Will We Get It In September?

I got to thinking and I don't think we'll get the album until after September. I mean, we got info on Thriller 25 in October/November and it was released in Feb.

As we go into July, September is just around the corner and Michael has said himself (as well as KOPV's phone call to the studio) he's still in the studio. I think if Michael was to release a single or album in September we'd have some info by now.

I'm thinking early November. Just in time for Christmas.

Plus, if Akon is releasing a single to radio featuring Michael at the end of July its gonna take a few weeks to take off, then the CD single will be released and lets not forget, lately singles have been stuck in the charts for weeks on end (sometimes months). I don't think Michael would release a solo single at the same time he is featuring on another artists song. :2cents:
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^But isn't that what a lot of artists do? They have a single, featuring on another artist's song while their single is on the charts? :unsure:

I agree with November- Michael's never released an album earlier than June, and 2 of his albums have been released in August, and 2 have been released in November. :yes: It's the best time to release an album, that's for sure.
I have absolutely no idea what to think.. The only thing I'm thinking atm, is that MJ will want to do something around his birthday. I reckon his birthday will be of significance with regards to a new album.