
World Vision Partner with World Vision to help provide relief support and supplies to Chile's quake survivors:

On February 27, 2010 an 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck the Latin American country of Chile.

World Vision has begun relief operations following the earthquake and tsunami that followed, which caus...ed extensive damage to areas south of the country’s capital, Santiago.

"It happened in the middle of the night. Everyone was sleeping, and there was no time to escape. Many houses are destroyed; even large buildings have collapsed," said Mariela Chavarriga, Emergency Advisor with World Vision in Chile. "Main roads have been destroyed and communication is very difficult. We are trying to connect with our regional offices but all the phone lines are down."

World Vision has worked in Chile for 30 years and has more than 100 staff in the country, many living and working in areas close to the quake epicenter. World Vision began distributing hundreds of blankets and some water containers to Santiago's earthquake survivors in the first days after the earthquake struck while preparing to start an extensive response in the hardest hit areas south of the capital.
Help support World Vision relief efforts in Chile by donating online at or text “CHILE” to “20222” to donate $10. Please continue in prayer with us for the people affected by this disaster. See More

8.8-magnitude Earthquake Strikes Chile

As Always

World Vision Want to know what youth pastors and participants from around the country have to say about the 30 Hour Famine? Watch this video and sign up today for the April National Date to get your youth group fighting hunger and serving God through the Famine:


Fighting Hunger on an Empty Stomach- 30 Hour Famine
Learn about World Vision's 30 Hour Famine from youth pastors and participants across the country. To join the 30 Hour Famine worldwide movement of students who ...

World Vision "You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat" -Isaiah 25:4 *What verse in the Bible do you think best portrays God's heart for the poor?

As Always

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It is with a sad heart that I write to you about a terrible loss to the World Vision family. Six staff members were killed in a brutal and senseless attack on our offices in the Mansehra District of Pakistan. Additionally, eight employees are hospitalized with injuries after the unprovoked assault by gunmen. Four of the staff have been released from the hospital.

Our work in Pakistan is conducted by local citizens. We remember those staff who died as dedicated workers seeking to improve the lives of people affected by poverty and disasters. World Vision has temporarily suspended our operations in Pakistan, but we remain committed to helping children, families, and communities in this country.

As World Vision mourns our colleagues, we ask you to join us in praying for the families of our staff members and the people they serve in Pakistan, including those who respond to kindness with violence.

An unprovoked, violent attack on World Vision's office in Pakistan has killed six members of our staff. Eight additional workers are hospitalized with injuries. World Vision mourns the loss of its staff and asks for prayers following this tragic situation.
REUTERS | Stringer Pakistan




Rich Stearns
President, World Vision U.S.

P.S. Please check in with for updates as we learn more.

As Always

World Vision Give a life-changing gift to someone in need:

World Vision Gift Catalog allows you to choose what kind of gift you want to give to help a child, a family, or a community that desperately needs your help. With so many choices, you'll find it's easy to change the life of someone in need.

Give... a goat. Goats nourish hungry children and families with healthy milk, cheese, and yogurt. Goats also give a much-needed income boost by providing offspring and extra dairy products for sale at the market.

Give two soccer balls. Your gift of a soccer ball can replace a makeshift banana leaf ball or rounded wad of trash for an energetic boy or girl. And with a generous match from Baden™ Sports, your gift gives two new soccer balls instead of just one!

Give seeds. Your gift offers life-changing help for farmers struggling to raise enough food for their hungry children: fast-growing hybrid or drought-resistant seeds for an agricultural bounty of crops.

Other gift giving categories include:
-Clean Water
-Clothing & Shelter
-Combination Gifts
-Emergency Aid
-Food & Agriculture
-Gifts That Multiply
-Girls & Women Health
-HIV & AIDS care and prevention
-Joy for Kids
-Maximum Impact
-US Programs
-Where Most Needed
-Year-long Gifts

Give a Life-Changing Gift Today. More

As Always

World Vision Help change lives in rural America this summer!

Your group or family are invited on a mission trip to rural America to walk with those struggling against the negative effects of poverty and severe need. Join us in a transformational experience that will live far beyond this extraordinary mission opportunity. Your group... will serve alongside local youth & adults, gaining new insights, breaking down barriers, & building relationships that have lasting impact. It’s a week in the summer but a lifetime of change. For more info: OR
or call us at 304.457.3940

Mission Locations Mission Dates
Smith Lake, New Mexico
June 27 -July 3, July11-17, 18-24, 25- 3, August 1- 7

Pine Ridge, South Dakota
June 6-12, 13-19, July 11-17, 18-24

Mendenhall, Mississippi
June 13-19, 20-26, July 11-17,18-24

Immokalee, Florida
June 13-19, 20-26, July 11-17
See More

U.S. Rural Mission Trips 2010
Time:12:00AM Sunday, June 6th

As Always

World Vision Today is World Water Day. Over 1 billion people around the world lack access to clean, safe water. Give a gift to one of World Vision's water & sanitation funds today, & help us address this crisis through interventions like deep wells, purification equipment, water storage containers, & sanitation systems:

As Always

World Vision This World Water Day, help bring clean, safe drinking water to a community in need:

World Vision Gift Catalog allows you to choose what kind of gift you want to give to help a child, a family, or a community that desperately needs your help. With so many choices, you'll find it's easy to cha...nge the life of someone in need.

