Will there ever be anyone that can produce as much Mania as Michael?

What people must understand is everything around Michael also.
Michael's career is a perfect example when the stars align the most perfect way this far in history.
If you think about it, even the bad things Michael went through created his unreachable level.
Everything from how Joe raised Michael, to them signing with the right label, to Michael miss out on love and friends and while others were doing kids stuff Michael perfected his craft, to Michael meeting Quincy, to Michael stumble across the right video directors and fashion designers, to Michael having a drastic change in appearance, to Michael creating Neverland, to just everything... the way his path aligned made him into the greatest entertainer ever. And that is something you can't create on your own.
I refuse to believe that a kid that had a flawless upbringing could be just as big as Michael. - Why? Because Michael had to fight to gain love, and even when the entire world loved him he still didn't feel loved so he pushed even harder. To me, in a sense Michael's whole career was a fight for love... and more so send out love.
It's all about love with this man, he's a lover - not a fighter.
yeah thats true. she just pretty much plows right ahead doing whatever she wants even if her fans hate her for it. and like you, ive always believed michael was the more sensitive of the two. madonna has developed an absolute ruthlessness about her. she gets what she wants and god help anyone who stands in her way cause she just ploughes right through them.

and michael did have a sensitivity about him. people have commented that off stage he was very shy and sweet and sensitive. yet when on stage he transformed and became larger than life. ive read that many of the greats have similar qualities. i remember people used to say marilyn (monroe) in life was short and chubby and pretty ordinary looking yet when she saw a camera, any camera, she lighted up and become this great sex goddess and seemed so different from the shy private girl she was just moments before

yes but , no offense to madonna or you as a fan of course , but doesn't it make her a bit insensitive?

she seemed really cold to me at the concert, like a pure professional, whereas Michael... you just see and hear his soul... he may have let people hurt him but because of his unreserved vulnerability and unconditional pureness and openness he made the world fall in love with him... get what i am saying?
What people must understand is everything around Michael also.
Michael's career is a perfect example when the stars align the most perfect way this far in history.
If you think about it, even the bad things Michael went through created his unreachable level.
Everything from how Joe raised Michael, to them signing with the right label, to Michael miss out on love and friends and while others were doing kids stuff Michael perfected his craft, to Michael meeting Quincy, to Michael stumble across the right video directors and fashion designers, to Michael having a drastic change in appearance, to Michael creating Neverland, to just everything... the way his path aligned made him into the greatest entertainer ever. And that is something you can't create on your own.
I refuse to believe that a kid that had a flawless upbringing could be just as big as Michael. - Why? Because Michael had to fight to gain love, and even when the entire world loved him he still didn't feel loved so he pushed even harder. To me, in a sense Michael's whole career was a fight for love... and more so send out love.
It's all about love with this man, he's a lover - not a fighter.

man, you blow my mind. :punk:
No, I don't think there ever will be. People like Madonna don't appeal to all that many people imo. Nobody around my age that I know cares about her or her music. I've never really understood the big deal about her.
Michael was just...on another level.
thats one thing i would never disagree with. as a live performer few could sing as well as michael jackson did. just look at the magic on the bad tour or dangerous tour - shaking all his bits around and still being able to sing as well as he did - amazing!

vocally madonna has been good bad and shocking - sometimes all in one night. plus she relies like most artists who dance a lot on stage on backing tapes. when she has sung badly sometimes its so bad you wanna cover your ears cause its like omg! my ears are gonna shatter but in some ways i admire her for trying - even if my ears dont agree

I would never shout you down, but I would strongly disagree if Madonna was said to be vocally as talented as Michael Jackson.

That's not to say I don't think she is a stellar entertainer because she is. I just don't think she was blessed with Michael's gifts which were evident at the age of 5.
I've thought of this before...long before his passing.
There are no stars out there of MJ's calibre. No one
who can bring excitement and hysteria the way MJ does.
As far as I'm concern Michael's Mania cant be matched.
i agree! madonna can be incredibly cold at times. like many ive noticed the older she gets the more cold she seems in concert. with her its strictly all professional. with michael you saw his heart. he took the time (unlike many other artists) to interact with his audience. to tell them how much he loved them. with madonna you can sit through 2 hours with her and she might only say hi once.

