Will Johnny Depp play Michael Jackson in a new bio-pic?

no! It will just make him out to be a freak!! no bio-pics!
Johnny depp would be PERFECT as Michael. But he doesn't seem to like that.

There's no need for an actor to dance like Michael: thay can do a film about his private life. Michael didn't dance all the time...
If they must do a bio-pic Johnny Depp is definetly the best choice. But seriously, I don't want a bio-pic. Nobody could or should play Michael. It would all just end up wrong. Unaccurate. And I mean, come on... it's not just about the acting. Imagine the movie itself.
There could be so many different ways in interpreting you know... everything. How to show his life... And what are the chances that it would all be perfect and good? Come on. We would all just end up being pissed off because some movie-maker is trying to earn a lot of money. No. I don't want that to happen.
Johnny Depp is very sensitive and I don't doubt that he could play Michael and do him justice.

I only worry about the agenda of the director/producer.

BTW, I just saw Public Enemies today and highly recommend it!
I think Johnny Depp has already played the different aspects of Michael's character in Willy Wonka, John Barry, and Edward Scissorhands. A well done bio pic would be oscar worthy but I can't think of any writer or director who could or would do it. There seems to be an out right refusal of writer in hollywood and the media to look at Michael's interview or outtake footage that show his true persona. Unless a team really does their homework a movie would be be frustrating, disappointing and awful. For now I am satisfied with favorite movies like mine such as Edward Scissorhands. Is it true Michael was a huge fan of that movie too, did he say so? I hope it's true because he has uncanny similarities to the character. Has anyone else noticed, particularly when Edward has his reputation ruined in set ups and lies? Just a fun fact, did you know that Michael and my other hero Tim Burton (director of E.S.) were born the same year, same month, four days apart? It's true.
victorious - this is not about race...and when michael was alive johhny was the only one who said he really wants to do it...I'm sure there are plenty now who would be waiting in line - no thank you

Of course its not about race...its about Michael. But if you cast a White male in a leading role to play a Black music icon,trust and believe the whole movie will become about race. When Angelina played a Black woman,it received so much bad publicity and the Black community was in an uproar.The same thing happened with the rumor about Michael wanting to be played by a White actor in a commercial. He said so himself on Oprah that he thought the idea was ridiculous.He even poked fun at her being played by an Asian woman.
I know we live in a society where we like to say "race doesnt matter...I see no color",but in reality...Michael was Black. Its my opinion and I see that some agree with me.You dont have to. Yea,Jonny looks similar to Michael and even reminds me of him at times. But thats about it in my book.

Also,if they ever did do a biopic...I think they should get a no name to play Michael and they should get whoever made Ray to do it.
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could be interesting, but it's hard to depict extremely famous personalities, and while depp is a very good actor, i don't think he can exude the same aura as michael jackson
we don't even know if anything like this is even in consideration... To quote Otis in the Temptations movie: "Sometimes a good idea should stay an idea."

Its a nice thought but realizing it would be bombared with too many issues. i feel that in an attempt to try and get an audience to understand Michael outside of the realm of his family as in An American Dream (as he got older and independent more and more issues complicated his life) the film wuold become convoluted as the only way to accurately portray him would be a film that is much longer than the average persons attention span. His carereer extends over decades!

The Jacksons: An American Dream was a beautifully made production that did justice to the Jackson family as well as Michael...Cuz if your make the first one good enough there's no need for a second.
That's because it was made by the family, or at least Jermaine.
this is a disgusting idea. this stupid film will make a mockery of Michael, and johnny depp? How the F@CK is he supposed to portray Michael Jackson? is that meant to be humorous? because he is about as far as u can get from MJ, and this film would mock him and make him out to be a freak, and I just think it's just disgusting and disgraceful. A stupid movie cannot do Michael justice, and I hope this depp loser drops the idea because it will be a disgusting, dehumanizing examination by the media.
Oow, Johnny is my favorite actor ever! Indeed he would be just perfect to play Michael. Who else would did it better? He was perfetc playing Edward and Wonka, for example, and I must confess they reminded me Michael too. So I can't think about anyone else who would do it better. And I doubt he would accept playing a negative image of Michael. Actually, he chooses taking part of films only he considers "art". And, btw, I remember reading somewhere he was Michael's fan.

Anyway, I don't know... I don't feel very confortable thinking on a film about Michael's life after all thash media around him in the last years.
wonka and "scissorhands" are bizarre and weird - not like Michael at all. Michael is uncatchable, in the sense that no one except Michael can do Michael justice, and anyone else trying to be Michael in a film would be a joke and a farce. Let Michael's own life stand as his testament, not some movie of lies.
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those two characters simply don't do any justice at all to the deep, complex, loving man Michael was. to suggest that they are somehow reflections of Michael is laughable at best.

those two characters ARE bizarre and weird, but as far as I am aware, "lovely and misunderstood" can go together with "bizarre and weird" - I don't see why the two pairs of words automatically refute each other because there are bizarre and weird people who are ALSO lovely and misunderstood!

but Michael was not bizarre and weird, he was misunderstood and lovely. so why reflect the "bizarre and weird" aspect when it simply isn't there for Michael? depp will portray an eccentric crackpot of a character, and that doesn't reflect Michael. the media twisted his image so much that that is what the bio-pic would inevitably focus on. Looking at Michael's private videos, though, you see that he's just as normal as any other dad, any other man. So the "bizarre/weird" just IS NOT THERE for Michael. He was misunderstood, and he was innovative, but to say he is like wonka/scissorhands is ridiculous.
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Well, vinniram, if you prefer to see only the bad qualities in Wonka and Edward it's ok, but it's a pity. The world did the same with Michael, don't forget. Anyway, nobody said here that Wonka and Edward are reflections of Michael or even that Michael is "bizarre and weird" like [you prefer to think] they are. We just said that the fact they are lovely and misunderstood reminds Michael's. Simple as this. There's no need to be upset for that.
If there is a movie it needs to be created by Suzanne De Passe. She is the one who produce The Jackson's American Dream. She'll do it justice. And bring on Berry Gordy, Quincy Jones, Jermaine Jackson, and others as associates. Then have some no-name actor play Michael Jackson. There will probably need to be several actors: child, teen, young adult - Bad, Dangerous - This Is It. So that would be about 3-4 actors. Lastly, the guy who wrote Ray should write it, and Spike Lee should direct it. Just my perspective, but it shouldn't come out for another 5 - 7 years.
@Daniele - I'm sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying as that wonka and edward somehow reflect Michael. I took it the wrong way because wonka and edward clearly have their "quirks", whereas I really think Michael is just a really nice guy, and not so "quirky" as those two. And you say the world saw the worst in Michael, but I say you're wrong - there are millions around the world mourning, and they don't give a damn what the media says. These millions see the best in Michael, so I'd say the world has seen the best in him, and only the sad and lonely media has seen the worst.
And you say the world saw the worst in Michael, but I say you're wrong - there are millions around the world mourning, and they don't give a damn what the media says. These millions see the best in Michael, so I'd say the world has seen the best in him, and only the sad and lonely media has seen the worst.

Yep. It's a pity that only after his death he's had this respect he deserved when was alive... Media and ignorant people around us used to see his nose and skin instead of his talent and human being.