Would you like to be Michael Jackson?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Being a celebrity is tough enough. You are constantly scrutinized in the eyes of the public and the word private life seems to be non-existent.

Michael Jackson, is perhaps, the most misunderstood man on this planet. Despite his musical genius, allegations left and right has been thrown at him and has caused his career to slow down. Add to it the many lawsuits he has to face. If you are given the chance to be Michael Jackson, would you want it? Why or why not?
I don't want it because Michael himself handles it much better.
No and anyone who says yes doesn't understand what it means to be that famous or to deal with the kind of prejudice Michael has faced. It would be impossibly difficult to deal with. Michael is a specail person with what amounts to a mythical strength. I don't see anyone else being able to handle what he's been through, no one.
:flowers: Woudnt u like to be the man who gave the world the biggest selling album of all time?
:flowers: Woudnt u like to be the man who gave the world the biggest selling album of all time?

its more 2 it then that, with great success comes great pain. Bein a celebrity of michaels calabor is veeeeerrrrrrry hard and im sure if we had to deal with constant law suits, scrutiny,slander,tabloid trash,traveling and never actually bein @ home, runnin a company,meetings,interviews,photoshoots, the lack of sleep and privacy,not bein able 2 walk w/o a bodyguard,pple always wanting something from u, tryin 2 figure out whos there 4 u and not a paycheck and weedin out back-stabbers (and the list goes on) we'd go running for the hills.

Now im goin 2 be an amazing actor/writer/producer/director but i think ill be gettin it alot more easier than michael. I think bein mike is 1 of the toughest things n the world
are you kidding me? i spent my whole life, so far fighting to be me. no amount of magic or celebrity in the world is gunna convince me to be interested in losing my own identity in someone else.

I'd like to experience being Michael Jackson for a week, just out of shear curiosity.
its more 2 it then that, with great success comes great pain. Bein a celebrity of michaels calabor is veeeeerrrrrrry hard and im sure if we had to deal with constant law suits, scrutiny,slander,tabloid trash,traveling and never actually bein @ home, runnin a company,meetings,interviews,photoshoots, the lack of sleep and privacy,not bein able 2 walk w/o a bodyguard,pple always wanting something from u, tryin 2 figure out whos there 4 u and not a paycheck and weedin out back-stabbers (and the list goes on) we'd go running for the hills.

Now im goin 2 be an amazing actor/writer/producer/director but i think ill be gettin it alot more easier than michael. I think bein mike is 1 of the toughest things n the world

You're a smart kid Shaune.

Being able to be as important to as many people as Michael is would be amazing, but with that impact and meaning also comes a hell of a lot of hardship, and Michael's life has taken him in some hellish, hellish directions, which I think few if anyone else could tolorate. To lose your childhood to stardom, people don't know what that means unless they've expereienced it, and on the level Michael experienced it. To become the most recognized person in modern history, known to 99.9% of the world's population, and still be able to say that no one really knows you, that kind of lonliness has got to hurt SO much. People don't understand because they can't relate to it, they can't even concieve of it. Michael used to say he would cry from being so lonely and he once said that it hurts to be him. It's easy to look at everything Michael has materially, all the adulation that is heaped on him by his many fans, all the acolades, etc... and think "that must be nice". And it is. But the hardship weighs just as much, and in Michael's case, I think it has in many ways outweighed the glory of what he's achieved and can do. But one also has to realize that Michael was meant for this. He was built to endure all this, because I am convinced no one else could ever have taken the beatings he has and still came out sane and not consumed by bitterness and hatred. Michael is an amazing man. He isn't regretful and he feels blessed to be who he is. He's said that many times. Because he is a humble and greacious human being and he knows the power he posseses. But it's also been very hard, and when you realize that for a long time, Michael didn't seem happy, he seemed to contantly be at odds with things, and he was so lonely, that has to give one pause and realize that the kind of life he's had would be more painful then anyone here can even imagine. He's sacraficed a lot. He's given his ideals, his talent and his life to the world and been treated as less then dirt in the process. Up until recently, Michael had a lot of struggle in his life, a whole lot, and he seemed, really, like a hurt person. Remember on those outtakes from the Bashir documentary, when Michael was talking to that fool about how lonely he used to get? Do you remember that Michael was barely able to keep from crying just remembering what that felt like? Feeling like you don't belong anywhere you go, like an alien, feeling like no one can relate to you or you to them, and feeling like nobody knows you or cares about you for who you are as a person, that's suffocating hurt. You can literally see the pain. That gives some persepctive I imagine. It's the furthest thing from easy.
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no thanks i d rather be able to do all average things in life without being followed bothered and photographed
deven if michael would stop music for the rest of his life rthey will never leave him at peace with his kids they will continue follwing and bugging him for as long as the man lives who would want to freely choose for that kind of life
do you think if michael had known from the start what he wuld got from the public as thanks for all he did he would have still done all the same ????
They don't have enough money in the world that would make me want to switch places and be MJ for even a day. That man has great joys in his life. But, With those joys comes huge sorrow and responsibilities.

