online and read reviews from critics and fans online.

However.. While in London, I have to avoid too see the covers of the papers. Im sure papers like THE SUN etc will have some kind of cover of the concerts.

Curiosity too would get the better of me. I'm going to a September show, so I'm f*cked in that regards, lol!

I'll be on youtube watching amateur footage from the 1st night, the minute it's uploaded.

As soon as I read that, I knew you were an Aussie. Haha you're a bloody charmer.
on the 9th of july, on my way to school i'm going to buy every news paper :D NEW PICS OF MICHAEL PERFORMING.. how can i resist...
i'll have a week and a bit to wait until i see him live!
i can't wait that looooong!
HEE :)
excited :wild:
Sure I will and I will get more crazier than ever !!! The real thinkg has nothing to do with the web stories, photos or youtube vids, I experienced it at HiSTORY Tour and will do ti again with greater force and MJMANIA !:punk::wild::clapping: