Woman Wants $50 Million from Michael's Estate

Breakingnews:this is just for jokes

Next on the insider the woman who wants $50 Million from MJ Estate speaks out about how he use to stalk her at night brake in her window just to stare at her. "really Michael stares were crazy he had crazy eyes.

I swear these people who pop up out of no where have serious mental issues


:punk::punk:OMG,another more terrible news than overhearing her phone...I think she wanted to do such a thing on MJ but failed, then she had mental problems and started to do a lot of crazy things.
AW poor, Mike, always attracted the freaking odd balls. mind you, he could come and break my window anytime. not sure if my house insurance is covered for ...Damage by MJ, but i'm not bothered :lmao:
I wonder who all these stupid ....... are going to attack now when MJ has left this world?
Only Michael gets the looniest of them all. . .*sigh*

He sure does doesn't he? I mean the LOONIEST of them ALL.. like bottom of the barrel padded room straight jacket mental hospital loonies! JFC! :lol:
How sad that Michael's estate must continue to defend against the same insane mental patients (literally) that he had to deal with while alive... Cases like this should not require Michael and his estate to spend hundreds of thousands in defense, but since it's Michael Jackson they seem to drag along for years and each loony is given countless opportunities to amend and refile their fictional complaints--same with Billie Jean Jackson and Nona Paris Lola Jackson. I hope his estate counter-sues and bankrupts each and every one of these sick :censored:.
I know dear, me too :hug:

:better: hugs back:better:

:tease:YEAH, Then MJ will be too angry to stay in Heaven and come back to our world.:clapping:

here's a very nice idea:timer:

please don't give ppl ideas :bugeyed
:bugeyed agreed :bugeyed

Maybe she should go to heaven and sue him there..

no comment:bugeyed

AW poor, Mike, always attracted the freaking odd balls. mind you, he could come and break my window anytime. not sure if my house insurance is covered for ...Damage by MJ, but i'm not bothered :lmao:

how sad that michael's estate must continue to defend against the same insane mental patients (literally) that he had to deal with while alive... Cases like this should not require michael and his estate to spend hundreds of thousands in defense, but since it's michael jackson they seem to drag along for years and each loony is given countless opportunities to amend and refile their fictional complaints--same with billie jean jackson and nona paris lola jackson. I hope his estate:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:Counter-sues and bankrupts each and every one of these sick :censored:.

h-a-l-l-e-l-u-j-a-h !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people are acting Like Michael Jackson is a ATM, getting money in and out. :( I hate the fact that in death, the estate has to deal with dumba** lawsuits.
Ahhhhh :lmao:

Post of the week methinks... rep for you :)

"Uh yeah Jacksons, I want 50 mill 'cuz I think a member of your family has been watching me drive my car. Please?"
I've never understood american court system. Mentally ill people can file crazy lawsuits and nothing is done with it. I really hope Branca and McClain will take some actions against them.
Posted Oct 13th 2009 1:55PM by TMZ Staff

A woman who once claimed Michael Jackson communicated with her through his music just filed a creditor's claim against his estate -- and she wants an insane amount of money.

Helen Harris-Scott filed the creditor's claim in L.A. County Superior Court on Friday, demanding $50 million.

As we first reported, Helen filed a lawsuit against Michael in 2006, claiming Michael installed a tracking device in her car, wiretapped her phone and even had "organized criminals watching me inside my house in L.A. and reporting to him."

Helen wanted $100 million from Michael back then ... so at least this time around, she's asking for a reasonable amount. :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed
I dont know what to say about this crazy woman, OMG! Go to the hell !

I'm sure if Michael had it in his heart to have organised criminals poisoning peoples water etc... he would have sent some down to Bashir/Diane Diamond/Tom Sneddon way instead of this lady!
Ugh, not even in death will they stop! Please, leave Michael alone already. These people need to stop wasting the courts time with their senseless lawsuits and claims.
there she is again. who doesn't want his money? as if there are no other rich people around. MJ is just a too attractice victim, it seems to be so easy: sue him and your life is care-free
i cant even laugh about this.
its just sad. terribly sad. poor michael. he will never be left alone :(
i cant even laugh about this.
its just sad. terribly sad. poor michael. he will never be left alone :(

dont be too sad, although it stressed him out, he DID have a sense of humour about some of the claims!!
I'm sure if Michael had it in his heart to have organised criminals poisoning peoples water etc... he would have sent some down to Bashir/Diane Diamond/Tom Sneddon way instead of this lady!

Lol...You are right, but I want this lady to in include...:angel: