Will there ever be anyone that can produce as much Mania as Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What I mean Is will there be anyone who can capture everybody's heart the way Michael did. As in have people love him as much as we love Michael?! Anyone who can have people as interested in their lives. I don't know I honestly don't think so. I mean music has died for awhile now. And ofcourse they'll never be another Michael Jackson but what about the fanbase do you think anyone can ever have a fanbase like Michael's?
I dont think there will be at least not in my lifetime..
Theres only one Michael :)
You never know, but i doubt that. I don't think anyone could ever be as talented or mysterious as Michael. The thing is, people are not only obsessed with him as an artist, but also as a person.

I say this because for a few important reasons. Michael lived to the age of 50 yo and he was performing for 45 out of those 50 years. People grew up with Michael. People watched him grow up. He became part of their families. If people could not identify with him in his latter years, they identified with him in his younger years. I believe there was an era for everybody to love Michael Jackson.

Next, Michael's talent was incomparable. We all know that. I don't think anyone can ever match Michael's contribution to music and dance. If you look at the song and dance people we have today. . . who do we have? Chris Brown, Beyonce, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, etc. Sure these performers sell records and are extrememly popular, but have they made the IMPACT that Michael made? Not one comes close, IMO. I mean when you think about it, acts like the Jonas Bros and Miley Cyrus cause a lot of mass hysteria amongst teens/tweens, but are they gonna be around in twenty years with the SAME LEVEL of popularity? Maybe, maybe not.

Michael also always wanted to be the best, make the best music, be the best dancer, etc. His competitive spirit pushed him to do genuis work, innovative work that nobody had ever seen before. Sure, there are always going to be innovators. . . but Michael seemed to always do the right thing at the right time in terms of his career. For example, the birth of Mtv and Michael's Thriller album. His music videos from that album shaped MTV and Michael's album might not have been as big if there was no medium for him to showcase his songs with his amazing videos.

Next, Michael Jackson's appeal crossed the world. He was accepted and loved by people of all races, religions, cultures, sexual preferences, etc. He had universal appeal and his music crossed genres from pop, r&b, rock, hip hop, ballads, etc. He wasn't really isolated in one area of music or dance. He had something to offer to anyone that wanted to be entertained.

Also, just the events of his life seem extraordinary. I believe that people who came in contact with Michael just always knew this kid was special and that he would be destined to do great things. I hear a lot of people who knew him as a kid say that in hindsight.

Lastly, Michael knew how to sell himself.. . well, until it backfired. He was able to create mystery about himself that kept people interested. Sure, he had the talent to back up his success. But he also created this persona, this image that made him larger than life. This attracted people to him, good and bad. He made sure that his name never left people's lips.

Wow. . . this turned out to be longer than I thought. JMO!!!!! :)
If there is someone else out there I'm sure they are a small baby right now and nobody knows about them yet.

Not only was Michael the King of Pop but also the King of Hearts. That is why he was and will forever be loved.
No....not in this lifetime...we were lucky enough to be here at the same time as Mike.
Yeah that's what I mean?!That seems almost scary I mean just in the sense that they'll never be someone to touch ourlives the way Michael did. For some of us who are young I'm 17 years old, and I'ved loved him all 17 years. He inspired me, and I'll never forget him, but what happens from there? I feel a little confused.

The persona he created was amazing to say the least! Now it just feels liked I've been cheated, it makes me wish I were born earlier in life to experience all of his greatness, 17 years wasn't enough for me. I know it sounds silly but I'm just saying like it does bother me a little.
the stars were truly aligned and everything was perfectly in place for MJ to be a megastar. everything hadn't been done before AND he was a GREAT looking guy. Videos were just starting, so he could revolutionize that. Genres hadn't been mixed, black/white artists hadn't tried to really intergrate styles...he changed that. fashion looks hadn't been worn out. There were records to break. He could be "the first" whether that's first black on MTV or first for this amount of records sold, there were firsts to still be had. He truly was born at the exact right time to secure his place in history. There was no internet for mass piracy of music. Had michael jackson been born in 1990, there would have been no Michael Mania. While it is true that there just doesn't seem to be much unique talent to love these days, there is also a huge block in emerging talents way when it comes to ever reaching sales like he did. And if you are emerging when everything's already been done, what is there to innovate? I'm sad for this generation, because there are truly some insurmontable odds.

I wish that I had been born in 1960 so that I could have experienced the full span of Michael's career, Luther Vandross' career, the Supremes, etc. It was a glorious time for creativity and fashion and innovation in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Now there is just a bleak wasteland of remakes, copycats, and redone fashion. I say RIP not only to Michael, but to entertainment as well.
Yeah that's what I mean?!That seems almost scary I mean just in the sense that they'll never be someone to touch ourlives the way Michael did. For some of us who are young I'm 17 years old, and I'ved loved him all 17 years. He inspired me, and I'll never forget him, but what happens from there? I feel a little confused.

The persona he created was amazing to say the least! Now it just feels liked I've been cheated, it makes me wish I were born earlier in life to experience all of his greatness, 17 years wasn't enough for me. I know it sounds silly but I'm just saying like it does bother me a little.

I feel the same exactly :cry:
I agree with the first post - how true. And to add to that, in the "old" days we al had to work so much harder at getting hold of news - no videos or internet access - had to rush home from school to watch tv and get up early to watch various shows, buy magazines etc. Nothing was quite as accessible then. Now we have instant access to it all via the net and there are just SO MANY artists out there.

Quite simply there will never ever be any one like Michael - he is simply irreplacable

I disagree. Madonna has equally a massive fanbase and produces mania. Plus she's one of the few artists who can still sell out stadiums on tour.
I disagree. Madonna has equally a massive fanbase and produces mania. Plus she's one of the few artists who can still sell out stadiums on tour.

Well Madonna is a big star, but Michael has always been more famous than her imo. People are crazy over him, I mean you have fans who have fainted at his sight, and others who have taken their lives after hearing of his death. Also Madonna isn't as famous as she used to be anymore, we are talking about new stars.
I'm sure there will be, I'm sure people thought there wouldnt be anyone bigger than Sinatra or Elvis or the Beatles and then Mike came along so it could definately happen again.
If we're talking about new stars, then there is probably no-one but only because the industry has changed. We dont live in the age of mega selling artists anymore. Before artists regularly sold 17 million records or more. Now its more like 5 million if theyre lucky.

Also the bit about Michael Jackson and Madonna. She's been his equivalent in many ways. She's the best selling female artist of all time. He is the biggest selling male artist.
I would have to say yes. People like Michael Jackson come once every blue moon. There will be another person who will come along and excite the world of music. It might not be anytime soon, but they will come along.
It's so depressing to think that way to think they'll never be someone like that again. but the person that said People thought the same after sinatra and Elvis kind of gave me hope because that was so true. but I don't think it will be the same. I really truly hope they'll not be another Michael Jackson because I know that's impossible but someone to touch lives.
Taking a guess there might be. I mean we only live in the 21st century. Who knows who or what will be big next century or in the 30th century. New formats will come and go and there will be big selling artists in the future but I doubt anyone will sell as much as the artists of yesterday if only because cable tv and the internet have changed so much.
Well, I definitely don't think in my lifetime there will be someone as influential as Michael Jackson in the music and dance world. But maybe one day there will be someone that causes the same love and hysteria in a different genre.

I just keep thinking about this one quote from some tribute that said that 'No supernova shined brighter than Michael Jackson at the height of his career. . .' and I think that is going to hold true for some time.

Also, I believe that many here think that no one is ever going to be as big as Michael because we witnessed his career and we're his fans. However, two generations from now people might view Michael as I view Elvis Presley meaning that I don't doubt that Elvis was one of a kind and great, but i don't have an emotional attachment to him. Know what I mean?

Anyways, Michael is amazing in the first place to create the art that caused so many around the world to love him so much. I think there are few people in modern times that have had the adoration and turmoil that Michael had.
I disagree. Madonna has equally a massive fanbase and produces mania. Plus she's one of the few artists who can still sell out stadiums on tour.

You are in denial. She could never produce Mania like MJ..MJ and his fans had a special connection.
every fanbase has a special connection with their favorite celebrity. madonna cant provide mania like michael jackson? well i dispute that. he sold tickets for 800,000 people for his 50-date london show. madonna regularly sells 2 million tickets for her concerts. and anyone who's attended one of her shows knows shes just as big. but every one has a different point of view. so we can agree to diagree.
every fanbase has a special connection with their favorite celebrity. madonna cant provide mania like michael jackson? well i dispute that. he sold tickets for 800,000 people for his 50-date london show. madonna regularly sells 2 million tickets for her concerts. and anyone who's attended one of her shows knows shes just as big. but every one has a different point of view. so we can agree to diagree.

LMAO how can MJ sell more when the whole thing was Sold-out.... now you are being completely irrational...Michael could outsell anybody...any time...it's not about everyone having a different view, it's about what the truth is..he set records again and still holds the record for the BAD tour. you are acting irrational by ignoring the different aspects...talent and etc. I would not even try to disagree because it's just none sense what you say.
Well we can only because If someone out there can do what Michael has done for me and millons others. Which give them someone of substance to admire and look up to and someone to show that mediocrity was never acceptable if you loved your crafted and to be the best. It's scary for me because I'm only 17 years old, he was apart of my drive to be the best, and it's really depressing to think that there might never be another like him. But Hopefully if not in my lifetime I can only pray that there will be in our children's lifetime.
I hate to compare Michael to anyone because hes in a league of his own
Well if you're going to ask this question in a Michael Jackson forum, I think you know already what the responses are going to be like.

Honestly, you never know. I'm sure when Elvis died, people said "there will never be anyone as big as him"... then came Michael.

You never know, I just know that none of the new artists have what it takes.
thankyou! finally some sense from a fellow aussie (yay!). and yeah people did say the same when elvis died. it happens to someone every generation. our generation happens to be michael jackson.

Well if you're going to ask this question in a Michael Jackson forum, I think you know already what the responses are going to be like.

Honestly, you never know. I'm sure when Elvis died, people said "there will never be anyone as big as him"... then came Michael.

You never know, I just know that none of the new artists have what it takes.