Why people shouldn't have Guns at home (merged)

Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

why do people need guns to protect themselves? is it a status thing?

I know in Glasgow it is more knife crime and people carrying blades to protect themselves, but in the US is it more common for people to have guns with the laws and everything? I know its very hard to get a gun here in the UK.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Death is death no matter the weapon. If a person is stupid and doesn't respect a weapon or uses it in violence then that is on the individual person not the weapon being used incorrectly.

I actually own several guns. All for hunting different game. Our family hunts for food and will continue to do so until the government decides to supplement my table. Our family of 5 requires 1.5 cows, 2 pigs, and 3 - 4 deer to last a year (doesn't include geese, ducks and chickens - there's alot of them :yes: ). We can't afford more than one cow though so we supplement that with deer usually.

In fact I just bought a 410 shot gun for the boys so that they have a small shotgun to learn how to shoot on. One that won't kick back. They aren't allowed to touch or even have access to any of our weapons without Chris present.

Some people don't teach respect but in our house the weapons have a purpose and they are in no way or shape a toy. We also don't force them to hunt if they don't want too. Gene wants to learn to shoot but I don't forsee him killing anything at all but Jacob is very much following in his Daddy's footprints. He loves the whole hunting atmosphere and hanging out with Daddy through the whole process.

It's all about responsibility though. I don't believe it's necessary for everyone to own a gun but it's not something that can be taken away from those using it appropriately.

And types of guns are a big thing too. It's not like you are going deer hunting with a sawed of shotgun, an ak-47 or a 9mm.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

cant you just buy some beef in the shop? i just have a weird picture in my head of ppl going into their local farmers field and getting a cow and hoping he wont notice that one has gone lol
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Well, I support the right to bear arms, but only when it comes to protection. I don't find hunting necessary nor should it be a recreational activity.

More than anything with these young folks, I think it's their parents that should be put to blame. I grew up with guns in the house, but they were safely secure and I had no idea they were there. Guns need to be locked up and put in a safe place where children must not know about.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Guns are for cowards! what happened to a good ol' fashioned fist fight lol
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Guns should be kept far away from peoples homes.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

no I dont agree, if there is a gun in the house the family are at risk. Its not about respect for a weapon, if its easier for people to get them, there will always be people who dont respect them and use them for crime and violence. It should be a zero tolerance policy in my view.

What are the police for? to protect, why does anyone need a gun to protect themselves, I dont understand that.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I think if the people that own the guns are responsible and that they're locked up away from children, then it's not bad to have a gun for protection purposes.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

cant you just buy some beef in the shop? i just have a weird picture in my head of ppl going into their local farmers field and getting a cow and hoping he wont notice that one has gone lol

No, I can't. I get a cow custom butchered and delivered to my home for $2.00 a pound. The average angus is 900 pounds give or take I think last years was more. Regardless on the shelf at the store current prices are about 7.99 - 9.99 per pound for a new york strip (standard cow not angus meat). Hamburger is what 2.99 a pound. A small roast cut is on sale $2.69 a pound. The price for angus is extremely high because it is better for our health. Plus the beef I get is not packed with perservatives and other unnatural additives that the stores and govt. pack into that crap on the shelf.

Why would I even consider providing less quality and nutrition to my family for so much more cost? btw, we don't just walk up to some farm and shoot someones cow :doh: Though we have in the past been asked to pick which one we wanted we have since switched to a farmer who sends the whole lot of his heard to the slaughter and chooses a good one for us himself.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Shannon, you made me change my stance on this back in MJNO days when i was 100% for a total ban. your argument is very valid, and it would be restricting your (and hundreds of thousands of others') rights to use such weapons for arguably reasonable purposes. but the situation as it is now in America is deplorable; there's no contest as to how easy it is to access these weapons, and there needs to be more stringent policies on who deserves the right to own guns and why.

with Obama likely to take over for at least the next 4 years, i think there will be a reasonable solution to this problem. among what little experience he's had, he worked a lot on resolving this issue in the past, and this is his current stance on it:

Obama said:
"I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country. I think it's important for us to recognize that we've got a tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally. And a lot of law-abiding citizens use it for hunting, for sportsmanship, and for protecting their families. We also have a violence on the streets that is the result of illegal handgun usage. And so I think there is nothing wrong with a community saying we are going to take those illegal handguns off the streets. And cracking down on the various loopholes that exist in terms of background checks for children, the mentally ill. We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people's traditions.


