

Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
International: Prioritising simple, low cost interventions could save millions of children’s lives every year
16 Nov 2009
  • Report says simplest measures like hand washing with soap, adequate nutrition and bed nets could significantly improve the health of children in the poorest countries and save millions of lives
  • World Vision launches Child Health Now campaign in 100 countries to reduce infant, child and maternal deaths
By World Vision staff

The lives of millions of children in the developing world could be saved if governments rebalance health spending to ensure provision of such low-cost, simple interventions as better nutrition and skilled birth attendants – that even the poorest countries could implement.

A new report from international humanitarian agency World Vision calls on governments to focus on bolstering family and community-level health interventions, some of which cost as little as 30 cents.

World Vision, which is launching a new global advocacy campaign Child Health Now in 100 countries, warns that such life-saving solutions as hand washing with soap, adequate nutrition and bed nets are a priority for too few leaders.

“It’s not acceptable that more than 24,000 children are dying every day, most from preventable causes such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, childbirth complications and malaria,” says Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International President and CEO.

“This is more than just a problem facing the developing world. It’s a ‘silent’ emergency. And it is, I believe, the greatest child rights violation of our time.

“Our experience has demonstrated that effective health care – through simple, preventive, cost-effective measures – is a leading factor in community development.

“Yet most health spending does not go to prevent the biggest child killers, which are diarrhoea and pneumonia, or on basic essentials like clean, safe water, sanitation and nutritious food.”

Mr. Jenkins added, “It is politics, not poverty that is killing these children. The politicians have made many promises, but the truth is that saving mothers and children from death is simply not a priority.”

World Vision, which works with children and communities in almost 100 countries, is making a significant financial commitment to health in its own programmes of US$1.5 billion over the next five years. The agency aims to ensure that government leaders deliver on their commitments to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by 2015 – equal to six million children’s lives saved each year.

World Vision’s report points to the experience of several low income countries† that, through a mix of high-level political commitment and focused policies, have made substantial cuts in child deaths, demonstrating that progress can be made, even in the most resource-constrained contexts.

Equally, the experience of countries such as Burkina Faso, which since 1990 have gone backwards or stalled, testified that business as usual will not achieve results. With the hunger crisis, droughts and flood threats facing countries like Ethiopia and India, addressing life-or-death issues of children’s health is even more urgent for governments.

Sign the petition...

Read the report...

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Glad there is someone else on here that appreciates organisation's as much as I do :)
Currently sponsor a child through Watoto Ministries and give monthly donations to Medicins Sans Frontier & Save the Children also every December give to 10 organisations.
I love it: The newsletters,Sponsor child letters.
Glad there is someone else on here that appreciates organisation's as much as I do :)
Currently sponsor a child through Watoto Ministries and give monthly donations to Medicins Sans Frontier & Save the Children also every December give to 10 organisations.
I love it: The newsletters,Sponsor child letters.

Dear Chrissy,

I am pleased that you are pleased, Mr.Jackson would be very proud..!

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
The true Spirit of Christmas

Welcome to the launch of the Spirit of Christmas Tour! We're excited to introduce you to some amazing people. Our first visit will be with a family in the Bronx. Poverty has many forms and in some parts of the Bronx, as many as 60% of the children live at or below the poverty line. We'll be sharing the story of one of... those children and how small donations have made a real difference. Stay tuned! - Devin in New York Read More

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I sponsered a child though world vision last year which was my 21st birthday goal. My inspiration to do so came soley from Michael. I signed the petition
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I sponsered a child though world vision last year which was my 21st birthday goal. My inspiration to do so came soley from Michael. I signed the petition

Wow..! I know Mr.Jackson would be very proud of you for taking the inititive to help a child in need..!

How is your sponsored child doing?

World + Mr.Jackson = Cherished Charity

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Transformational development is the process through which children, families and communities identify and overcome the obstacles that prevent them from living life in all its fullness.

World Vision partners with communities to improve lives.

Through these partnerships, communities access the knowledge and resources needed to improve the well-being of children and overcome poverty.

World Vision provides a range of interventions tailored to the context, including programmes in education, health, economic development, microfinance, agriculture, water and sanitation.

By helping community members help each other, World Vision ensures that the process of positive change continues long after development staff have left.

Aid worker's blog: Child health in Sudan

17 Nov 2009
Many reports have been written about life in the hamlets, villages, displacement and refugee camps in Africa. Those reports are incomplete without these two words: child deaths.

