Would you like to be Michael Jackson?

No :)

It would be waaay to hard for me. I couldn't handle it. That's why I appreciate Michael very much. Many people would be so broken after all he's got through.

Totally agree. You've said it all... Most of the people I know would have been broken apart if they were in Michael's shoes... including myself.
its more 2 it then that, with great success comes great pain. Bein a celebrity of michaels calabor is veeeeerrrrrrry hard and im sure if we had to deal with constant law suits, scrutiny,slander,tabloid trash,traveling and never actually bein @ home, runnin a company,meetings,interviews,photoshoots, the lack of sleep and privacy,not bein able 2 walk w/o a bodyguard,pple always wanting something from u, tryin 2 figure out whos there 4 u and not a paycheck and weedin out back-stabbers (and the list goes on) we'd go running for the hills.

Now im goin 2 be an amazing actor/writer/producer/director but i think ill be gettin it alot more easier than michael. I think bein mike is 1 of the toughest things n the world

Well put Shaun. Wannabe is right, you are full of knowledge. I agree with what you've said and I also love what Wannabe spoke about. With the triumph always comes pain, and trying to stay on top isn't always the most important thing-it's being respected along the way. Michael's finally getting the respect he so well deserves. My admiration for him will forever be unshattered.

And Shaun, I love what you've put on U-Tube, regarding the messages that's needed to help teenage girls be more aware of their bodies, and to have pride about themselves and be responsible when it comes to sex. In a world where childern are sent so many confusing and conflicting messages, it's important that they learn to control their actions. God Bless you for the work you do, the way you are doing it, and the message you put forth to try and make this world a better place to be.

P.S. I'm also an actress. Well, I have a B.A. in Drama from years ago, and am trying to get back into whatever plays and film work I can. NEVER give up what you love. As Liza Mannelli once said, "If you give up your dreams, you die." Keep your dreams alive! :)
Maybe if i was the king of pop for a day I'd get to find out why i where pyjamas in public. I'd also try to get disguises that dont feed tabloids bullshit about my health. (Wheelchair).
Maybe if i was the king of pop for a day I'd get to find out why i where pyjamas in public. I'd also try to get disguises that dont feed tabloids bullshit about my health. (Wheelchair).
well u'll find out he wears pJ's cuz he feels like it and he does the wheelchair thing cuz he's done it for 20 years now...why walk when u don't have to? lol
Well put Shaun. Wannabe is right, you are full of knowledge. I agree with what you've said and I also love what Wannabe spoke about. With the triumph always comes pain, and trying to stay on top isn't always the most important thing-it's being respected along the way. Michael's finally getting the respect he so well deserves. My admiration for him will forever be unshattered.

And Shaun, I love what you've put on U-Tube, regarding the messages that's needed to help teenage girls be more aware of their bodies, and to have pride about themselves and be responsible when it comes to sex. In a world where childern are sent so many confusing and conflicting messages, it's important that they learn to control their actions. God Bless you for the work you do, the way you are doing it, and the message you put forth to try and make this world a better place to be.

P.S. I'm also an actress. Well, I have a B.A. in Drama from years ago, and am trying to get back into whatever plays and film work I can. NEVER give up what you love. As Liza Mannelli once said, "If you give up your dreams, you die." Keep your dreams alive! :)

omg..thank u so much. that brought i tear to my eye. Really it did. Thanx 4 responding and thanx 4 the feedback. And ur an actress?? wow i\we r def gonna work 2gether 1 day. i promise u that.
its more 2 it then that, with great success comes great pain. Bein a celebrity of michaels calabor is veeeeerrrrrrry hard and im sure if we had to deal with constant law suits, scrutiny,slander,tabloid trash,traveling and never actually bein @ home, runnin a company,meetings,interviews,photoshoots, the lack of sleep and privacy,not bein able 2 walk w/o a bodyguard,pple always wanting something from u, tryin 2 figure out whos there 4 u and not a paycheck and weedin out back-stabbers (and the list goes on) we'd go running for the hills.

