Woman Wants $50 Million from Michael's Estate

I can't laugh about this, there is obviously something mentally wrong with this woman..and when you have a mental illness you actually believe it.

Schizophrenics can listen to the radio and think they are actually being communicated to..we feel communicated to through the music but they actually think they SPECIFICALLY are being communicated to. They can actually be listening to the radio and hear a voice saying 'im going to kill you, im going to kill you'...even the noise of the washing machine or the gurgle of a raidiator can sound to them like that. They have these thoughts in their head already because of their illness and so percieve the sounds as those thoughts, as if the sounds are actually saying 'im going to kill you'.. its hard to explain.. but it is very real and scary for them.

Given that she thinks shes being watched and tracked she sounds Paranoid Schizophrenic. If this woman is mentally ill, ( which she must be, no sane person would go to court for that and think people would believe them) then I can not blame her because she will actually think what you've read up there is true. Its sad, she needs help.