Give a goat. Goats nourish hungry children and families with healthy milk, cheese, and yogurt. Goats also give a much-needed income boost by providing offspring and extra dairy products for sale at the market.

Give two soccer balls. Your gift of a soccer ball can replace a makeshift banana leaf ball or rounded wad of trash for an energetic boy or girl. And with a generous match from Baden™ Sports, your gift gives two new soccer balls instead of just one!

Give seeds. Your gift offers life-changing help for farmers struggling to raise enough food for their hungry children: fast-growing hybrid or drought-resistant seeds for an agricultural bounty of crops.

Other gift giving categories include:
-Clean Water
-Clothing & Shelter
-Combination Gifts
-Emergency Aid
-Food & Agriculture
-Gifts That Multiply
-Girls & Women Health
-HIV & AIDS care and prevention
-Joy for Kids
-Maximum Impact
-US Programs
-Where Most Needed
-Year-long Gifts

Give a life-changing gift to someone in need: More

As Always
World Vision Want to do something meaningful this year on 10-10-10? Run with Team World Vision at the Chicago Marathon, and help change lives in Africa. Only a few spots are left, so sign up today at Then, join Team World Vision at

As Always
I'll be taking part in a hunger strike through World Vision Please donate whatever you are able. My hunger strike will last 72 hours and starts April 4th.!/group.php?v=info&ref=mf&gid=182058141781 here is more information on it.

Thank you for your support and kindness. A friend of mine started this off and this is his write up about it:
My goal is to have 525600 minutes of people fasting, one after another. idealy, I would love at least 12 people (including myself) to commit to fasting for a month, but it may be hard to find people that commit to that much. For now anyways, its open to much shorter fasts, but hopefully in the future, it will have more people who all commit to doing longer fasts.

I started of the fundraiser at the stroke of midnight to kick off the new year. I fasted for a week that time and my second fast will be two weeks long starting march 1st.
I am doing this to raise money to buy lunches for kids in developing countries around the world. For every dollar he raises. the World Food Programme will donate $4.00. For every $75.00 raised, 250 kids will receive nutritional lunches for two months.

If you wish to donate, see one of the links attatched to this page.

If you wish to participate, send me a message saying what ever you want as long as it includes how long you wish to fast for: the minumum is 24 hours, and the amount goes up by 24 hour intervals.
I'll be taking part in a hunger strike through World Vision Please donate whatever you are able. My hunger strike will last 72 hours and starts April 4th.!/group.php?v=info&ref=mf&gid=182058141781 here is more information on it.

Thank you for your support and kindness. A friend of mine started this off and this is his write up about it:

Dear Ape,
Thank you for supporting World Vision's efforts. Mr.Jackson would be proud.

As Always

World Vision In this documentary, World Vision's John Schenk profiles our midwifery training program in Herat, Afghanistan, as he led an MSNBC crew to film a story on this remarkable initiative that saves the lives of mothers and newborn children. *To help:

Teen midwives in Afghanistan

Behind the scenes with World Vision's John Schenk who escorted an MSNBC crew in Afghanistan to film this story on life-saving midwives. Help support maternal health in Afghanistan and midwife training programs like this one:

As Always

Thanks for starting this topic Sdeidjs :) .

Your very welcome...but please don't thank me...I am just the messenger...

The human being that "really deserves" the Thank You is Mr.Michael Jackson.

As Always

World Vision Today, introducing World Vision Micro- our new online giving program that lets you fund small loans to empower hardworking men and women in poverty.

Since 1993, World Vision has disbursed 3,500,000 loans to entrepreneurs, totaling more than $1.8 billion. Fund a loan today:

As Always

World Vision sponsors in all 50 states support children in 50 countries.

Check out this interactive map to see where faithful U.S. sponsors are doing a world of good:

As Always

World Vision 18 runners. 56 miles. 1,500 lives changed forever. Team World Vision for the ultimate cause this May.

Team World Vision: Comrades Ultramarathon

This May, 18 members of Team World Vision are competing in Africa's ultimate race: the 56-mile Comrades Marathon. Learn more and support their efforts at Join Comrades in changing lives. ...

As Always

World Vision

"They will love me, and I will love them too." - Angelique in Minnesota

My name is Angelique. I became a World Vision sponsor in January of 2010. It may be hard to believe, but just three months into the program this simple gift has made an impact on my life. And even in this short time I know it has made a difference, in both my life and Danjela's...

