Women's Periods

Some of the talk in hear reminded me of a video posted by TarinJade over in the vid of the day thread some time back. Turns out she posted it exaaactly one month ago - moons, months and stuff....gotta love them coincidences lololol.

I'd say it's moreee than appropriate, don't y'all agree? :toofunny:

P.S. and O/T - LoveMJ, awesome siggy :D

That actually reminded me of a German ad that was SOOOOO awful that half the country ridiculed it because it was so "taboo" while talking about taboo breaking. :tease:

The original commercial featured this lady who began her speech about "the history of the menses is full of misunderstandings" or something to that degree. The add ended with her holding a tampon in her hand.

The spoof features the original lady and her beginning speech and continues with explaining that many women just don't know where to put the d*mn thing. :bugeyed The spoof then concludes they are all idiots because everyone knows where to put that thing- into your right, closed hand (original add again) :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
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Also I wanted to ask other females if you too,notice that when you are around other woman very often...say your sisters,aunts & other female friends,for example...you tend to have your periods one person after the other and the longer you're around these other females,the more everyone's periods become even closer together and can even become in sync.. I've always noticed this. Another thing is that mine can come with lunar cycles. Phases of the Moon. I have always thought that on the 'up' side of this very natural thing that it's kind of a beautiful thing about us ladies..it's magic by Mother Nature.

Yes, this is definitely true. It used to happen with me and my mom all the time before she went through "the change." :lol: I know it was the case with at least one of my college roommates, too.
it was also the case in my previous job because it was a small organisation and there were mostly women who worked there.
It's not so much the periods as the hormone mood swings!!! :doh:
Esp for me being in my early to mid 40's! :)
I dont want another baby as have 2 adult children already! Yet my body still does it's thing and gives me that lovely monthly!
Do u know what fascinates me about womens periods? Women who work together and or a close together..................their periods synchronise!!!:bugeyed
Because it's gross and I don't wanna hear about it. If talking about periods in public is fine and dandy then I should be able to go up to a girl and talk to her about my ballsack. Every guy has a ballsack after all so it's perfectly okay.

Would it surprise you if I told you this has actually happened to me more than once?
Because it's gross and I don't wanna hear about it. If talking about periods in public is fine and dandy then I should be able to go up to a girl and talk to her about my ballsack. Every guy has a ballsack after all so it's perfectly okay.

OMG! thats soo funny! Ur right though, im a woman and i dont think its a done thing really!
Why the hell are we talking about periods on mj's website anyway?
thats so wrong!
OMG! thats soo funny! Ur right though, im a woman and i dont think its a done thing really!
Why the hell are we talking about periods on mj's website anyway?
thats so wrong!

Well, we are in the General Discussion section, which is non-MJ. :)
OMG this thread made me laugh so hard :lol: Normally I don't check threads about this coz i'm like why discuss something like this on a forum and let random people know you are bleeding right now and in pain. But this thread is different.

Sometimes I find it funny that woman even whisper when they ask you if you have a tampon or pad with you when there is not even a guy around :lol: Sometimes I really can't hear it propperly and then they get all annoyed:mello:

Ohh and over here we have the wierdest commercials for pads on TV.. like blue bumpercars on a pad or like recently a pad chair and umbrella. I'm like why an umbrella and bumpercars?:hysterical:
Would it surprise you if I told you this has actually happened to me more than once?

Actually, no. Because now that I think about it, I've blurted out comments about my genitalia to random girls passing by as well, but that was mostly to amuse my friends. Sure wouldn't try that on any girl I had an actual interest in holding a conversation with, though, unless she reeeeaaally shared my same sense of humor.
Woman should feel lucky to have them. When they go through periods (excuse pun) of dissapearing or arriving every two weeks or you start to have other 'womb related' problems, it makes you feel less of a woman and absolutly terrified if you dont know what is wrong or at that prospect of notbeing able to have children in the future.Trust me, as someone who is in their twenties and being poked an prodded 'down there' constantly until the Doc figures out whats wrong... Its fucking aweful, and I wish my dreaded 'aunt flow' would go back to her normal monthly tummy cramping.
We humans are so unattached from our species. We're disgusted and ashamed of our bodies. Nobody wants to admit that they fart, poop, stink, have sex, have dandruff, have butt rashes, have a disease or medical condition, have periods, or boner problems. Seriously, We should be free to talk about our bodies in public without people getting so easily offended. But of course, that will never happen because there are just some people who can't handle it! :smilerolleyes:
We humans are so unattached from our species. We're disgusted and ashamed of our bodies. Nobody wants to admit that they fart, poop, stink, have sex, have dandruff, have butt rashes, have a disease or medical condition, have periods, or boner problems. Seriously, We should be free to talk about our bodies in public without people getting so easily offended. But of course, that will never happen because there are just some people who can't handle it! :smilerolleyes:

LOL! I guess you're right haha :hysterical:
well ok but its no-bodys business first off and secondly, I dont want to be forced to hear about something like that all because someone thinks 'were free to talk about whatever we want.'... yea and the world is made of marshmellows.....
Lots of things are natural but that doesn't mean those things should be open dialog in public places. We humans have all sorts of bodily fluids and functions but that doesn't mean those things should be discussion we have at Starbucks.

I don't think for one second that any woman or man for that matter wants to hear about a guy having a wet dream and having to wash and change his underwear. No. We don't. So why does anyone think we want to hear about periods? I wish they didn't have commercials advertising such things. No, it's not dirty and it is natural, but so is poop and I don't think anyone wants to hear about that either.

Is nothing sacred anymore?
Lots of things are natural but that doesn't mean those things should be open dialog in public places. We humans have all sorts of bodily fluids and functions but that doesn't mean those things should be discussion we have at Starbucks.

I don't think for one second that any woman or man for that matter wants to hear about a guy having a wet dream and having to wash and change his underwear. No. We don't. So why does anyone think we want to hear about periods? I wish they didn't have commercials advertising such things. No, it's not dirty and it is natural, but so is poop and I don't think anyone wants to hear about that either.

Is nothing sacred anymore?

While agree with you to a certain extent... what happens when something is wrong? For example, Ive been having trouble in that department for 7 months, and am currently undergoing tests for everything from an ectopic pregnancy to cervical cancer. Im in pain every day and terrified at what the outcome will be... if woman's gynaecology wasn't such a taboo and 'embarrassing', I probably would have gone to get checked out straight away... but instead I gerw up in a society where that part of a womans body is 'dirty', and as a consequence found it difficult to address the problems and pain with other people.
Hehehehe now that would be random.
Actually, thats a good line to use to turn a creepy guy off:
"Hey there baby, whats your name?"
"Hi, my name's Sharlene and I have a ballsack"

lmao. I'm definitely going to use that one... :lol:


Random guys come up to you wanting to discuss their nether regions?

I kid you not. I've had some...interesting encounters to say the least..
You would think big boys and men wouldn't get so grossed out easily. But it's fun to watch guys get scared of blood.....they act like a monster is going to come out and eat them.
While agree with you to a certain extent... what happens when something is wrong? For example, Ive been having trouble in that department for 7 months, and am currently undergoing tests for everything from an ectopic pregnancy to cervical cancer. Im in pain every day and terrified at what the outcome will be... if woman's gynaecology wasn't such a taboo and 'embarrassing', I probably would have gone to get checked out straight away... but instead I gerw up in a society where that part of a womans body is 'dirty', and as a consequence found it difficult to address the problems and pain with other people.

While that may be and I do feel for you, that is something you should speak to a professional about. There is a time and place for everything. In this case this is something you should discuss with your close personal friends and family that you trust and of course a doctor.

However, I really don't feel that this applies to the topic at hand because that is a private matter that should indeed be discussed privately which I guess proves my point further.

Some things should be private.
Woman should feel lucky to have them. When they go through periods (excuse pun) of dissapearing or arriving every two weeks or you start to have other 'womb related' problems, it makes you feel less of a woman and absolutly terrified if you dont know what is wrong or at that prospect of notbeing able to have children in the future.

That's the only positive thing I see with it. At least I know I'm healthy.