Why is MJ so popular among the 'boys in the hood'

But you have seen those hardcore rappers giving MJ respect though.

Thanks everyone who replied. Some very sound and interesting answers.:D

that's not true one of the original gansta rappers Ice-T gave MJ his props on this show I saw on VH1....he said no matter how hard someone is they see mike and they go nuts when he performs...that's not the exact quote...but he's said Mike is a could cat...and rappers a rapper called the Game said something about Mike one his first cd in support of him
Cochran knew the 30 nights in a row sleepover with Chandler wasn't gonna go well with a jury. You have to know there would be at least one prejudice prisoner that would pound Jackson in the nose and it would be over. I'm so glad Jackson didn't go to jail because it would have truly been over.
I'm also glad he didn't go, because he does not deserve to be in there. Although I do feel that there would have been a lot of brothas in there protecting him. I'm not saying all of them, but a whole lot of them would have for the very thing you're pointing out. The big house is no place for him to be.

As for the 30 nights at the Chandlers....

You know why MJ was spending so much time over there? It is because he was over there seeing June Chandler. That's why he was buying her jewelery and stuff. That's what Mesereau was trying to let the courtroom understand when he asked June about Michael buying her Jewelry. June knows she and MJ were seeing each other. That's why she never accused him of doing anything to her son. Not once did she accuse him while she was on the witness stand. Not once.

Trust me. If a mother is sitting in a courtroom with a man that she truly feels harmed her child, she would not have been acting like June was. She would have been irate. June wasn't irate because she knows that she and MJ were lovers.

Also notice that Sneddon was concerned about Mesereau grilling her.
I know this is morbid to say it, but I have always felt that if MJ had gone to prison, the inmates would have proteted him. I always felt that way.

no, datsymay you're not alone

i've felt the EXACT same way ... i honestly believed he would survive simply b/c he'd be treated by the insiders as their very own star
I don't know if anyone had mentioned this because I can't read this whole thread LOL sorry if its been mentioned but today I saw an advert for the show G's to Gents, apparantly a reality show about transforming thug types into gentlemen and I immediately thought of how perfect Michael would be as a coach :D
Because Mike has confidence in himself and is the truest gangster going. He's effing cool and he knows it and he has nothing to prove to anyone.

Most people only wish they could be like that.
Because Mike has confidence in himself and is the truest gangster going. He's effing cool and he knows it and he has nothing to prove to anyone.

Most people only wish they could be like that.
Yes, I think MJ is the biggest gansta too. I think the hood recognise one of ther own. They are more talk, than walk. Losten to MJ songs. They blow me away all the time. He talk the talk and he walk the walk. Missy Eliott says it right. Mike look as though he can't do a thing, but he will mash you up if you trouble him. That is gansta. he does it without you realising it. Damn. Who's Bad.:D
no, datsymay you're not alone

i've felt the EXACT same way ... i honestly believed he would survive simply b/c he'd be treated by the insiders as their very own star
Indeed, I sensed it. Even my mother told me that too. I do not believe they would have touched a hair on his head. They would have loved him, just like they always have.
MJ is unigue, everybody wants o protect him. I met an old white lady in a hospital and she sat in her wheel chair and she was getting treatment for vitaligo. She showed it to me, and then told me that she is always defending Michael Jackson when she hear remarks about him. That woman was old.:D
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Originally Posted by DuranDuran
I doubt it, someone who is in jail for being a child molestor get the worst treatment by other inmates. I don't think he would have been put in general population anyway.

Well, I think they would, because you would have to believe that the crime was committed first, and I very much believe that it was never believed by that community. Most believed that he was being railroaded


Man they wouldn't have protected him. They would have tried to make him their b----. Real talk. Even if they thought he was railroaded, many Black people don't buy the vitiligo deal. They truly believe he wants to be White. Many people don't believe his children have his blood in them cuz they don't look mixed. Even the great Johnnie Cochran, who defended OJ, advised Jackson to settle the 93 case. Very bad advise. No matter how much money you have, 20 million is 20 friggin million dollars. Cochran knew the 30 nights in a row sleepover with Chandler wasn't gonna go well with a jury. You have to know there would be at least one prejudice prisoner that would pound Jackson in the nose and it would be over. I'm so glad Jackson didn't go to jail because it would have truly been over.