thats the thing i loved about michael more than anything. his sense of adventure and fun. he really really really loved us - and for that i thank him more than words can express and the feeling was mutual

yes but , no offense to madonna or you as a fan of course , but doesn't it make her a bit insensitive?

she seemed really cold to me at the concert, like a pure professional, whereas Michael... you just see and hear his soul... he may have let people hurt him but because of his unreserved vulnerability and unconditional pureness and openness he made the world fall in love with him... get what i am saying?
What people must understand is everything around Michael also.
Michael's career is a perfect example when the stars align the most perfect way this far in history.
If you think about it, even the bad things Michael went through created his unreachable level.
Everything from how Joe raised Michael, to them signing with the right label, to Michael miss out on love and friends and while others were doing kids stuff Michael perfected his craft, to Michael meeting Quincy, to Michael stumble across the right video directors and fashion designers, to Michael having a drastic change in appearance, to Michael creating Neverland, to just everything... the way his path aligned made him into the greatest entertainer ever. And that is something you can't create on your own.
I refuse to believe that a kid that had a flawless upbringing could be just as big as Michael. - Why? Because Michael had to fight to gain love, and even when the entire world loved him he still didn't feel loved so he pushed even harder. To me, in a sense Michael's whole career was a fight for love... and more so send out love.
It's all about love with this man, he's a lover - not a fighter.

Totally agree, Bruce. Although reading what you said about Michael's never-ending fight for love made my heart break a little...
As Michael said, he wouldn't change a thing. Everything that happened in his past made him who he is and shaped what he saw as his mission in life.

It was incredibly tough and so much for a single (and sensitive) human heart to take - but I'm certain that if anyone could handle such a life, it was Michael. Fate dealt him such a life and he dealt with it like nobody could.
It seems he truly lived by the phrase 'What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.'
i agree! madonna can be incredibly cold at times. like many ive noticed the older she gets the more cold she seems in concert. with her its strictly all professional. with michael you saw his heart. he took the time (unlike many other artists) to interact with his audience. to tell them how much he loved them. with madonna you can sit through 2 hours with her and she might only say hi once.

thats the thing i loved about michael more than anything. his sense of adventure and fun. he really really really loved us - and for that i thank him more than words can express and the feeling was mutual

To Michael :cheers:
What people must understand is everything around Michael also.
Michael's career is a perfect example when the stars align the most perfect way this far in history.
If you think about it, even the bad things Michael went through created his unreachable level.
Everything from how Joe raised Michael, to them signing with the right label, to Michael miss out on love and friends and while others were doing kids stuff Michael perfected his craft, to Michael meeting Quincy, to Michael stumble across the right video directors and fashion designers, to Michael having a drastic change in appearance, to Michael creating Neverland, to just everything... the way his path aligned made him into the greatest entertainer ever. And that is something you can't create on your own.
I refuse to believe that a kid that had a flawless upbringing could be just as big as Michael. - Why? Because Michael had to fight to gain love, and even when the entire world loved him he still didn't feel loved so he pushed even harder. To me, in a sense Michael's whole career was a fight for love... and more so send out love.
It's all about love with this man, he's a lover - not a fighter.

You're so right. All the stars were aligned to make him the most loved entertainer to hit the planet. And the fact that he didn't genuinely feel that love we felt for him is just so sad. But with the betrayals he had in his life including kids who he helped turning on him, it is understandable why he was suspect.

I am just so glad he had the unconditional love of his children. I just wish it could have lasted longer for all of them.
vocally madonna has been good bad and shocking - sometimes all in one night. plus she relies like most artists who dance a lot on stage on backing tapes. when she has sung badly sometimes its so bad you wanna cover your ears cause its like omg! my ears are gonna shatter but in some ways i admire her for trying - even if my ears dont agree

LOL...yeah I admire her as well. But I think that drive Michael had to always be the best and give the best is why he had fewer noticeable sourer notes. Apparently, he was always working with a vocal coach. He never stopped striving to give perfect performances.
Will anyone ever produce as much mania as Michael? Yes. Do I see it happening with the present group of entertainers? Not at all. I don't see any entertainers out there who has Michael's performance talents, as well as, his business talents. Many artists today don't have the same work ethic or strive for perfection as musicians in the past did. Michael knew how to market him self extremely well: the innovative videos, commercials, trading cards, video games, etc. If he didn't find a way to your home through his music, there were other avenues for him to take.