People wish to make Michael supposedly good again.. WTH is that?!?!?! Michael never stopped being good or talented. He never stopped being who he is as a person. He changed with time like every other normal human being does. It's always a struggle in being allowed to be who you want without people always trying to shove you into a box and label you. Nope. I wouldn't go through that.

But, I feel blessed with having Michael on this earth. Thank God that he provided this world with such an amazing person and entertainer.
No :)

It would be waaay to hard for me. I couldn't handle it. That's why I appreciate Michael very much. Many people would be so broken after all he's got through.
lol I'm still figuring out how to deal with my own life and on top of that, being michael? No man... i couldn't handle it. I'm not as strong as michael.
No I wouldn't want to be MJ..I agree with what Muchos is saying. I wouldn't be as strong as Michael is either.
Sometimes there's some blessing in not really having a choice uh?! lol

Nope, generally I like being myself too much to give it up... plus I'd miss my family, friends etc.

Nope also cuz I don't like too much attention on myself when I can't controll it. It's no fun.

Nope also cuz I love being a private person. Means very much to chose whom I want to know what about me. I prefer to really know exactly whom I want close to me.

Nope also cuz I couldn't handle fans, wouldn't like to handle an image, wouldn't like to only smile one single time when I do not feel like smiling etc. etc. only for success, power or even money.
I'd want to be him so I could perform in front of massive adoring crowds and own Neverland.

I wouldn't even want to be a celebrity and being Michael would be like being the king of celebrities. Too hard for me. But thinking from the artistic side it would be wonderful to be able to do all the things he does.
You know the movie "Being John Malcovick" I'd love something like that except that it would be "Being Michael Jackson". Kinda creepy though.
yes it would be amazing
but no i dont have his strenght
i would fall apart in a heartbeat
the man is made of steel
and this is why i love him so much

who would ever wanna be someone else.....?

maybe sponge bob square pants?
I would love to have his talents, hell just evan just 1% of his talents i'd be happy with
Hell yes I would. My reply to everything would be "F^%# you. I'm Michael Jackson."
No,I think I want MJ to stay MJ, but I would definately love to dance like him.:yes: Also like other people have said earlier,I really don't think I could handle the media and haters bashing me for every little thing I do.I think what a lot of people don't understand is how tough Michael really is to deal with all this crap that gets written about him.Michael has said in an interview" I've got rhinoserous skin" or something to that extent.
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Yes, as long as it'd only last for a week. There must be something that I could learn from being who he is. Even waaay before I became a fan, I believed he is such a caring, sensitive, deep person when almost all I could hear was crazy rumors, overt insults, backhanded remarks. It's a matter of faith to think that way when you're not a fan.

I know I would cry "I wanna go back to the real me!" just after a few days into being him. I mean, I can imagine all the headaches and limited freedom to go out, let alone hang out.
I'd rather be his best friend, instead of being him.