interested in your thoughts on this one, Shannon.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

Well, like I stated in my first post I don't hunt with ak-47s and handguns. They were designed to kill people not wild game. Couldn't even imagine cleaning an animal with that many holes in it for pete's sake. I don't believe a handgun is useful protection either. Get a big fricking dog and you'll know plenty of time in advance of someone coming into your home. Actually the lil ankle biter dogs are just as good for that :lol:

Handguns serve no purpose but to stand the law - right to bear arms. Does that mean I don't have family members with them - of course not. I personally don't own one. One of my family with a registered handgun is my brother and he uses it to protect himself from the bear and cougars up on the mountain. Anything less than the big boy and those bears will just keep coming. My brother and friend stumbled out of the cabin while a momma and two cubs were walking by. He put 14 shots center mass into momma bear and she was wide open. It took one 9mm shot and she went down. It's sad a great bear just defending her babes had to die but the alternative was my brother. Can't always control who or what comes onto your property unannounced and out to kill. Same could have been done with a big gun like an elephant gun I suppose but that's fairly cumbersome and unrealistic. Does it make me want a handgun? No, I don't have bears in my back yard.

I don't particularly own guns just to own them. That being said I do have a Michael Jackson collection that someone else may find stupid so am I qualified to judge who can and can't own something that has no necessary purpose other than to please them? Is anyone?

In the last few years there have been alot of changes to the way guns are purchased and instant background checks are done. Is it perfect of course not. Does it keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. Of course not. Does it help? Yes. But a criminal can get a weapon for a fraction of the price right from the streets - hell I can if I wanted one and that's where the problems lie.

Taking away the right to bear arms isn't the answer at all.
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Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I have a concern with only two things when it comes to guns. One is 'lax laws which allow the wrong kind of people to purchase guns and keep them with minimal training. The other is the avaliability of the wrong kind of guns.

Here in australia guns are hard to just pick up, you have to jump through hoops to own a gun (in otherwords you gotta prove why you need that gun and show that you're capable and able to keep that gun). Keeping guns here involves strict laws that insist that the gun is locked in an appropriate case which is also not moveable (needs to be bolted down can't be knocked over to access the gun etc). The ammunition for that gun is also not allowed to be stored in the same place as the gun.

The only people I know of who own guns in Aus are all farmers or owners of large properties (usually bushland too). A Gun is a tool for a farmer to deal with their livestock and to deal with pests such as rabbits or kangaroos. Most people I know who hunt, only hunt rabbits and kangaroos of which is similar to Shannon's famiily hunting for deer to feed their family. (yes families eat rabbit and yes kangaroo can be a great meal too).

I don't approve of the average suburban family owning a gun to protect themselves though. The statsistics of people being shot by their own gun whether by an intruder or by a protective family member is just too high to be acceptable as an "opps" in my opinion.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I don't approve of the average suburban family owning a gun to protect themselves though. The statsistics of people being shot by their own gun whether by an intruder or by a protective family member is just too high to be acceptable as an "opps" in my opinion.


I don't think I know anyone personally who own guns. Where I live guns are a no no. It is on the streets of course, but luckily we don't have any traditions to have it in our home for protection.

More private owned guns is more deaths caused by guns, imo.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

We have a hunter's safety course here that I took when I was about 11 years old and the kids are registered to take. It's not a requirement but it should be. Reinforces the need for respect, proper use and safety and care for the weapon.

Guns aren't as easy to get as they used to be if you legally purchase them. Legal guns aren't the issue as far as I'm concerned. It's the guns that are on the streets that need to be dealt with. Those are the ones that are out of control.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

No, I can't. I get a cow custom butchered and delivered to my home for $2.00 a pound. The average angus is 900 pounds give or take I think last years was more. Regardless on the shelf at the store current prices are about 7.99 - 9.99 per pound for a new york strip (standard cow not angus meat). Hamburger is what 2.99 a pound. A small roast cut is on sale $2.69 a pound. The price for angus is extremely high because it is better for our health. Plus the beef I get is not packed with perservatives and other unnatural additives that the stores and govt. pack into that crap on the shelf.

