Would you like to be Michael Jackson?

On a more serious note, I think MJ has been WAYYY too cordial and nice to these people. Really. Over and over again. Just too damned nice. If I were him, even for just one day, those gloves or glove would be OFF. They'd never know what hit them. I'd be zinging it back to em left and right. They'd wish the day they never tangled with me. Cause I am SICK of it. Completely and utterly SICK of it. You see, beneath this charming exterior of mine lurks something EVIL. Somebody who has a LIGHTNING WIT, and is NOT afraid to use it! So, if I were MJ, I'd let it come out and then some!! And boy, would it be not only FUNNY, but I'd MAKE MY POINT at the SAME TIME!!
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I would NOT want to be him. He's got a hard enough time dealing with his celebrity, things that would have killed anyone else.

Now, I love making music, and I would love to be able to record my stuff. In that way, it would be nice to be the most successful singer in the world. It would feel so awesome. But all the stuff that goes along with it, no way.

There's only one person who has the incredible inner strength to be Michael Jackson, and that is Michael Jackson himself.
On a more serious note, I think MJ has been WAYYY too cordial and nice to these people. Really. Over and over again. Just too damned nice. If I were him, even for just one day, those gloves or glove would be OFF. They'd never know what hit them. I'd be zinging it back to em left and right. They'd wish the day they never tangled with me. Cause I am SICK of it. Completely and utterly SICK of it. You see, beneath this charming exterior of mine lurks something EVIL. Somebody who has a LIGHTNING WIT, and is NOT afraid to use it! So, if I were MJ, I'd let it come out and then some!! And boy, would it be not only FUNNY, but I'd MAKE MY POINT at the SAME TIME!!

He is too nice. People try to blame him for what he's gone through siting this, but that's not his fault. Whose fault it is is the people who are willing to take advantage of that niceness and generosity. They're the ones that have the problem. The way Michael is is right, it's those who abuse him who are wrong.
^couldn't agree more that those in the wrong are the ones who manipulate and take advantage of his caring soul. their day is coming . each and every one.
^couldn't agree more that those in the wrong are the ones who manipulate and take advantage of his caring soul. their day is coming . each and every one.

Although I do agree with this deeply, I do think also that being a responsible adult means also to protect yourself from being abused.
Michael had to learn some very hard lessons which I wish he had not to. Also I wish he'd sue some others at times.
But well it's of cuz all up to him. There's no real right or wrong in that.
I just think it has advantages to show some ppl some lines better not to cross ever.

Well this is not about Michael being too nice or not. soooorrrrrrrryyyy... topic is would we like to be Michael Jackson lol so I'll resist to go on. Back on topic better! sorry again.
The thing is, and I've said this time and time again before, if everyone were as Michael is, there wouldn't be a need to "look out for yourself" or let fear dictate the way we live and react. The problem lies with the rest of the world, not with Michael. Of course, not everyone is like Michael, very few people are, in fact. But that still doesn't make him wrong. By giving people the benifit of the doubt, Michael is actually living what he preaches, in seeing the good in everything, in looking for the good instead of the bad. He's gotten burned a lot because of that, but it's not his fault, and I wish more people could understand that. Kindness and generosity should be rewarded, not critisized. People are afraid to be nice because we live in a world where nicness is met with a knife in the back or spit in the face. Michael is brave for allowing his heart to lead him rather then his mind. It isn't as if he's unaware that the world is filled with people willing and ready to abuse him. He is. But he doesn't let that fear control him, like most people do. He doesn't let the need to survive or protect himself direct him and his actions. He lets his need and desire to help other people do that, and he makes the world a better place because of it. That's admirable, to the fullist. If you go in knowing that there is the possibility of being hurt, but disregard that knowledge or expectation for the chance to bring something beautiful in to people's lives, then that right there is a true agent of change and it is what will, ultimately, open people's eyes to what is real and cause them, in turn, to improve their ways and state of being.

