Why is no one talking about MJ turning 50..but madonna yes?

Talk about folks focusing on the negative. There is a lot of talk going on about MJ turning 50. Video channels are getting ready to have segments of their shows dedicated to him turning 50 (Australia's Max channel for example), a whole pile of tabloids etc have looked at the positive and negative sides of Michael now that his half century is coming up.
Let's not for get the MJ50 "king of pop" albums that are coming out all over the place and other things.

Gee you would think that nothing was being said anywhere, I guess folks really are starved for news, and good news at that too :unsure:
it sounds to me like the guy is admitting that the spectre of MJ is bigger than music itself. and that the unlimited scope of Elvis' greatness is unknown...no telling how endless it could go, if Elvis was still alive.

so...i believe Levy is admitting that MJ's legendary status is unmeasurable. but he doesn't want to be obvious about the statement.

Yes, I have interpreted this article in the same contex. Michael will be always relevant, as long as he is among us - "a ghost" who will be surrounded by rumours & speculations around him and because of him. He will be always a "myth".
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I'm sure there will be positive things too when it's Michael's birthday and I can't wait for that!
Also the Music TV's will probably play Michael's videos, I can't wait for that either.
Well its not only Madonna's birthday this weekend, but she is the artist of the moment.

Plus she is celibrating her birthday with her fans on tour, which starts in Cardiff this week. Michael is doing nothing. Can't wait to see her sticky and sweet tour on the 11th at wembley.
Hmmm, the situation ain't like this at all here :unsure:

On the contrary, I was surprised to see that no TV channel and no radio station have mentioned Madonna's birthday without mentioning Michael's :) Moreover, this weekend it's "Madonna Vs. MJ" Weekend on MTV and they're both getting equal amount of attention. Same on the radio :yes:

As much as a MJ-fan that I am and I don't even like Madonna, I still found it a bit "unfair" that for her 50th b-day, they paid attention to both her and Michael on the same level. Not that I'm complaining :lol: And I know that Michael's gonna be even more in the spotlight when his b-day comes ;) (with negative comments as well, unfortunately)

They even went around asking local celebrities which of the 2 they prefer. Most said that they prefer Michael and that they find him better, but that they appreciate Madonna more for the longevity. I find it a fair observation, cause she has been around a lot more than Michael this century (and we all know what was the main reason for that...)

I loved it when they asked one of the most appreciated bands here (a breakdance boy-band - they always include MJ's moves in their performances, and even danced on Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Dangerous a few times) and all of them said "Without hesitation, Michael! " The lead vocalist said he'd give anything in the world to see Michael in a concert :D

Of course, opinions are split, I just wanted to offer a bit of insight on what the situation is here :p

I'm curious to see what it's gonna be like when his birthday comes :D
I think it's quite simple, regarding the question of the topic: Madonna's birthday is almost two weeks before Michael's. She has an album out and she's about to embark on a world tour. Michael didn't have a new album out for 7 years, he's not touring, not 'out there'. But still there are several thing happening: Articles, another compilation (enough already!!!!), a couple of tv specials. You can't do much more if the subject of the celebration does not participate. I think it's worrying about nothing (this topic).
its cause madonnais more popular

Michael at his lowest is always more popular than Madonna. Michael's influence on music and culture is far bigger than Madonna's.

Madonna is more popular than Michael with journalist's because they have access to her, which they don't with Michael. But even the media know Michael is a genius and Madonna isn't.

In general, I think the public will find it hard to believe Michael is turning 50 where as it's kind of expected that Madonna is now 50 and the Grandmother of Pop.
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and on a sidenote: I'm sooooo tired of reading posts about the 'level' Madonna and/or Michael are on. It's so silly. Fact is that Madonna is more current and popular, regardless if she has less talent or whatever you can come up with. Learn to live with it already.
and on a sidenote: I'm sooooo tired of reading posts about the 'level' Madonna and/or Michael are on. It's so silly. Fact is that Madonna is more current and popular, regardless if she has less talent or whatever you can come up with. Learn to live with it already.

Madonna is NO WAY near the popularity of michael , even at his lowest NO WAY !!! ...and YOU have to learn to live with it .
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Michael at his lowest is always more popular than Madonna. Michael's influence on music and culture is far bigger than Madonna's.

Madonna is more popular than Michael with journalist's because they have access to her, which they don't with Michael. But even the media know Michael is a genius and Madonna isn't.

In general, I think the public will find it hard to believe Michael is turning 50 where as it's kind of expected that Madonna is now 50 and the Grandmother of Pop.

oh totaly AGREE with this post lol .
I think it's quite simple, regarding the question of the topic: Madonna's birthday is almost two weeks before Michael's. She has an album out and she's about to embark on a world tour. Michael didn't have a new album out for 7 years, he's not touring, not 'out there'. But still there are several thing happening: Articles, another compilation (enough already!!!!), a couple of tv specials. You can't do much more if the subject of the celebration does not participate. I think it's worrying about nothing (this topic).

if u wanna talk to anyone about compilations...talk to sony...not MJ.

not that MJ's music ever gets old.
I think it's because Madonna just released a new album this year, and Michael hasn't released anything new since 2001.
The only thing I give Madonna is that she knows when to come at her fans. Touring during her birthday was a good idea. I don't think I am alone in saying that I wish Michael was a little more accessible to his fans and key times.