Why would I even consider providing less quality and nutrition to my family for so much more cost? btw, we don't just walk up to some farm and shoot someones cow :doh: Though we have in the past been asked to pick which one we wanted we have since switched to a farmer who sends the whole lot of his heard to the slaughter and chooses a good one for us himself.

ok i get you. so its kinda like organic farming you go straight to the source and get a better deal instead of dealing with the middle men ie the supermarkets

we have in the past been asked to pick which one we wanted

no u cant do that :mello: what happens if it looks at you with its big brown eyes while you are going ill have that one ill only eat meet if it doesnt look like an animal LOL total hypocrite i know but i think most ppl are like that
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

^ same :lol: I can't look at something that resembles something that once lived.

And I prefer not to have my meat attached to a bone.... little miss fussy I am :lol:
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I don't think gun ownership should be illegal, just regulated imo. If people are going to be irresponsible then accidents will happen whether a gun is involved or not (in fact, accidental drowning is much more common than gun-related accidents, at least it is where I'm from). Similarly, if people are going to become aggressive and violent and commit crime, they will do so with or without a gun - just look at all the places struggling with knife-related crime these days.

As for hunting - I think all meat-eaters should be obligated to kill their own food lol!
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

As for hunting - I think all meat-eaters should be obligated to kill their own food lol!
the world would become veggie in world record time lol
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

the world would become veggie in world record time lol

I really doubt. It's primal instinct. We hunt and fish to survive. Granted the wishy washy ones might because they have never been exposed to hunting or killing to eat but one day that mighty dollar won't be worth anything and a whole lot of people are gonna starve to death because they don't have the skills to survive.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

yeah it promal instinct but unless you arel stuck in the middle of the desert and its u or the cow i doubt theres many ppl who would agree to kill something themselves rather then get a peice of meat off the shelves that looks like nothing. of course it maybe different for you if u are brought up in a hunting environment but im talking about the ppl who arent and dont even like killing spiders let alone anything else
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I really don't agree on people having guns in their homes. I don't even agree with people owning guns to go out and kill innocent little animals. That I really hate hearing and I am totally against. I don't care what the reason is. I just think killing animals is totally wrong and unessecery. Especially after seeing what my one cousin did. That really made me sick to my stomach when he had brought home that deer pelt. From the deer that he had just killed. I litterally wanted do to my cousin to what he did to that poor animal. Just to see how he will like it. We are not living in the stone age anymore. So to me there is no reason for people to still go out and hunt. I say go to the grocery store or butcher shop if you want meat or fish. That is the way it is done in this house.

My brother is the only other person I know who has a gun. He still probably has his air and bb guns. And I hate him for owning something like that.
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Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I really don't agree on people having guns in their homes. I don't even agree with people owning guns to go out and kill innocent little animals. That I really hate hearing and I am totally against. I don't care what the reason is. I just think killing animals is totally wrong and unessecery. Especially after seeing what my one cousin did. That really made me sick to my stomach when he had brought home that deer pelt. From the deer that he had just killed. I litterally wanted do to my cousin to what he did to that poor animal. Just to see how he will like it. We are not living in the stone age anymore. So to me there is no reason for people to still go out and hunt. I say go to the grocery store or butcher shop if you want meat or fish. That is the way it is done in this house.

My brother is the only other person I know who has a gun. He still probably has his air and bb guns. And I hate him for owning something like that.

You eat meat? So, it's ok if someone else kills those sweet innocent animals and touches their pelts and guts and all that as long as all you get is the end product? :doh: That's gotta be the most silly post yet.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I'm very against guns and gun ownership in general. I am a vegan so obviously I don't support the killing of animals at all. Umm, yeah, and if you eat meat, you can't really say you're against hunting. At least hunters know exactly what they're eating. Guns are dangerous, and for people to own them and have them in the house around children, "for protection" just doesn't make any sense to me. Accidents happen so often, even when the gun was supposedly "locked up" and in a safe place. I think a complete ban would drastically help reduce the rates of violent crimes and murders. I know it isn't likely to happen though, so at the very least, they should be strictly regulated. We shouldn't be allowing psychopaths to walk into WalMart with a bit of cash and come out with a deadly weapon.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

yeah it promal instinct but unless you arel stuck in the middle of the desert and its u or the cow i doubt theres many ppl who would agree to kill something themselves rather then get a peice of meat off the shelves that looks like nothing. of course it maybe different for you if u are brought up in a hunting environment but im talking about the ppl who arent and dont even like killing spiders let alone anything else

If I either had to hunt my own meat or eat hippie food for the rest of my life, I'd start hunting.