Schooling in western Georgia gets set for makeover

9 Nov 2009
Thirteen schools in nine villages in western Georgia’s Imereti region have joined an education project established by World Vision. (On the World Vision Middle East / East Europe website)

Somalia: Local solutions improving nutrition among children in Baidoa

14 Oct 2009
Rural communities in Baidoa District, Somalia have improved their children's health through localised nutrition solutions with the support of World Vision.

World Vision microfinance marks ten years in Serbia and Montenegro

16 Sep 2009
Ten years after AgroInvest dispersed its first loan in Montenegro, the World Vision-affiliated microfinance institution is now providing services to more than 40,000 clients across Serbia and Montenegro with a focus on improving the lives of the rural poor.

Somalia: Transforming communities by improving education

1 Sep 2009
Eight-year-old Amal Mohamoud Nour and other students are used to studying under trees instead of in classrooms. Despite the trees' shade, the scorching sun makes difficult to concentrate and occasionally, lessons are interrupted by roaming animals. All this is starting to change with help from World Vision.

Uganda: Hope in the harvest

3 Aug 2009
See photos from the harvest in communities that World Vision is helping in Uganda (on the World Vision Africa website).

A ray of hope

7 Jul 2009
Change takes time. In one village in India, a family rejoices in the modest changes that World Vision has brought so far, but much more needs to be done.

Working in a Buddhist community

23 Jun 2009
“At first we had our apprehensions as to World Vision’s intentions. A Christian organisation trying to work in majority Buddhist communities will normally raise questions. But gradually, we came to understand their honest intentions to help,” 49-year old Kluam Chupang remembers with a smile.

Thailand: Bringing an uncle home

3 Jun 2009
Ratnabhon Sanesomsri, now 16, used knowledge about HIV that she learned from a youth group partnered with World Vision to help her family come to terms with her uncle's illness. Click to view this story on World Vision's Asia/Pacific site.

Youth rally to fight addiction

5 May 2009
To help the government’s campaign against drug addiction in Thailand's Wang Wiset district, World Vision trains youth leaders and supports awareness-raising meetings and trainings, athletic competitions and other activities.

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~

Give them condoms. Tell them to stop having children they can't support.

"Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries." —Douglas Casey

Too Much to Bear
After hearing Falesi tell her story and getting to spend a morning with her, I realized that God gave her a special gift. She is an amazing young woman and I couldn’t help but thank God for giving her strength and the gift of happiness she has. ...

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
The true Spirit of Christmas
This is the Goat Whisperer, Samson, and his apprentice, Pensulu. Samson protects the herd from hyenas by throwing rocks, ensures they don’t stray into the wrong pasture, guides them to food, and administers medicine when they are sick.

Samson, 10 years old, lost both of his parents TB when he was 8. Dorothy now cares for him and speaks of him with pride, saying, “I think of him as my son. He is so hard working. Without him, it would be very hard to care for the goats.” But Samson knows he has a future beyond goats and is still finding time for school. That's why he's training Pensulu to take over one day. - Devin in ZambiaSee More

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Yes I believe world vision is a christian org and I believe they get religious education. But I am not 100% sure.

I sponsor through Children International which is a great organization. They are not affiliated with religion at all.
thanks. yeah in thinking of doing that something for mj but dont want to give it to religious groups but want to make sure its a legit charity
is world vision a catholic/religious charity?

To answer your question...

Who We Are - World Vision

Focusing on children since 1950

Thank you for your interest in the charitable work of World Vision!

Who we are

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian charity organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Who we serve

We serve close to 100 million people in nearly 100 countries around the world. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Why we serve

Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.

Reflecting Christ in each community

Wherever we work, our prayer is that our efforts will be used by God to heal and strengthen people’s relationships with Him and with one another.

We do this by demonstrating God’s unconditional love for all people through our service to the poor — which includes providing for daily needs, working to build peace and promote justice, and partnering with churches and individuals to encourage spiritual transformation.

Reaching around the globe

World Vision is a global organization with offices in approximately 100 countries. These interdependent national offices are bound together by a Covenant of Partnership, a biblically based agreement that enables us to work together in a unified and complementary way as we walk alongside those we serve.

Employing the best in every region

We are blessed with staff who are experts in a broad range of technical specialties, ranging from hydrology to microenterprise development to public health. And we are inspired by the ways in which they use their God-given abilities in conjunction with existing community resources.

Of the more than 30,000 staff employed by World Vision, 97 percent work in their home countries or regions. Familiar with the culture and language, they bring to World Vision a deeply personal understanding of how best to assist local children and families.

