Will Johnny Depp play Michael Jackson in a new bio-pic?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Very interesting. I also just seen this on Access Hollywood lol.

The latest rumor sweeping Hollywood and the Internet is that Johnny Depp will play the role of the late Michael Jackson in a new bio-pic being rushing into production.Depp reportedly said in 2008 that he wanted to play the role of Jackson, according to one blog. His remark came in reaction to rumors that he based his portrayal of Willy Wonka on Jackson.
“A few people have mentioned it, and it kind of took me by surprise. I really didn’t expect that, Michael Jackson was not a sort of ingredient or inspiration for the character at all,” Depp said at the time. But he suggested he'd still like to tackle that role, saying, "There is still time to play him.”
However, Sky News in Britain reports today that Depp has now said he doesn't want the role. In London to promote his new Public Enemies movies, "the Hollywood star said he did not think Jackson 'would want him to' don the famous white glove and military jacket."
Posted by Steve Spears at 09:57:09 AM on June 30, 2009

At 0:28 he sings the J5's I Want You Back

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Depp is one of the best actor's out. If they do make a movie, I would want Depp to be Michael.
I think Michael would want Johnny Depp to play him, wasnt he a massive fan of Edward Scissorhands?
Ho God, my fav actor talking about my fav singer & human being who ever lived on this planet. :(

R.I.P Michael Jackson
We will never forget you, you we always be no' 1. The Best. The King.

Johnny? I love you...
He would be one of the few fitting to play that part, if it would ever come to that. I know he'd plut his heart and soul into it. Whether he would wanna do it or not, is another thing.
They would have to approach the project with a lot of delicacy in order for this film to do Michael justice. I don't think it can be done successfully but I would not mind standing corrected.
Didnt Michael own the actual edward scissorhand hands/gloves? i swear I saw them at that auction a while back.
I believe that Depp would be very appropriate for the 1993-2009 Michael. But it will take at least 4 actors to play Michael in a movie, especially if they take it all the way back to his childhood.

You need little Michael. You need adolescent Michael. Victory, Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad Michael can all be played by the same guy. From Dangerous forward, it's Johnny Depp.
I hope there won't be a bio-pic.
Fred Astaire actually forbade any bio-pics to be made of him after his death, because he knew it wouldn't be accurate. I mean, if Fred Astaire was worried...then, you get my drift.
Just my opinion.
Well, it will really be up to his kids, right? If they don't like it, they can tell their lawyers and the lawyers to refuse to allow it.
I believe that Depp would be very appropriate for the 1993-2009 Michael. But it will take at least 4 actors to play Michael in a movie, especially if they take it all the way back to his childhood.

You need little Michael. You need adolescent Michael. Victory, Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad Michael can all be played by the same guy. From Dangerous forward, it's Johnny Depp.

This multiple actor scenario poses a dilemma, namely who amongst them will take the best actor award.
Johnny wolud be amazing and Michael would be happy if he plays this role .Michael loved the edward scissorhand movie, he actually own the original scissors gloves.

Oh Michael I miss you my angel. Bless you, R.I.P.
No! not that I don't think he could do it...it's just, I don't think the story would have a shred of truth to it...there is so much myth surrounding Michael's life...whoever wrote it would have to walk on egg shells not to give into sensationalism, and unfortunately sensationalism sells...:(
I hope whoever plays him doesn't exaggerate the hell out of his eccentricity, especially when most people who have spent private time with MJ say that he was totally normal away from the cameras.

Also, if the Jacksons don't have a say in the movie, I'm just going to take it as fiction.
Lets hope it doesnt turn out like that crappy 'Man in the Mirror' movie.
This multiple actor scenario poses a dilemma, namely who amongst them will take the best actor award.
I would said whoever did the best job in convincing the viewer their portral of Michael should get the award. Johnny Depp I think would pull it off. But like Jamie Foxx said, there was a "WESLEY SNIPES" Michael and there was the "EL DEBARGE" Michael. We would have to see all versions of Mikey....:)
Johhny Depp wanted to do it ever since Michael was alive I think he understands Michael better and he's a decent guy who's not looking for attention
Well, to solve the problem, maybe they could release three movies...

Michael, we love you! I

Michael, we love you! II

Michael, we love you! III
I love Jonny Depp.I really do. But I can already see the controversy. A White man playing a Black music icon. I dont know about that. Although Michael's skin turned White...he wasnt White.
My 2 cent. Hate me if you want.
victorious - this is not about race...and when michael was alive johhny was the only one who said he really wants to do it...I'm sure there are plenty now who would be waiting in line - no thank you
Johnny Depp is gorgious.. but in my eyes there is no way he could play Michael Jackson.. to play MJ you have to be a little more softy-edged in your personality. Depp is so rough. I just can't see it..
maybe no one should play him after all...just leave it the way it is
this reminds me of something - you know how people say there will never be anyone better than him...Michael always said you should try to be your own person and discover your own uniqueness - I think that's something we should all remember
I hope in this regard Michael has taken after his inspiration Fred Astaire and put a legal request that he never have a film made about him or his life. His life was already played out for us all to see... and no one can play MJ but MJ.
That's just how I feel about it.