Like for T25, I think he should have made at least one appearance. And I sure hope he takes advantage of his birthday and announce something while everybody is watching. Is this so wrong to say? It's just my opinion. Will I be mad at him if he doesn't? No. I just want to see him so badly, that's all. I was sitting here last night watching old concert vids on Youtube. That didn't help me at all cause now I'm missing him worst than I was before.
well whut about prince i think his popularity is more close 2 mike's then madona. 4 real.
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and on a sidenote: I'm sooooo tired of reading posts about the 'level' Madonna and/or Michael are on. It's so silly. Fact is that Madonna is more current and popular, regardless if she has less talent or whatever you can come up with. Learn to live with it already.

"Learn to live with it?"
Dude, you make it sound like what you're saying is a fact. Yeah, maybe in certain regions Madonna is more popular than MJ. But overall, Michael is far more popular and celebrated than Madonna. Globally, Madonna's got nothing on MJ.
Now you need to learn to live with that.

Michael's been in disguise many times, in a wheel chair too, but it was the media's fault for stupidly assuming that Michael was "ill and dying". They take a story, picture, or quote and go crazy with it. It's their job to make things seem interesting, or no one would care about a damn word that comes out of their mouth.

Isn't that the whole point why Michael does it? Because he knows that it will be magnified. I like to think that Michael is a manipulator! I like to think that he feeds the media! He's got God-like powers and he's not afraid to use them. One morning he wakes up and he says "Tomorrow I'm gonna be breaking news all over the world"...and then he goes to court with that tape on his nose or dangles his baby...! ("..and if you wanna see, eccentric oddities, I'll be grotesque before your eyes..") How many people can do that?

Also...I think he likes to be portrayed as a very fragile person off stage, it creates a lot of confusion when people see him perform, cause he turns into a beast! Same thing with his off stage voice. Very sweet, very gentle...and on stage we hear this monstrous voice! I love the contrast!

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the magnitude of MJ's fame may not be fully understood. he is the only one who cannot afford to go out without a disguise. he keeps saying he wants to go out normally like everybody else. hence that outing with akon and the kids. but even if he went out in a bland suit..the fan reaction would tell us all we need to know as to why he had to be in a cage at the orpheum theatre..and why he HAS to wear the disguises. he is undoubtedly the most famous person in the world. so...manipulating the media is not the issue here. he's not doing that. the media is envious..and bitter..and want to say he's a manipulator. but..naa..
but it's cool that they got themselves thinking that way though. lol. that's on them. lol
and on a sidenote: I'm sooooo tired of reading posts about the 'level' Madonna and/or Michael are on. It's so silly. Fact is that Madonna is more current and popular, regardless if she has less talent or whatever you can come up with. Learn to live with it already.

Madonna is current and popular and Michael is inactive and popular. That's the difference. But some Madonna fans use Michael's choice not to concentrate on his career and a stupid excuse to say he's not as popular as Madonna. If Michael were release unsuccessful singles and albums, and his tours weren't selling out people making such absurd comparisons would have a point.

The fact is Michael made the choice to be inactive, and I couldn't careless if Madonna continues to have more No.1 singles whilst Michael is away from the music scene, as long as Madonna fans on this site don't make sweeping statements that Madonna is more popular than Michael don't have a problem with Madonna remaining current. They are the ones who must "learn to live with it", because an artist doesn't lose they popularity because their haven't released new music in years.

What do you mean ? unfortunately it seems that the media dont care about Prince wereas it is not a long time ago he realeased an album .

It's good that the media didn't pay too much attention to Prince turning 50, because his age won't be an issue and he will remain Prince the musical genius just like David Bowie who's 61 doesn't have his age used as a him. Bowie had a great career in his 50's and was still seen as an innovative/cutting edge artist. Where as Madonna will be like Mick Jagger, still energetic with more energy than a 26yr old pop star but her age will always be used against her. People have been focusing on her age more so than Michael and Prince because she's a women, and women of 50 are wrongly seen as old where as men at 50 are seen a middle aged. So although I can understand you wondering why was hardly any focus on Prince turning 50, there is also an element of sexism about Madonna turning 50. Because I wouldn't be surprised that Madonna being 50 will be the main focus of her for the next year, not her music etc.

I still find it hard to believe Prince is 50, and I will never think of Michael as being 50. He'll always be a young man, and the less attention in the media to him turning 50 the better.
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Madonna is current and popular and Michael is inactive and popular. That's the difference. But some Madonna fans use Michael's choice not to concentrate on his career and a stupid excuse to say he's not as popular as Madonna. If Michael were release unsuccessful singles and albums, and his tours weren't selling out people making such absurd comparisons would have a point.

The fact is Michael made the choice to be inactive, and I couldn't careless if Madonna continues to have more No.1 singles whilst Michael is away from the music scene, as long as Madonna fans on this site don't make sweeping statements that Madonna is more popular than Michael don't have a problem with Madonna remaining current. They are the ones who must "learn to live with it", because an artist doesn't lose they popularity because their haven't released new music in years.

i agree. MIchael has said he doesn't want to work himself into the grond like James Brown and others did. so...MJ has the power to be inactive and popular..and it seems some people are punishing him for it.

and..by the way...MJ IS active. just not in the way some people want him to be. they don't have control over him..and..sometimes..it seems that some people don't like that.
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Is Madonna bday?? and they are talking about MJ?? that says it all.
the closer his B Day comes then you will hear some remarks. but alot deals with the fact he hasn't put a new album since 01.
Madge got more attention than Prince did when he turned 50. For example, the local Fox station in Philly, did not do a slide show on their website about Prince. They did one on Madge. As for Mike, his birthday falls on a Friday so the mornings shows, radio, etc. will talk about that. I am still amazed that Mike will be 50. He looks young to me.
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