Meeting diverse needs

The millions of people we serve include earthquake and hurricane survivors, abandoned and exploited children, survivors of famine and civil war, refugees, and children and families in communities devastated by AIDS in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Our extensive global infrastructure enables us to respond where the need is greatest, anywhere in the world.

Trusted worldwide

The excellence of World Vision’s work has earned the trust of more than 3 million donors, supporters, and volunteers; more than half a million child sponsors; thousands of churches; hundreds of corporations; and government agencies in the United States and around the world.

We are thankful to God that through these collaborative efforts, we are able to be a part of breaking the cycle of poverty for those in need in our world.


:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
thanks. yeah in thinking of doing that something for mj but dont want to give it to religious groups but want to make sure its a legit charity
I recommend Children International then! They are great and are not affiliated religiously. They do not use any of the money for anything religious. It is one of the top charities and they only charge $22 a month for sponsorship.
The true Spirit of Christmas Want to find out the latest on World Vision's response in Haiti? World Vision US President, Rich Stearns, is there. You can follow him on Twitter.

Rich Stearns (RichStearns) on Twitter
Rich Stearns, President of World Vision US, on the ground in Haiti.

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...For WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision News

29 January 10

Urban setting creates challenges

There are big differences between the 2004 Asian tsunami and Haiti's quake.


Podcast: Letter from Haiti
Reporter Amelia de Sousa lost friends and co-workers in the quake.

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~


Why Albania falls short on World Day of So...
This World Day of Social Justice, 20 February, Albania is still far from being a ‘society for all’. Social poverty and injustice are prevalent and physical poverty is widespread across rural and urban areas. And, despite signing the Declaration of Human Rights in 1992, Albania is far from ensuring ...

Romanian classrooms to lead their communit...
Schoolteachers across Romania’s Iasi County are instrumental in a new approach to disaster preparedness, initiated by World Vision to help prepare communities and reduce the risk of harm during a natural disaster.

Roma youth use photography to help combat ...
Poverty, illiteracy and marginalisation mean Roma communities are at greater risk of contracting HIV and AIDS in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), a message that Roma youth coordinators are taking around the country through photography exhibitions.

Temo becomes better student & budding arti...
Temo, 10, is one of many children deeply affected by last year’s war in Georgia over South Ossetia. Life in a collective centre is dreary, but in the midst of so much change and uncertainty, World Vision’s Child Friendly Space has provided Temo with structure, motivated him to learn and even helped ...

‘Doing time for crime’ not helping Armenia...
Poor socio-economic conditions and incarceration of juvenile offenders in place of real rehabilitation is seeing a dramatic increase in the number of juvenile crimes in Armenia; a phenomenon that World Vision hopes to address through preventive measures at community level and alternative means of pu...

New skills open doors for Georgia’s displa...
Art and craft training for female Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Georgia’s Shida Kartli region has not only broken the monotony of the long winter months but has inspired women to further their skills and generate an income.

They still have a long way to go, but a recent exhib...

Seeds give second chance in Lebanon's floo...
World Vision will soon begin providing critically needed seeds to families in the north Lebanon region of Akkar where crops were wiped out by floods in late December.

Relief for 350,000 displaced but needs sti...
Some 356,300 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) have received emergency relief assistance and food provisions from World Vision through the Church World Service (CWS) and the World Food Programme (WFP) in an effort to meet their immediate needs and r...

Gaza Strip closure risks health & undermin...
One year after Israel’s military offensive on Gaza, UN Agencies and the Association for International Development Agencies (AIDA), representing over 80 NGOs, are highlighting the impact of the blockade on Gaza on the health of Gaza’s population and on health services - and are calling for an immedia...

World Vision to aid 5,000 flood-affected p...
Some 5,000 people left homeless in northwest Albania now face the daily challenge of obtaining clean drinking water, food and clothing as they seek refuge in military bases, tents or with relatives.

World Vision is joining with the local government, interested NGOs and faith-based org...

Armenia’s farmers share concerns with Gove...
’Tax time’ is often stressful, but especially for farmers in northern Armenia’s Lori region who struggle with changing legislation and face huge losses should they fail to comply. Their valid concerns have provoked World Vision to step in and help bring farmers face-to-face with government represent...

Peer educators to help raise trafficking a...
School students in northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are being trained as ‘Peer Educators’ who will help raise awareness about Trafficking in Persons’ (TiP); a crime which has reportedly increased in the country over recent years.