I say this because for a few important reasons. Michael lived to the age of 50 yo and he was performing for 45 out of those 50 years. People grew up with Michael. People watched him grow up. He became part of their families. If people could not identify with him in his latter years, they identified with him in his younger years. I believe there was an era for everybody to love Michael Jackson.

Next, Michael's talent was incomparable. We all know that. I don't think anyone can ever match Michael's contribution to music and dance. If you look at the song and dance people we have today. . . who do we have? Chris Brown, Beyonce, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, etc. Sure these performers sell records and are extrememly popular, but have they made the IMPACT that Michael made? Not one comes close, IMO. I mean when you think about it, acts like the Jonas Bros and Miley Cyrus cause a lot of mass hysteria amongst teens/tweens, but are they gonna be around in twenty years with the SAME LEVEL of popularity? Maybe, maybe not.

Michael also always wanted to be the best, make the best music, be the best dancer, etc. His competitive spirit pushed him to do genuis work, innovative work that nobody had ever seen before. Sure, there are always going to be innovators. . . but Michael seemed to always do the right thing at the right time in terms of his career. For example, the birth of Mtv and Michael's Thriller album. His music videos from that album shaped MTV and Michael's album might not have been as big if there was no medium for him to showcase his songs with his amazing videos.

Next, Michael Jackson's appeal crossed the world. He was accepted and loved by people of all races, religions, cultures, sexual preferences, etc. He had universal appeal and his music crossed genres from pop, r&b, rock, hip hop, ballads, etc. He wasn't really isolated in one area of music or dance. He had something to offer to anyone that wanted to be entertained.

Also, just the events of his life seem extraordinary. I believe that people who came in contact with Michael just always knew this kid was special and that he would be destined to do great things. I hear a lot of people who knew him as a kid say that in hindsight.

Lastly, Michael knew how to sell himself.. . well, until it backfired. He was able to create mystery about himself that kept people interested. Sure, he had the talent to back up his success. But he also created this persona, this image that made him larger than life. This attracted people to him, good and bad. He made sure that his name never left people's lips.

Wow. . . this turned out to be longer than I thought. JMO!!!!! :)
lol, i agree :yes:
I really dont believe so. The thing about Michael is that his entire life faschinated us. He was a child singer, he had a unique talent and a unique family. Those kind of families dont come around often.. And if they did, there is nothing they could do that would shock us even more than what the Jackson family and Michael Jackson did combined.. It was the 60's.. It was hard getting into the record lable business.. But the Jacksons did it. That was HUGE. Nowadays, its no big deal getting into the recording industry, anyone with or without talent can make a record. Secondly, what Michael did was unique and new at the time of the scene, no one had ever witnessed anyone so special and so full of energy and life.

If anyone tries to do something even more special than what Michael Jackson did, it has to be some kind of inhumane person and not from this planet because I dont see how anyone could top that. Be a child singer, sing since the age of.. what.. 3? Perform on stage every single night.. Is that even legal at this age and time? Sell millions and millions of records... Uhm, no thats never going to happen because the recording business is dying. Do something shocking? Uhm no, todays artists try to be naked on stage but thats not really what I consider shocking and it wont make me more interested in them.

Besides, aside from the whole record thing... Michaels personality was unique, his history and where he came from to what he became eventually is a story that can never be told again. Nothing can top what this man has been through.

If anyone tries to do something even more special than what Michael Jackson did, it has to be some kind of inhumane person and not from this planet because I dont see how anyone could top that. Be a child singer, sing since the age of.. what.. 3? Perform on stage every single night.. Is that even legal at this age and time? Sell millions and millions of records... Uhm, no thats never going to happen because the recording business is dying. Do something shocking? Uhm no, todays artists try to be naked on stage but thats not really what I consider shocking and it wont make me more interested in them.

Besides, aside from the whole record thing... Michaels personality was unique, his history and where he came from to what he became eventually is a story that can never be told again. Nothing can top what this man has been through.


Yes, yes...triple yes. As Dick Clark said, Michael was one of a kind.
With the current entertainers and the state of the music industry due to piracy it's impossible. Maybe in 20 years if things change. But I'm not optimistic.