As Always~

World Vision partners with local pastors, youth workers, teachers, business owners, students, and parents in the U.S. as they transform their neighborhoods to fight poverty in America.

Learn more:

As Always


"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." -1 John 5:14 (NIV).

Please post your prayer requests below and let us join together in praying for our fellow World Vision community members.

As Always

Today marks the three-month anniversary of the devastating January 12 quake in Haiti. Thank you to our generous supporters, who have helped us reach 1,822,873 Haitians with aid and assistance in the first 90 days of our relief response. Your help will continue to make a lasting impact in the lives of children and families affected by this disaster.

Thank You for Helping Haiti Thank you to all of our generous donors, sponsors and supporters whose donations and prayers have greatly contributed to World Vision's relief efforts in Haiti. Your help will continue to make a lasting impact in the lives of children and families affected by this disaster....

As Always

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake has rocked China's Qinghai province in the remote western part of the country. At least 400 are reported dead, with another 10,000 injured.

World Vision is sending a team to assess the damage and determine humanitarian needs. Please keep in prayer those who have been affected by this disaster. To help:
China quake:World Vision sending assessment team, hygiene items to Qinghai

World Vision is dispatching a team of three aid workers from Beijing and other parts of China to quake-stricken Qinghai Province early Thursday, local time. The team, invited by the government to participate in assessments of the damage, will take with them a limited amount of hygiene items as they ...

As Always

World Vision Authors or rock stars? Mitch Albom, James McBride, Amy Tan, Stephen King, and more kick off the Rock Bottom Remainders Tour tonight in Washington, D.C. Proceeds to support disaster relief efforts in Haiti through World Vision in partnership with the Pearson Foundation. It's not too late to to get your tickets:

The Rock Bottom Remainders

By day, they’re authors. Really famous authors. But once a year they shed their pen-and-pencil clutching personas and become rock stars, complete with roadies, groupies and a wicked cool tour bus.

As Always

World Vision Churches, companies and other groups around the country are hosting World Vision Caregiver Kit assembly events that will help provide basic medical aid to quake-affected families in Haiti.

Find out how to host your own Caregiver Kits assembly event:

Caregiver kits assembled for Haiti will be distributed in the Port-au-Prince area throughout World Vision's ongoing response to clinics, hospitals, tent shelters, families as needed, etc.

About World Vision Caregiver's and Caregiver Kits: Over 77,000 dedicated family caregivers and volunteers are providing comfort and care for people living with AIDS in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These couragious caregivers often sacrifice everything to care for sick relatives, neighbors and community members. But often, they lack even basic supplies. Caregiver Kits equip them with practical supplies they need to bring dignity and comfort to those living with AIDS, while helping prevent the spread of infection.

Caregiver Kits are assembled by churches and other community organizations then picked up by World Vision to be dispersed to multiple nations where Caregivers are present.

You can make a difference by planning an event with your church or community organization to buy the supplies and assemble Caregiver Kits for World Vision Caregivers.

Equip volunteers caring for those affected by AIDS. Host a Caregiver Kit event at your church, company or school:

Caregiver Kits.

As Always

145 million -- the number of children worldwide without a mom or dad. This Mother's Day, give hope to a child who may not have a mom. Sponsor a HopeChild:

Sponsor a Hope Child

A HopeChild is a child living in a community affected by AIDS. As a HopeChild sponsor, you are connected with one special child who will know yosur name, write to you, and feel your tender love and prayers. Your monthly sponsorship gift can help turn the tide of the HIV and AIDS pandemic!

As Always

Are you passionate to see human trafficking and modern day slavery come to an end?

Join courageous voices and advocates at the forefront of this battle at the Break the Chain Conference in Gig Harbor, WA and discover the ways you can help.

Break the Chain Conference 2010: Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
Location: Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church
Time: 9:00AM Saturday, June 5th

As Always~~~

Over 77,000 dedicated family caregivers and volunteers are providing comfort and care for people living with AIDS in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These courageous caregivers often sacrifice everything to care for sick relatives, neighbors and community members. But often, they lack even basic supplies. Caregiver Kits equip them with practical supplies they need to bring dignity and comfort to those living with AIDS, while helping prevent the spread of infection.

Caregiver Kits are assembled by churches and other community organizations then picked up by World Vision to be dispersed to multiple nations where Caregivers are present.

You can make a difference by planning an event with your church or community organization to buy the supplies and assemble Caregiver Kits for World Vision Caregivers.

Caregiver Kits for Haiti: Churches, companies and other groups around the country are hosting World Vision Caregiver Kit assembly events that will help provide basic medical aid to quake-affected families in Haiti.

Find out how to host your own Caregiver Kits assembly event:

Caregiver kits assembled for Haiti will be distributed in the Port-au-Prince area throughout World Vision's ongoing response to clinics, hospitals, tent shelters, families as needed, etc.

Equip volunteers caring for those affected by AIDS.

Host a Caregiver Kit event at your church, company or school:

Love Always