Now im goin 2 be an amazing actor/writer/producer/director but i think ill be gettin it alot more easier than michael. I think bein mike is 1 of the toughest things n the world

well u said it urself that with great success comes great pain. when the time comes that u are already a successful actor/writer/producer/director and i mean HUGELY successful, how sure are you that you won't go through what mike is going through? isn't it much easier to be him even fo a couple of days just so u will get a feel on how he handles fame?
well u said it urself that with great success comes great pain. when the time comes that u are already a successful actor/writer/producer/director and i mean HUGELY successful, how sure are you that you won't go through what mike is going through? isn't it much easier to be him even fo a couple of days just so u will get a feel on how he handles fame?

this can be true in a sense. But michael has changed the world..gone where no has gone b4 lol. I mean my career and his are to different things. Veeeeeery different. Im 10000000000000perccent sure i wont have to deal with the things he does on a DAILY basis. I belive if Halle Berry Walked in a mall @ 1 end and Beyonce the other..pple will flock 2 see beyonce. they r too totally seperate fields altho they can intertwine. If michael walked n a mall and denzel washington who do u think is gonna ge mobbed? actors seemed to have it alot easier as far as public outtings. not all but most
well michaelsson...gud luck on ur future career. really, i wish u the best. i hope you'll make it and still remain grounded :punk:
Being a celebrity is tough enough. You are constantly scrutinized in the eyes of the public and the word private life seems to be non-existent.

Michael Jackson, is perhaps, the most misunderstood man on this planet. Despite his musical genius, allegations left and right has been thrown at him and has caused his career to slow down. Add to it the many lawsuits he has to face. If you are given the chance to be Michael Jackson, would you want it? Why or why not?

I'd like to be MJ for just one day. I'd tell everyone who disses me WHERE to go, and HOW to get there!! AND I wouldn't even TRY to be POLITICALLY CORRECT about it, either!!

My Slogan as MJ for One Day??

No and anyone who says yes doesn't understand what it means to be that famous or to deal with the kind of prejudice Michael has faced. It would be impossibly difficult to deal with. Michael is a specail person with what amounts to a mythical strength. I don't see anyone else being able to handle what he's been through, no one.
agreed, I would also like to add that it is impossible for a famous person to have a love life
because the person you're in love with or that you were in love with has to deal with the media's crap too
I'd like to be MJ for just one day. I'd tell everyone who disses me WHERE to go, and HOW to get there!! AND I wouldn't even TRY to be POLITICALLY CORRECT about it, either!!

My Slogan as MJ for One Day??


WHOA!!:bugeyed THAT will be the day! oh linda, i wud definitely loooove to see you be michael for even just a day :clapping:l! u see, it angers me that he takes all the punches and lets himself be beaten to a pulp. michael is too nice and is such a gentle hearted creature that he needs a persona such as u to tell all his haters to go to hell! when that happens, i will lead the standing ovation :D
WHOA!!:bugeyed THAT will be the day! oh linda, i wud definitely loooove to see you be michael for even just a day :clapping:l! u see, it angers me that he takes all the punches and lets himself be beaten to a pulp. michael is too nice and is such a gentle hearted creature that he needs a persona such as u to tell all his haters to go to hell! when that happens, i will lead the standing ovation :D

See, he needs to MOVE TO MASSACHUSETTS....then get rough and tell them off!
I wouldn't want to be michael, I love listening to him too much , michael has it bad, real bad, he cannot even meet up with Pamela Anderson (if he did) without it being called a date (which it probably wasn't if it happened), michael is him and he's sweet, I am very similar to michael right down to the fact that my voice is very quiet but i;m happy being me...

If you ask eCasanova you'll get a whole other opinion, contact his myspace.

Anyway deep down all michael wants is to be loved, he loves everyone, and for his love for children and their well being he gets hatred slammed on him, heres a picture where you can see the love aura.

I don't want to be him but haters would need to be him to understand their wrong, because when those haters say they don't like him there's nothing I can do they are Unbreakable.

I'm drifting off subject i'll end now before something makes me wanna scream!

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i think ur making a point vengeance. "haters need to be him to understand their wrong" and maybe, just maybe they wouldnt be so harsh on michael after all
are you kidding me? i spent my whole life, so far fighting to be me.
That is the smartest answer I've read and I'd have to give a big Amen to that. We all spend our lives fighting to be who we are as ourselves. How could we EVER dream of being anyone different?
don't mess around with the gal from Massachusetts! :D

Yeah, We here in Mass don't take no CHIT man....I'd smack em all upside the head....tell em to take a long walk off a short pier....

Here's some things I could tell em....

  • How about never? Is never good for you?
  • You sound reasonable... Time to up the medication.
  • I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
  • I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
  • Ahhh... I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again
  • I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
  • I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
  • You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
  • I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
  • I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
  • I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
  • It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.
  • I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it.
  • What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
  • Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
  • I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.
  • I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
  • His teeth are brighter than he is.
  • No, my powers can only be used for good.
  • We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
  • The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
  • I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
  • Who me? I just wander from room to room.
  • I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
  • It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
oh linda, linda baby! u just made my day! :hysterical: know what? michael needs more people like you by his side. u, really,are hilarious! :jump:
I like this one "I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it." - I'd definitely say that to J Randy...That one or this one
"I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public"
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