Will Johnny Depp play Michael Jackson in a new bio-pic?

I don't like bio pics, and no one could play Michael. Besides a film about Michael's life would have many inaccuracies, and rightly so we will never no everything about Michael. If anything a feature length documentary about Michael made by MJJ Productions.Inc and Sony with a cinema release would be a much better idea, containing interviews with his family, musicans who worked with him, Frank Dileo, Ron Wisner, Freddy DeMann, Lisa Marie Presley, Mark Lester, Diana Ross, Jesse Jackson, Jane Fonda and many other people (not the psychopants like Uri Geller) who knew Michael talking about him. That's what I would like to see.
On the official site forum weeks ago we were discussing if there was a film who would play Michael. The collective response was Johnny Depp. Can't imagine any other actor in the role.
I would prefer some type of documentary, but if Johnny Depp can learn to sing and dance which I think some of you seem to be forgetting, then I wouldn't mind. Personally I would prefer a bunch of unknowns, with other roles taken by "experianced" actors.
I agree a documentary is the best idea...now that he died there are many things we will never hear from him there would be so many inaccuracies
with a documentary you put together the pieces you have and you paint a more real picture
Lets hope it doesnt turn out like that crappy 'Man in the Mirror' movie.

Just what I was thinking, Michael was portrayed terribly in that film. They have him talking about love, forgiveness and everything in like every sentence. He wasnt like that ALL the time......
Just what I was thinking, Michael was portrayed terribly in that film. They have him talking about love, forgiveness and everything in like every sentence. He wasnt like that ALL the time......
Close enough. ;)
Close enough. ;)

We saw a lot of that side of him, but in this film. In EVERY single conversation he is talking about love and forgiveness. Obviously I didnt know him directly, but even we have seen how he was a lot of the time and he wasnt like that all the time.

If they are going to do it, then it needs to be done right!

The guy who played him in the Man In The Mirror film was good at the dancing side though....
Well, like others have said, people can learn a LOT more by watching actual footage of the man himself and listening to his words. What fun is it watching someone pretending to be someone they don't know?
That's why the real person is always more exciting to watch, in my opinion.
Not a real good idea, because people like Spike Lee, Farrakhan, Dick Gregory, Al Sharpton, etc will come out and cry "blackface" & "minstrel".
NO WAY. I think Michael needs to be played by a black person. He was proud of his heritage, Johnny Depp couldnt do it. No one can really.

WHAT WOULD BE GREAT is a 3D movie made of his life and concerts (lol like that jonas brother thing and Coraline) from actual footage.

Other possible option is one of his brothers playing Michael, Jamie Foxx, a tribute impersonator or someone noones ever heard of before. Its so difficult because noone has the same presence and aura Michael did.
no way..I dont want any bio film on Michael,it will once again create controversies and again it might have something disrespectful to MIke..Cmon guys why to give anybody a chance,nobody can be trusted..its just one week since his death and still on TV ppl talkin trash.They still dont want to give respect to this man and its really frustrating to se all those idiots..I saw a show today,one reporter was ok but other one kept pushing just to talk about that unwanted trial.:(And Johnny Dep will be just a star in it,he wont write the script and nobody could be trusted about tht thing.
NO WAY. I think Michael needs to be played by a black person. He was proud of his heritage, Johnny Depp couldnt do it. No one can really.

WHAT WOULD BE GREAT is a 3D movie made of his life and concerts (lol like that jonas brother thing and Coraline) from actual footage.

Other possible option is one of his brothers playing Michael, Jamie Foxx, a tribute impersonator or someone noones ever heard of before. Its so difficult because noone has the same presence and aura Michael did.

The brothers are too old. That wouldn't work either, as they wouldn't draw an audience. The only one that could dance similar to Mike was Marlon. Besides they would look funny with long hair, lol.
I want Johnny Depp to play him,I can't thing that anyone other will be better than him?
(sigh) I remember this exact same discussion happening a while ago.

I love JD...I would love if he'd play him but it prob wont happen.
I want Johnny Depp to play him,I can't thing that anyone other will be better than him?
Sorry, that won't fly. Mike wasn't caucasian {regardless of what some people believe}. People made a big fuss over that rumor in the early 90s that Mike hired a white child to play him in a Pepsi commercial. Or that Mike was supposedly going to play Edgar Allen Poe. So this really will cause a furor. I can see Tavis Smiley now, lol.
I'm not hot on the idea of a movie.
We won't like it since the writers won't be true to Michael's nature.
Someone will complain no matter if a black actor or a white actor plays him.
The dancing will be lacking. Even with the best of dancers they won't be able to nail his moves. We all know it's not just the moves themselves.
It's the way his whole body gets into the music. It's the way his face is lit from within while he's on stage.
Mostly though: it's his eyes.
I love Jonny Depp.I really do. But I can already see the controversy. A White man playing a Black music icon. I dont know about that. Although Michael's skin turned White...he wasnt White.
My 2 cent. Hate me if you want.

I voted NO!!!!

I was thinking the same. This doesn't make any sense. If anyone is playing Michael Jackson, it should be Chris Tucker . I'm sure MJ would love that.

Let us not forget his interview with Fake Oprah.

Oprah: All right. Just recently there was a story, and I know one of your attorneys held a news conference, there was a story about you wanting to have a little white boy play you in a Pepsi commercial.
Michael: That is so stupid. That is the most ridiculous, horrifying story I've ever heard. It's crazy. Why, number one, it's my face as a child in the commercial, me when I was little, why would I want a white child to play me? I'm a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity. That's like you wanting an oriental person to play you as a child. Does that make sense?
Honestly? I think this will not work. I love Johnny, he is a great actor and I do not doubt their ability, but interpretation is difficult to Michael Jackson...
Johnny is not physically similar to Michael and there is another very important detail: he could be dancing like Michael? Michael is unique.
I hope there won't be a bio-pic.
Fred Astaire actually forbade any bio-pics to be made of him after his death, because he knew it wouldn't be accurate. I mean, if Fred Astaire was worried...then, you get my drift.
Just my opinion.

I totally agree. No bio-pics. Ever.
I totally agree. No bio-pics. Ever.

Agree, It would be terribly inaccurate and we would all be disappointed by it. You KNOW we would. I hope this never happens. I love Johnny Depp, and agree that he would be a decent choice for the last decade of Michael's life, but what about the rest. And there is simply too much to cover in a 3hr time slot.
I thought when Willy Wonka came out i thort why doesnt he play Michael Jackson? he'd be so good at doing that. Hes a great actor!!!!
It's a beautiful idea, but I wish they could wait with these kinds of ideas for a little while.

I wonder, though, if a biopic could do him justice. Especially now - but also ever. There is only one Michael. He cannot be imitated.
I would love the Deppster to play MJ!! He would get the essence of MJ's character to a tee...

Other great JD films...Edward Scissorhands....also Ed Wood - he was brill in that one....
we don't even know if anything like this is even in consideration... To quote Otis in the Temptations movie: "Sometimes a good idea should stay an idea."

Its a nice thought but realizing it would be bombared with too many issues. i feel that in an attempt to try and get an audience to understand Michael outside of the realm of his family as in An American Dream (as he got older and independent more and more issues complicated his life) the film wuold become convoluted as the only way to accurately portray him would be a film that is much longer than the average persons attention span. His carereer extends over decades!

The Jacksons: An American Dream was a beautifully made production that did justice to the Jackson family as well as Michael...Cuz if your make the first one good enough there's no need for a second.