Michael put it best when he wrote about what innocence is in "Dancing The Dream". When he said,

"As innocence fades away, more complicated things take its place. We think we need to outwit others and scheme to get what we want. We begin to spend a lot of energy protecting ourselves. Then life turns into a struggle. People have no choice but to be street-smart. How else can they survive?

When you get right down to it, survival means seeing things the way they really are and respoinding. It means being open. And that's what innocence is. It's simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and comitted to one narrow point of view..."

Or in "That One In The Mirror", when he says:

"But everybody didn't do their part. Some did, but were they stoping the tide?... When I woke up the next morning, that one in the mirror looked confused. "Maybe it's hopeless," he whispered. Then a sly look came into his eyes, and he shrugged. "But you and I will survive. At least we are doing all right.." I felt strange when he said that. There was something very wrong here. A fain suspicion came to me, one that had never dawned so clearly before. What if that one in the mirror isn't me? He feels seperate. He sees problems "out there" to be solved. Maybe they will be, maybe they won't. He'll get along. But I don't feel that way- those problems aren't "out there," not really. I feel them inside me...

When that one in the mirror is full of love for me and for him, there is no room for fear. When we were afraid and paniky, we stopped loving this life of ours and this earth. We disconnected. Yet how can anybody rush to help the earth if they feel disconnected... "
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Michael is not perfect so is noone else.

There is some sense in being somewhere on the dimension between good and bad... good and evil if you want so.
This way the world and also life in it is not boring.

Ppl (Michael included) do not and will not always do good choices, so it's better to look out for yourself.
You can even see that on this board.
We all do think always we are right!
No harm intended but look around about the result.
There doesn't even have to be bad intentions behind it always, know what I mean, but better watch out and better draw your lines, it's just healthy conduct serving you well lol.
Michael does look out for himself. But he doesn't let the expectation that people will do him harm control him. You totally missed the point. I didn't say anywhere that Michael is perfect. I said Michael has the correct mind set, while people who are constantly looking out for their own well being to the point of cynasism and harming others intentionally to gain for themselves, which would be the people that have hurt Michael, are the ones in the wrong, not Michael. I wish that Michael had looked out for himself better, of course, because then he wouldn't have suffered as he has, but I wish more that the people who hurt him hadn't been so selfish and cold hearted, because it was THEIR ACTS which harmed him, not his own.
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well yeah exactly... that's why I think this would be really good and healthy for himself once in a while! lol

On a more serious note, I think MJ has been WAYYY too cordial and nice to these people. Really. Over and over again. Just too damned nice. If I were him, even for just one day, those gloves or glove would be OFF. They'd never know what hit them. I'd be zinging it back to em left and right. They'd wish the day they never tangled with me. Cause I am SICK of it. Completely and utterly SICK of it. You see, beneath this charming exterior of mine lurks something EVIL. Somebody who has a LIGHTNING WIT, and is NOT afraid to use it! So, if I were MJ, I'd let it come out and then some!! And boy, would it be not only FUNNY, but I'd MAKE MY POINT at the SAME TIME!!

wbss I'm not saying he's to blame for something... but drawing some lines much clearer could still help him stay safe!
Sure, okay, but he's not to blame. That's what miffs me. He isn't responsible for the actions of others and he gives people the benifit of the doubt because he believes in what he says. He shouldn't be critsized for that, and Michael is one of those people who will make a difference in the world because he wasn't and isn't afraid to stand by his convictions, even if it means compromising his own well being. It's people like him who change the world, people who don't just fall in line and do what they're told because it would make them "safer".
No and anyone who says yes doesn't understand what it means to be that famous or to deal with the kind of prejudice Michael has faced. It would be impossibly difficult to deal with. Michael is a specail person with what amounts to a mythical strength. I don't see anyone else being able to handle what he's been through, no one.

thanks for saving me from all the typing.
OK, have to type a bit...

You know,many times in my life I said - God I wish I was someone else... But I don't ! You know why - who knows what that someone has in his/her head, which problems, troubles, fears etc.

And I am sure Michael has A LOT of them.