You speak what is in your heart, as usual.
Those Tough guys couldn't be dancing around in MTV if it wasn't because of MJ! MJ opened the way for most of the black artists today! His respect is earned!
what do u mean y lol he gets love 4rm all types of peeps

*whhoops lol*
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what do u mean y lol he gets love 4rm all types of peeps, just cuz they tuff or hood dnt mean they not supposed 2like mike..like wyclef said dont matter how street u r whether guy or girl u had da zippa jacket lol
have u ever watched the movie 'boys in the hood' ..
on one of the scenes one of the boys are wearing a shirt with Mike from the 'Beat It' music video on it =]

yes I remember that part of the film very well and I thought that it was good of them to show some respect to MJ. Also I think Michael worked with the director of that film around that time as well. Could be a considence not too sure.
yes I remember that part of the film very well and I thought that it was good of them to show some respect to MJ. Also I think Michael worked with the director of that film around that time as well. Could be a considence not too sure.

That was John Singleton who did the "Remember The Time" video. He also directed Poetic Justice with Janet.
Those Tough guys couldn't be dancing around in MTV if it wasn't because of MJ! MJ opened the way for most of the black artists today! His respect is earned!

:doh: There were "tough guys" dancing around the same time MJ was, they're what what you called:

The Electric Boogaloo

Fighting was actually done by dance steps to settle something especially when kids weren't into violence like that.
I think the reason Mike is respected in the hood is because of all that he has achieved. Although there may be some distention over things like his appearance and his mannerisms, generally, he is still respected because of his track record. The fact that he has become the best selling artist in the WORLD is something that most of those entertainers would never even have dreamed of achieving. He has given them insight to see beyond the world around them. He has raised the horizons in their thinking about what THEY could achieve. It is his work ethic, his boldness (think of some of the lyrics and his actions on stage. No other man, black or white, would ever have dared that crotch grab onstage. Mike did that as a greeting to his fellow black males as a gesture that says, "follow me, do as I do and you to will have success". Well, not so much in words as it is in action. That crotch grab thing is such a black male thing that the young black males in the hood cant help but the bond with that. It is almost like a sign that says, "I'm down". Also, I think his achievements in the business world have the hood giving him props too. Cain't nobody do it line Mike can do it.:punk:

Also, I think some of the things Michael has been quoted as saying. He has really shown that he supports the Black community and that goes a long way and earns him respect. Michael has not forgotten where he came from and is not ashamed to go back and show people that he is willing to go back and not to "far up there" that he can't go back to the hood. Although he has been rich for a very long time, his songs still reflect subject matter that is revelevant to people in the hood and the things they deal with on a daily basis. They can still feel him.

Man they wouldn't have protected him. They would have tried to make him their b----. Real talk. Even if they thought he was railroaded, many Black people don't buy the vitiligo deal. They truly believe he wants to be White. Many people don't believe his children have his blood in them cuz they don't look mixed. Even the great Johnnie Cochran, who defended OJ, advised Jackson to settle the 93 case. Very bad advise. No matter how much money you have, 20 million is 20 friggin million dollars. Cochran knew the 30 nights in a row sleepover with Chandler wasn't gonna go well with a jury. You have to know there would be at least one prejudice prisoner that would pound Jackson in the nose and it would be over. I'm so glad Jackson didn't go to jail because it would have truly been over.

I wonder why people like this still post on these boards and poison them with nonsense and ignorance. Just pathetic. This poster is NEVER here when something of positivity or truth is posted on here. This thread was not really about the trial to begin with.

I am black and I believed the vitilgo story. Black people, the ignorant ones anyway, do not speak for all blacks. They only speak for themselves. So there.

I think, and I always stated this, that MJ is more gangsta than some of these so called gangstas. I think he is more hood then some of these so called hood folk. Anyone that straight up does what HE wants to do and does not care what others think is truly gangsta and will always be popular with the "boys in the hood". MJ is real to a lot of people and he is like the urban messiah because of his music and they way he did his thing. The people who live in the hood or urban communities will always love Michael because he was and is truly one of them. I mean, I remember in the LWMJ special when MJ invited those children from the hood to come to NL. The excitement that they had was AWESOME. Those children saw a lot in their lives and when they see someone that sort of been there make it in his career and to live they way he lives, it gives them hope in a sense. That was his way of giving back to the community. MJ got his start in some of most popular urban threaters. Like the Apollo in Harlem and the Uptown Theater here in Philly. So, Mike will always be popular in the hood.