Heavy flooding in northwest Albania forces...
This New Year, Albania faces a potential catastrophe after days of heavy rain which has left thousands of houses flooded in the region of Shkodra, northwest of the Albanian capital Tirana.

According to Albanian media and official government data, more than 4,800 Shkodra residents hav...

Centre makes rights and dreams possible fo...
“Children have the right to birth registration, education instead of work, health protection from diseases, rest and recreation instead of child labour, declared Qari Fida Hussain, a teacher and religious leader during his Friday sermon on Child Rights Protection, part of three day celebrations mark...

Emergency Relief supplies to aid 10,000 fa...
As conflict forces thousands of people to flee South Waziristan to neighbouring districts, World Vision, in partnership with the Church World Service provided more than 6,500 people (900 families) in Dera Ismail Khan (D.I. Khan) with emergency relief items this week.

Relief items incl...

:angel:Our CHildren Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...KNowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision In World Vision Enews: World Vision projects in Sudan, including renovated schools and a new health clinic, are transforming the lives of children, families, and communities in this troubled part of the world.

World Vision - Building hope in Sudan
The war-torn country of Sudan usually makes headlines because it is home to 2.7 million displaced people, violence, genocide, and hunger. It’s not very often that positive stories about Sudan make the news, which is why we're so happy to share these with you.

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision The U.S. Agency for International Development has awarded World Vision a $19 million grant to provide transitional shelters for 5,000 displaced households in Haiti and will also enable World Vision to scale up its response to three critical needs still facing survivors—shelter, water and sanitation, and economic recovery. To partner with us:


:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
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Wow..! I know Mr.Jackson would be very proud of you for taking the inititive to help a child in need..!

How is your sponsored child doing?

World + Mr.Jackson = Cherished Charity

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~

Aww thank you very much. His doing fine i believe. I have only recieved two short letters from him. He doesnt speak english and his from Mauritania. A really adorable child. 9 years old now.
World Vision PRAYER REQUEST: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck about 50 miles from Okinawa, Japan, early Saturday local time, prompting tsunami warnings along the coast. Media reports indicate that minimal impact is expected. World Vision's Japan office is prepared to provide help if needed.

7.0 quake strikes off Okinawa -
A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's Ryukyu Islands early Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

Thoughts & Prayers Are With You

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision Massive, 8.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Chile and prompts tsunami warnings for the entire region. Please pray for those affected and stay tuned. World Vision is mobilizing staff members to respond, and we will provide updates as they are available.

Chile quake sparks major tsunami alert - Americas-
A devastating earthquake strikes Chile, toppling homes, killing dozens of people and setting off a tsunami that threatens every nation around the Pacific Ocean.

:angel:Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision In conjunction with World Malaria Day, join us in Washington, D.C., on April 21 and 22 as we lead a movement to end one of the most critical problems of our time … malaria.

Malaria is one of the top killers of children around the world. Every day, more than 2,000 children die from this disease, which comes from a simpl...e mosquito bite. The solution is cheap and available, but we must act NOW.

A critical key to our success is ensuring that the U.S. government fulfills its commitment to help end malaria in our lifetime.

A conference and training day will be held at Virginian Suites Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, followed by a Lobby Day on Capitol Hill.

This summit will be an unforgettable time of learning and growth you won't want to miss. Be informed, be entertained, and be influential!

Read more about the Action Summit to End Malaria and register today: See More

The Action Summit to End Malaria
Time:6:30AM Wednesday, April 21st
Location:Washington, D.C.

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...KNowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision Chile quake update: World Vision is preparing an extensive response in the hardest hit areas south of the capital. Prepositioned relief supplies in our Santiago warehouse are already being distributed to the worse-affected people as we work to bring in additional supplies from our regional warehouses, including one in ...La Paz, Bolivia. Your help is also needed: More

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
World Vision Are you passionate to serve God and fight global hunger? Do the FAMINE!

World Vision's 30 Hour Famine is a worldwide movement of students who are serious about serving God and fighting hunger - all on an empty stomach.

For 30 hours, participants get a taste of hunger by not eating - something more than a billion people... around the world experience every day. And by doing fundraising activities, community service projects, and learning more about the facts of world hunger, students are changed in amazing ways as they help others and save lives.

The April National Famine Date will take place the weekend of the 23rd-24th. To sign up and find our more about the Famine: and SHARE this event with your friends and youth group. See More

30 Hour Famine April National Event
Time:12:00AM Friday, April 23rd

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~