Will.i.am Goes Apple Picking With Michael Jackson

Haha when Will describes MJ on the floor with his feet up, I imagine them as 2 friends at a sleepover, lmao.
Aww that is the most cutest story i've heard of michael :wub:

Michael is so adorable!

hey mike & will i am, can i join u guys apple picking ? .pretty pretty please?!! :p :lol:
LoL yea I laughed my ass off at this story. Only Michael could do this to anyone and it doesn't matter who it is like someone said it could be a star and they would still do what Michael wants them to do.
Oh will hahaha you are tellingthe story with so much flavor i feel like i am in it!!! Thanks for posting this!!! I love it...mi mi mi mi!!!! Wow!!! Mike you are so wonderful!!!
I love this story...mi mi miiii-ing for 3 hrs just to sing for 5 minutes. Michael is so unique and amazing beyond words. I can't wait til the 8th:wub:. Michael is gonna set that stage on fiya:punk:. He must gonna mi mim mi for a day straight before the shows. lol

The apple story is cool. i've never been on a horse and would love to ride one... especially with michael.:D
I thank you ever so much for posting the Will iam Michael Jackson story.
I simply loved it! :flowers:

When Michael Jackson invites you to work on music with him, you go to wherever he's recording. Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas went to Ireland for Jackson. When he got hungry, Jackson took him to the drive through.
"I'm like, 'I'm hungry,'" Will recalled. "He says, 'Why don't you take the horse? Take the horse and pick apples. It's wonderful. We love doing it. The horses love going apple picking.' I'm like, 'All right, I'll f*cking go.' I swear to God. I'm on a f*cking horse. Michael Jackson's like, 'Wow, it's great.' The horse is picking apples. I'm like picking apples and junk, putting them in a bag. I'm like wow, this is like picking apples with Michael Jackson on horseback. Look at that sh*t, right?"
With all those excursions going on, did they get any recording done? "I don't know what he's going to use from what we've done, but I have memories. The stuff I did on Thriller 25 is up. If he uses any of the original things that we've done, great. If he didn't, I have my memories and the things that we've done is awesome. I learned so much from the dude. He's cool."

For those who got those highly sought after tickets for Jackson's 50 shows, Will vouches for the fellow musician's chops. Michael's still got it. "He was in my house. It's one thing you hear rumors, but when the guy's in your house, laying on your floor as you're playing beats, he's like, 'Will.i.am, I love this beat.' He's laying and his feet are up on the chair, he's kicking his feet. I'm like dude, Michael Jackson's laying on my floor. He's testing his voice and three hours has passed. He's just mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi, mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi. He's doing both voice testing just to sing for five minutes. He's testing his voice for three hours to sing for five minutes. I don't know. Fergie don't do that sh*t. Usher don't do that sh*t. None of the people that you think still got it do that. I've seen it, in my house. That's because he's a perfectionist and he just likes testing his voice. I'm like, 'Dude, can we record now? Because it's three hours, and it's only going take five minutes.' 'No, I just want to warm it up.' Like dude, that's hot. It's warmed up. And he has it. I've seen it. He mi mi mi'd for three hours. Perfect pitch

:lol::rofl::rofl: Sooo funny!!!! Mike is the man. Love ya Mike!!!!!!!

I hope the songs that Will.i.am worked on make it to the album. I like it when he says he's got memories even though MJ won't use the songs. That musta been an unforgettable session for him.
"He mi mi mi'd for three hours..." xDDDDDD

Hee-hee... MJ is so funny... lol
He's soooo sweet... *in love*
mi mi mi mi mi...

I'd just get a headach if he done that in my house.
"Mi mi mi'd for three hours" :rofl:
I wouldn't be upset if MJ lied on my floor like this! :yes:
HAHA! thats fantastic! Perfect Pitch! amazing!

"He's laying and his feet are up on the chair, he's kicking his feet." this bit made me giggle, you can just imagine Michael doing it!

Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi. For 3 Whole Hours! WOW! Incredible
very nice story:)

ok, so if he will be 3 hours late from the concert we will know he is just"Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi...." and the whole arena will also "Mi, Mi, Mi..(chael)" :D
Hahaha...LMBO!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:This is sooo cute...imagineing Michael on the floor and kicking back saying "Will.I.AM, I love this beat..." omg..:wild::wild::wild:thats Awsome...Michael is...*am speachless*...:scratch::cheeky:

And the apple peaking is cute.:D I mean If yall said Madonna or JT or any artist or person picked an apple...Its gonna be weired.:bugeyed But Michael is the only one that It looks good on.:yes::punk: I can actually imagine him doing it. I LOVE YOU MIKE!!!:wub:

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Singing Mi Mi Mi for three hours is pure dedication right there and this will hopefully shut a few people up who have been saying crap like ''Michael doesn't have the passion for music anymore''

If singing Mi Mi Mi for three hours isn't passion i don't know what is
Singing Mi Mi Mi for three hours is pure dedication right there and this will hopefully shut a few people up who have been saying crap like ''Michael doesn't have the passion for music anymore''

If singing Mi Mi Mi for three hours isn't passion i don't know what is

who the hell said that??


obviously someone who doesn't see the value of patience.