This person will need to have these features (and the prerequisite of being born in the right time. i.e. a time where there will be no music piracy anymore):
-great talent in the arts (singing, dancing, drawing etc). That's just basic.
-an aura of mystique and eccentricity (make the people talk about you, and NOT for taking your clothes off like today's artists do, LOL)
-start young in the industry and continue for a long time (this way you can bridge the generation gap)
-and the most difficult one: be a visionary and be first in everything you do. Even if you do not "create" something from scratch, take it and make it evolve using your own unique signature; just like MJ did with the moonwalk. In other words, take everything to the next level, just like MJ did.

The million dollar question is what IS this next level?
(Maybe someone WILL dance on the moon after all? LOL). Now THAT would be an achievement!
Not in our lifetime. There's no star today living that was as popular and as universally loved by so many races, ages and different generations of people all over the world. One day someone might come along and capture the attention of the world and heart's of people like Michael did, but it wont be anytime soon. We haven't seen anything come close to "Thriller mania" since the 80's. Michael is in a league of his own, the only people who have reached his height of fame are Elvis and The Beatles. Now I mean yes you have had big stars since "Michael mania" such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Beyonce,etc. but no one else has equalled MJ that way in being loved on a mass,world wide level by so many people of different backgrounds and generations all over and I don't think we'll see that type of thing anytime soon. The GLOBAL appeal he had was and is phenomenal. I mean who else today could get that type of mass hysteria MJ got in the 80's and 90's when he visited countries all over the world? NO ONE! Who else could illicit the type of response to get people in prison in the Phillipines and people in the streets of Sweden doing dance tributes to you?

I see people who get touchy about this subject, but the reason MJ fans say he is the biggest and no one will come close anytime soon is because it's true. It's not because we're deluded or anything, but what i'm saying is that on a global scale and when it comes to being loved by so many generations and backgrounds, Michael has no equal. No one else today would get this type of reaction if they passed on, period! It's really incredible the impact he had.
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I see people who get touchy about this subject, but the reason MJ fans say he is the biggest and no one will come close anytime soon is because it's true. It's not because we're deluded or anything, but what i'm saying is that on a global scale and when it comes to being loved by so many generations and backgrounds, Michael has no equal. No one else today would get this type of reaction if they passed on, period! It's really incredible the impact he had.

True, the thing too is he entertained us for 45 years, and he was only 50!

IF Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers, etc. had his level of talent, maybe 30 to 40 years from now, they would have his kind of across the board mania. But they ARE NOT his talent level and no one out there ANYWHERE currently has his level of commitment to be better than their own best. No one.

Michael's upbringing, the status of African Americans during his early years, and so many other factors gave him a determination to succeed beyond the norm that others may never have.
From a clearly spiritual point of view, God just MUST send us a universal person like Michael within the next decade or so. The right circumstances must be created first.
I really dont believe so. The thing about Michael is that his entire life faschinated us. He was a child singer, he had a unique talent and a unique family. Those kind of families dont come around often.. And if they did, there is nothing they could do that would shock us even more than what the Jackson family and Michael Jackson did combined.. It was the 60's.. It was hard getting into the record lable business.. But the Jacksons did it. That was HUGE. Nowadays, its no big deal getting into the recording industry, anyone with or without talent can make a record. Secondly, what Michael did was unique and new at the time of the scene, no one had ever witnessed anyone so special and so full of energy and life.

If anyone tries to do something even more special than what Michael Jackson did, it has to be some kind of inhumane person and not from this planet because I dont see how anyone could top that. Be a child singer, sing since the age of.. what.. 3? Perform on stage every single night.. Is that even legal at this age and time? Sell millions and millions of records... Uhm, no thats never going to happen because the recording business is dying. Do something shocking? Uhm no, todays artists try to be naked on stage but thats not really what I consider shocking and it wont make me more interested in them.

Besides, aside from the whole record thing... Michaels personality was unique, his history and where he came from to what he became eventually is a story that can never be told again. Nothing can top what this man has been through.


Totally agree with this!
I don't even have to read the other posts in this thread, my answer is a resounding...

Probably not in my lifetime. Maybe never again. And if there's anyone out there that's even remotely close to having the abilities that Michael had, the music industry certainly isn't going to take a chance on them or allow them to be famous because it's not about talent anymore. It's about money and what artists they think can make a quick buck. I find this way of thinking really depressing because it feels like music is dead and empty without Michael Jackson. It really feels like a nail on the coffin to mainstream music, and I just hope I'm wrong about that.