Why people shouldn't have Guns at home (merged)

both the terms "pro-gun" and "pro-life" are too absolute to use in serious discussion. of course there's a difference, but if you listen to some of the stubborn talk from lobbyists like the National Rifle Association and their adamancy to make gun access so easily available no matter what the consequences are,,, i wouldn't see a "pro-gun" vs. "pro-life" hypocritical pick-up so far-fetched.

just by looking at the state of USA in relation to topic, it's very obvious that among other important factors (poverty, race-relations), stricter regulation is needed. the rate difference of gun-related crime between Columbia and USA is the same as that between USA and the first European country down the list!

[SIZE=+2]Man cleaning gun accidentally shoots and kills 6-year-old daughter

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]02:27 PM CST on Monday, November 17, 2008

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Associated Press[/SIZE] MARYSVILLE, Wash. - The father of a 6-year-old girl who was shot while he was cleaning guns has been jailed for investigation of manslaughter.
The Snohomish County sheriff's office says the 42-year-old man called 911 at 7:50 p.m. Sunday. The shooting happened at the family's home on the Tulalip Indian Reservation in the 4500 block of 83rd Place NW in Marysville.

The girl was taken to an Everett hospital and then flown to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. She died at Children's Hospital early Monday.

The father was booked into the Snohomish County Jail.

"It does appear to be accidental, but that has yet to be determined," Lt. John Flood, Snohomish County Sheriffs Office, said Sunday night.

The sheriff's office says the girl's mother, 8-year-old sibling and an infant were in the home at the time of the shooting. Flood said he did not know if the family were tribal members.
my husband now owns a couple of guns, for the protection of our family. I have never liked guns, I grew up in a family without weapons and as somewhat of a pacifist (my dad is a Brethren preacher, and our family has a history of pacifists and preachers). So my husband frequently asks me to learn how to shoot, just in case anything should ever happen. I have a hard time just holding the thing. I tried once, couldn't stand it. Also a couple of friends of mine when I was a child accidentally shot themselves and it was very traumatic for me.

However, we have the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. Constitutionally, that is talking about protecting ourselves, defending our family, and defending our country. No one is forced to bear arms, but we have the right to do so and be prepared. There is a definite responsiblity and care that should be taken. Right now, there is a huge surge of people buying guns, because they know that next year that CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT is going to be thrown out the window, right along with free speech, and they want to get this done NOW or they won't really have the chance at all.

But that doesn't mean I have to like guns! Fortunately the guns my hubby got are very family-safe, meaning they have extra protection against accidental shootings like mentioned in the above post. The way they are designed makes it impossible. Still don't like the things, though.
Guns are dangerous, no matter which way you slice it. If you have a gun in the house for protection, you're going to need protection from yourself. Guns will never be safe.
Guns are dangerous, no matter which way you slice it. If you have a gun in the house for protection, you're going to need protection from yourself. Guns will never be safe.

Yeah, it's hard. Knowing there are guns in my home is unsettling. they are very dangerous, and they should be treated with care. THey are def. not something to be messed around with casually.

What makes me so uneasy is that hubby occassionally takes our 15-year-old daughter out to the shooting range to practice. Now, she is very strong, and hubby teaches her proper technique and responsibility and rules and respect, which she heeds well. The uneasy part is that by nature, she is a generally careless and irresponsible young lady with mild retardation. But my hubby, the darling protective man he is, feels it important to be protective of his family and to teach responsiblity and ability with arms. I kinda understand that, especially since he has no sons to help him protect us all (5 females in this home). I still hate guns. I'll pick up a bow and arrow, though.
I think it's OK to have guns in your home as long as you have a license to carry guns and each gun you own is registered.

Sometimes people in the U.S. take their right to bear arms for granted. In Australia, we have pretty strict gun laws. Self-defence is not a valid reason to own a gun. You can only really own a gun if you're part of a registered sports club that shoots, or you need a gun for occupational reasons, or your a farmer. It's very specified like that. Very over the top gun laws IMO.

I think self-defence is a valid reason to own a gun. You can say "call the cops" but they don't always get there in time and if you're being robbed by an armed bandit, when he hears the sirens coming there's every change he'll shoot you before the cops get the chance to stop him.

I definitely think it's regrettable that gun rights are something we're deprived of in my country and you should feel lucky if in your country you have the liberty to protect yourself and your property.
You know after the two school shootings that happened here in Finland I was surprised to find out that "Finland has the third highest rate of gun ownership in the world, behind the US and Yemen.". I never thought that would be the case. But I guess it's possible because of the wars that we've had and Finns close relation ship to nature and hunting and naturally families that hunt have rifels. But that still doesn't make it ok for a young person to own a hand gun and have it in his home. I really see no point of anyone living in a city having a hand gun.
I can understand a hunter or a game keeper to have a rifle in his home as long as it's locked well away from kids and teenagers.
I really hope the will be a new law that bans hand guns from private people.