I got nothing against people who do hunt for food. The reason I don't do it is pretty much because I didn't grow up in that sort of household. People who actually eat meat and are anti-hunting in general are hypocrites.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

I really don't agree on people having guns in their homes. I don't even agree with people owning guns to go out and kill innocent little animals. That I really hate hearing and I am totally against. I don't care what the reason is. I just think killing animals is totally wrong and unessecery. Especially after seeing what my one cousin did. That really made me sick to my stomach when he had brought home that deer pelt. From the deer that he had just killed. I litterally wanted do to my cousin to what he did to that poor animal. Just to see how he will like it. We are not living in the stone age anymore. So to me there is no reason for people to still go out and hunt. I say go to the grocery store or butcher shop if you want meat or fish. That is the way it is done in this house.

My brother is the only other person I know who has a gun. He still probably has his air and bb guns. And I hate him for owning something like that.

I think you just convinced me to take up hunting.
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Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

People who actually eat meat and are anti-hunting in general are hypocrites.

not really. ppl are hypocrites if they are against the mass produced slaughter houses yet still go and buy their meat from the supermarket etc.u can still eat meat and be against hunting because they dont agree thats theres a need to kill more animals when theres already enough manifactored (sp) meat out there to be bought
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

not really. ppl are hypocrites if they are against the mass produced slaughter houses yet still go and buy their meat from the supermarket etc.u can still eat meat and be against hunting because they dont agree thats theres a need to kill more animals when theres already enough manifactored (sp) meat out there to be bought

Then you could also argue that there's no need to have slaughterhouses when people can just go hunting themselves the old fashioned way. It's not like there's a need to kill every single animal who's put through a machine. I'm betting that more animals (percentage-wise) who are hunted for the purposes of being eaten actually end up being eaten, as opposed to the percentage of animals who are manufactured for the purposes of being eaten. There's a lot of food at your grocery that is wasted, right? Right. When you personally hunt down an animal with the intention of eating it, it's a sure thing that the animal is going to be eaten. Can you say the same thing for a turkey in a machine? No.

It's safe to say that the meat industry is far deadlier to animals than hunting, and then it can be argued that people who buy meat at a store or at McDonald's are enabling this animal holocaust by keeping it economically thriving. Even though you yourself might not be killing any animals, you are pledging your allegiance to the Chicken Hitler, and also doing your part like millions of others to make sure that it's a profitable business.

That is equally as out there as the belief that hunting is worse than buying.

In fact, I think my argument is so persuasive that I'm now going to buy a gun and keep it in my house. Thanks to the original poster for starting this friendly debate.
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Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

of course the argument works both ways.
Re: Why people shouldn't have Guns at home

oh brother :lol: Some places put so much artificial crap inside the meats (vitamins, weight boosters, meds, preservatives, etc...) that you have to wonder why are so many people sick all the time and why are there so many people with fertility issues. All those drugs are just part of big business for the government. They sure as hell aren't needed or good for people. When you kill your own you know exactly what you are eating and it's so much healthier than store bought food. There isn't an arguement in the world that can dispute that as far as I'm concerned.

There will always be arguements for and against - the actual question is the right to bear arms. Not a law I see changing anytime soon. So peeps on each side just have to deal :yes:

One thing to keep in mind is that guns don't kill - people do. If you are a criminal then you are going to do wrong regardless of the weapons available. This doesn't mean they go to Walmart and buy one - they can simply get one for a third the cost out of a guys trunk on the corner down the street. To me that's the real problem - illegal weapons. Regulated guns aren't even an issue. They are a necessary part of survival for many American's.

I do often wonder if a war comes to American soil - how will those without defend themselves though? Don't really expect government too. Not considering to be in that position someone would have to do something drastic first. But in today's day and age with so many terrorist running amuck that is a valid point.

That comes under the protection claim but maybe that would be a totally new topic.