Will.i.am Goes Apple Picking With Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

When Michael Jackson invites you to work on music with him, you go to wherever he's recording. Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas went to Ireland for Jackson. When he got hungry, Jackson took him to the drive through.
"I'm like, 'I'm hungry,'" Will recalled. "He says, 'Why don't you take the horse? Take the horse and pick apples. It's wonderful. We love doing it. The horses love going apple picking.' I'm like, 'All right, I'll f*cking go.' I swear to God. I'm on a f*cking horse. Michael Jackson's like, 'Wow, it's great.' The horse is picking apples. I'm like picking apples and junk, putting them in a bag. I'm like wow, this is like picking apples with Michael Jackson on horseback. Look at that sh*t, right?"
With all those excursions going on, did they get any recording done? "I don't know what he's going to use from what we've done, but I have memories. The stuff I did on Thriller 25 is up. If he uses any of the original things that we've done, great. If he didn't, I have my memories and the things that we've done is awesome. I learned so much from the dude. He's cool."
For those who got those highly sought after tickets for Jackson's 50 shows, Will vouches for the fellow musician's chops. Michael's still got it. "He was in my house. It's one thing you hear rumors, but when the guy's in your house, laying on your floor as you're playing beats, he's like, 'Will.i.am, I love this beat.' He's laying and his feet are up on the chair, he's kicking his feet. I'm like dude, Michael Jackson's laying on my floor. He's testing his voice and three hours has passed. He's just mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi, mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi. He's doing both voice testing just to sing for five minutes. He's testing his voice for three hours to sing for five minutes. I don't know. Fergie don't do that sh*t. Usher don't do that sh*t. None of the people that you think still got it do that. I've seen it, in my house. That's because he's a perfectionist and he just likes testing his voice. I'm like, 'Dude, can we record now? Because it's three hours, and it's only going take five minutes.' 'No, I just want to warm it up.' Like dude, that's hot. It's warmed up. And he has it. I've seen it. He mi mi mi'd for three hours. Perfect pitch
LOL, Will.i.am, he entertains me with the stuff he says.

Thanks for posting! :D
HAHAHAA!!!! i LOVVVVVE that account! horse picking apples!!! lovvve it!!!

mi mi mi for three hours...haha...you go MJ!!:clapping:

thanks for posting!!
HaHaHa....thats made me laugh, so funny....its put a lovely image in my head.
Thanks for posting
Great find! Thanks for posting, you just have to laugh when you read Will's description of apple picking and Michael at his house.
That cracked me up because I totally had a visual!! Could totally picture it!! :lol: :lol: And the "he mi mi mi'd for three hours" part cracked me up because it sounds so funny when you put it that way. :lol: But I have heard from others too that MJ does long warm ups before he starts singing. I think Bruce Swedien and Seth Riggs both said it. I think Iheard somewhere that he'd do "long distance" vocal exercises with Seth Riggs while he was on tour too...but I am not 100% sure where I read it from.
That's the right kind of dedication though. :yes:
that was nice...but can he stop saying "sh*t" every 10 seconds? lol


This is the bestist ish i done read all year!
That was so cool! OMG, I love how he tells a story. :D
Michael is so cool, I can totally picture him laying with his feet up on a chair! Haha, gotta love him. :wub:
Ahhh, that was the highlight of my day right there! Apple picking?! I don't even care! Stars would do anything to please Michael. Hell, i'd do it too. But I like apple picking, lol!

Wow, I had no idea one could warm up for 3 effing hours. My voice is tirrrrred after 3 hours. Let alone just singing "mi" over and over again.

I bet you the man has perfect pitch! I wanna test his knowledge so bad now! I have perfect pitch too, and that would be just amazing!!
That's so funny! Thanks for posting. (tries to imagine mike on a horse picking apples)
:lmao: Only MJ could get Will.i.am on horse back picking apples :rofl: I love the "mi mi mi mi's for 3 hours straight just to record a 5 min track" bit.
Great article/interview. Will.i.am knows how to give credit where it's needed. And that's always with Michael!.
Wonderful. That is two great stories in two days. I thought O-Leary's story was funny but Will i am's is even better. It is great how the overall tone of the articles is changing.

Love it!

If we could all keep that sense of play and wonder, think of how much better a place the world would be.
HAHAHAA!!!! i LOVVVVVE that account! horse picking apples!!! lovvve it!!!

mi mi mi for three hours...haha...you go MJ!!:clapping:

thanks for posting!!

HaHaHa....thats made me laugh, so funny....its put a lovely image in my head.
Thanks for posting

^^ :yes:

Yeah, thanks for posting! that was really good and funny, lol