BTW, Tashae, what high school did you go to? When I was in high school, man.... people were fans. I went to school in an affluent part of Philly and people who I wet to high school with, some, lived in the hood. So, they love MJ. They have their opinions about him, but he was loved by them.

As for MJ being protected in the jails, naw, I do not think so. Cosndiering the fact that they were going to put him in some part of the cell if, my goodness, he was convicted because they believed the inmates would have hurt him. (I really hate to talk about this, so let me finish this.) It is common knowledge that inmates hurt or even kill people who were convicted of harming children. So, I doubt they would protect MJ. I am just glad that it did not happen to MJ. I am glad that he is free to do what he wants to do.

Anyway, yeah, there are plenty of examples of MJ being popular among the boys in the hood.
ot well it seems that MJ is so popular that thsi server is too busy quite often while MJ seems almost dormant, while there are other artists whose sites aren't that busy when the artists are busy
Also, don't forget about what MJ did back in the early '90's...

During the riots back in the early 90's many stores were burned down in LA. MJ sent money to help rebuild.
Also, don't forget about what MJ did back in the early '90's...

During the riots back in the early 90's many stores were burned down in LA. MJ sent money to help rebuild.

didn't know that. the media didn't report it tho they had a fine time reporting the riots. shoulda known i would have to receive this posotive report from a fan, cus MJ never toots his own horn. that is the wonderful MJ for ya:clapping:
I wonder why people like this still post on these boards and poison them with nonsense and ignorance. Just pathetic. This poster is NEVER here when something of positivity or truth is posted on here. This thread was not really about the trial to begin with.

I am black and I believed the vitilgo story. Black people, the ignorant ones anyway, do not speak for all blacks. They only speak for themselves. So there.

I think, and I always stated this, that MJ is more gangsta than some of these so called gangstas. I think he is more hood then some of these so called hood folk. Anyone that straight up does what HE wants to do and does not care what others think is truly gangsta and will always be popular with the "boys in the hood". MJ is real to a lot of people and he is like the urban messiah because of his music and they way he did his thing. The people who live in the hood or urban communities will always love Michael because he was and is truly one of them. I mean, I remember in the LWMJ special when MJ invited those children from the hood to come to NL. The excitement that they had was AWESOME. Those children saw a lot in their lives and when they see someone that sort of been there make it in his career and to live they way he lives, it gives them hope in a sense. That was his way of giving back to the community. MJ got his start in some of most popular urban threaters. Like the Apollo in Harlem and the Uptown Theater here in Philly. So, Mike will always be popular in the hood.

BTW, Tashae, what high school did you go to? When I was in high school, man.... people were fans. I went to school in an affluent part of Philly and people who I wet to high school with, some, lived in the hood. So, they love MJ. They have their opinions about him, but he was loved by them.

As for MJ being protected in the jails, naw, I do not think so. Cosndiering the fact that they were going to put him in some part of the cell if, my goodness, he was convicted because they believed the inmates would have hurt him. (I really hate to talk about this, so let me finish this.) It is common knowledge that inmates hurt or even kill people who were convicted of harming children. So, I doubt they would protect MJ. I am just glad that it did not happen to MJ. I am glad that he is free to do what he wants to do.

Anyway, yeah, there are plenty of examples of MJ being popular among the boys in the hood.

I am black and i believe in the vitiligo story too .

Tupacsomething , dont speak in the name of the black community above all if you dont belong to it please !!!! .

Which is obvious , and ALL THE SURVEY show it , is that some black people dont like MJ and dont believe in him , BUT THE MAJORITY of the black people love and respect him !!!

Today again , there was a survey about if "MJ could make a fantastic come back" , most of the posters on this blog come from Africa and the black community : on 305 comments ,only 4 comments were truly negatives , for the other 300 comments , they all think that MJ was , is and will remain THE TRUE KING OF POP , new album or NOT !!! .

And it seems that the comments about his so-called "pedophilia" were banned directely ..;strange for a non-fan website ...but for me not so much strange because generaly the black community , in Europe , America or Africa truly respect and belive in Michael Jackson .

So people like Tupacsomething should rather shut their fucking mouth up when it is obvious that they truly know NOTHING about the black community and their feelings towards Michael Jackson !!!
LOL, what does kicking over someone's head have to do with being a black belt? I can do that and I've never taken martial arts lessons.
I got a picture of Michael receiving his black belt thing lol. I need to find it, I will probably post it later.. but yeah, it said too that he spent a long time training at Neverland with an instructor.